Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current, August 06, 2021, Page 24, Image 24

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Friday, August 6, 2021
Nursery industry: A boost from stay-at-home year
and always have been,”
said Curt Kipp, commu-
nications and marketing
director for the Oregon
Association of Nurser-
ies. But for some nursery
owners, this year’s labor
situation is concerning.
owns Heritage Seed-
lings & Liners in Mar-
ion County and said he
cannot get enough labor.
“The whole labor thing
has gotten to the crisis
point,” he said.
Krautmann said that
the nursery industry is
experiencing such a high
demand for labor that if
his contractors receive
an offer that is a quarter
of a dollar more, “they’ll
literally drop their tools
and leave.”
According to OAN’s
2019 figures, about 9,162
people are employed by
Oregon nurseries. Ore-
gon is one of the top
three nursery-producing
states in the U.S., and
nursery stock ranks as
the top agricultural com-
modity in the state.
Brooks Tree Farm has
also experienced a labor
shortage for years. Kathy
LeCompte, owner of the
nursery, told Capital
Press that it keeps get-
ting worse as the years
progress and points to
the need for immigration
reform to alleviate the
Capital Press
Like most of Oregon’s
nurseries, Peoria Gar-
dens Inc. has had a “very
fortunate” year so far.
Ben Verhoeven, the
second-generation owner
of the nursery, said the
combination of good
weather and people stay-
ing at home have boosted
his season.
“As people were stay-
ing at home, and often
working from home and
they weren’t able to
spend money on travel
and leisure activities, we
saw a lot of people kind
of take interest in beau-
tifying ... their homes,”
he said.
Nationally, the nurs-
ery industry experienced
a similar boost.
Charlie Hall, a horti-
cultural economist and
professor at Texas A&M
University, said that
in 2020, 75% of nurs-
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ery growers experienced
sales increases ranging
from 5% to 25%. He said
it is a good indicator that
the housing sector is per-
forming well. The hous-
ing boom has driven the
demand for many nurs-
ery plants, including edi-
ble plants, flowers and
Labor shortages
As sales increase, the
industry’s labor shortage
gets worse.
Nurseries across the
state have for years
struggled with a tight
labor market. However,
some in the industry say
it is notably worse this
“Labor shortages are a
problem in the industry,
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“We desperately need
common sense, agreed
upon planned immigra-
tion legislation that spe-
cifically benefits people
that have the jobs that
Americans don’t want,”
LeCompte said. “None
of us want to take a job
away from an American
who wants it, (but) there
are so many jobs in agri-
culture, landscaping, the
dairy industry, fisheries
... that Americans just
don’t want.”
She added: “We des-
perately need to get
those filled.”
Looking forward
Hall, the economist,
said the industry outlook
is looking strong for next
spring, and the industry
shouldn’t worry about
turn until 2023 at the
However, there are
some things the industry
cannot predict that could
impact it — such as the
spread of the Delta vari-
ant of COVID-19 or the
federal government rais-
ing interest rates too
quickly and the housing
boom cooling off.
“We’re all hopeful
that by 2022 it’s normal,
except that there’s a lot
more people gardening,”
Verhoeven said.