August 24, 2018 27 923 Farm Equipment Heavy Duty Mulituse Conveyor: 15’, with tow hitch. Woodburn, OR. 503-982-1710AC Wanted: small 2 speed gear box with reverse, 6”x8”x8”. 208-423-4806, 208-539-1264 WANTED: used 50 or 100 gallon Rears 3 point sprayer. 360-892-8248 John Deere 925 drapper header with cart, brand new belts last season, shedded, $17,000. Cald- well, ID. Brennan 208- 989-1952 3S 4000 HD Great Plains drills: 2014; 40’; 7.5” spacing, electric clutches, 500 gallon starter tank with mani- fold system installed by Wilbur-Ellis. New blades and seed tubes installed June 2017. Stored inside while not being used. $57,000. LaCrosse, WA. 509-595-3329 John Deere HX20 Mow- er: 2008. Less than 300 Acres. Stored inside. Only mowed grain stub- ble. Excellent condition. New $28K. $18,000. LaCrosse, WA. 509-595- 3329 2003 Komatsu 150 Back- hoe, less than 2500 hours, $28,500. Saint Anthony, ID. 208-351- 1068 Lely 1250, 3 point fertil- izer spreader, 19.4 cu.ft. 1300 lbs, serial #907- 0875, $3350 OBO. Leb- anon, OR. 541-990-8233 T600 Allis Chalmers loader, backhoe, tractor: runs great, everything works, asking $4500. Gaston, OR. 503-351- 8454 RANCHER RETIRING: 20’ Circle J aluminum cattle trailer. 1986 Ford 700 20’ flatbed. 690B John Deere excava- tor. Apache 16’ big bale feeder and MORE ranch equipment. West of Cor- vallis, OR. Call 541-270- 7717 WANTED: Allis- Chalm- ers All-Crop combine. Willing to pay good mon- ey for a machine in good working order, $5,000. Will to travel for good machine. 360-789-4689 1997 Ag Bag bagger M10000, 4871 hours, 12’ tunnel, Cat engine, new clutch 2 years ago, ser- viced with John Deere oil, well maintained, clean machine, 1 owner, $99,500 OBO. Nyssa, OR. 541-372-5303, 208- 741-6850 2017 Gold Digger tile plow: 4”, 6”, 8” boots, $23,000. Silverton, OR. 503-932-0766 Botec 4041 feed mixer wagon. New Holland 790 forage harvester. John Deere 894 side delivery hay rake. Cath- lamet, WA. Call for prices 360-431-6488 28’ JD & Sons heavy harrow, CAT G25 wheat header with cart, Hes- ston 6650 & 6550 14’ windrowers with extra headers and parts. John Deere 8820 Titan II com- bine with heavy duty rasp cylinder and Schwerin concaves, John Deere 912 pickup header with seed recovery blower, converted 16’ Massy Fer- guson wheat header and lots of parts. 1000 gallon gas tank wth pump, John Deere ROPS. Halsey, OR. 541-369-2992, 541- 521-3080 or Serving the Pacific Northwest Since 1973 Tillamook, OR Kuhn-Knight NUHN MEYER HAGEDORN 2015 Mil-Stack PT 2014 less than 20,000 bales stacked. Excel- lent shape. Can pick up 3x3, 3x4 and 4x4 bales, $73,000. North Powder, OR. 541-898-2889 • CUSTOM BUILT FLATBEDS • RUGBY RANCHER FLATBEDS - IN STOCK! • SERVICE BODIES • DUMP BEDS • TOOLBOXES • RECEIVER HITCHES • GOOSENECK HITCHES • TRAILER SERVICE AND REPAIR • TRUCK ACCESSORIES John Deere 9600 com- bine: rasp bar, field ready, chopper, 212 pick- up header, 3735 separa- tor hours, shed stored, well maintained. New Rubber Clover Concave, hill fan kit, $32,000 OBO Forest-Grove, OR. 503- 887-6597 15881 Robber Place, Caldwell, Idaho 83607 208-459-0646 NEW Kuhn Knight SL124 Slinger & 1140 box spreader... NEW Kubota RA 2584 rake, 24’11”-27’7”...................CALL NEW Gehl R220 skid steer ... ..........................................CALL NEW Kuhn-Knight MDS 12.1M fertilizer spreader, 3 pt. . .........................................CALL NEW Land Pride 4’ - 8’ mowers.............................CALL NEW Land Pride 10’ trail behind cutter....................CALL Case 995, 65hp, 2WD...$4,500 Ford 5000, 64PTO HP, manual. ........................................$6,000 John Deere 40C crawler, blade, winch, restored, low hrs...$8,500 Cat 910 articulating loader, tight unit, SN6857......$16,500 New Holland L35 skid steer loader, news hystrostat work. ......................................$1,000 Kuhn FC303GC moco, 9’10”, 6-disc............................$13,000 Kuhn FC4000G moco, 13’....... .....................................$15,000 Woods R107-2 7’ pasture clipper, 3pt....................$1,000 John Deere 413 4’ pasture cutter................................$500 Botec 4063 4-auger mixer wagon, 630 cu. ft. Make Offer Kuhn Knight 4052, 4-high roughage auger mixer wagon.. ....................................SPECIAL Kuhn Knight PS150 3-beater spreader.......$13,500 New Holland 3118 slinger, 16 yd., flotation...........$7,500 Terra Nova C250 8.5’ tiller... .....................................$3,750 Don’t See It? 1998 JOHN DEERE 9510 SIDEHILL COMBINE Extremely nice. Through shop and ready to go. 3360 sep. hours. Nice 925R head included. $59,900 New Holland 1010 Small Bale Stack Wagon. Good working condition........ ....................................................$2,700 2008 John Deere 3320 Compact Utility Tractor, 516 low hours, MFWD, loader.........................$18,900 John Deere 305 Fairway Mower. Runs and cuts, 4002 hours........$4,500 2012 Verminator Burrow Building Machine. Very nice...................$2,950 Verminator Burrow Building Machine, less than 50 acres. Set up for Cat 2/3N quick hitch............$3,500 1991 Case IH 5410 Tractor, 108 HP, MFWD, duals, loader. 5,000 hours....... .................................................$24,000 2011 John Deere R450 Windrower, 16’ Header. Only 1028 hours!!............. .................................................$79,500 2007 John Deere 8130, Powershift, duals. Been through shop and is serviced and ready to go! Nice tractor. 7,050 hours..............................$76,500 CAT CHALLENGER 75C. Ready For Field! Has Had An Excellent Maintenance Its Entire Life. Work Orders To Prove It....................$39,500 2006 Morris 16K Pro AG Bale Stacker Wagon.......................$35,000 John Deere Planter Boxes in Good condition................................$15 each John Deere 218 Combine Header, Rigid...........................$1,950. No Cart Give Us a Call! JOHN DEERE 7610 TRACTOR CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OCT. 20TH, 2018 (3) John Deere 212 Pickup Headers. Jeffer- son, OR. 541-327-1645 360-398-2141 • Bellingham, WA 4WD, 80 HP Perkins, 2 hyd remotes. $9,500 Ford 5000 8 Fwd w/ Dual Power, 1 Hyd Remote, clean unit $8,500 Bandit Model 95 Wood Chippe r, Cat 4 cyl Diesel engine, Hyd Feed, Good Unit. $12,500 31-5-1/103 $52,000 LIQUIDATION New Cat 3 Quick Hitch...............$900 ARPS 730, 3-point backhoe....$1,800 2008 John Deere 7930. IVT, MFWD, 6,800 hours. Duals front and rear........ .................................................$85,000 1983 John Deere 5820 Forage Harvester with 645A Head. New hay cutterhead and knives............. $24,900 Closing Wheel Kit Part # N218791. Qty. 24. ........................................$350 2016 John Deere 54” Front Snow Blower, Still new in crate. Customer changed his mind. Attaching parts will fit 2305 John Deere compact tractor.............................................$3,250 2013 PhiBer V51202 bale accumulator, vertical stack.$21,500 1996 Catepillar CH75C Track Machine, Well Taken Care Of, PTO............$39,500 2009 New Holland BB9080 Baler. Been through shop and ready for field. Tandem axle, 54,000 bales.......$22,000 Ford 9N, Very Nice For Age.......$1,985 John Deere 347 Baler, working condition....................................$3,500 Allen Basket Rake...................$4,500 Used Heavy Duty pallet forks. .$725 2014 AB13G Bale Spear.............$475 Gator V-Blade, blade only..........$250 Generac Generator. Ready to go, runs good......................................$950 Kirby 720 4 Auger Feed Mixer.$30,000 2 Ty Crop Dump Wagons..................... ...........$10,000 each John Deere 8350 Grain Drill.....$3,000 2007 Roses Rake excellent condition. . . .....................$17,500 2007 Peterbilt 340 with 920 Kirby 4 Auger Mixer, freshly rebuilt motor 1 year ago. Very clean truck!............$69,500 HCL 12ft Compost Turner very little use. ......................$19,000 2013 Great Plains YP8253 3-point Twin Row Corn Planter with Donahue transport trailer............$29,000 CALL PETE 503-437-6628 503-437-0104 34-2/106 34-2/106 STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR SALE! EQUIPMENT TYPES Containers - We offer 20’, 40’ and 45’ container. Special requests available. MODIFICATIONS AVAILABLE • Personnel Doors • Windows • Roll Doors • Vents • Skylight • Special Request Modifications 541.910.7761 541.910.4868 541.910.4868 FARM EQUIPMENT Harrow Draw Bar 4-12’............................CALL 3Pt 4X6’ 5/8” Harrow with Carrier...........$550 Various sizes 1/2” Harrow.......................CALL International 510 Grain Drill...............$4,500 UTV’s 2016 ODES Dominator X 2 Seat 1000cc 2 Seat UTV........................................................$10,495 2016 ODES Raiders 2 Seat 4X4 Hard Top, PS, Winch New..............................................$9,500 (1) New 2016 800cc ODES Assailant ATV’s.... .................................................................$7,995 MISC. Loftness USS Mount Snow Blowers With Electric Chute Control............................$5,500 2016 Rankin Arenavator 6’ w/ Pipe Roller...... .................................................................$1,696 Used 3pt Cat-2 Backhoe attachment w/ 2 buckets............................................$3,500 $7,995 LaGrande, OR Enterprise, OR 62460 Commerce Rd. 911 S. River St. TRACTORS Intl. Farmall M Tractor W/ F11 Loader, 3pt, Round Bale Fork.....................................$5,500 International 350 w/Farmhand Loader and bale grapple............................................$3,500 Case 1070 Tractor with Loader and Cab........... ...............................................................$11,500 NEW Branson 4225CH Loader, cab, rear remotes, 3rd function valve.................$30,995 NEW Branson 3520H Loader, ROPS, 4WD....... ...............................................................$24,995 Komatsu PC40 Mini Excavator.........$23,500 INDUSTRIAL LOGGING R-4 Crawler with ROPS...........................$5,000 HAY EQUIPMENT Agri-Ease 330DR Rotary Rake.............$4,895 Used 24’ McFarland harrow cart w/1/2” harrow.....................................................$8,200 New 24’ McFarlane harrow cart with 5/8” harrow...................................................$13,895 New Holland 258 roll bar hay rake........$4,500 Used New Holland 1032 Pull type bale wagon....................................................$7,500 Used New Holland BB960 Single Axle baler ...............................................................$24,000 USS 39” 2 Spear Bale Fork.......................$575 USS 49” 2 Spear Bale Fork.......................$595 John Deere ground driven hay rake.....$850 Hesston 6650 Self Prop. Swather 14’ header .................................................................$7,500 International 484 ldr, Recent Rebuild, Good Tires, Nice tractor DAIRY EQUIPMENT MFWD. Powershift, 6511 hours. Landini 8560F with Loader Good condition 9600 John Deere combine used for wheat, corn and seed crops. 3844 hours on cylinder, 5587 on en- gine. Rubber is in good shape. I have a new set of rasp bars for it. Only $25,000. Also have 8 row 22” corn head with plastic snouts asking $10,500. Set of alfalfa seed screens, $800. 920 grain head, $5500. 16’ grain head off 7700 John Deere, $1500. ADRIAN, OR. 208-880-0024 34-1/103 John Deere 3 pt 8’ wide tandem disc, $800 OBO. John Deere 3-16’s plow, $800 OBO. Bor- ing, OR. 541-993-2634 Baker City, OR 41216 Hwy 30 MERIDIAN EQUIPMENT 1-877-842-9408 34-3/108 John Deere Corn Head: 2- row, narrow, excellent condition, $3000. Am- boy, WA. 360-606-6348 BOYD’S 79 IMPLEMENT 34-2/101 Corn Harvesting Equipment: Byron 9600 with 5 row 30” head, 4 row, 38” head, $20,000 OBO. New Idea 800C with 4 row 38” head, $5000 OBO. New Idea 708 and 800 uni- har- vester, one with 4 row 38” head, make offer. 2 Byron 2400 elevators, $300 each. Woodland, WA. Call 360-607-2481 Brillion sure stand seed- er: 10’, shed stored, good condition, $5000. Out- look, WA. 509-949-8906 19 E SINC 923 Farm Equipment Ag-tech sprayer model 5002 with orchard and vineyard fan heads. Sherwood, OR. 503- 936-4483 25’ Heavy Harrow, $7500. 16’ heavy har- row, $3250. 26’ Dunham heavy harrow, $2750. Caldwell 144 Shark flail, $2750. Hundreds of oth- er implements. Indepen- dence, OR. 503-838- 3740 923 Farm Equipment 1983 International Van Truck 9UR.......$4000 Back Blade 3pt 7’........................................$380 Back Blade 3pt General Implement 7’......$720 Agri Ease 5’ Back Blade...........................$350 Agri Ease 6’ Angle/ Tilt HD Back Blade.$650 Agri Ease 7’ Angle/Tilt HD Back Blade......$645 Agri Ease 8’ Angle/Tilt HD Back Blade.....$675 B&E 60” 3pt. Snow Blower..................$1,795 B&E 7’ USS Snow Blade w/out Hyd. Kit........... .................................................................$1,650 B&E 7’ USS Snow Blade w/Hyd. Angle Kit....... .................................................................$1,900 General 72” USS Snow Blade w/o Hyd. Kit.... .................................................................$2,100 General 60” USS Snow Blade w/o Hyd. Kit.... .................................................................$1,995 General Hyd. Kit for Snow Blades.........$295 Forks Rankin 3pt Mount..........................$360 Tjfun 3pt Logging Winch EVG 35.........$3,000 2011 Hydro. 3pt Blade Farm King......$4,650 Howse 3 pt Scoop Bucket Good Condition..... ....................................................................$180 New Cattle Guard 16’x 6’......................$2,300 Pallet Forks HLA Solid Forks 3800Lb...........Call J&I Dually Flatbeds New.......................$2,100 J&I Single Long and Short Box............$1,900 C&B Short Box Flatbeds w/LED Light Kit..$2,295 Used RTC 70 Rototiller..........................$1,995 2-Troybuilt YT 42 Lawn Tractors.........$1,399 Jonsered 52” Zero Turn Mower..........$4,995 1 5FT Rotary Mowers............................$1,195 1 6FT Rotary Movers.............................$1,399 1 4FT Rotary Mower.................................$950 Quick Mount Skid Steer Plates (2).........$165 New 24”X20’ Culvert................................$450 New 36”X22’Culvert.................................$630 New 18”X20’ Culvert................................$360 New General 6’ Box Scraper...................$879 3pt 22 ton log splitter..............................$975 Used 12” Auger W/ Gearhead 3pt Attachment..............................................$995 General 66” Front Bucket Shell.............$565 General 72” Front Bucket Shell...........$1025 New 18” Backhoe Bucket........................$450 Used Case 12” Backhoe Bucket..............$750 9” Auger Bit...............................................$250 Danuser 3pt Post Pounder......................$925 Head Catch with Calf Table.....................$650 3pt Cherry Picker.......................................$225 Grain Drill 12’.........................................$1,250 3pt. Mount V Ditcher...............................$750 34-3/101 34-3/103 8820 Super Titan 2 400 Gallon Rears air John Deere Combine, blast, $8,000. Silverton, spike-toothed, chopper, OR. 503-932-0766 field ready, good condi- tion, $13,750 OBO. 4-18 720 International plow, good condition & cate- gory II quick hitch, $1750 OBO. No Sunday sales. Albany, OR. 541-990- 9319 923 Farm Equipment Call Andrew for a Quote Today! 503-421-3443 • email Dean: 503.781.0846 Colin: 503.631.3411 NEW TRACTORS MF 2705E, 48hp.....................................CALL MF 2706E, 58hp.....................................CALL 1700 Premium, 36-59hp.......................CALL 1700 Economy 26-39hp.......................CALL GC Series Sub compacts.........................CALL Utility Tractors IN STOCK USED TRACTORS MF 3625 2008 YR, 2300 hrs, 12x12 trans, remotes, 4x4, loader...............................CALL Satoh Beaver III w/Tiller...............$4,750 Farmall, A&C with cultivators.................CALL MF 4225, 2001, 2WD, canopy............$14,500 MF 1715 w/belly mower, power bagger with electric dump, 4x4.............................$11,900 Satoh Elk, 2x2 w/loader, gas.................$3,750 MF362 2WD w/loader........................$16,700 INDUSTRIAL John Deere 310C backhoe, 2 WD, w/ cab... ..........................................................$15,900 Hitachi EX 120-2, thumb, 3 buckets $23,500 Hitachi EX 200 LC-5, 2 bkts & thumb $52,500 Beuthling B100 Roller, diesel..........$2,750 HAY SECTION ‘16 MF1840 Square Baler, Field Ready$23,500 MF Round Baler 2014 1745.........$24,500 (2) MF DM1305 4 Disc Mower. $5,750ea MF 1327 5 Disc 3pt Mower................$6,750 NH1048 Balewagon, field ready.......$13,500 Hesston 3007 5 Disc 3pt mower..$5,950 (2) Hesston 3727 4 basket tedders........ ...............................................$4,750ea. NH 451 7’ Sickle Mower..............$2,500 Case Side Delivery Rake.................$1,950 Hesston PT-7 Haybine, great shape $1,750 TILLAGE Rankin 60” Arena Groomer...........$1,250 Muratori MZ180 72” Tiller.............$3,250 IH 8’ Tandem Disc.............................$2,250 MISCELLANEOUS Bearcat Chipper/Shredder 5” Cap.........$2,500 Mill Creek Manure Spreader Model, like new............................................$3,850 2016 Cub Cadet RZT-S46 Zero Turn Mower..............................................$2,450 Akey Manure Spreader 50c.f., pto $2,750 Brillion 64” Landscape Seeder.....$1,950 Oliver Superior Manure Spreader, reconditioned.......................................$1,750 200 Gal. Skid Tank Reel w/300’ hose.$2,800 New - 55 Gal Femco Sprayer with boom & handgun.................................$1,095 2 Bottom Plows.........................$350-$850 3 Bottom Plows......................$450-$1,200 4’ Bottom Plow, semi mount.............$1,850 Howse Rotary Cutters...4’: $945, 6’: $1,595 BE Post-hole Diggers..............HD 9”: $895 .................................................HD 12”: $925 18” and 24” Augers Available............CALL Howse Dual Edge Graders. $975-$1,540 NEW WOODS IMPLEMENTS - IN STOCK CUB CADET SIDE BY SIDES - IN STOCK RC5 Mower IAL! Woods $1,326 SPEC 34-2/103 923 Farm Equipment 34-3/102 923 Farm Equipment