12 CapitalPress.com Friday, May 21, 2021 Wildfire: Tracking the locations of trucks, engines, equipment helps managers Continued from Page 1 “We’re using technology for forecasting,” she said. “Then you have fire behav- ior analysts that will go out basically working with the situation unit to help prepare them for what is expected. They look at fire behavior and potential.” For example, she said, “Maybe they need to put in a fire line farther down the road. That kind of involved forecasting helps them plan.” Nauslar, the meteorol- ogist, said though keep- ing up with technology is a challenge, he enjoys it. He pointed to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Goesta- tionary Operational Envi- ronmental Satellite. Images have gotten better and updates have come faster in the past 5-6 years. “You can see a cloud turn into a thunderstorm in real time. … You can see a fire start and grow in real time,” he said. Idaho Department of Lands A Fire Boss single-engine air tanker. Space force At the U.S. Forest Ser- vice’s multi-location Rocky Mountain Research Station, Jeffrey Morisette, Frank McCormick and Sara Brown are among the many scien- tists who work with the lat- est technology for track- ing and understanding the nature of wildfires. “A theme is more inte- gration of these geospa- tial tools,” said Morisette, the human d i m e n - sions pro- gram man- ager. Higher image reso- lution, more frequent Jeffrey data and Morisette enhanced capability to link new and historical data and models are examples. The same sensors farm- ers use in precision agricul- ture can help scientists like him figure out what the fuel loads are, he said. “We are still learning the best possible ways to uti- lize that information and are making gains there,” Mori- sette said. McCormick, who is the air, water and aquatics pro- gram manager, said tools that analyze fire and ground conditions are important, “and access to high-speed communications means people on the ground can run them from (computer) tablets.” McCormick said the Water Erosion Prediction Project has been used to identify areas prone to ero- sion in forests in the U.S. and internationally, “and you can do model runs any- where in the world if you have computer access.” Drought, the number of consecutive days between rain storms and the con- dition of wildfire fuel are among the aspects that tech- nology can help monitor, he said. Keeping fire crews on the ground safe is especially Idaho Department of Lands WSU Drone with infrared camera helps Idaho Department of Lands crews monitor fire behavior. Washington State University Professor Mark Swanson at a prescribed burn in Idaho. Courtesy of Loren Kellogg A Tactical Fire Suppression Forwarder in action in Cen- tral Oregon. important. In a system called WildfireSAFE, remote sen- sors provide information on weather, hazards and fire behavior. It is used to increase firefighters’ situa- tional awareness and help them avoid risk. Brown, who is the fire, fuel and smoke science pro- gram manager, said scien- tists are integrating years of fundamental research and long-term data sets “into useful tools that land man- agers and others can use. Wild- fireSAFE is a great Sara Brown example.” The tool can link fire-danger fore- casts to various data such as vegetation conditions and terrain. Airplanes and drones Satellites and sensors are not the only tools in the tool- box of 21st century wild- fire fighters. Airplanes and drones help them track and extinguish blazes. In Idaho, for example, the state Department of Lands contracts for a Fire Boss single-engine air tanker for fire suppression and uses drones for tracking fires. The plane is a cousin of the Air Tractor used by many aerial applicators in agriculture. The department often deals with smaller fires near communities. “When you have a four- tenths-acre fire that can burn down two or three homes, it won’t pop up” on satellite imagery, Deputy Chief of Loren Kellogg Plans Scott Hayes said. IDL often cooperates with local fire departments. Drones offer a solution to that satellite blind spot. “The best imagery typ- ically is taken early in the morning. You’re trying to find hot spots, so you want the least amount of ambient temperature,” Hayes said, referring to a drone-mounted infrared camera that “sees” heat. He “flew” a fire in north- ern Idaho on May 6, “and it showed a hot spot outside the fire line,” Scott Hayes a concern. “We could direct people and resources accordingly.” Within a few minutes, “that image does you some Wine: Companies invested in direct shipping to survive Continued from Page 1 “There are no limits when you go down to the store,” said Rep. Marty Wilde, D-Eugene. It’s unlikely that people struggling with alcoholism will spend $40 or more per bottle of wine when there are cheaper alternatives, said Leif. “I think they will go down to the grocery story and pick up whatever they can.” The current monthly two- case cap has hindered sales at a time that coronavirus restrictions have already reduced tasting room rev- enues by as much as 80%, said Dyson Demara, owner of HillCrest Vineyard in Roseburg. “During the pandemic it’s been absolutely golden, it’s been a lifeline, but we have found ourselves cut- ting orders short or losing Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press Wine bottles at Hyland Es- tates Winery. The Oregon Legislature has increased the direct-to-consumer shipping limit from two cas- es per month to five cases. orders because of this limit,” Demara said during a recent legislative hearing. The median Oregon win- ery sells only about 750 cases per year, so they must rely on some form of direct- to-consumer sales rather than the wholesale market, said Mike McNally, owner of Fairsing Vineyards near Yamhill, Ore. “Most of these winer- ies can’t attract the large national distributors to sell our wine,” he said. About half of the reve- nues at Fairsing Vineyards come from wine club mem- bers, many of whom want to order additional cases for holidays or weddings, McNally said. “Under the current rules, they’re not able to do that.” The average price of direct-to-consumer wines is more than $40 per bot- tle, compared to $16.50 for those sold at retail stores, said Dionne Irvine, co-founder of Irvine & Rob- erts Vineyards in Ashland, Ore. Wineries have invested in direct shipping to survive because restaurant sales have dried up along with tasting room visits, she said. “These typical direct-to-consumer wine shipments are some of our most premium products sought out by our loyal wine customers.” Oregon’s two-case limit has been the law since 1989 while California and Wash- ington — neighboring states with even larger wine indus- tries — don’t currently have any caps on such shipments. However, stakeholders in the Oregon wine indus- try negotiated increasing the cap to five cases and didn’t seek limitless direct-to-con- sumer shipping. Under an “emergency” provision of SB 406, the bill will become effective as soon as it’s signed by Gov. Kate Brown. In 2019, Oregon had nearly 1,300 vineyards that produced about $238 mil- lion worth of grapes on 37,400 acres, while its 900 wineries sold more than 4.6 million cases valued at about $674 million. good on the ground,” Hayes said. Using it in conjunction with a mapping application “gives us the ability to create near-real-time aerial imag- ery” complete with exact locations. Drone-based sensors are also important where wild- land and urban landscapes intertwine, said Mark Swan- son, Washington State Uni- versity associate professor and forestry program leader. “What academic insti- tutions need to do is increase educational offer- ings in drone-based and air- craft-based sensors,” he said. On the ground Tracking the locations of trucks, engines and other equipment also helps fire managers know what resources they have, and where. Brian Williams is support services manager for the U.S. Bureau of Land Man- agement’s National Fire Equipment Program. He said BLM Location Based Services aims to combine GPS technology with dis- patch and suppression pro- grams “to enhance safety, situational awareness and operational efficiency.” Eighteen types of equip- ment, from engines, dozers and command vehicles to semi-trucks and crew carri- ers, comprise the firefight- ing fleet. “We currently have 773 satellite terminals installed, and that covers our whole fleet,” Williams said. “Our program is currently focused on tracking the equipment that the firefighters use, and not specifically tracking the individual. In the future, our system could expand into tracking individuals.” The terminals provide location information view- able on mobile phones and laptop computers. Users can see vehicles and current fire details. Williams said see- ing equipment locations helps managers pre-po- sition resources “and can aid in dispatching the clos- est resources to a new fire.” Officials hope to integrate the information into dis- patching software. Satellites, drones and planes give wildfire fighters an airborne advantage, but Loren Kellogg knows much of the battle is often fought on the ground. Enter the Tactical Fire Suppression Forwarder. The Forwarder com- bines a state-of-the-art vehi- cle used in logging with fire suppression equipment and has the potential to work where helicopters once were the only option. “The system can be used in firefighting or forest treatment,” said Kellogg, an Oregon State University forest engineering profes- sor emeritus. In light of the need for forest restoration and fuel thinning, “in North America in the last 10-15 years, we are starting to see the advantages of this sys- tem in our forests.” Its mountain goat-like abilities to travel across rug- ged terrain, cut trees and move them out of the way and spray water on hot spots allow it to fight wildfires deep in the backcountry. “There is not any other equipment now with that ability to get onto steep ter- rain,” Kellogg said. “These catastrophic wildfires can be just so difficult to con- tain and control, especially on steep terrain.” But even with all of the high-tech tools there are still other variables, said Nauslar, the meteorologist. People still have to effec- tively put those tools to work to control a wildfire, often relying on crews on the ground. “You can’t model every- thing, especially when you add the human element,” he said. Hemp: Prices have fallen due to overproduction Continued from Page 1 “If allowed to stand, DEA’s intrusion will under- mine a lynchpin of the new hemp economy that has created tens of thou- sands of new jobs and pro- vided a lucrative new crop for America’s struggling farmers,” according to the complaint. The hemp industry argued the crop and its extracts are shielded from Controlled Substances Act enforcement by the 2018 Farm Bill, which nationally legalized hemp in 2018, so the DEA lacks authority for its regulations. Boasberg has now ruled the “exclusive pathway” for this argument is before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, not in his U.S. District Court. “Interesting as this ques- tion may be, the Court ulti- mately concludes that it is powerless to entertain the merits of Plaintiffs’ entreaty,” the judge said. The Hemp Industries Association has filed a par- allel legal action in the fed- eral appeals court, but it’s been on hold while the lawsuit before Boasberg remained active. Regulatory uncertainty at the federal level has been blamed for discourag- ing major consumer brands from investing in CBD products, limiting the hemp industry’s growth. Prices for raw hemp have fallen due to overpro- duction, prompting farm- ers in early-adopting states such as Oregon to scale back their their acreage of the crop.