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4 November 2, 2018 National FFA officer team includes two reps from the West Leaders elected at National FFA Convention & Expo By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press Growing up in Bend, Ore., Shea Booster was such a chat- ty kid he earned himself the nickname “motormouth.” “I was never shy,” Booster said. “Every time I met some- one new, I just loved to talk to them.” That outgoing personali- ty is part of what led Booster to join FFA as a freshman at Mountain View High School, and later serve as Oregon FFA state president in 2016-17. On Oct. 27, Booster was one of six leaders elected to the na- tional FFA officer team during the organization’s annual con- vention in Indianapolis, as the western region vice president. Over the next year, Boost- er, 21, will spend more than 300 days traveling across the country and overseas to Japan, speaking to local FFA chap- ters, farmers and legislators and spreading the good word about agriculture education. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect gig. “I’m super excited,” Boost- er said. “It still hasn’t really sank in yet.” Booster is not a traditional FFA student. He was not raised on a farm or ranch. He didn’t spend summers milking cows or driving combine. But that is the beauty of FFA, he said — in 1988, the “Future Farmers of America” officially changed its name to the National FFA Organization, reflecting its goal to be accepting and inclu- sive to all youth. Today, the National FFA Organization has nearly 670,000 members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with local chapters in 24 of the 25 largest U.S. cities. “The FFA has been a highly diversifying and inclusive or- ganization,” Booster said. “It has always made that a prior- ity.” Back in high school, Boost- er said FFA was the one place he felt he could truly be him- self. He took immediately to National FFA Organization The 2018-19 national FFA officer team. From left are Luke O’Leary, president, California; Layni LeBlanc, secretary, Louisiana; Shea Booster, Western region vice president, Oregon; Jordan Stowe, Southern region vice president, Alabama; Ridge Hughbanks, Cen- tral region vice president, Oklahoma; and Adrian Schunk, Eastern region vice president, Michigan. the group, making it a person- al rule of thumb to try a new career development event every year. “I was the agriculture rook- ie,” he said. “Any time I had the opportunity to try some- thing new, I would.” Booster graduated from Mountain View in 2016, and is now a sophomore at Oregon State University majoring in agricultural business manage- ment, with a double minor in communications and Spanish. He will return to campus from Indianapolis on Nov. 1 and wrap up his classes by Thanks- giving before heading back for training with the national FFA officer team on Nov. 24. The 2018-19 officers also include Luke O’Leary, of San Luis Obispo, Calif., who was Eggert family buys Willamette Valley Cheese Co. For the Capital Press The Chuck Eggert family, which last year sold Tuala- tin, Ore.-based Pacific Foods to Campbell Soup Co. for a reported $700 million, has purchased Willamette Valley Cheese Co. of Salem in a move that will take the cheese com- pany organic and considerably increase its production volume. Charlie Eggert, farm man- ager for the Eggert family’s four dairies, said the purchase “seemed like a good partner- ship for us with our dairies and the kinds of things we are try- ing to do to create jobs in the Willamette Valley.” “We are just interested in keeping good things around and we’ve always had a lot of respect for Willamette Valley Cheese and the products they create,” he said. Under terms of the sale, Willamette Valley Cheese Co.’s Rod Volbeda will stay on as facilities manager and cheese maker at the Salem location. “The idea of staying the same and doing what we’ve al- ways done and then transition- ing to organic just made me get excited again,” Volbeda said. “It was getting hard going by myself,” he said when asked why he sold. “The debt load I had was getting up there, and I’m at the age where I need to slow down a little bit.” Volbeda, 53, said the com- pany will continue produc- ing its line of award-winning cheeses, including Creamy Ha- varti, Eola Jack, Fontina, Gou- da and Cheddar, and will con- tinue operating its tasting room just west of Salem at 8105 Wal- lace Road NW. He declined to give a dollar amount of the sale, but said he was satisfied with the terms. “They gave me a very good job to run this facility and their plan is to build more small cheese operations, and I’m hoping to be involved in that.” Willamette Valley Cheese Co.’s volume is expected to in- crease five-fold under the new ownership, he said, from its current 10,000 pounds a week to 50,000 pounds once the tran- sition is complete. “It is still going to be sin- gle-herd milk supply,” he said. “It is just the cows will not be on this facility, so we will not be farmstead.” Willamette Valley Cheese Co. sold the last of its cows two months ago and has been purchasing milk from Darigold since. That arrangement will stay in place for the near future, according to Eggert. “We haven’t made the transition yet (to supplying the cheese company’s milk),” Eggert said. “We are work- ing on the details and going through the process with Or- egon Tilth on what it is going to take to turn organic and use our milk. “We don’t have any plans right now as far as when the changeover will take place, but that will ultimately be our goal,” he said. “It is a compli- cated process and we have nev- er made organic cheese, so we are going to learn as we go.” By LEE JUILLERAT For the Capital Press The number of calves killed in the Fort Klamath area by the Rogue Wolf Pack now totals four. Officials from the Or- egon Department of Fish and Wildlife, who over last weekend confirmed the kill- ings of three yearlings found over a three-day period last week, Tuesday confirmed a fourth dead calf that was found Friday morning was killed by wolves. The three other dead calves were found three different days last week on Wood River Valley ranch lands owned by Bill Nichol- son that are leased to DeTar Livestock of Dixon, Calif. The fourth was discovered Friday on neighboring land owned by Roger Nicholson, Bill Nicholson’s cousin. Tom Collum, wildlife bi- ologist for ODF&W’s Klam- ath Falls office, said person- nel are taking turns camping in a field near the Nicholson Ranch where they are using non-lethal methods, includ- ing sirens, large bonfires, strobe lights and the firing of cracker shells, to try to deter wolves. “We’re just trying to em- ploy some different hazing devices,” Collum said. One camper reported All are welcome to join us in Corvallis, Oregon, Friday & Saturday, November 16th & 17th, 2018. SPONSORED BY: If you grow or feed hay, work with livestock, manage pasture or have interest in the science and human energy that goes into the sward or bale, this is the gathering for you! Interact with the Northwest’s finest hay growers, livestock managers, forage seed producers, Extension educators and researchers, agricultural consultants, and livestock farmers. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH • 8:30AM - 4:30PM AT GUERBER HALL Benton County Fairgrounds, 110 SW 53rd, Corvallis, OR 97333 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: Valuing Alfalfa from a Nutrient Perspective Steve Norberg, Forage and Cropping Systems, Regional Specialist WSU Extension Hay Market Perspective and Input Drivers Jon Driver, Industy Analyst, Farm Credit Services NW Pittsburgh synagogue shooting during the president’s speech at the convention. “I haven’t even really heard the full story yet,” O’Leary said. Rounding out the leader- ship team is Layni LeBlanc, an animal science-science and technology major at Lou- isiana State University, who was elected national secretary; Adrian Schunk, a communica- tions major at Michigan State University, who was elected eastern region vice president; Ridge Hughbanks, an agri- business major at Oklahoma State University, who was elected central region vice president; and Jordan Stowe, agriscience education major at Auburn University, who was elected southern region vice president. Both Booster and O’Leary said they are eager to see how FFA is continuing to develop students across all corners of the country. “FFA truly focuses on de- veloping students,” Booster said. “Being a part of FFA, you get to see youth that is just supremely confident.” Wolves blamed for fourth dead calf in a week near Fort Klamath Fall Forage Festival 2018 Storing Hay - What is the Cost to Quality? Glenn Shewmaker, Extension Forage Specialist, University of Idaho Overcoming Current Challenges, Identifying Opportunites Statewide Producer Round Table HAY KING CONTEST • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, 9AM An extravaganza of hay, from many At the Oldfield Animal Teaching different farms, will be assessed Facility, 3521 SW Campus Way, visually and compared to chemical Corvallis, OR 97333. Parking & analysis of nutrient content and Admission for no additional digestability. The judges will keep you charge on Saturday. enthralled! In cooperation with To enter your hay go to: OSU Extension Service & OSU Agricultural Experiment Station. 44-2/106 By MITCH LIES elected the highest rank of any FFA officer as national president. O’Leary previously served as California FFA pres- ident in 2017-18, and is now studying agriculture leadership and development with a minor in political science at Texas A&M University. Like Booster, O’Leary, 20, does not come from an agri- cultural background, though he does remember spending summers on his grandfather’s cattle ranch in Grant County, Ore. His first class at San Luis Obispo High School was ag- ricultural sciences, which he said only reinforced his pas- sion for production agricul- ture. “It was right from the start of freshman year that I was hooked,” O’Leary said. Being chosen national FFA president was an incredible ex- perience, O’Leary said, made only more surreal by what happened just before the elec- tion. O’Leary’s father, Thom, the lead pastor at a nondenom- inational Christian church in San Luis Obispo, was called by President Donald Trump to lead a prayer in the wake of the Deadline is Friday, November 2nd. Register by email to Jerome Magnuson: Include Fall Forage Festival 2018 in the subject. Indicate name(s) and affiliation. Friday registration of $30 is payable by check or cash at the door on November 16th. No charge for students with valid ID. 44-1/100 Courtesy of Bill Nicholson Attacked by wolves, this beef cow died in a ditch. hearing howling and dis- tressed bawling about 1:30 a.m. Friday, but no noise has been reported in recent nights. Remote cameras are be- ing used to help track pos- sible movement and five traps have been set in hopes of capturing wolves so they can be collared with tracking devices. Efforts at tracking wolf movements have been frustrated because none of the Rogue Pack wolves, in- cluding OR-7, have operat- ing collars. Nicholson said the num- ber of wolves in the valley is uncertain because one cam- era picked up six, including OR-7, while five were seen by another camera in a near- by field at about the same time. OR-7 has a collar but it no longer works. In 2016, when four graz- ing cattle were attacked and eaten alive by wolves, ODF&W and other game biologists also stayed over- night in an effort to deter wolf predation. At the time, one wolf had an operating collar that helped track the pack’s movements. On Saturday, when ODF&W biologists visited the Nicholson ranch, it was determined one calf had been attacked and was bleeding when it was dragged 500 feet to a ditch, where it died. Until last week it was be- lieved the Rogue Pack was on the west side of the Cas- cade Range. In September it was determined a large dog guarding cattle near Prospect had been killed by a wolf. Before the recent killing, the last confirmed cattle attacks by the Rogue Pack were in January, when two calves were killed two days apart near Butte Falls. LEGAL CHERRY AVENUE STORAGE 2680 Cherry Ave. NE Salem, OR 97301 (503) 399-7454 AUCTION SAT., NOV. 10TH, 2018 at 10 A.M. Unit AS-118 Unit 132 Unit 218 Regan A Liddle Savannah Johnson Advanced Recovery Corp. Unit 220-C Frias Construction Unit 173 Sandra Patty Unit 3 Shana Sullivan Unit 169 David Holmes Unit 11 Kevin Keller Unit 138/AS-72 Norma Palacios CherryAvenue Storage reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. 43-2-1/999