20 CapitalPress.com Friday, February 5, 2021 Darigold Active Base: Dairy Cows For Sale: 15,000lbs. Available Whole herds or heifers. NOW. Lynden, WA. 360- Also buying all types 815-0054 of dairy cattle. Lowell Chaffey, Aurora, OR. 758 Cattle Beef 503-678-5269, 503-559- 110 Coming 2 year 0830 olds, Spring and Fall Yearling Black Angus Bulls. Noah’s Angus Ranch, Angus Cattle Since 1955. Cambridge, ID. 208-550-0531 www.noahsangusranch. com (60) Salers Bulls: All ages from yearlings to 2 year olds. Red and Black calving ease polled bulls developed on our east- ern Oregon ranch for 39 years. Quiet tempera- ment, delivery available. CapitalPress.com Flying T Ranch Sprague S219451-1 River, OR. 541-533-2416 cattle@flyingtsalers.com Looking for DAIRY FARMS? Go to Class. 567 752 Mixed Livestock Sales 752 Mixed Livestock Sales LEBANON AUCTION YARD, INC. MARKET REPORT 1/28/2021 37063 KGAL Dr., Lebanon, OR 97355 541-259-1251 TOTAL RECEIPTS: 200 TOTAL CATTLE: 192 No market test on feeders. Top Organic Cow $65.00 cwt TOP CONVENTIONAL COW  $68.00 cwt Top 10 Avg. $67.38 cwt Top 50 Avg. $65.46 cwt Direct Slaughter $91.00 cwt Lambs $2.00 per lb PLEASE SEE COMPLETE SALE RESULTS & TERRY’S MARKET COMMENTS AT: www.lebanonauctionyard.com WE ARE ALSO ON FACEBOOK S221336-1 LEBANON AUCTION YARD   37063 Kgal Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355  541-259-1251    ANNOUNCING SMALL ANIMAL AUCTION WE WILL CONTINUE SMALL ANIMAL AUCTIONS EVERY OTHER MONDAY CONTACT OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION 541-259-1251 S229926-1 SELLING GOATS, PIGS AND SHEEP MONDAY MARCH 1, 2021 11:00 AM MONDAY MARCH 15, 2021 11:00 AM MONDAY MARCH 29, 2021 11:00 AM Chehalis Livestock Market Livestock Auction Every Friday Pigs, Goats & Sheep Sell at Noon, Cattle at 1PM Livestock Auctions 1st Saturday of Every Month 11AM Pigs, Goats & Sheep, Cattle Sell at 1PM We also offer Thursday Delivery of Cattle for Friday Auction: 10AM to 8PM. Friday Cattle Delivery Starts at 8AM. Polled and Horned Her- eford Bulls for sale on 2-8-21 at the ranch in Connell, WA. Sale will be on: LiveAuctions TV. 2.0 and at www.bbcattle. com. 509-551-6622. RED ANGUS BULLS Heifer Bulls, growth bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Breeding Evaluations, EPD’s, per- formance data, TRIC tested. Raised in the Mountains. Not in the Feed Lot. Call for infor- mation 541-481-2866. O’Doherty Cattle Co. Boardman, OR. 40+ Older broken mouth cows, mostly red Angus. Preg tested, vaccin- nated and wormed. In good shape, $975 each or offer for large group. O’Doherty Cattle Co. Boardman, OR. 541-481- 2866 2 Registered Simmental Bulls, Coming Red Year- lings. 60lb birth weights. Very tame, halter broke. Registered Simmental red and black cows due to calve in March. Au- rora, OR. 503-651-2067 Mabee’s Red Angus 2020 Heifers. Elite Reg- istered Red Angus. Great Bloodlines. Sweet Home, OR. 206-499-1879 Bulls: 3H Simmental Ranch. Black Sim-Angus and Simmental bulls. Northwest Delivery. Contact: 3hsimmental@ gmail.com or call Alan at 503-931-6815 35 Head of Black and Black Baldie first Calf Heifers. Bred to calving ease Angus Bulls. Due to start calving Feb. 10 for approximately 60 days, $1400. La Grande, OR, 541-975-9306 1-800-238-2934 Year- ling Black Angus Bulls: Tex Phenom, Consensus, genetics. Semen tested, virgin, de- livery available, starting at $2500. Rolfe Angus Acres, Grass Valley, OR. Polled Hereford Bull. 2 years old. Ready to work! Moderate frame, stout and a great disposition. Halter broke. Hannan (6) Black Salers Heif- Family Farm. Molalla, ers. Docile. (4) Black OR. 503-651-2973; 503- Angus bred 1st calf 819-8332 heifers. Top Quality. Dexters: 2 Bred to low birth weight Quality AI sired Black Angus Horned Cows bred to Bull. Due to start calving calve in March, $1400. March 1st for 60 days. 3 Polled Heifers, $400 $1500 per head. Othello, each or $1100 for all 3. $2450 takes all. Monroe, WA, 509-760-3276 Bred Cows: 27 Angus. OR. 541-914-2311 Mostly AI select sire. Angus Bulls: Calving Start calving Feb. 15. ease, ready to work, Very gentle. Excellent forage developed, long shape. Young cows, yearling and two year $1500 each. Silver Lake, old bulls, Mary’s River Angus. Monmouth, OR. OR. 541-410-8813 ƔźƔźƔźƔźƔźƔźƔźƔ 503-606-0253 Shorthorn Bulls: March-April Yearlings, Selected for length, width, depth and mus- cling. Mothers sound, thick, calm, good milk. Good carcass data. Coulee-City, WA. Call (5) Angus Feeder Heifers. 509-632-8709, 509-683- Very nice. $0.90/ pound. 600 pounders. Canby, 3272 OR. 503-651-2870 Registered Black An- gus Cattle. 7 Cows & 5 Heifers. AI Bred to calving ease Bulls. Due early Spring. Calving for 45 days. Prineville, OR, 541-610-2584 Charolais Bulls: pure- DUTCH FLAT ANGUS bred. (2) two year olds, 1ST Production Sale, one long yearling, $1500 February 12, 2021 at to $2500. Brownsville, Lewiston Livestock. 41 OR. 541-466-3377, 541- bulls sired by Monumen- 248-7279 tal, Payweight Plus and more. 44 Females in- cluding bred heifers and cows, fall bred heifers, open yearling heifers. Call Nick for a catalog. Pomeroy, WA. 509-843- 3820 100 Salers Heifers: Bred to calving ease Sal- ers Bulls. Red or Black. Developed in a closed herd on our eastern Or- egon ranch since 1981. Mabee’s Red Angus Due February 20th for Registered Bulls. Excel- 80 days. Flying T Ranch, lent EPDs and Bloodlines, Sprague River, OR. 541- $2250. Sweet Home, OR. 533-2416 cattle@flyingtsalers.com 206-499-1879 801 Timber/Lumber Registered Black Angus Bred Females. Noah’s Angus Ranch, Angus Cattle Since 1955. Cam- bridge, ID. 208-550- 0531 10 head of young (2 www.noahsangusranch.com to 5) bred registered Yearling Registered Angus cows. Out of Black Angus Bull. Low top 25% of a 45 year birth EPDs. Schmidlin breeding program. Top Angus Farms, Vernonia, 30% in most EPD traits. OR. Call 503-429-7861 Half have Dreamcatcher 6108 in close up pedi- Spring Limousin/ Angus gree. They personally Cross Bulls and Bred averaged 647 lbs. at 205 Heifers. Elgin, OR. 541- days. You pay an aver- 437-8181 age price but get a super- charged producing pack- 120 Montana Black Angus age. Bred AI to Ashland moderate framed range and Centerfire for mid cows. 3 to 8 years, calving February calves. $1800 early March, $1500/ each. each, OBO. Ontario, OR. North Powder, OR. 406- 698-5743 541-212-0342 37 Annual Idaho Classic Bull and Female Sale Treasure Valley Livestock Auction Caldwell, Idaho Free Delivery within 400 Miles “Bringing Buyers & Sellers Together” clmauctions.com • 360-748-3191 chehalislivestock@gmail.com WEDNESDAY: GENERAL SALE 1 PM LUKE LOWE, CELL Centralia, WA: LaConner, WA: Problems? We’re Interested in Sales solutions March 6th, 2021 160 B ULLS - 40 F ALL B ULLS - 50 F ANCY O PEN H EIFERS Everson Auction Market 1, L.L.C. over 150 years experience in fence/arenas & livestock containment 800.764.7473 BISONPIPE.COM Call Us for Your WELL STEM PIPE NEEDS We Deliver Straight to You! KY MOUNTA C I RO STEEL • USED CABLE • ALL FENCING HARDWARE AVAILABLE • CABLE CLAMPS Barn 360-966-3271 EOW 7291 Everson Goshen Rd. • Everson, WA 802 Fencing Fencing For more information or hauling call: www.eversonauctionmarket.com (541) 231-4758 (541) 290-9892 (541) 231-4758 (541) 290-9892 (541) 231-4758 (360) 269-2500 (360) 520-2287 (360) 520-5565 (360) 520-2287 (360) 202-9141 802 Fencing WE SELL POWDER RIVER GATES, PANELS & FEEDERS. ASK US! Your consignments are appreciated! Terry 360-815-4897 • Pete 360-815-0318 Tim T. Lee A. Tim T. Lee A. Tim T. John A. Bill B. Jeremy M. Bill B. Mark F. S206106-1 Direct Ship & Cutting Available 400 3rd Ave. North Nampa, ID 83687 800-851-8612 208-466-0036 23 Black Powder Sons + Grandsons Sell 208-466-8913 (FAX) S224932-1 Stout base, massive design and built to last! 804 Building Materials 804 Building Materials •DRIP TUBE INSTALLATION •TREE PLANTING •TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL 503-932-0766 Klopfenstein Ag Service S229711-1 Total Receipts 770... 216... Cattle 10 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $62.96 cwt 50 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $58.63 cwt 100 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $56.06 cwt All Slaughter Bulls $76.50-$90.00 cwt Patrons of Woodburn Livestock Exchange It is with a heavy heart we are announcing after 80 years in business the Livestock Auction will be closing its doors. This has been an agonizing decision for us to make as we have enjoyed your patronage and friendship over the past many years. Our last Sheep, Goat and Hog Auction will be held on Monday - February 15th 2021, and our last Cattle and Poultry Auction will be held on Tuesday - February 23rd 2021. In re- cent months there have been various rumors of us selling the property and shutting down. The property is for sale, but is not sold at this time. However, due to the continual declining head counts and rising costs of doing business, the livestock portion of our business is no longer viable. Woodburn Auction Yard will remain in business doing online only Machinery Sales. Our current online Machinery Auction is taking place now from Jan 30th thru Feb 6th. Our next Machinery Auction is scheduled for April of 2021.  Thank you all for your understanding, and wishing every one of you the very best. - Tom & Mary Elder HOGS SHEEP Block Hogs............$89.00-$92.00 cwt Lambs (40-100#).$185.00-$204.00 cwt Lambs (100-150#) $147.50-$203.00 cwt Feeder Pigs.......... $37.50 - $80.00 HD Small Frame Ewe ..$95.00-$179.00 cwt Sows......................$12.00-$51.00 cwt Large Fleshy Ewes $80.00-$125.00 cwt Weaner Pigs...........$35.00-$40.00 HD Ewe/Lamb Pairs.......$87.50-$91.00 HD 80-89#...............$180.00-$280.00 HD GOATS 10-39#..............................NT - NT HD 90-99#...............$205.00-$265.00 HD 40-69#................. $87.50-$190.00 HD 100-199#.............$85.00-$310.00 HD 70-79#.................$95.00-$225.00 HD 200-300#...........................NT - NT HD NEXT SHEEP/GOAT & HOG SALE: MONDAY, FEB. 15TH @ 11:30 AM PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: MYWLE.com 801 Timber/Lumber N Market Report for February 1st & 2nd Coos Bay, OR: Eugene, OR: Garibaldi, OR: Salem, OR: Longview, Wa: Saturday, Feb. 13 th @ 12:30 PM Tom Elder 503-981-9497 • Fax 503-981-9543 1-800-882-6789 CapitalPress.com Also Maple and Ash: Saw Logs Pulp Logs and Timber Deeds Contact our Resource Group at these locations: 208-924-5106 • 208-791-7628 NEXT FEEDER SALE P.O Box 335, Woodburn, OR 97071 Montana Hydraulic Post Drivers. In stock! NW Farm Supply Hermiston, OR. 800-801-5650 or Mike 541-561-6047 Guard Rail For Sale: The Dalles, OR. 541- 980-2886 ALDER WANTED PRESIDENT HOME 19TH ANNUAL BULL SALE Dairy Cattle 1st, Calves, Feeder Cattle, then Slaughter Cows TOEPFER LOGGING, INC. Timber Harvesting, Slash Piling, Reforesta- tion: high quality forest and land management services. Certified pro- fessional logger. Over 50 years in the timber industry Stayton, OR. Call Jake 503-769-5505, 503-991-6845 CONTACT T F MONDAY SALE 12:30 PM 802 Fencing BEST SELLERS . . . “...The phone rang off the hook.” Vanveldhuizen Dairy • Turner, OR Call and list your BEST SELLER! 1-800-882-6789 F EBRUARY 2 3% , 20 AT 1 PM Find us on Facebook at: Idaho Salers Association 801 Timber/Lumber Oregon Log & Burl, Inc. BUYING Maple, Myrtle, Madrone, and Elm logs or standing trees, Large Size 541-290-2430 Fence Installation: Fence installed with hydraulic post driver. New Zealand, nonclimb, sheep & goat, woven wire, barbed wire, deer, and rail fencing. Serv- ing Oregon since 1993. NWTL Inc. Prices are up, turn your Licensed, Bonded & In- Timber into Revenue! sured CCB#93256. Sa- lem, OR. 503-859-2804 •Small stands, www.statewidefence.net •Large tracts, •One time harvest, Fence Posts: Douglas •Continuous manage- Fir, Penta Power Pole ment plans. Treated, round rail fenc- Logging offered on per- ing. Tinker Toy Fence. centage or by the MBF. Junction City, OR. For Free consultation. Ref- hours, 541-689-3726 erences available. San- dy, OR. 503-956-0110; Visit www.nwtlinc.com th S221344-1 Chehalis Livestock Market WOODBURN LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE 758 Cattle Beef Bulls/ Polled Herefords: Growthy, gentle, easy calving from Canadian bloodlines, all shots, quan- tity discounts. Portland, OR. 503-789-1531 Selling Small Animals, Horses, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, then Slaughter Cows S229891-1 758 Cattle Beef S224012-1 Come check us out - see our website www.clmauctions.com or Facebook upcoming events: Spring Equipment Consignment Auction Tractors, Farm Equipment, Implements, Cars, Trucks, Tools, Farm & Garden Online Bidding Only - Auction will close on Sat. March 27th HiBid bidding starts Wed. March 17th Deliveries accepted March 7th-14th. No Friday Delivery please. See website for details. Spring Feeder Cattle Sale Featuring - Pre-conditioned calves ready for grass. Friday, March 26th at 1PM. Consign early so we can advertise for you!. Breeding Bull Sale Saturday, April 3rd at 1PM. All breeds accepted. Expecting 20 quality Pedigreed Bulls. Consign Early Please! Cattle Auctions Every Friday at 1PM 758 Cattle Beef Also offering 40 fall bulls Saturday March 6th! g Weekly • OnlyAG s !! J.R Avilla Farms in Madras, Oregon says: “We value our ads in Capital Press that successfully sold our equipment over the last 12 years.” l Press Ag Weekly • OnlyAG • Capi It W o rk Capital Press Ag Weekly • OnlyAG • Capita C ONTACT U S F OR M ORE I NFO M IKE & P AULETTE F ORMAN (509) 968-4800 R OBB & D EBBIE F ORMAN (509) 201-0775 C HELSE F REEMAN (509) 929-6520 WWW .T RINITY F ARMS . INFO F OLLOW U S @T RINITY F ARMS E LLENSBURG S228356-1 S223631-1 S221785-1 S223673-1 758 Cattle Beef S226436-1 755 Cattle Dairy S229623-1 755 Cattle Dairy tal Press Ag Weekly • OnlyAG • Caital Press A