10 CapitalPress.com Friday, July 9, 2021 Drought: The worst may be yet to come Continued from Page 1 rancher in Burns, Ore., he’s rotating pastures twice as fast as usual. Like many ranchers, Sharp is feeding supplements, including protein tubs and minerals. But that gets expen- sive. Hay prices are 50% higher than last year, accord- ing to USDA, and mineral expenses quickly add up. Sheila Barry, University of California natural resource and livestock adviser, said ranchers who rely on annual grasses rather than irrigated pastures are used to for- age drying up each sum- mer. What makes this year worse, she said, is annual grasses didn’t germinate well in many places, were slow to start growing, and in some regions, are still recovering from wildfire. “The question for cow- calf producers is: Do I have enough forage to keep my cows?” Barry said. The answer, for many, is no. Auction staff across the West say they’re see- ing larger volumes, and in some cases record num- bers, of animals being sold. Faria of the Turlock Live- stock Auction Yard said auc- tion season moved up 30 to 45 days. People are cull- ing cows heavier and selling calves earlier. Dozens of small-to-mid- sized operations have folded, selling entire herds. “You have potential flooding of the market with excess inventory,” said Sharp of Oregon Cattlemen’s Asso- ciation. “That could really depress live cattle prices at auction.” The worst may be yet to come. “There are a lot of people who haven’t pulled the trigger yet — in other words, they hav- en’t liquidated yet,” said Shine, the Lake County rancher. “But a lot of them are sure looking at it, and as the summer gets along, there’s going to be a lot more cattle on the market.” Emu: Most emus in U.S. are remnant of zoo stock from 1930s and ’40s Continued from Page 1 for nearly three decades. He thinks the flightless emu could soar again in the marketplace. Emus then and now Native to Australia, emus are ratites, a group of flightless birds that includes ostriches, rheas, cas- sowaries and kiwis. Most emus in the U.S. today are remnants of zoo stock from the 1930s and 1940s, Collins said. Emus were so prolific that some zoos sold them into the exotic bird market. In the early 1990s, emus were touted as an alternative to beef. USDA representatives visited Aus- tralia to learn more about the birds, intending to provide emu meat to Third World countries. “You can produce about 9,000 pounds of red meat on the same space required to produce 500 pounds of beef,” Collins said. “Especially living in highly pop- ulated smaller countries, that’s important.” As interest in emus surged in the 1980s and 1990s, producers ramped up breeding. At the peak, there were 1 million emus in the U.S., Collins said. “People figured out how to raise the birds before they had a market to sell them,” Collins said. “A lot of producers got in because they were supposed to make money hand-over-fist selling breeding stock.” That didn’t happen. Most investors were in their 50s or 60s back then, Collins said. “A lot of them found out how much work it is,” he said. “Maybe they’d never been in agriculture before or been around animals before.” Today, emu ranches remain, but not as many. According to the 2017 USDA Ag Census, there’s at least one emu-growing operation in each of the lower 48 contiguous states. The census lists 210 emu oper- ations with sales, and more than 1,500 operations with inventory, estimating a total population of 11,535 emus in the U.S. That’s the only emu data the USDA tracks, communications director Tara Weaver-Missick said. The total number of farms or homes with emus is probably more than double that, said Joylene Rea- vis, secretary of the American Emu Association and a former emu rancher near Madison, Wis. “These are just the ones who report them to the USDA,” Rea- vis said. That census includes: • 12 farms in Idaho with a total of 74 birds. • 28 farms in Oregon with 186 birds. • 48 farms in Washington with 266 birds. • 122 farms in California with 925 birds. • 17 farms in Montana with 750 birds. Texas has the most, with 345 farms and 2,249 emus, followed by North Carolina, with 40 farms and 1,793 birds. The most famous emu is likely the “Limu Emu,” which appears in Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. television advertisements, but Collins doesn’t care for that characterization. “It’s humanizing something that is intended for food, and that puts a Matthew Weaver/Capital Press An emu at Don Collins’ emu ranch. Matthew Weaver/Capital Press Year-old emus cluster near the corner of their pen June 22 on the Montana Emu Ranch. MONTANA EMU RANCH Website: https://montanaemur- anch.com/ AMERICAN EMU ASSOCIATION Website: https://aea-emu.org/ negative angle on it,” he said. Life on the emu ranch In 1992, Collins was working in the wholesale beverage indus- try. Penni, his wife, worked as a motorcycle shop manager. They bought their first pair of emus, expecting the birds to pro- duce supplemental income. “Then we got so involved in it, it became our primary income,” Collins said. Collins had to initially cover the costs of land, equipment and improvements, but has been prof- itable for at least 15 years, he said. In 1998, they established a “Laid in Montana” brand, refer- ring to the emu’s green eggs. They incorporated as the Montana Emu Ranch Co. in 2004. Now, Collins estimates, they’re one of the top 10 emu ranches in the country. The ranch processes 250 to 300 emus a year at a facility 25 miles away. The birds are processed at 14 to 16 months old. “It’s kind of funny, as far as the government’s concerned, they’re taxed as livestock, and as far as processing is concerned, they’re considered poultry,” Collins said. They also raise 25 acres of hay for sale and keep four horses. The ranch has 11 full-time employees and three or four part- time workers. Collins used to offer tours for school and 4-H groups, but didn’t want to worry about the extra level of precaution needed when mixing emus with the public. People still stop to take photos of the birds from the road, he said. The neighbors think it’s neat. “There was some concern at first, but they’re not noisy, they’re not stinky,” Collins said. The ranch smells more like the straw, barley and wood shavings used for bedding than anything else. “If you’ve been around a hog Matthew Weaver/Capital Press Rancher Don Collins with some of his emus. farm, you know what odors are, and these aren’t anything like that,” Collins said. Eggs to emus An emu hen can produce 30 to 40 chicks a year, compared to lla- mas or cattle, which usually pro- duce one calf each year. Emus lay eggs during the win- ter. Collins starts collecting eggs in November and incubates them in January. Every two weeks, he puts a new batch of 50 to 90 eggs in the incubator. The birds stop laying in April, and hatching is usually fin- ished by June 1. The birds require heat until they are 2 to 4 months old, depending on the weather. An ostrich rancher might have to create a diversion to safely col- lect eggs. The emu rancher can simply tip over one male — they’re the ones usually sitting on the eggs — and move along to the next. Emus aren’t territorial or aggressive, although they’ll fight back if frightened. “But as far as them tracking you down and pounding you into the dirt, they’re not gonna do that,” Collins said. “Ostriches actually will.” Emu eggs are edible. Collins makes money boiling and disin- fecting the eggs, selling the shells for $15 to $20 each to crafters for painting or carving. “You can’t sell them for that price as an eating egg,” he said. Emus for meat National emu meat production isn’t large enough to attract a big distributor, Collins said. “Distributors are used to mov- ing truckloads of meat, where we only produce a couple pallets,” he said. “The whole industry, you might get a couple big truckloads, but that would be about it.” Collins recoups his processing costs with meat sales as a byprod- uct. He cited a 2000 University of Wisconsin-Madison study on alter- native meats — including ostriches and rheas — declaring emu to be one of the healthiest meats, based on vitamin and iron content, pro- tein and lack of saturated fat. Collins said his ranch makes most of its money with another product. Emus for oil Those U.S. visitors to Australia in the 1990s learned emu fat was an “ancient Aborigine remedy” to relieve aches and pains, Collins said. “In fact, they saw an old Aborigine sitting on a log, he ... was putting his hands in the emu fat and rubbing it on his knees,” Collins said. “They asked him why he did that and he said, ‘It makes the pain go away.’ That kind of lit some light bulbs and created a whole different market.” Emus are processed at 80 to 90 pounds, and yield about 27 pounds of boneless meat and 22 to 24 pounds of fat. When it’s ren- dered, 10 pounds of fat makes a gallon of oil. Each bird can pro- duce 2 to 2.5 gallons of oil. “You can make a lot of skin- care products out of a gallon of emu oil,” Collins said. He sells his line of products in nearly 2,000 health food stores nationwide. Other ranches sell them worldwide, he said. An array of products such as oils, facial and body creams and lotions are made on the ranch in a cosmetics laboratory regu- lated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. “You need to test and prove everything that you state” on the label, Collins said. “It gets really difficult at times, because you’re regulated to the point you can’t tell people exactly how to use the product or what it’s to be used for. It’s a matter of wording and just being careful.” The emu oil market contin- ues to grow, Collins said. Emu oils can also be used as a comple- ment to cannabidiol, or CBD, the health-related chemical from hemp plants, Collins said. Some larger oil companies use 1-2% emu oil in their products to stretch it because they can’t find an affordable supply, Collins said. He uses between 20% and 100% emu oil in his products. “You’ve still got to produce the birds to meet the demand,” he said. COVID impacts The COVID-19 pandemic prompted the cancellation of the American Emu Association’s annual convention in 2020. A new date hasn’t yet been set, said Rea- vis, of the association. Many fairs, festivals and farmers markets were also can- celed, creating a lack of ven- ues where farmers would nor- mally sell their emu products, she said. Processing plants were also shut down, creating a backlog. “This has been a problem for both livestock owners and emu grow- ers,” Reavis said. For Collins, in-store sales that were lost during the pan- demic are now rebound- ing, but online sales jumped, he said. Raising emus Collins hopes to retire in the next 10 years. He’s looking for someone to take over and continue his established brand. “We’re not going to take over the world, that’s not our goal,” he said. “If somebody else wants to jump into it and expand it, it’s there.” The ideal emu rancher might be someone with an entrepreneur- ial drive, and experience raising livestock. Overall, he said, he’s happy with the way his emu ranch has progressed over the years. “I think we’ve had a very good life,” Collins said. “Much better than we would have if we had just continued with our jobs. We did quite well.” Grasshopper: ‘It’s too late to do something about it because the damage is already done’ Continued from Page 1 private landowners in Klam- ath County and Harney County, advising the com- munity on spraying just as grasshopper eggs hatched. For the most part, it worked in that area. Agriculture officials have also seen a spread in other areas such as Baker County in Oregon and Walla Walla County in Washington. This year, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service contracted treat- ment for 19,000 acres and protected approximately 39,000 acres through coop- erative treatment projects, said Clint Burfitt, state plant health director for APHIS in Oregon. Rogg said the state spends between $2 and $4 to spray an acre. In spring, grasshoppers hatch from their egg and gorge on food until their bodies are big enough to grow genitalia and wings — cementing their adulthood. That is their current stage in Oregon, meaning Dimi- lin, an insecticide that inter- feres with molting in imma- ture stages of insects, is now ineffective. “At this point, it’s too late to do something about it because the damage is already done,” said Rogg. However, land manag- ers can contact local area applications to arrange other treatments inde- pendently; APHIS will pro- vide technical assistance for treatments. Parts of Oregon and Idaho are also battling a Mormon cricket infestation. This spring, some Idaho residents experienced an infestation of Mor- mon crickets and shield- backed katydids as millions made their way through the Owyhee rangeland, accord- ing to KIVI-TV. However, some environ- mentalists worry about the impacts pesticides meant to manage the insects will have. “These are grasslands, sometimes with hundreds of different native pollina- tor species found in them...,” said Aimee Code, pesticide program director with the Xerces Society for Inverte- brate Conservation, a con- servation group focused on insects. Sharalyn Peterson, a healthy wildlife and water program manager at North- west Center for Alternatives to Pesticides, suggests insec- ticides that are less toxic such as BotaniGard ES and Safer BioNeem, which stunt population growth. Organic biocontrols such as Nosema locustae offer long-term grasshopper protection, she said. Rogg said Dimilin is rel- atively safe to use in pas- ture settings as it should not harm other insects such as butterflies, which go through a pupa stage before becom- ing an adult.