14 CapitalPress.com Friday, December 13, 2019 Ranchers have a beef with plant-based burgers By BILL BRADSHAW AND ELLEN MORRIS BISHOP EO Media Group ENTERPRISE, Ore. — Real beef? Impossible Burgers? Beyond Meat? Old-fashioned veggie burg- ers? They’re all being con- sidered these days as con- sumers add concerns for health, the environment and climate change to their inter- est in flavor. But northeast Oregon beef producers are wary of the newest-generation of plant-based burger offerings, including Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger. They are beef look-alikes that seem- ingly masquerade as meat. Ranchers want consumers to know what they’re getting: It’s not beef, it’s not local and it’s not as environmen- tally friendly or as healthy as many consumers think. A case of mistaken iden- tity — that consumers will think they are buying meat when they choose a less healthy, highly processed product out of the grocery store meat case — is at the top of local rancher’s con- cerns. The newer genera- tion of plant-based “meats” — most notably a brand called Beyond Meat — have muscled their way into the supermarket meat case and onto the hamburger shelves. These products are clearly labeled “plant-based pat- ties.” But they are engi- neered to look like beef. They sort of taste like beef. Beyond Burger Bill Bradshaw/EO Media Group Beef cattle graze amid the snow in a pasture along Alder Slope Road south of Enterprise, Ore., on Nov. 25. With the snow coming down, these cattle are likely getting the last of what they’ll graze for the season and depend on hay their owner provides. Todd Nash Mack Birkmaier They are a different animal than the antiquated low-fat veggie-burgers hibernating in supermarket freezers. Long-time Wallowa County rancher Mack Birk- maier doesn’t like having plant-based meat substitutes marketed next to the ground beef and steaks in supermar- ket meat counters. “It’s kind of like cheating,” he said. Rancher and County Commissioner Todd Nash agreed. “I would like people to know that they’re buying a plant-based product rather than a beef product and have it labeled appropriately so that the consumer can make that choice,” he said. The unease is a national one. Curtis W. Martin, a board member of the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association WINTER SAVINGS Versatile 400 Hesston 9240 2011 2005 Duals, PTO & Big Hyd. Pump 2,217 hrs. $139,000 Windrower. 1545hrs. Grass seed special. 14’ double auger. $23,000 JD 9520RX JD S680 CIH 7240 2017 Several combines to choose from. 2016 PRWD, Hillside Leveler, Platforms. 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Impos- sible Burgers, sold only in restaurants, are available for lunch or dinner at Heav- enly’s. The popularity of these “plant-based meats” is growing rapidly across the nation, even though they are more expensive than locally grown grass-fed beef. The healthiness and envi- ronmental credentials of the new plant-based “meats” are also near the top of local rancher’s concerns. “They just aren’t very natural,” Birkmaier said. Beyond Meat’s “meaty texture” comes largely from processed pea protein iso- late and rice protein. The juiciness is courtesy of gen- erous amounts of canola oil, coconut oil and cocoa but- ter. These plant patties con- tain more saturated fat per “burger” (30% of your daily saturated fat ration) than most of the ground beef next to them. The Impossible Burger, which is soy-based, offers a stunning 40% of daily saturated fat. In addi- tion to its heart-stopping fat content, the Impossible Burger relies on genetically modified ingredients to pro- duce its meaty texture. Local nutritionist Lana Rose said she would not choose to eat products that were as processed and as high in saturated fat content as these plant-based burgers. “There are better things to eat. You are really not eat- ing plants,” she said. The Harvard Health Review notes that “along with the ambition to repli- cate hamburgers comes a comparable amount of satu- rated fat. Since diets higher in saturated fat are associ- ated with increased rates of both heart disease and pre- mature death, they may not be the type of food to opt for if your ambitions are purely health-related.” Based on these data, Wal- lowa County ranchers’ con- cern for consumer health seems justified. In addition to its high fat content, the new meat- less-meat is also consid- ered to be an ultra-pro- cessed food — a category now under increased scru- tiny for obesity, cardiovas- cular and metabolic disease, along with breast and all cancers, depression, frailty in the elderly and prema- ture mortality, as outlined in a 2019 report by the U.S. National Institute of Health. (Ultra-processed foods are defined by the prestigious British Medical Journal as “formulations of food sub- stances often modified by chemical processes and then assembled into ready- to-consume hyper-palatable food and drink products. … These foods include ... reconstituted meat products, pre-prepared frozen dishes and soft drinks.”) This is also perfectly in line with Birkmaier’s princi- pal concern about these plant burgers: their potential nega- tive effects on human health. “I think the mothers of America should be some- what wary of feeding this concoction of cells, plants and chemicals to their chil- dren,” he said. “Should it have a warning label attached? What does this do to a developing child’s body?” For the environmentally concerned, there are other considerations. Both Impos- sible Burgers and Beyond Meat claim that their prod- ucts have a lower “carbon footprint” than beef and are helping save the planet from climate change. A study done for Impos- sible Burger has certified that its product has an 89% smaller carbon footprint than the “equivalent beef prod- uct.” But that statistic appears to include cattle raised on cleared portions of the Ama- zon rainforest or driving sim- ilar ecological deforestation and devastation. It does not take into account grazing on rangelands or restorative grazing practices. Impossible Burger also claims that the total land area used to produce their ingre- dients is only 4% of the area needed to produce beef. “That’s a very, very con- servative estimate on our part — most cattle globally require far more land than that estimate,” said Rebekah Moses, Impossible Burger’s senior manager of impact strategy, during an interview with Adele Peters, a staff writer at the online mag- azine Fast Company. “It’s completely inefficient, and it’s why beef is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon. If most of the land that’s used for cattle feed were to be left alone, with- out the gassy animals, to revegetate and actually store carbon in trees and grass- lands, it’s not an exaggera- tion to say that we could set the clock back on climate change through food choice alone.” However, Impossible Burger did not address the fate of private land once cattle were removed. And it also seems unaware of the environmentally-based farm-to-table movement, which advocates buying locally produced foods and supporting local agriculture as a way to lower carbon emissions globally. To Wallowa County ranchers, Moses’s state- ment seems jaw-droppingly exaggerated. “First,” Nash said, “you can always manipulate sci- ence and say whatever you want, in my opinion. We have a tremendous amount of range and when cat- tle graze that properly, you have a minimal impact,” he said. “Agriculture as a whole has changed practices radically and we can seques- ter more carbon in agricul- ture than we produce.” Martin, the North Pow- der-based rancher, said he was unsure of the carbon footprint involved in plant- based substitutes, portions of which may be raised in places as far away as Indo- nesia or the Philippines, and may be grown on deforested land, shipped long distances for processing and then shipped again to consumers. But he does know about cattle production. “It’s pretty dramatic how The plant-based Beyond Meat’s Beyond Burger is sold in grocery stores, but stores vary on wheth- er they display it on the meat counter or in the frozen food aisles. Each plant-based Beyond Burger contains 30% of the daily recommended amount of saturated fat. American ranchers are cre- ating more protein with less input,” he said. That claim is substantiated by a 2012 study published in the jour- nal Sustainability, which showed that U.S. beef pro- duction had decreased its carbon footprint by 16% per animal over the period 1977-2009, and that rate of decrease was expected to continue. And a 2017 report on livestock production and climate by Oxford Universi- ty’s Food Climate Research Network noted that while range-raised, grass-fed live- stock could not feed the planet’s growing population sustainably, “... well-man- aged grazing can cause car- bon to be sequestered in the soil — and at the very least, can provide an economic rationale for keeping the carbon in the ground.” Demand for the new plant-based meatless burg- ers seems to be exploding. The Motley Fool’s web- site reported in October that “… major players like Tyson, Nestle and Hormel have announced that they are launching or developing (similar) plant-based prod- ucts.” Food giant Smith- field Foods is already in the game, along with Safe- way/Albertsons. In addition, more fast-food and other restaurants are adding faux meat to the menus, includ- ing Subway, which plans to offer Beyond Meatballs in its marinara sandwich early next year. In Wallowa County, where grass-fed beef pro- duction is an economic mainstay, the rapid rise of faux meats presents a challenge. “The problem is, we’re a county with 7,000 people and 25,000 cows and we can provide everybody with a wholesome, grass-fed prod- uct here and even the tour- ists who come in, we can fill up the trunks of their cars with grass-fed products,” Nash said. “But we don’t have a processor that is large enough to be able to handle that.” Still, local cradle-to-mar- ket grass-fed beef, (and lamb, bison and yak) are available here, and its pur- chase supports local ranches and the local economy. It contains less fat and sodium than plant-based burgers. It has just one ingredient, and no added chemicals. There are no genetically modi- fied organisms in Wallowa County beef. It has a low, and probably much lower carbon footprint than the new plant-based alternative. And it costs the same or less. To all interviewed, the choice between local beef and meat substitutes comes down to the quality of the food, as well as the effects on our local landscape and economy. “We (cattlemen) ques- tion whether these new plant- based foods are a good, health- ful product,” Birkmaier said. “I look at these new kinds of patties, with all their chemi- cals, processing, and fat. And I wonder if they won’t be like other things that we thought were healthy and good, but turned out to be very, very bad for us. I think that especially mothers should think about this when they decide what their children are eating. We know what’s truly healthy. These plant-based products have not yet stood the test of time.”