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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 2018)
20 August 31, 2018 804 Building Materials The Capital Press sales team Don’t Replace is here to Your Metal Roof. it! serve you! Repair Rust control, stops leaks. 805 Farm Buildings 804 Building Materials Used Treated and Un- treated Glulam Beams: many sizes up to 65’ long. Portland, OR. 503- 936-9414 • Real knowledge • Real people • Real results! White reflective or colored top coats. 503-881-1946 360-727-3500 1-800-882-6789 30’x40’x10’ Starting at $16,000 Pole Buildings: includes 2 garage doors and a personal door. Phillips Construction and Fencing, LLC. Serving all Idaho Falls through Twin Falls through McCall Ida- ho. 208-604-3844 35-3/106 9109 N. Wilbur Ave., Portland, OR 1-800-875-9668 • Fax (503) 286-8627 31-5-1/103 (503) 285-1907 Greg Hains AGRICULTURAL • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL METAL ROOFING & SIDING Call for Current Pricing! (541) 632-4260 795 S. 2 ND ST., HARRISBURG, OR Carl Bamford S Willamette Valley SW & Central Oregon (541) 521-9008 cbamford@ 805 Farm Buildings Steel Sales Inc. Since 1982 National Accounts, California, W Nevada 1-800-882-6789 ghains@ 805 Farm Buildings One year access to Capital Press Get all your agricultural and natural resources news in one place. 31-5-3/109 JUHR CONSTRUCTION CORP. 503-658-2306 PRE-ENGINEERED ALL STEEL BUILDINGS Print delivery once a week plus 24/7/365 delivery to your device. EXCLUSIVE Visit us on the web at 1-800-882-6789 FAX 503-658-0599 • BB#88367 Martin Cisneros Pole Buildings & Concrete: Shops, garages, arenas, hay storage. Agriculture/ Residential, additions and repairs. Serving Oregon CCB# 135771. Licensed, bonded and insured. Excellent refer- ences. 503-375-9273 or 503-507-2847 Barns/ Shops 725+ Completed Proj- ects and References. 48 years. Scheduling for October. Al Fromherz Construction. Visit Face- book or call 503-931- 9585 Dallas, OR. CCB#44178 821 Christmas Trees Wanted: Overgrown Christmas Tree Fields for Noble Fir Boughs. Top dollar paid. Honest. 503- 348-5902 35-2/103 Stacey Righter Portland (Eastside), Columbia River Gorge & W Washington (503) 871-7956 srighter@ Superior Building Manufacturing Inc. can help ease your mind by: • Providing a quick payback of 5 to 7 years compared to tarping • Reducing the loss of bottom and top bales due to water damage • Reduction of labor by not having to uncover and recover stacks • Knowing your bales will be in the same condition you originally stored them Superior Building Manufacturing Inc. offers Engineered buildings in many different sizes. Engineered sizes available are: • 41’,51’,63’,72’,80’ wide buildings by length of your choice. • Full professional construction or easy to construct yourself 2284 Rd. 3 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837 • All buildings are designed and engineered Phone: 509.764.8543 to meet your local wind and snow loading Fax: 509.764.8545 in your area 32-4-3/104 Hazelnut Seedlings NURSERY GROWN KAISER STEEL BUILDINGS, LLC Christmas Trees Want- ed: Noble Fir, Nordmann, Grand Fir, Natural No- ble Fir for boughs and Christmas Tress. CASH PAID. Will maintain and harvest. Portland, OR. 503-975-8733 Hazelnut Trees: McDon- ald, Jefferson, Yamhill, Wepster, York, Eta, The- ta, Felix. Dayton, OR. 503-864-4422 Wepster and McDonald tie off trees. Ready No- vember/ December. Very vigorous. Taking orders, $6. McMinnville, OR. 503-437-0192 ALFALFA SEED $2.70/LB. Alfalfa Seed, $2.70/ lb., Dormancy 4. Tests well with great persistence and winter hardiness. Inoculated in 50 lb. bags. Kuna, ID. Contact Dave 208-890-1066 or Jessica 208-761-2720 or email seed@davereynoldsfarms. com • MOBILE Hello, We are a local family looking to buy your Christmas Trees. Need approx 3000 Noble and Nordmann Fir, and we can pay cash too. Thank you. 503-880-5820 UPDATES Jefferson Hazelnut Trees: We are currently taking orders for Jefferson ha- zelnut starts. They will be ready this December- January we have Eta and Theta pollinators also. Trees will be $5 each for Jefferson and $6 each for the pollinators. Leba- non, OR. Call or text Tim 541-409-6751 824 Seed • E-PAPER • EMAIL Blueberry (20 variet- ies), Raspberry, Marion, Boysen, Currant, Grape, Kiwi, Strawberry Plants. Canby, OR. 503-730- 4788 EMERALD GREEN ARBORVITAE: rooted cuttings and 2-1/4”, liners available. Forest Grove, OR. Call 503-359-7540 Hedge & Border Vari- eties: Leyland Cypress, Green Giant, Arborvitae, and Laurels. Excellent for road and proper- ty barriers. Severson Farms, Springfield, OR. Call 541-228-6085 Quality VNS Alfalfa Seed: $2.00/ lb. Kreg- gers, Touchet, WA. Chris 509-394-2400 • NEWSPAPER • WEB 822 Nursey Stock - Plants Looking for a farm or ranch? VISIT 503-799-3842 Paul 33-4-2/106 • Uncovering and recovering stacks to load trucks? • Bales lost due to leaking covers? NW Oregon, N Willamette Valley (503) 871-7957 severs@ 822 Nursey Stock - Plants Potted - $ 4.50 ea. Are you tired of: Stefani Evers Approximately 30 Acres of Overgrown Noble Firs: looking for bough buyers in Salem, OR area. Possible Long Term Lease. Price negotiable. 503-580-1483 Greenbriar Ag Manage- ment Offering Profes- sional Christmas Tree Services: Experienced, quality work, planting through harvesting, stump grinding. Sales, brokering, licensed & bonded contractor. Farm & Forest Labor License #10628 Stayton, OR. 503-932-2323 Wanted: 3000 Noble, 6’-7’, 7’-8’, 3000 Nordmann, 6’-7’, 7’-8’, 500 Natural Noble up to 10’, Cash paid. Will maintain and harvest. Vancouver WA. 360-513-7822 Cash Paid. Top Prices. Christmas Tree Fields. Any Condition. Oregon, Wash- ington. 503-873-6774, 503-551-5809 Buyer - Looking for 2 truckloads of large 9’-15’ NOBLE, GRAND and NORDMAN. No problem picking up some other smaller types to sweet- en the deal. Have own trucking. 858-344-0979 Attention Christmas Tree Growers: Com- plete management ser- vices available. Planting, cultivation and harvest- ing. Also, sales avail- able. High quality work, Bare Root Licensed and bonded, Hazelnut Trees: backed by 50 years ex- perience, BTN of Salem, We have up to (20,000) bare root Yamhill ha- OR. 503-881-8610 zelnut trees that will be ready for 2018- 2019 planting. Along with: Doris, York, McDonald, Sacajawea and Webster for pollenizors. Sherfy Farms, Albany, OR. 541- WANTED: Do you or any- 979-7739 one you know have over- grown noble fir trees, any size, unsheared? Seek- ing noble fir boughs for wreath production. Pay TOP $$$! We harvest 100%. References avail- able. Thanks! Hillsboro, OR. 503-348-2206 UNLIMITED • Agricultural • Recreational • Industrial Building in Oregon Since 1946 INSTANT BRAND NEW 100’x100’ Never Constructed Steel Building, great custom specs, engineered for bridge crane. Same building spec’d today: $200,000+. Buy now: $120,000. La Grande, OR. 208-791-9959 821 Christmas Trees Pasture Seed $1.25/ lb. Lawn Seed $1/ lb. Wheat Straw $100/ ton. Grass hay $120/ ton. Wheat $6/ bag. Rickreall, OR. 503- 623-6922 Common vetch, cereal rye, cover crop and na- tive seed. Albany, OR. Call/ text: 541-905-2111 TriCal FX-1000 Winter Beardless Triticale The newest and BEST Available Arrowhead Seed 541-281-4500 1-800-882-6789 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING IN IN CAPITAL CAPITAL PRESS PRESS IS IS A A Laine Barth Since 1963 • F.O.B. our plant, Eugene, OR For information call or write 800-882-6789 (541) 688-0141 30025 Kaiser Ave., Eugene, OR 97402 WWW.KSBUILDINGSLLC.COM EOW-Alt. JoAnn Vanderwey 822 Nursey Stock - Plants CALL TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD 1-800-882-6789 35-1/100 FAX (503) 370-4383 49 Years of Manufacturing Excellence Buy Factory Direct! 35-1/100 E Washington N Idaho 509-319-0743 lbarth@ 35-1/106 824 Seed SW Idaho, NE Nevada & SE Oregon (208) 880-4334 jvanderwey@ DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: Weds. @ 10AM 503-364-4798 FAX 503-364-2692 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED LINE ADS: Weds. @ Noon 503-364-4431 FAX 503-370-4383 866-454-1800 • 208-454-1800 35-1/108 1-800-882-6789 34-4-3/106