Friday, June 4, 2021 11 Drought: ‘It caught us off-guard’ Organic: Across all categories, growth limited by supply Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 “We expect the impacts to fall mostly on dryland areas,” Ecol- ogy drought coordinator Jeff Marti said. Conditions were far worse in 2015. Washington declared a statewide drought that year on May 15. At the time, Ecol- ogy had little money on hand for relief, but lawmakers were still in session to appropriate emer- gency funds. By late summer, Ecology was able to distribute $6.7 mil- lion for 15 public drought-relief projects. Several irrigation dis- tricts received grants. Ecology called the drought a “learning experience.” The agency wrote a drought con- tingency plan in 2018. The plan recommended “more cer- tainty regarding the availability of drought funding” for a more timely response. The Legislature has adjourned for this year. No budget pro- posal, from the governor’s office or Democratic or Repub- lican lawmakers, included money for emergency drought relief. “We didn’t think it was going to happen,” Warnick said. “It caught us off-guard.” In passing cap-and-trade and low-carbon fuels bills, the Legis- lature cited droughts as a reason for passing the climate-change measures. with our families, and often cook- ing three meals a day,” said Laura Batcha, the association’s CEO and executive director. “Good, healthy food has never been more important, and consum- ers have increasingly sought out the organic label,” she said. Fresh organic produce sales rose by nearly 11% in 2020 to $18.2 million. Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables also jumped with frozen sales alone rising by more than 28%. Including frozen, canned and dried products, total sales of organic fruit and vegetables in 2020 were $20.4 billion. More than 15% of the fruits and vegetables sold in U.S were organic. Pantry stocking was over- whelmingly the main growth driver in 2020. Sales of organic flours and baked goods grew by 30%. Sales of sauces and spices pushed the $2.4 billion condiments category to a growth rate of 31%, and organic spice sales jumped by 51% — more than triple the growth rate of 15% in 2019. Meat, poultry and fish, the smallest of the organic catego- ries at $1.7 billion, had the sec- ond-highest growth rate of nearly 25 percent. “The only thing that constrained growth in the organic food sector was supply,” said Angela Jagiello, the association’s director of educa- tion and insights. “Across all the organic catego- ries, growth was limited by sup- ply, causing producers, distribu- tors, retailers and brands to wonder where numbers would have peaked if supply could have been met,” she said. Ingredients and packaging were both in short supply, as were work- ers and drivers to transport product. The organic non-food category did not see the same exceptional growth in 2020 as organic food, but its growth held steady with prior years. Sales of organic non-food products reached $5.4 billion, up 8.5% and only slightly below the 9.2% growth reported in 2019. This year’s survey was con- ducted from January through March by Nutrition Business Jour- nal. Nearly 200 companies com- pleted a significant portion of the in-depth survey. Pulses: ‘I think these crops have been just horribly under-researched’ Continued from Page 1 Today, pulse production has also spread eastward to nearly 2 million acres in Montana, North and South Dakota and Nebraska. Pulses will continue to gener- ate that same level of growth in the next 10 years, McGreevy predicts. “We could be at 10 million acres in the United States, and in so many different parts of the country, just because of the aggregates that they bring,” he said, referring to the health and soil benefits that pulses provide. ‘Never even wore a tie’ McGreevy comes from an agri- culture-related family. His father, Dan, started a fertilizer and chem- ical business, which was pur- chased by the McGregor Co. Dan worked for the McGregor Co. for 33 years as a plant manager in Pullman, Wash. His mother, Margaret, stud- ied animal science and went on to become a Whitman County, Wash., commissioner. The couple met at Washing- ton State College — now Wash- ington State University — in the 1950s and kept a small farm, rais- Tim McGreevy hauls hay with his son, Mitchell. ing dairy and beef cattle, pigs and initially turned down the job. chickens. Tim is the second of nine chil- “I think we spent three hours on dren. “There’s a bunch,” he said. the phone, and by 1 a.m., he said, Two siblings are also involved in ‘OK, I’m on board,’” Wittman agriculture. remembered. McGreevy’s father passed McGreevy has “more than” away in 2010, and his mother in lived up to Wittman’s expectations 2019. since coming on board in 1994, McGreevy graduated from Wittman said. WSU in 1983 with a bachelor’s “He has never lost his energy,” degree in general agriculture and Wittman said. “He has reinvigo- communications and a master’s rated, re-energized and continues degree in agricultural economics. to be on the front line of (pulse) He wanted to be a farmer. issues after almost 30 years in that “There was just a deep long- position.” ing, a deep connection to the Wittman credits McGreevy with ground,” he said. “I just loved the advancing the industry beyond the work, planting things and watch- Pacific Northwest and forging a ing things grow.” united front when speaking to fed- During college and after grad- eral lawmakers about policy. uation, McGreevy worked for a “I can’t tell you how many farmer and rancher who owned times a congressman has said, a 600-acre operation not far from ‘Why don’t the other commodity the council office where he works groups do what you’re doing?’” today. Wittman said. “That was just a little bit of ser- Andrew Fontaine, chairman of endipity,” McGreevy said. Courtesy photo the council’s executive board and But the Russian grain embargo president of Spokane Seed Co., has Tim McGreevy with his wife, Christine. of 1980 meant commodity prices observed McGreevy in action for the Nebraska legislature this year, $1.5 billion in sales. were “super low” and interest many years. Beyond Meat, the plant-based rates were “super high,” meaning He recalled McGreevy’s efforts and is in the process of joining the meat substitute, is more than 50% McGreevy didn’t have the capital in the early 2000s to get peas and national coalition. The American Pulse Associ- pulses, he said. Some alternative to buy the farm when the farmer lentils included in the Farm Bill. A wanted to sell. USDA spokesman told the indus- ation brings the USA Dry Pea pastas are 100% pulses. “I was devastated, of course, at try during its annual convention and Lentil Council together with Peas also play a big role in the the time,” he said. “My dream of that the crops would never be the dry bean industry to work on plant-based milk category, which being a commercial farmer on the included because they were just a domestic promotion and research had 20% growth last year with $2.5 Palouse was dashed. But we’re “small commodity.” on pulses. billion in sales. all on a journey. Instead, my path “After the speaker left the stage, When McGreevy was first Under the Farm Bill, the indus- was to work with farmers.” Tim went up there and said, ‘Mark hired, the pea and lentil coun- try received $5 million in dedicated McGreevy’s mother spotted my words, we will be on that bill,’ cil’s annual budget was roughly funding for the pulse crop health ini- a newspaper advertisement for and sure enough, a year and a half $500,000 to $700,000. Today, the tiative, focusing on nutrition, func- tionality and sustainability. executive director of the Idaho later, we were on that bill as a pro- budget is more than $3 million. USDA Agricultural Research Wheat Growers Association, gram crop,” Fontaine said. “That’s Total sales in 1994 were roughly which later became the Idaho really what catapulted us off into $56 million. At the industry’s peak, Service researchers are part of the these other regions.” Grain Producers Association. in 2017 and 2018, sales were nearly new pulse crop quality network in “I came right off the combine, $1 billion. As a result of trade tar- three labs across the U.S, including iffs in 2020, sales dropped to $500 the Western Wheat Quality Lab on got on (my) first airplane ride, Growing crops The USA Dry Pea and Lentil million, but prices are beginning to the WSU campus. They’re studying ever, never even wore a tie in my life ... and went to Boise, inter- Council represents roughly 10,000 pick up again, McGreevy said. which pulses work best as ingredi- viewed and they offered me the growers. Dry bean acreage is similar to ents in certain food uses and assist- position,” McGreevy said. It has six international offices, peas, lentils and chickpeas, and ing breeding efforts. McGreevy later helped to form based in the Indo-Pacific region, total crop sales were nearly $700 It’s something McGreevy’s been the Idaho Barley Commission Latin America, North Asia, South million in 2019. working on for more than 20 years. using checkoff dollars in 1989 and Asia and the Middle East; the Variety breeding priorities used The cutting edge became its first administrator. to be focused on yield, size and Mediterranean and North Africa; Then he was recruited to apply and Europe. The council targets its resources color, he said. for the top job at the pulse council. “Now we’re breeding for protein, Funding for the council comes to do big things: international from the Idaho Pea & Lentil Com- and domestic market develop- starch and fiber content,” he said. Growers on McGreevy mission, Washington Pulse Crops ment, lobbying, research and food “Our whole breeding program has Dick Wittman, a retired farmer Commission, Montana Pulse innovation. shifted because there’s such a signif- in Culdesac, Idaho, was chairman Crops Committee, North Dakota “We’re really on the rise,” icant opportunity to use these crops.” Pulses are also one of only a few of the council’s grower board at Dry Pea & Lentil Council, South McGreevy said. “Plant-based foods the time. Dakota Pulse Crops Council, are really gaining in popularity here plants that produce their own nitro- The council was reorganizing U.S. Pea & Lentil Trade Associ- in the United States and around the gen, he said. Because of that, they to incorporate six organizations, ation and Western Pulse Growers world. We’re on the cutting edge of play a significant role in long-term representing growers, processors Association. agricultural sustainability. that.” and exporters on the county, state Each state organization “How many plants bring their In 2020, total plant-based food and national levels. They needed assesses growers 1% of the net sales were more than $7 billion, a lunch box to work?” he said. “They someone who could focus on many sale value at the first point of sale, 27% increase over 2019, McGreevy feed themselves, and then they fronts and coordinate the interests and the grower organizations also said. leave an extra half-sandwich for the of all the groups. contribute to the council’s budget. During the COVID-19 pan- next crop. There’s not many crops McGreevy was “by far” the top The Nebraska Pulse Crops demic, plant-based meat products that can do that.” choice, Wittman recalled. But he Commission was just created by grew by 45%, representing almost The council also led the charge Courtesy photo with counterparts worldwide to have the World Trade Organiza- tion declare 2016 an International Year of Pulses. McGreevy called it a “paradigm shift” for the global pulse industry, increasing the use and awareness of pulses. In the next decade, he wants pol- icy makers and consumers to recog- nize the importance of pulses. “I think these crops have been just horribly under-researched for the health and nutrition and sus- tainability they bring to the table,” he said. “Also, they have been under-promoted. ... We need to have a lot more investment in every aspect of these crops.” Small farmer at heart McGreevy says he’s equally passionate about his job, his farm and his family. He and Christine have four grown children — Maura, Mar- tin, Mitchell and Kadin — and two granddaughters, Finnley and Larkin. They have been married for 30 years. The McGreevys live in Mos- cow. He also owns the farm he grew up on north of Pullman. He raises wheat, pulses, canola and grass-fed beef on about 100 acres. He pays a neighboring farmer to seed and har- vest the crops. “So I’m still a farmer, a small one,” he said. “It’s just so fun, because I represent farmers.” The future McGreevy doesn’t plan to retire any time soon. “I’m having too much fun,” he said. The council and American Pulse Association recently held a virtual media event with top social media influencers. A chef from the Culi- nary Institute of America show- cased the nutrition and environ- mental sustainability of pulse crops. Consumers in the Millennial generation and Generation Z — those born between 1980 and 2005 — are more environmentally con- scious, McGreevy said, adding that pulses have something to offer them and the entire food system. McGreevy predicts higher demand as ranchers use more pulses in their feed rations, and the industry works to reduce its carbon footprint to net-zero carbon emis- sions by 2050. McGreevy pointed to the indus- try leaders on the boards he over- sees. They’re all working to posi- tion pulses as a solution to some of the biggest problems that the agri- cultural world faces, he said. “It’s really exciting,” he said. “We are at the very beginning.”