Friday, November 1, 2019 Wildlife Services sued over killing mammals By DON JENKINS Capital Press The Center for Biological Diversity has fur- thered its campaign against USDA’s Wildlife Services by suing to block the agency from kill- ing mammals in Washington. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Seat- tle, seeks to halt the lethal control of animals such as bears, bobcats, beavers and coyotes until the agency reassesses the environmental consequences. Wildlife Services is operating under an out- dated 1997 assessment, said Sophia Ressler, an attorney for the center. “We’re just asking for a pause until an updated environmental assess- ment is done,” she said. The suit is the latest in a series of court actions brought by conservation groups against Wildlife Services in the West. Most suits have had a narrower focus, targeting specific tactics, species or regions. Wildlife Services reported euthanizing more than 2.6 million animals nationwide in the most recent federal fiscal year. Efforts to reach the agency for comment were unsuccessful. In Washington, the agency reported kill- ing 116,433 mammals, birds and fish in fiscal year 2018. Starlings, pigeons and crows were among the most commonly killed creatures. Other mammals killed by the agency included porcupines, raccoons and wild pigs. The lawsuit does not seek to curb lethal con- trol by the state Department of Fish and Wild- life or ranchers. Cattle Producers of Washing- ton President Scott Nielsen said the federal agency, however, is better at it. “They’re effective and that’s why we like them and they (environmental groups) don’t,” he said. “It’s damaging to us if Wildlife Ser- vices can’t do it. And from the environmen- tal groups’ point of view, it’s smart to go after them.” Fish and Wildlife, the state agency, rarely removes nuisance wildlife, according to a spokeswoman. Fish and Wildlife refers calls from the public to Wildlife Services or another animal-control agency. Fish and Wildlife will remove deer or elk causing crop damage. The department also removes bears and cougars that threaten the public, according to the spokeswoman. Conservation groups won a lawsuit in 2015 to prevent Wildlife Services from shooting wolves in Washington. Since then, Fish and Wildlife has had to handle the job. The new suit seeks to broaden the prohi- bition to all mammals, though not birds or fish. The suit claims Wildlife Services’ tac- tics are environmentally destructive and cruel. The agency reported that 49% of the time it euthanized animals in Washington was to protect property. Another 38% was to protect agricul- ture. The agency also removed animals for safety and to prevent damage to natural resources. Researchers duplicate field, export conditions By MATTHEW WEAVER Capital Press A national company has shared the results of a trial of its hay preservative, finding that it helps bales with higher moisture levels maintain their value. Agri-King Inc. stored large square hay bales with three levels of moisture — a control with normal moisture, some bales with slightly higher moisture and other bales with a moisture level 5% to 7% higher than normal. For farmers, “Many times, moisture can become their nemesis,” said Dave Spangler, director of research and devel- opment for Agri-King Inc. of Fulton, Ill. Farmers need moisture to retain leaves, digestibility and overall nutrition of the hay. If it becomes too dry, Spangler said, the leaves shatter and a lot of nutrition is left in the field when the hay is baled. But high moisture in hay can increase the risk of heat- ing and mold. The company’s Silo-King treatment helps farmers bale wetter hay. It’s a food-grade granulated product with anti- oxidants and mold and yeast inhibitors that’s added during baling. “We are showing and tell- ing a little bit more about what the product can do ... making a little bit higher moisture than the producer typically thought he was comfortable with,” Spangler said. “A better hay that’s more nutritious, that’s more profitable to them.” Anna Foley, Grandview, Wash., nutritionist for Agri- King, ran the trial on a farm through an export company in Burbank, Wash. Ag West International in Pasco, Wash., pressed the hay for the trial. The company announced the results of the trial Oct. 23-24 and is looking for feedback from industry representatives. Jeff VanOosten, Silo-King sales support representative, said the company wants to see how the product might work for the industry. They also visited hay export companies to see what problems they were having. “There’s a lot of things that are affected by moisture,” he said. The company wanted to replicate field and export con- ditions, applying the treatment to hay in the field, waiting 30 days, and then pressing it and putting it into three containers — the control, mid-moisture and high-moisture. They recorded tempera- tures hourly while storing the bale in the containers for another 30 days. Bales can ordinarily be stored in containers for 21 to 30 days, and for as long as 45 days. During the presentation, the company representatives opened the bale containers and presented their data. “Anna’s had so many questions, comments, curios- ity about running this trial,” Spangler said. “I think a lot of people want to know the out- come of it.” The company saw signifi- cantly higher relative feed value and protein retention and lower mold and lower temperatures in the treated bales, Spangler said. 3 Big Days! Tues • Wed • Thurs NOVEMBER 12 • 13 • 14 Dan Wheat Capital Press Farmworker housing push continues New farmworker housing built by the farm labor associa- tion Wafla and the Washington Growers League isn’t always full but the need for it from May through October contin- ues to grow, and the associ- ations are planning to build more. The League and Wafla have collectively spent close to $30 million, mostly from state grants, to provide 1,062 farm- worker beds in Central Wash- ington in the last 10 years. Individual tree fruit com- panies, growers and housing authorities have spent millions more on farmworker housing. The need is driven by the increased use of H-2A-visa foreign guestworkers and a federal requirement that grow- ers provide housing for them. “My anticipation is the growth rate in H-2A will start declining a bit because the immediate need is being met,” said Mike Gempler, execu- tive director of the Growers League. But more domestic work- ers are leaving agriculture for other occupations because of a good economy so the need for foreign workers will con- tinue, Gempler said. And more housing will be needed even if the H-2A program changes, he said. “Have you looked at the Wenatchee and Mattawa hous- ing markets? There are no places to live,” Gempler said. Dan Fazio, director of Wafla, recently announced the association is beginning a housing investment fund, set- ting aside an initial $500,000 and with a goal of adding 50% of its net income annually. Wafla opened its $5 mil- lion, 160-bed Riverview Meadows farmworker hous- ing in Okanogan on June 1. Occupancy peaked at 80 ten- ants during the summer at $12 per night per occupant. Fazio expects it to fill next season at $10 per night but acknowledges the 45 miles from Oroville is too great a distance for growers there to economically use. He’s not worried, saying there’s plenty of need within a 25-mile radius of Okanogan. Riverview Meadows has 10 units of 16 beds each, each with its own kitchen and bathrooms. It was built with a $3 mil- Company tests hay preservative 19 th Annual WILLAMETTE VALLEY Luis Guitron, manager of Riverview Meadows Wafla farmworker housing, in Okanogan, Wash., Oct. 7. The 10 units of 16 beds each opened June 1. More units are planned. By DAN WHEAT Capital Press 7 lion state grant and private investment. Wafla plans to break ground on another 160-bed facility in Chelan next year with a $3 mil- lion state grant, $1 million in possible federal funding, $1 million in Wafla money and a bank loan. It will be year-round for seasonal orchard workers and full-time packing house work- ers and be located near Chelan Fruit Cooperative’s packing plants. Wafla also invested more than $500,000 in 800-bed Fair- Bridge Inn farmworker hous- ing in Yakima that opened a year ago. Other investors, led by Valicoff Fruit Co., of Wap- ato, bought the hotel for $4 million and spent $800,000 to $1 million on repairs. It peaked at 600 farmworkers this sea- son, Fazio said, while Walfa’s 96-bed Ringold housing, built in Mesa in 2010, was full and not expandable. Wafla’s plan to build hous- ing in Cashmere, west of Wenatchee, didn’t work out but it is looking for possibili- ties in the Tri-Cities and Ore- gon, Fazio said. He said he thinks the state of Washington will keep sea- sonal housing at the Wenatchee River County Park at Monitor. The Growers League opened a new $6 million, 200- bed migrant farmworker hous- ing facility, Brender Creek, in Cashmere, in May 2015 with private and state funding. It operates the 270-bed Sage Bluff facility near Malaga, south of Wenatchee, that it built in 2010 for $6.2 million. The League opened the 144-bed first phase of Mattawa Slope in May 2018 and 192- bed second phase in spring of 2019. Each phase was about $4.5 million, each with $3 million state grant and rest in League debt. The League has another $3 million state grant for a 96-bed third and final phase that will be built when more funding is secured. All the League facilities are open year-round but only for seasonal occupancy. “Winter time is real down real low. We need more peo- ple to make cash flow,” Gem- pler said. “That’s why seasonal housing is hard, because it’s seasonal.” LIVESTOCK & HORSE Train the Trainer Forklift Certification (Register online) 4 Big Buildings! CORE Pesticide Training for credits CPR/AED Training (Register online) Forklift Certification Classes (Register online) Antique Farm Equipment Show With Over 70 Pieces On Display 185+ vendors, new & returning to expanded indoor heated space, plus even more outdoor displays. Back by Popular Demand: Wednesday Evening Dine Around Oregon. Tickets available online. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Santiam Building Classroom Two Days To Choose From CORE Training is complimentary with $4 admission to the expo. No registration is required. A maximum of 4 credits are available (pending) • 10:30a -12:30p • (2 CORE credits) Worker Protection Standard, What Does It Look Like On Your Farm, Kaci Buhl Pesticide Fate in Off-target Environment and Mitigation Measures, Jeff Jenkins • 11:00a • Pape Group, David Gaffney, Corporate Fleet Compliance Specialist Transportation Compliance Overview which covers: • DOT requirements and recordkeeping. • Load securement, specific to machinery regulations. • Truck pre-trip and annual inspection requirements. • Commercial driver’s license requirements. • Size and weight limits. • Farm exceptions. • 12:30p-2p Lunch Break • on own, concessions available • 2:00p-4:00p • (2 CORE credits) Oregon Agriculture Current Issues and Lesson Learned 2019, Andrea Sonnen (ODA) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 • 10:30a • Forklift Certification Training – Santiam Classroom (Advanced online SPECIAL SECTION December 6th, 2019 registration required, free with admission) Includes classroom, workbook written knowledge check verification followed by a driving evaluation. Program provided by Overton Safety Training and Pape Material Handlings. Class limited to 40, and is provided in English only, attendees must be able to test in English. • 10:30a –12:00p • CPR / Aed With Standard First Aid (Advanced online registration required and $35 fee) • 1:00p – 5:00p • Train The Trainer Forklift Course - Details Online • 1:00p – 2:00p • Standard First Aid (Advanced online registration required & $15 fee) Forklift Certification Training – 10:30a.m THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Santiam Building Classroom • 10:30a -12:30p • (2 CORE credits) Ad Space Deadline is th. o N vember 8 The West is one of the most productive regions for livestock in the United States. This creates a lucrative market for businesses whose products and services include: • Animal Health • Feed • Livestock • Trucks • Trailers • And Much More! • ATV’s • Haying Equipment Get ahead of your competition by advertising in this special section, reaching Capital Press Ag Weekly print and online readers. Contact Your Sales Rep Today or Call 800-882-6789. Worker Protection Standard, What Does It Look Like On Your Farm, Kaci Buhl Pesticide Fate In Off-target Environment And Mitigation Measures, Jeff Jenkins • 12:30p-2p Lunch Break • on own, concessions available • 2:00p-4:00p (2 CORE credits) Oregon Agriculture Current Issues And Lesson Learned 2019, Andrea Sonnen (ODA) A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR 2019 WILLAMETTE VALLEY AG EXPO SPONSORS: • Ag Chains Plus • Ag West Supply • Boshart Trucking • Coastal Farm • Complete Wireless • Doerfler Farms • Fastline, Sponsor • Farmland Tractor • Ground & Water • Les Schwab Tires • NW 94 Sales For information about sessions or presenters please contact: Jill Ingalls • 800-208-2168 147773-1 • Nutrien Ag Solutions • Northwest Farm Credit Service CORE • Oregonians for Food & Shelter Pesticide • OR Health Insurance Marketplace Training • Pacific Health & Safety Sponsor • Overton Safety Training • Pape Machinery • Peterson Machinery • Sunbelt Rentals • And thank you to the following Dine Around Oregon sponsors: • Reed Anderson Ranches • Manning Farms • Oregon Dairy Women Linn County Fair & Expo Center For Expo updates, follow us on Facebook! 3700 Knox Butte Rd . I-5 @ Exit 234 • Albany, OR (20 Minutes South of Salem) S136874-1