6 CapitalPress.com Friday, February 12, 2021 Klamath Bull Sale a success despite pandemic By HOLLY DILLEMUTH For the Capital Press KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — The annual Klamath Bull Sale generally draws thousands of attendees, but not this year, and for organizers, that’s OK. During the pandemic, the 400 to 500 people attending the sale still made for a strong market, according to Stan Gorden, Klam- ath Bull Sale organizing chairman and president of the Klamath Cat- tlemen’s Association. While some events were missing Feb. 6 from the 61st Annual Klamath Bull Sale — a horse sale, stock dog trials and ranch rodeo — organizers saw just as many consignors and buyers as in years past. The bull sale netted a combined $452,000 in gross sales, according to organizers. It brought in buyers from the Klamath Basin and around the state, as well as California, Wash- ington and Nevada. About 110 bulls and four pens of five heifers sold at market, with bull prices averag- Courtesy of Cameron Duncan The Supreme Champion Bull and Champion Halter Bull, consigned by Country Inn Cattle Co., was bought by Craig and Maria Sharp of Montague, Calif., on Feb. 6. The bull was one of 110 sold at the 61st annual Klamath Bull Sale. ing $3,705 and heifers averaging $2,275. Chiangus, Lim-Flex, Angus and Red Angus, Charolais, Simmental and Hereford and Polled Hereford were among the breeds brought and sold. Gorden said he was humbled to see how the industry contin- ues to draw support from com- munities near and far, despite the pandemic. “We had bulls from everywhere and we sent bulls back those direc- tions, too,” Gorden said. “They’re half of the equation of a cow- calf operation. You cannot have a calf without a bull ... and no mat- ter what pandemic’s going on, they need bulls in order to create the beef product that we need to feed America.” For the second year in a row, the sale had an online bidding option, and organizers saw a boost in use. He emphasized the importance of holding the sale in-person, how- ever, in order to keep the beef industry moving along. “(Cattle ranchers’) livelihoods depend on it,” Gorden said. The bulls sold at the sale are in their prime at two years old and were raised as breeding stock. “These animals don’t sit on a shelf like toilet paper and can’t be sold six months from now,” he said. Gorden said the profits may be down slightly this year com- pared to last, but that won’t keep the committee from fulfilling its commitment to fund scholarships for eligible Klamath Basin stu- dents. Students can apply as early as March. “Even though there’s a pan- demic, that’s not going to change the fact that these students are still in need to pay for education and to continue their education,” Gorden said. Despite the lack of event cen- ter activities, organizers still held a trade show with “essential ven- dors” for the sales of cattle equip- ment, feed and other products. The Klamath Cattlewomen’s Associa- tion also held a ticketed, drive-thru dinner instead of a sit-down spread. Organizers believe the changes followed state safety guidelines. Signage encouraged hand sanitizer and masks, with masks available on site, as well as more seating than the sale has ever had. The roll-up doors were all open, Gorden said, promot- ing air flow during the events. Glenda and Lee Stilwell of Klamath Falls area-based Country Inn Cattle, consigned the supreme champion bull and champion halter bull at the sale. The bull was pur- chased by Craig and Maria Sharp of Montague, Calif. “Glenda serves on our com- mittee also to help put on this bull sale,” Gorden said. “They do a tre- mendous amount of work to pull this off.” Pandemic forces change in animal protein industry Northwest Farm Credit gives By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press The COVID-19 pan- demic has caused a historic shift in the U.S. to eating at home, which impacted var- ious sectors of the animal protein industry differently. With an expected slow recovery in some segments of foodservice, some in the industry will have to realign their marketing plans, return to value-added pro- cesses or reduce costs and supply until foodservice normalizes, according to a new report by CoBank. Foodservice sales declined by more than half in April year over year. They improved in the sum- mer to a decline of 15%, but they were down 22% in December, Will Sawyer, lead animal protein econ- omist with CoBank, told Capital Press. Those slower sales are Agri Beef The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted various sectors of the meat industry differently. really concerning, he said. Full-service restaurant sales were down 36% year over year in November and 35% to 40% in December, he said. “Full-service is quite weak, and that’s where we’re seeing the closures as well,” he said. The National Restau- rant Association estimates 110,000 restaurants closed in 2020, and that number will probably increase in the first quarter of 2021 and into the summer, he said. CoBank expects it’ll be the back side of 2022 before foodservice gets to pre-pan- demic levels, but there is some good news on that front, he said. “We don’t see COVID going away in its entirety, he said. But large chain restau- rants are saying if restau- rants survived and have cap- ital, they’ll be able to expand more easily than before the pandemic because of lower real estate costs, he said. “What’s great is that food demand has remained really strong,” he said. In addition, consumers still want convenience. They didn’t become great cooks during the pandemic, so they still want value-added prod- ucts and take-out, he said. But the pandemic resulted in fewer value-added and convenience products, such as boneless hams. Many of those products still demand a human hand, and absen- teeism is a significant issue in meat plants, he said. Apply less, expect more? $2 million to UI ag programs By BRAD CARLSON Capital Press Northwest Farm Credit Services has donated $2 mil- lion to the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UI announced Feb. 2. Michael Parrella, the col- lege’s dean, mentioned the gift in a Feb. 2 presentation to the Idaho Senate Agricultural Affairs Committee. When industry partners contrib- ute to the college’s facilities and programs, investments by the college and Legisla- ture go farther as benefits to local economies, students and the state’s agricultural sector increase, he said. The gift includes $925,000 to support the planned Agri Beef Meat Science and Inno- vation Center Honoring Ron Richard, which is planned on the Moscow campus and will serve as the new home for Vandal Brand Meats. It also included $25,000 to establish a chapter of national student organization Minori- ties in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sci- ences; $25,000 for student scholarships; $500,000 for the Idaho Center for Agricul- ture, Food and the Environ- ment in the Magic Valley; $500,000 for the Wayne T h i e s - sen Potato Research P r o f e s s o r- ship Endow- Michael ment; and Parrella $175,000 for the Idaho Center for Plant and Soil Health at the Parma Research and Extension Center. UI “has been an excel- lent resource for farmers and ranchers throughout the state,” Northwest Farm Credit Services Idaho Presi- dent Doug Robison said in a release. “In addition to pro- viding cutting-edge research, the university provides direct support to Idaho’s produc- ers through their extension programs.” He said the contribu- tion to UI will “boost their research efforts and their abil- ity to strengthen all of Idaho’s ag sectors. We are excited to see the benefits of our gifts on the university’s projects and research.” Parrella said the long his- tory of support from North- west Farm Credit has helped UI and the college solve prob- lems and identify opportuni- ties for agricultural producers through research and outreach. USDA NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE Local Work Group Meeting for Marion County February 26th, 2021 • 9:00am - 11:00am 650 Hawthorne Ave SE, Suite 130, Salem, OR Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81893247527?p- wd=Z0tKUW9mOVN1M0dGMHdhOW5KeWJQZz09 Join by phone: 1+253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 818 9324 7527 • Passcode: 099612 It’s time for a crop nutrition plan that gets more return from every drop. Get custom-calibrated formulas and complete agronomic support for the nutrients you need and the quality potatoes you want. Every step of the way, AgroLiquid has precisely what it takes to help you succeed like never before. For more information call: Les Bachelor 971-273-4816 NRCS will hold their annual Local Work Group Meeting to gather input from farmers, ranchers, state and federal agencies, agriculture, energy, and conservation organizations regarding Find an AgroLiquid dealer near you. Farm Bill conservation priorities in Marion County. Request accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Les Bachelor at 971-273-4816. USDA is an equal opportunity employer. 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