8 CapitalPress.com Editorials are written by or approved by members of the Capital Press Editorial Board. Friday, February 12, 2021 All other commentary pieces are the opinions of the authors but not necessarily this newspaper. Opinion Editor & Publisher Managing Editor Joe Beach Carl Sampson opinions@capitalpress.com | CapitalPress.com/opinion Our View Without any details, HB 1117 is a nonstarter A bill proposed in the Washing- ton House by Democrats is long on promise but so short on specifics as to be dangerous. Current Washington law requires that public works projects do no eco- logical harm. House Bill 1117 goes at least a step further, requiring pub- lic works projects to actually bene- fit salmon and have a “net ecological gain.” The bill doesn’t define net eco- logical gain, besides requiring road, sewer and other projects to aid salmon recovery. Fish and Wildlife, other state agencies and tribes would write the rules. The bill’s prime sponsor, Skagit County Rep. Debra Lekanoff, said the “very essence of net ecological gain” incorporates “a standard of leaving it Don Jenkins/Capital Press Washington lawmakers are considering a bill that would require public works projects to have a “net ecological gain.” better than how we found it.” “Shifting from (a) no-net loss stan- dard to one of net ecological gain will start us on the road to improving our environment rather than keeping the status quo,” Lekanoff said. Building our way to a better envi- ronment sounds promising. In reality, the bill will likely make many proj- ects too expensive or impractical to complete. HB 1117 is like too many measures conceived and passed by state legisla- tures and Congress. It proposes a big idea without any indication how that would really work. But the devil is always in the details, which are left entirely up to the Department of Fish and Wildlife and other state agencies and Indian tribes to fill in later. Fish and Wild- life is chomping at the bit to have this authority, which should be enough to give pause. HB 1117 exempts projects on pri- vate land, but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t impact agriculture. How could a project go from not causing any harm to improving the environment? One way to bene- fit salmon would be to earmark proj- ect dollars to buy up private farm and grazing land and retire the attached water rights for salmon restoration. Just how much would need to be bought up would depend on how “net ecological gain” is defined. Criticism of HB 1117 is perhaps unfair because we don’t know how its goals would be achieved. But that’s the very reason why bills like this should never be considered. With the guts left to the bureaucrats, it’s impos- sible to judge the costs and impacts of HB 1117 before it is passed. Beef Checkoff, what have you done for me lately? Our View W Opponents of a trail across farmland in Oregon’s Yamhill County hold up signs protesting bridge work authorized by the county government. The county commissioners have now dropped the trail project. Rail-to-trail project is rightfully withdrawn C ommissioners in Oregon’s Yamhill County have finally decided to pull the plug on a controversial rail-to-trail project opposed by neighboring farmers. They have made the right decision. In 2017, Yamhill County paid $1.4 million for the “quit claim” deed to a 12.5-mile stretch of unused rail corridor that it intended to turn into the Yamhelas-Westsider trail for walkers and cyclists. The following year the county’s board of commissioners approved immediately developing nearly 3 miles of the trail between the towns of Yamhill and Carlton. The rail right-of-way passes through active farming operations. Farmers adjoining the trail argue that a recreational trail will compli- cate pesticide applications due to required “set- backs” from such sensitive areas. They are also worried that their farms would become targets for activists who oppose pesticide application. Oregon’s Land Use Board of Appeals blocked the project’s approval three times, most recently finding that Yamhill County didn’t sufficiently analyze the trail’s impacts on agricultural practices. Despite the ongoing controversy, early last year the county approved a construction con- tract to start work on a trail bridge over Stag Hollow Creek. Although abandoning the project will likely mean repaying a $1 million state grant for the nearly completed bridge and other project com- ponents, commissioners Mary Starrett and Lindsay Berschauer said they didn’t want to continue spending money on litigation over the project. No doubt the trail would have been a boon for Yamhill County’s tourism industry. A 12-mile trail through the heart of Oregon’s wine country would have been popular and of benefit to the wineries, restaurants, hotels and shops in the communities it would have connected. But it would negatively impact producers adjacent to the trail. And despite their ongoing efforts to show these impacts would be mini- mal and easily mitigated, the county and trail supporters have not been able to sway LUBA. It’s unfortunate that Yamhill County could be on the hook for repaying state money. But there’s no use throwing more money into a los- ing legal proposition. READERS’ VIEW Editorial was right on Your call to end the hate and violence and come together (Jan. 15 editorial “We must stop this now”) spoke to me. I wholeheart- edly agree. We would do well to remember our common values of love of country, acceptance and compassion, tolerance and trust, freedom and justice for all. They are fundamental to who we are. Power and corruption, discrim- ination and hate, and meanness of spirit, take our focus away from our identity. Your editorial reminded me of John McCain, who walked the walk of American values. In his farewell address he emphasized unity: “We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been. “We are 325 million opinion- ated, vociferous individuals. We argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in our rau- cous public debates. But we have always had so much more in com- mon with each other than in dis- agreement. If only we remember that, and give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all love our country we will get through these challenging times. We will come through them stronger than before. We always do.” Amen to that. I agree with these American values and the values expressed in your editorial. Thanks for keeping us focused on the heart of America. Joe Fioretti Auburn, Wash. hen it comes to relationships, peo- ple can be fickle. On the one hand, it’s often easier to remember a decades- old answer to “Does this shirt make me look fat?” than the kindness from the day before. On the other hand, trust grown over years can quickly be forgotten due to society’s what-have-you-done-for-me- lately mentality. Even within the beef indus- try, it’s tempting to view the 35-year-old Checkoff with skepticism. But if you look at the many value-added ways it serves producers’ interests, you may come away with a different perspective. Here are just a few of the things that Beef Checkoff contractors have delivered over the past few months: Consumer trust • The “United We Steak” campaign reached more than 283 million consum- ers through paid advertising, social media, earned media and influencer outreach. • A video series featured feedyard manager Tom Fan- ning showing Chef Kathryn Mathis how cattle are cared for at feedyards. • Two livestream events educated more than 1,000 educators on how beef pro- duction provides an excellent context for middle school and high school science. • Webinars hosted by nutri- tionist Marianne Smith Edge provided insights to Northeast dietitians about consumers during the pandemic and sus- tainable food systems. • Six new blogs were posted on VealFarm.com, including one by meat sci- entist Janeal Yancy, Ph.D./ the University of Arkan- sas addressing veal and meat safety. • Meat Demand Monitor research revealed what post- COVID vaccine consumer behavior may look like, helping the Checkoff determine the best future use of producer dollars. Export growth • Tracking efforts revealed November beef exports were up 6% from a year ago (larg- est since July 19) and export values climbed 8% year over year. • Market development programs paid dividends in November as U.S. beef exports to China were up 700% from a year ago. • Beef export value aver- aged $338.43 per head of fed slaughter (Nov. 20); 14.8% of total beef produced in the U.S. during this time was exported, much of which was underuti- lized cuts not popular in the U.S. Innovation • The holiday “drool log” commercial ran more than 50 times on the Hallmark Chan- nel last month. GUEST VIEW Greg Hanes • The #WienerWednesday campaign on TikTok received more than 27 million views. Investor relations • “The Drive” print and e-newsletter now reaches nearly 100,000 producers with details about how the Check- off dollar drives beef demand. Nutrition and health • Registered dietitians, nutritionists and nurses are advocating beef’s role in a healthy diet and affirming pre- pared beef’s role as a bal- anced protein source. • The “Guide to Meat Pro- cessing for the Nutrition Com- munity” helped health and nutrition experts advise about dietary needs and provided valuable details about meat consumption and processing. • A new study showed that beef consumption is positively associated with better mental health; the companion article has been downloaded more than 50,000 times by health and nutrition experts. Research • The Meat Demand Mon- itor issued its first-ever multi- month report providing insight into consumer pur- chasing behaviors, demand and consumption during the pandemic. • The Sustainabil- ity Research and Scientific Affairs program completed an update to its beef environ- mental lifecycle assessment in 2020; findings will be pub- lished in 2021. Safety • More than 75 Beef Quality Assurance educa- tors attended a virtual event to learn about meat quality, biosecurity, foreign material avoidance and international trade from industry experts. • The Veal Quality Assur- ance program provided U.S. veal farms with a clipboard outlining best management practices for calf health, nutrition and handling. • At the annual Antibiotic Symposium, beef producers collaborated with veterinar- ians, animal health profes- sionals and animal ag lead- ers on how to become better stewards of antibiotics while combating antimicrobial resistance. So, what has the Check- off dollar done lately? As you can see, quite a bit. And the best part? 2021 is just getting started! Greg Hanes is CEO of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. To learn more about Check- off programs, projects, and resources, visit DrivingDe- mandForBeef.com.