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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 2019)
March 08, 2019 25 911 Hay Equip. 907 Nursery Equip. & Supplies New Holland 2450 wind- rower, cab, $18,000. USED NURSERY Touchet, WA. 509-730- CONTAINERS: Used, but reusable nurs- 1119 ery containers. All sizes. Hesston 1365 swather, Inventory changes daily. 15’ cut steel on steel, Call for current availabil- $9500 OBO. 2012 Twin ity and prices. Sawyer star G2 rakes, $17,500 Farms, Scio OR. 503- OBO. Pequea 1720 769-3417, wheel rakes, $5500 OBO. Scio, OR. 503- (also wanted: used con- 930-2738 tainers) 908 Garden, Turf, Yard Equip. 2007 Toro GroundMaster 3500D Mower: 2500 hours, (3) 28” Decks, Diesel, Hydrostatic. Asking $9500. Sandy, OR. Call Pepe 503-544-3232, Pat 503-407-9062 Lawn and tree truck: 3 separate spraying sys- tems for lawn, trees and general weed control. Salmon, ID. 208-993- 3772 TURFTEQ Power Broom: like new, with dethatch attachment, used to de- thatch turf, also great for snow removal, street sweeping or cleaning multiple textured surfac- es, $3500. Dallas, OR. 503-576-0441 Hyster H155XL: Perkins Diesel, New Higginbotham Hay Squeeze, $39,750. Prineville, OR. 503-209- 5852 New Holland 580 baler, 2009, good shape, ex- tended bale chamber, field ready, $15,000. St. Paul, OR. 503-349-5853 HAZELNUT SIZER. Great pre-sizer for extra small varieties! Steel frame and drum. 14mm and 16mm hole size. 3 phase motor. Overall height 10’6”. Stand 4’x9’10”. Drum 4’x10’ about 5 foot each section, $2500. Lynden, WA. 360-988- 9240 Roterra Lely 6’: Good shape, great for leveling vineyards & ber- ry fields, $2,500. Forest Grove, OR. Thomas 503-502-4380 911 Hay Equip. One year access to Capital Press Print delivery once a week plus 24/7/365 delivery to your device. Print Capital Press Ag Weekly is written for the Northwest region’s Ag Community Website 2013 New Holland Round Baler: BR7090, excellent condition, stored inside, auto wrap, good tires, well maintained, twine only, $20,500. Jordan Valley, OR. 541-586-2822 2007 New Holland H8080, 15.9’ HD750 header, 1,507 hours. Excellent condition, $38,000 OBO. Amity, OR. 503-835-2322 Attention: Wanted Kubota or John Deere, 4x4 com- pact tractor with loader/ equipment. Carlton, OR. 503-550-0094 Mint Harvest Equip- ment: Thompsett plant- er, similar to Newhouse, $5000. John Deere 3970 chopper includes 5th wheel dolly, $12,000. Distilling equipment also available. Monroe, OR. 541-554-1302, 541- 729-7579, 541-729-9208 WANTED: International Model 700 mold board plow, 7 or 8 bottoms. Merrill, OR. 541-891- 9809 Two year old Kubota B2320, 4 WD, narrow, with 4 foot wide rototiller, 105 hours, Well main- tained and clean, tires almost brand new. Been kept garaged most of the time, $12,500. Fossil, OR. 541-993-5994 3020 John Deere tractor, cab, p/s with Twin Star 2027 rakes. Excellent condition, $14,000 both. Touchet, WA. 509-730- 1119 WANTED: John Deere 2755 diesel tractor, 4wd. 503-393-4926, 503-510- 3566 Looking for Go to Class. 570 2015 “ON TARGET” ELECTROSTATIC OVER THE ROW 2007 New Holland H8080, VINEYARD SPRAYER Dealer Locator 1-800-214-2248 Harrisburg, OR Capital Press Discount 10-4/100 914 Potato/ New Holland 580 bal- Sugar Beet Equip. er, excellent shape, $14,000. Touchet, WA. Complete garlic har- 509-730-1119 vesting equipment set New Holland 1095 Bale up: all in excellent con- Wagon: 3 tie bale chute dition and field ready. (3) and Mil-Stak bale clamp, Newhouse GD300 garlic stored under cover, 5025 diggers, $7000 each. hours, good condition, Double LL garlic load- $52,000 OBO. Dallas, er, $13,500. Hesston 1160 hydro swing topper, OR. 503-580-8943 $3500. Madras, OR. Call Gene 541-280-6977 or email: 920 Tractors Berry Harvesters Ready for the 2019 Berry Season! Townsend Farms, Inc. has 5 Korvan Harvesters for sale in Fairview, OR. •(3) 1997 Diesel OXBO/ Korvan 9400 series for $15,500 each. •(2) 1996 Diesel Quad head OXBO/ Korvan 9000 Series for $16,500 each. All harvesters have been gone through and are field ready. For more in- formation please contact Jim at 971-563-4723 John Deere 950 4WD: 1 owner, always stored under cover, full set front weights, remote hydrau- lics, AgriTech rear mount forks, excellent condi- tion, 1295 hours, $8600 OBO. North Plains, OR. 503-705-5833 Complete garlic har- vesting equipment set up: all in excellent con- dition and field ready. (3) Newhouse GD300 garlic diggers, $7000 each. Double LL garlic load- er, $13,500. Hesston 1160 hydro swing topper, John Deere 5520N $3500. Madras, OR. Call tractor, 4359 hours, cab, Gene 541-280-6977 or 2wd, $22,500. Brooks, email: OR. 503-991-6753 ATV sprayer 38’ working width: Good running Honda en- gine with foamer, floater tires, 110 gallon tank, $3000. Forest Grove, OR. Thomas 503-502- John Deere 2940 with 4380 heavy duty loader, forks, bucket, 2 new tires, air/ heat. 3500-4500 hours, $20,000. Crane, OR. 541-493-2479 (2 Rows), Excellent Condition, $18,000 509-301-6361 10-3/101 920 Tractors International 766: old- er cab, good tires, runs good, $5000 OBO. For- est Grove, OR. (503)310- 2524 John Deere 4020 trac- tor, duals included. Runs good, good condition, $10,000. Hermiston, OR. 541-667-7197 John Deere HI Clear- ance Mudder 7210. In- Harvester ternational Hydro 100 and 656. Ol- iver 1650, 4 WD, back- hoe with loader, sawdust bucket. Sublimity, OR. 503-769-7127 “Thanks! Very effective ad!” William Krieg • Portland, Ore. Call 1-800-882-6789 to advertise. John 3:16 DA#1878 Many other Branson models to choose from, up to 80HP. In stock now! Gervais, OR 503-981-8777 Bend (Tumalo) , OR: 541-389-9849 Ontario, OR: 541-889-4310 Covering Western & Eastern Oregon, Washington & Idaho • 10-2/100 1-800-781-3214 (3) John Deere A400 Swathers: approximate- ly 1200-1400 hours, $55,000/ each. Lovelock, NV. 775-742-2233 New And Used Parts: for all models New Hol- land bale wagons. Larg- est Inventory in North America. Sod Busters Sales, Polson, MT. 877- 735-2108 or 406-883- 2118 • Always Best Service guaranteed. • A variety of newsletters with the latest top ag stories sent straight to your inbox each week. • 24 HP Diesel Engine • 1060 lb. Front Loader Full Height Lift Capacity • Gear Drive Transmission • 87.6” Loader Lift Height at Pivot Pin • Dual Hydraulic Pumps • Differential Lock • Cast Iron Rear End and Transmission Housing • Two-Speed Rear PTO • Four Year Drive Train Warranty • Available Backhoe in stock Sale price good through March 31, 2019. • Always lowest prices guaranteed. • E-mail Newsletters Marvin 24’ Vari-Trac land plane, $10,500 . Escalon, CA. 209-480-1334 750 Willmar, excellent shape, new ag lead- er system, SS pipes, valves, skinny tires, fat tires, new double spin- ner, double chain fertil- izer box, $65,000 OBO. Sheridan, OR. 503-434- 7692 John Deere 9600, good condition: with a Rahco leveling system in comes with 930 wheat header and cart, $24,000 OBO. Sheridan, OR. 503-434- 7692 John Deere 8820 Titan II, brand new steel frame and sieves, excellent shape, $13,000 OBO. Sheridan, OR. 503-434- 7692 John Deere 8220: 190HP, MFWD, 620-42 duals, $55,000. Amity, OR. 503-435-7504 10” Powermatic table saw, Accu-Fence, 3 hp, $1750 OBO. Mt Angel, OR. 503-991-1361 Like new: Yeoman plow, Key Line Plow. 3x26” shanks, 3x18” coulters, gauge wheels, cross arm Massey Ferguson Trac- crumble roller, $12,500. tor: model 2675, good Fossil, OR. 541-993- tires, cab, needs work, 5994 $2800 OBO. Tillamook, OR. 503-842-6954, 503- 801-1957 923 Farm Equipment • 2010 New Holland H9880 bale wagon, se- rial #YAG650254, 1400 hours, 12,500 miles. More photos on request, $120,000. Othello, WA. 509-989-0305 John Deere 1600: 25’ Chisel Plow, 42” shanks, 3” twisted chisels, chrome tips, $10,500. Escalon, CA. 209-480- 1334 transmission, new front tires, new main hydrau- lic pump, and new turbo, 6000 hours. Excellent condition, $80,000. Sa- lem, OR. area. 503-910- 2277 E-edition An exact pixel copy of Capital Press. Easy to use - stories don’t jump to other pages. Easy to share articles via social media or e-mail. 1999 John Deere 9610: 1850 separator hours, contour master feed- er house, chrome rasp bar, straw chopper, satellite bin extension, 4WD, 23.1-26 rears. front 900/65R32, Rice and Cane tires, 90%, barn stored, $45,000. Shelbourne Reynolds stripper header, RVS 20’ with 940 hours, $12,000. Escalon, CA. (209)480- 1334 LITTAU over row 2008 ORX, excellent condi- tion, 2500 hours. Ser- viced/ painted by Littau. FIELD READY, firm on price $100,000. Salem, Jacto J600 Cannon OR. 503-312-5395 Sprayer: lightly used, no fertilizer. Great condition, always stored inside, quick hitch ready, $9000 OBO. Auburn, WA. 253- 939-7666 TOM WALISER Emerald AG, LLC John Deere 7930: one 4013 Pepper Bridge Rd owner, one operator. IVT Walla Walla, WA 99362 High Clearance Spray- er: adjustable wheel width and boom height, 500 gallon stainless steel tank, 40’ hydrau- lic booms. Fertilizer Spreader, stainless steel box, 60” bed, 2 Sprocket Rollers, 3 section, 20’. Hydraulic High Dump Bank Out Trailer. Sub- limity, OR. 503-769-7127 22’ Cultimulcher John Deere flat fold, $15,500. 24’ John Deere field culti- 20’ & 40’ Storage Con- vator with rolling basket, tainers: WE WILL MEET $5,500. PUYALLUP, WA. OR BEAT ANYONE’S 253-961-4041 PRICE. Wind and weath- Rotary corrugator, 3 row, er Tight, Quality doors, $1000 OBO. Southwest floors, & hinges. Con- ID. 208-337-3821 tainer delivery extra fee. Viking Cargo Containers Inc. CALL or TEXT: 503-388-4540 usedcontainersforsale.NET 4955 John Deere: 6400 hours, good shape, $38,000. Castle Rock, WA. 360-749-4422 917-1-48-2/HOU Gophers • Squirrels (2) Hesston 4910 big Voles-Moles Ask for Your 9650 John Deere com- bine: 3772 engine hours, full Hillco Hillside, 4WD, John Deere 5 belt grass pick up header, $67,500. Financing Available. Sheridan, OR. (971)241- 0344 John Deere 7720 com- bines, with pick up head- ers, stored inside, both field ready. 1980 $6000, 1983 $7000. Madras, OR. 541-419-3534, 541- 815-9543 1-800-882-6789 or FAX 503-370-4383 RCO Baits news and ads are updated 5 days a week. 923 Farm Equipment could be yours! 416 16’ header, 924 hours. Excellent condition, $51,000 OBO. Amity, OR. 503-835-2322 New Holland 1068 Bale Wagon. Excellent Ford 460 gas. A/C works. New front brakes, carb rebuilt, fuel pump, start- er, alternator, ignition tune-up, clutch slave cyl- inder. Shedded, $15,500. Caldwell, ID. 208-867- WANTED: John Deere 9971 300 Twin Knife, 14’, header with conditioner. Call or text 541-659-4761 bailers: 17,500 bales, $20,000. 38,000 bales with hydraulic knotter fan, $15,000, Mesa, WA. 509-539-6432 923 Farm Equipment This AD space ORCHARD/ VINEYARD PROPERTY? New Holland HW320 3336 hour, 14 dou- ble sickle header, AC, Heat, radio. Runs Good $19,500. Ravendale, CA. 530-249-2974 Freeman 200T baler, Wisconsin engine, pull type. Good condition, $4500. Hermiston, OR. 541-667-7197 New Holland 1095 bale wagon, 6200 hours, new tires and wheels, new computer in Spring 2018, $53,000. Mesa, WA. 509-539-6432 920 Tractors 2015 JD40 sweeper, CASE IH MXM175: Good 6-1/2’ head, $25,000. Condition, good tires. Silverton, OR. 503-932- CASE TRACTOR 125A FARMALL With LOAD- 0766 ER: Good Condition, Good Tires. Prices TBD. Eagleville, CA. Massey Ferguson 2170 baler, no cutter, 46,545 bales, works great, just replaced with high den- sity, asking $35,000. Arbuckle, CA. Call 530- Exact Harvesting Systems Live Sprayer Demo this 681-5087 spring. Contact Paul Large Supply of Re- Denfeld. Hillsboro, OR. built New Holland Bale 503-804-6129 2011 Case IH Magnum Wagons: Also buying Pair of 1993 Coe fruit har- 260: MFWD, 19 speed New Holland bale wag- vesters: shaker and re- power shift transmission, ons. Sod Busters Sales, ceiving platforms, $25,000 suspended front axle, Polson, MT. 406-883- OBO. Forest Grove, OR. 3625 hours, $87,500. 2118 Cove, OR. 541-910-8024 503-593-6668 #1 Balewagons: Buy, John Deere 4430 Sell, New Holland 2&3 Tractor, $12,500. John wide self-propelled, pull- Deere 4630, FWD, du- type models, parts, tires, als, $17,500. Filer, ID. manuals. Caldwell, ID. 208-539-6550 208-880-2889 13’ Rears orchard flail, like new, $11,000. Silver- ton, OR. 503-932-0766 Newhouse bale chop- per discharge elevator, $350. Harrisburg, OR. 541-905-3137 Freeman 5300 Big Bale Wagon, $65,000. 2 Kro- ne 1290 balers, 3x4, $60,000 or $50,000. Sil- ver Lake, OR. 541-480- 3371 917 Orchard/ Vineyard Equip. John Deere 9600 com- bine, 3700 engine hours, 2800+- separator hours. Small grains machine. Chaff spreader, straw chopper, 914P 7 belt pickup header, $28,000. Ellensburg, WA. 509- 929-2879 Kohler 9200 Generator Welder: 6000w AC pow- er, 50200a DC weld, 5 gallon air tank, electric start, $7500 Plus ship- ping. Keno, OR. 541-274- 9920 1999 MacDon 9300, 14’ 932 auger header, 1724 hours, $27,500. Twinstar 2030 hay rake, $15,250. 2001 Premier 2952, 14’ 933 auger header, 2100 hours, $32,500. 2016 Case IH Magnum 340, 1980 hours, $188,500. McMinnville, OR. 503- 857-3170 New Holland 790 for- age harvester, with grass head, field ready. John Deere 894 side delivery hay rake. Cathlamet, WA. Call for prices 360- 431-6488 24’ Hiniker Cultivator: with harrow and hitch, $2500. 13’ S tine culti- vator, with harrow and hitch, $1500. 5 bottom John Deere Plow, $500. IH 84 Hydro TRACTOR, $4200. Cornelius, OR. 503-793-8231, 503-616- 0148 28,000 lbs, 14 gauge, soft wire, new, $.50/ pound. 4000 Metal line posts for grapes, new $4/ each. Sheridan, OR. WANTED: John Deere 300 Twin Knife, 14’, 2003 Case IH Patriot 971-241-0344 header with conditioner. SPX 3200: 5308 hours, Call or text 541-659-4761 auto boom height, 90’ boom, 5 way nozzle bod- ies, with Capstan 650/65/ R38 tires, 5.9 liter Cum- mins, runs and sprays excellent. Well cared for John Deere 995 5 bot- (2) 60 gallon 3 point machine, $54,000. Nez- tom on-land switch sprayers: both with hand- perce, ID. Call for more plow, $10,500. Case IH guns, hoses, and boom- details. 208-791-4418 155 4 bottom on-land rollover plow, $3,900. Vibrashank 19’ field cul- tivator, $2,100. Salem, OR. 503-580-3935 less nozzles. 1 has 25’ booms with foam mark- ers, boom solenoids. Salmon, ID. 208-993- 3772 MacDon swather 9200 with 14’ 932 auger head- er, 2300 hours. Good shape, $17,900. Turner, OR. 503-932-6080