22 CapitalPress.com August 24, 2018 Big & Small Bales • Straight Orchard Grass 3-tie, 100 lb. bales • Rye, 3x4 bales BARN STORED DELIVERY AVAILABLE 34-1/109 541-947-4600 For Test Results go to: Capital Press Marketplace Search: Hay & Forage RIVER’S END RANCH 716 Hay, Straw, Forage Alfalfa, big bales, premi- um Alfalfa hay, mid- size bales, 1400 lbs each, $119/ bale or $170/ ton. Arlington, OR. 503-505- 0080 UKC Registered English Shepherds: 2 males, 9 weeks old, 1st shots, $350. Troutlake, WA. Rainbow Trout- Finger- 509-395-2421 lings to Trophy. Oregon and Washington de- livery. Island Springs Hatchery, Portland, OR. 503-621-3565 Oregon Aquaculture Association: Licensed Oregon Fish Produc- ers, trout & warm water, u-catch, pond stocking. www.oregonaquaculture.org 722 Poultry & Fowl 3 way forage mix: oat, wheat, barley, 3 twine bales, $150/ ton. Loyal- ton, Northern CA. 530- 993-4337 Alfalfa 3 tie, 56+ to 54+ test, 1st cutting. Alfal- fa/ orchard grass mix, meadow hay, wheat hay. All feed store, grower direct. Klamouth Basin, OR. 541-545-6047, 541- 281-4026 Horse quality & feeder grass hay $150- $95/ ton. New crop red clo- ver haylage $60/ bale, approx 1400 lb bales. Grassy 1st cutting Al- falfa, $95/ bale, 950 lb bales. Yamhill, OR. (503)537-4821 Feeder Hay All types. Alfalfa, Grass and Straw. Call for price which will include deliv- ery. Ephrata, WA. 360- 305-9798, 509-237-9302 Grass hay, excellent condition, 2nd cutting, 2 tie, avg 90 lb bales, $9/ bale. Feeder and horse hay, 3x3’s, 750-800 lbs, starting at $65/ bale. De- livery available. 24x60 mobile home, broke down to move, $2500 OBO U-haul. Near Turn- er, OR. 503-507-0359 Alfalfa 2 string hay, ex- cellent quality, no rain, clean, $185/ ton. Herm- iston, OR. 541-314-2762 Alfalfa Hay, 3rd cut and Triticale/ Alfalfa mix, 3x4 bales, certified organic. Othello, WA. 509-989- 2141 Round hay bales for sale: weighing 600- 800 lbs, good hay for sheep, cows, horses, $45/ bale. Lebanon OR. Call 541- 401-1655 or 541-258- 6076 Straw: 3x3x8 bales, $25/ bale. Hillsboro, OR. 208- 970-4929 Orchard Grass Alfalfa Mix Hay: 3x4 bales. Trit- icale straw, oat straw, big bales. Truck loads only. Silver Lake, OR. 541- 480-3371 Orchardgrass, 1st, 100lb bales, barn, $200/ ton. Hidden Valley, Klamath Organic Alfalfa: Falls, OR. Near border. 3x4 bales, nice green 541-892-1948, 541-892- hay, no rain. Delivery 1964 available. Nyssa, OR. 2nd cutting Alfalfa, 2 Call 541-823-2769 AKC Rhodesian Ridge- back Puppies: champi- on lines, (4) females, (4) males, born July 29th. Will have their first shots and dewormed. Parents onsite. Serious inquires only. $2000 each. Cave Junction, OR. Call/ text 541-592-9267. LGD Great Pyrenees Maremma: 10 weeks old, shots, wormed, work- ing parents, $350. Wapa- to, WA. 509-985-9457 Airedales AKC Regis- tered: Adults & puppies. Fort Sage Kennels. Pa- tricia Sharp, Doyle, CA. 530-827-2271 731 Horses, Mules, Donkeys 200 head white-face ewes. 1-5 years. Work great as farm flock or (2) German Shepard range sheep, $200. Sho- male and female litter shone, ID. Call me 208- mates, wonderful farm 420-5816 dogs. Must remain as a Suffolk Hampshire cross pair. FREE to best farm ram lambs. Echo, OR. home. (1) Border Col- 541-376-8358 lie, 10 years old. FREE RAMS FOR SALE to good home. Will be missed but owner has Suffolk and North Country sold the farm. Oregon Cheviot. Yearling Rams City, OR. Barry 503-819- and Ram Lambs. Well Commercial 7179 or Roy 503-719- Muscled, Style. W Redmond Farm 3460 Inc. McMinnville, OR. 503-472-3540 (110) Suffolk/ Columbia cross ewes ages 1-7 great for farm flock, $175. Baker City, OR. Call if in- terested 541-403-0258 743 Alpacas & Llamas Purebred LGD Regis- tered Maremma Puppies: Working parents onsite. Complete vet care. Seek- ing forever, loving, work- ing homes. Oakville, WA. 360-273-8445. Seri- ous inquiries only. Border Collie/ McNab/ Carter: best dog you will ever have, female $450, male $400. Colton, OR. 503-314-0145 Haylage: 4x4 round bales, 1600-1700 lbs, 8 layers wrap -no net, tightly compressed, orchardgrass mix, 40- 50% moisture. Baled 4/2018. $40. Junction City, OR. 307-217-0136 Beautiful Horse Quali- ty Oat Hay: 3-tie bales. We Buy, Sell & Haul All Types of Hay. Erickson Trucking, Burney, CA. 530-949-9298 200 head consigned to date. www.lebanonauctionyard.com Custom Heifer Raising. Over 45 years experi- ence in raising and an- imal care. McMinnville, OR. 503-437-6628 34-1/100 CERTIFIED ORGANIC REGISTERED MILK- SHORTHORN HEIFERS: from bottle babies to Springers. Prices for sin- gles, specials for groups. Chehalis, WA. 360-880- 0846 95 head Brown Swiss. Milking, dry, springers. Purebreds and cross- es, approximately 80% Swiss genetics. Balance is Holstein and Jersey. Low somatic count. All bred to Durham son/ Wonderment grandson on site, $1,600 Vale, OR. 541-473-4081 LEBANON AUCTION YARD, INC. MARKET REPORT: 08/16/2018 37063 KGAL Dr., Lebanon, OR 97355 541-259-1251 Total Receipts: 257 Organic $90.50 $76.11 Butcher Cows Top Cow Top 10 Cows Top 50 Cows Top 100 Cows Top Bull: $82.00 Conventional $71.50 $68.82 $64.66 $61.80 COMPLETE AUCTION RESULTS AT www.lebanonauctionyard.com WE ARE ALSO ON FACEBOOK CAPITAL PRESS LINE CLASSIFIEDS Fast Results! Easy to Do! 746 Goats CapitalPress.com EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY? CALL TOLL-FREE: OR ONLINE 1-800-882-6789 24/7 365 Dairy Cows For Sale: Whole herds or heifers. Also buying all types of dairy cattle. Lowell Chaffey, Aurora, OR. 503-678-5269, 503-559- 0830 Registered miniature Jersey heifers, true beautys, great family milk cows, $2500. Red- ding, CA. 530-242-9170 AI Holstein Dairy Heifers: 300 lb. to 800 lb., $1.10/ lb. Mount Vernon, WA. 360-333-8673 Capital Press A WOODBURN LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE P.O Box 335, Woodburn, OR 97071 Tom Elder 503-981-9497 • Fax 503-981-9543 Market Report for August 21 st TOTAL RECEIPTS 300…292 CATTLE 10 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $63.64 cwt 50 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $58.78 cwt 100 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $52.05 cwt Top Certified Organic Cattle $51.00-$74.00 cwt All Slaughter Bulls $65.00-$83.00 cwt TOP BEEF STEERS TOP BEEF HEIFERS 300-400#.........$145.00-$156.00 cwt 300-400#...........$130.00-$145.00 cwt 400-500#..........$140.00-$155.00 cwt 400-500#...........$129.00-$144.00 cwt 500-600#..........$130.00-$146.00 cwt 500-600#...........$122.00-$132.00 cwt 600-700#.........$120.00-$130.00 cwt 600-700#...........$100.00-$120.00 cwt 700-800#.........$115.00-$129.00 cwt 700-800#...........$100.00-$118.50 cwt MIXED LIVESTOCK Cow/Calf Pairs........................NT - NT HD Day Old Beef Cross Calves .................. NT - NT HD Bred Cows.............................NT - NT HD Day Old Dairy Calves ........$5.00-$50.00 HD HOGS SHEEP Block Hogs..........$60.00-$74.00 cwt Lambs (40-70#)...$135.00-$147.50 cwt Feeder Pigs......$50.00 - $110.00 HD Lambs(75-150#)...$140.00-$167.00 cwt Sows..................$10.00 - $22.00 cwt Thin Ewes.............$40.00-$75.00 cwt Weaner Pigs.........$10.00-$15.00 HD Fleshy Ewes...........$45.00-$70.00 cwt Ewe/Lamb Pairs................NT - NT HD GOATS: 10-39#....................$5.00-$45.00 HD 80-89#..................$90.00-$185.00 HD 40-69#................$10.00-$140.00 HD 90-99#..................$92.50-$225.00 HD 70-79#..............$100.00-$170.00 HD 100-199#..............$80.00-$245.00 HD 200-300#...........................NT - NT HD NEXT SHEEP, GOAT & HOG SALE MONDAY, AUGUST 27 TH @ 11:30 AM PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: MYWLE.com With Capital Press, I get more calls than any other type of ad. This is the best advertising bang for the buck I have had! Billy Hendrix Pacific Coast Handlers 800-882-6789 CapitalPress.com Looking for DAIRY FARMS? Go to Class. 567 www.capitalpress.com 34-3/106 755-1-52-2/HOU Go to Class. 552 www.capitalpress.com 731-1-52-2/HOU Shasta Livestock Auction Yard Same Family, Same Great Service • Since 1966 ANNIVERSARY & CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY Friday, September 7th Starts Oct. 1 Ends May 15, 2019 2 1 ⁄ 2 % COMMISSION • 3% BREEDING STOCK Including 400 Calvy Cows featuring 300 cows from Leif Gilbertson, Prineville, OR 2-7 years old, calving within 60 days We are now an NHTC approved facility! To qualify, consigned cattle must come from an approved NHTC location and have program compliant EID tags in place. Go to www.ShastaLivestock.com to watch sales or for more information. Call Ren Bannerman 503-931-0901 or 971-239-1348 www.canyonviewequestriancollege.org 32-3-3/106 Clover/Grass Screening Pellets 16+% Protein, 3+% Fat Totes.............................$245/T 50# Bags.......................$300/T Clover/Grass Screening Pellets 14+% Protein, 2+% Fat Totes...................................$215/T 50# Bags.............................$260/T 9% Grass Pellets....Call for prices 9% Molasses...50# Bag $200/T Beaver Brand Feed 16% Protein Chicken Feed Crumble or Layer.....40# Bag $12 Pig Grower Silver40# Bag $11.50 PHILOMATH, OR Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 8am-12noon • Closed Sun Call Barry 541-609-8647 Sat, Sept. 8, 2018 at 10:00am Alpacas, Llamas, Sheep, Goat Shearing, Hooves and Teeth. Will travel anywhere in the North- west. 35+ Years experi- ence. Santana Shearing. 541-570-2756, 541-981- 1866 Looking for PREMIUM FEED at Economical Prices SPECIAL SHEEP & GOAT AUCTION (530) 347-3793 • Cottonwood, CA 34-2/102 31-5-3/100 New Crop Timothy: 2 string bales, $200/ ton, no rain. Delivery available. St. Paul, OR. 503-349- 5853 37063 KGAL Dr, Lebanon, OR 97355 541-259-1251 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY 10 AM START • JULY 19 - AUG 30 SPECIAL SHEEP & GOAT AUCTION 10 AM • SAT, SEPT 8 Savanna Meat Goats: percentage and full bloods. Akbash Guard- Take me home! AKC ian Puppies available. German Shepherd pup- Eagle Point, OR. 541- pies. Vaccines, worm- 826-6541 ing, vet checked. Par- ents OFA certified good for hips. Black/ tan. DOB 07/11/2018. $300 Non-refundable deposit. Balance of $1200 due at pickup. Lyons, OR. 503- 910-0901 192 yearling Spanish, doel- AKC German Shepherd SpanishxBoer Puppies: 2 females, 4 ings: flawless, downsiz- months, good genetics, ing a VERY large herd. great family pets, $600 Grazed on pastures and each OBO. Princeton, ID. range/ brush settings. 25/ head minimum, $210. 208-875-0762 Likely, CA. 541-417-0264 Great Pyrenees Puppies: DOB 07/04/2018, friend- 749 Swine ly. Males and females available and both par- Oregon Pork Producers ents are on- site, $400. Breeding Stock Sale: Aumsville, OR. 503-749- September 1st, 2018, 6 1861 P.M., Oregon State Fair Grounds, Salem, OR. New! Prospect Pigs top 731 Horses, Mules, 25 will sell, great for Fall Donkeys and Winter shows. Pre- view animals online at: www.oregonporkproduc- ers.com or www.face- book.com/OregonPork For information or bids, call Lowell Bickle 541-218- 1228. Visa & Mastercard accepted. string bales, 105 lbs, 719 Feed, Grain barn stored, we load. Madras, OR. 503-317- Whole Kernel Corn, 6245 grinding available. Call Grass Hay: $4/ bale. for price and availability. Fescue Straw, $1.50/ Brooks, OR. 503-932- bale. All 2 string. Scio, 8598 OR. 541-981-8759 St. Croix Rams, Weth- ers, Ewes. Bellingham, WA. 360-319-5555 Gentle family milk cow, Holstein cross, just freshened, $1500 OBO. Hydesville, CA. 707-724- 3456 (10-20) Springing Organ- ic Dairy Cows: Jersey/ Holstein/ Norwegian Red cross. High component herd, $1,500. Willing to make a deal. Trout Lake, WA. 509-637-0239 Weekly • Capital Press Ag Weekly • Capit tons feed store quali- ty, sold by ton or truck load. Squeeze and de- livery available. Cottage Grove, OR. 541-953- 7990, 541-942-1054 740 Sheep Lebanon Auction Yard g www.jenkshatchery.com Proud to be America’s oldest hatchery, since 1910! Open year round. Tangent, OR. 541-928- 1st cut, rained on, $160. 8928 Triticale, barn stored, 728 Dogs, Cats, $115. Oats/ Alfalfa, barn Pets stored, $145. Burns, OR. Call Bryan @ 307-431- WANTED: McNab pup- 8761 py. Full or cross for com- Alfalfa Hay: large bales, panion. Vale, OR. 208- supreme quality, $175/ 859-4734 ton. Prineville, OR. 541- Orchard Grass, Mid- 480-5768 Sized Bales, Premium Eastern Oregon Orchard 2018 Alfalfa Hay, 2nd Grass Hay in 3x3x8 cutting, 2 tie bales, no bales approximately 700 rain, great quality, $200/ lbs. each. $220/ ton. ton. Summer Lake, OR. Prineville, OR. 503-209- 541-213-0093 4x4 Round bale GRASS 5852 HAY: 1st, 2nd cutting, Low-carb Grass Horse good quality, $30-$40/ 4 Border Collie puppies, Hay: Eastern Oregon bale. Cathlamet, WA. 4 Border Collie Britta- grown, 100 lb. 3 tie bales. 360-431-6488 ny cross, 8 weeks, 1st Oregon Hay Growers low shots, working parents carb hay contest winner, Alfalfa/ Barley, Alfal- on site, short hair and analysis available. Adel, fa/ Triticale, 3x4 bales, long hair, $275 OBO. tests on hay. Burns, OR. Bruneau, ID. 208-599- OR. 541-219-0900 541-490-4545, 541-589- 1251 Grass Hay/ Timothy 4984 Orchard Blend: 2- tie. Banks, OR. 503-314- Mix grass feeder hay 500 tons, 8.5% protein, no 8484 rain, 12 lb square bales, Alfalfa $135/ ton. St Mary’s, ID. •1st- 3rd Cutting Alfalfa Call 208-691-2689, 208- 3x4 & 2 string bales 699-4804 •Orchard / Alfalfa Mix PUPPIES: 3/4 Border Quality Grain Hay •Grass Hay 3x4 & 2 string bales 800 ton Triticale Hay. Collie, 1/4 Mcnab, (3) 3x4 bales. Low Nitrate females, (1) male, out of •Tarped, no rain test. No Rain, $115/ ton. La great working parents, •Delivery Available Grande, OR. 541-805-9622 $300 each. Serious in- •Test upon request quires/ questions only. Western/ Eastern WA. Certified Weed Free Al- Call for pricing 360-749-4422, falfa: 2 string bales. 1st, Pasco, WA. 509-781- 0034 360-749-3080 2nd and 3rd cutting avail- All natural grass hay, able. Premium quality. beautiful 3-tie bales, no Benton City, WA. 509- rain, barn stored, 300 554-2490 Purebred Maremma, 3-1/2 months, female, proven breeder. Well socialized, work ready! $650. Palomino yearling raining stallion. Plains, MT. 406-880-6236 Himalayan Yaks: Heif- ers, calves and year- ling bulls available, $800. McCall, ID. 208- 890-6399 DAIRY/ BEEF: registered Tarentaise and F1 heif- ers: some with A2A2 milk genetics, some bred and some open. Various prices. Yelm, WA. 360- 894-2717 It Work s!! • 550 Ton Organic Hay • 350 Ton Alfalfa Grass Mix Rainbow Trout for Pond Stocking: Statewide de- livery. Brian Trout Ranch, Sandy, OR. 503-668- 7861 755 Cattle Dairy y •Capital Press Ag Weekly HAY Dry Land Alfalfa, Grass Alfalfa: call for prices. 3x4 bales. Goldendale, WA. 509-773-4283, 509- 261-2351 Clean hay with no rain: 1st cutting Alfalfa/ Or- chardgrass, 18 tons @ $125/ ton. Barley hay, 84 tons @ $95/ ton. Barley Alfalfa, 35 tons @ $95/ ton. 2nd Cutting Alfalfa, $135/ ton. 2nd Cutting Alfalfa/ Orchardgrass, $125/ ton. Haines, OR. 541-403-0853 Alfalfa Hay: Orchardgrass Hay, 3x3x8, in barn. Kim- berly, OR. 541-934-2188 1st and 2nd cutting Alfal- fa, 3x4 bales. Sprague, WA. 509-257-2413 Certified organic Alfal- fa, 1st cutting, 10 loads, delivery available. Fort Rock, OR. 541-290-1710 737 Exotic Animals 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets 34-3/100 716 Hay, Straw, Forage al Press Ag Weekl 721 Fish 716 Hay, Straw, Forage 34-1/101