16 CapitalPress.com August 17, 2018 OSU seeks to breed better lilacs By DESIREE BERGSTROM Capital Press CORVALLIS, Ore. — The Ornamental Plant Breeding Program at Oregon State Uni- versity is attempting to create a better re-blooming lilac and make it more blight resistant. “We want a really good re-bloomer,” said Ryan Con- treras, an associate professor of ornamental plant breeding at OSU. “(Lilacs) bloom in early spring, and they bloom again in summer,” Contreras said. However, not all varieties re- bloom, and the idea is to cre- ate a variety that consistently re-blooms. To achieve that goal, Con- treras said researchers have gene-sequenced the plants and rated them based on how many flowers appear on each shrub when they re-bloom. Desiree Bergstrom/Capital Press Desiree Bergstrom/Capital Press Ryan Contreras is in charge of the ornamental plant breeding program at Oregon State University. “We crossed a plant that does not re-bloom with a plant that re-blooms and we got this population. Some of those plants re-bloom, some of them do not. We sequenced Crossed lilac, with blooms on it, at OSU’s Ornamental Plant Breeding Field Day on the Lew- is-Brown Horticulture Research Farm in Corvallis, Ore. that whole population,” Con- treras said. “You have all of these, what you call markers, they are spots in the DNA” that al- low researchers to track spe- cific traits, he said. They then “take the data from which plants re-bloomed and compare the phenotype— what the plants look like—to the genotype—the sequence data,” he said. “That will al- low us to find markers in the genome associated with the trait (of re-blooming).” The project takes a signifi- cant amount of time. “In lilacs we probably look at them for at least 2 years af- ter flowering before we make a selection,” he said. We iden- tify ‘OK I like that plant’ and then we make cuttings of it.” Then they grow plants from the cuttings. “We evaluate those for several years,” Contreras said. “Then, assuming that there is interest and a market for them… we will release them (to the market).” The full observation time of the new plants takes about five years after flowering starts, he said. Some plants will take several years to start flowering. From seed to re- lease can take nearly a decade. Another goal for re- searchers is to create a more blight-resistant plant. He said in the region a blight called Pseudomonas is common. The bight causes brown spots on leaves and young shoots that can then grow and turn black. The fragrance of lilacs makes them especially ap- pealing to try to improve. “Fragrant plants are al- ways attractive; they never go out of style,” Contreras said. “It’s a plant that has name recognition,” Contreras said, as a part of the reason the pro- gram is looking to improve lilacs. N17-3/#7 N18-4/106