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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 2018)
August 17, 2018 17 SUMMER PASTURE: 10,000 acres, 7200 acres deeded, lots of wa- ter, high country, Eastern Oregon, $2,600,000. Tom Phillips Agency 541- 889-8401, Email: Seeking a full-time, year round employee to be a team member on a large diversified farming oper- ation near Terrebonne, OR. Successful candi- date must be self-mo- tivated, detail oriented, and willing to learn under management. Duties include irrigation, operat- ing farm equipment, and light machinery main- tenance during winter months. Salary DOE, health benefits, paid vacation, and possible bonus program. Email resume to Jeanette@, or mail resume to Essex Labs Farm Division, PO Box 92, Terrebonne, OR 97760. 115+- Acres: Awe- some valley of the Butte views/ Sprague River Valley. Irrigation pipe interest with vari- able geared system. 1/3 mile to local feed store, post office and village of Sprague River, OR. Owner carry with 20% down. Only $218,500. Additional acreage avail- able. 541-533-2364 Spokane County, WA. 29216 West Drumheller RD, Edwall WA. 99008. Approximately 155 +/- acres total, zoned 10 acre parcels, 30 acres farmed, 12 acres pine trees, 5 acres sub-irri- gated pasture, balance is fenced pasture, paved road. Farm/ pasture/ de- velop. Minutes form I-90, 30 minutes to Spokane, WA. $475,000. 509-990- 3310 40 Acre Home site: Lincoln County, WA. Moose Rd. East. Good well, fenced, collapsed barn, old farmhouse, non-lived, one outbuild- ing, paved frontage, $175,000 509-990-3310 “The Capital Press is IT!” Lorin Zastoupil • Leaburg, Ore. Subscribe at 1-800-882-6789 “I had calls from New York, Minnesota, Idaho & Texas before the paper came out Friday! People are obviously using your website!” Mickelsen Dairy, Inc. Winlock, WA • • • • • • • • CALL BY 3PM MON - FRI AND GET YOUR LINE AD ONLINE IN 24 HOURS! (On approval) Your line ad will also run in the next available print edition of Capital Press. 800-882-6789 FOR RENT: 600 acres west of Corvallis, OR. 541-270-7717 33+ Peaceful Acres: Lo- cated in desirable West Valley, Yakima WA. Sits between two creeks, Sr. Irrigation water, fenced, cross fenced. 1st time on market in 100 years! Building site. Must See. Call Larrita @ 509-945- 5890 Coldwell Banker Associated Realtors 644 Business for Sale Currently very popu- lar for breakfast and lunch. Great opportuni- ty for a Cowboy Steak House. Call 541-315-2272 651 Help Wanted Jammie’s Environmental is looking to hire multi- ple CDL truck drivers to drive and operate vacu- um trucks. Be prepared to do more than just driving, there will also be labor involved. Expe- rience is a plus, but not necessary because we will train you! You need to have a clean driving record, valid driver’s li- cense, and CDL Class A tanker endorsement, and be able to pass a pre-employment DOT drug screening. Please come into 128 Industri- al Way, Longview, WA, 98632 to apply. Or, com- plete our application on- line at jammiesenviron- and email it and your resume to jessica.hogman@jam- EQUIPMENT/ MAIN- TENANCE MANAGER: CSS Farms is now ac- cepting applications for Equipment and Mainte- nance Manager for our operations in the Board- man, OR region where we grow 1,000 acres of potato seed annually. This role will: maintain, repair, and calibrate all farm equipment and cen- ter pivot irrigation sys- tems; troubleshoot tech- nical problems; manage all parts and inventory; manage maintenance staff and assist Farm Managers with planting, harvest, and shipping functions as necessary. Successful candidates will hold a valid driver’s license and be able to pass insurance verifica- tion, hold an AAS or BS degree in an agricultural related field, and have 5+ years experience in agriculture, irrigation systems and maintain- ing farm equipment. For more information call Mick Peck at 509-221- 0937 or apply on line at: CSS Farms is an EOE Farm Manager Central Point, OR Seeking a Farm Manag- er for a farm in Central Point, OR. The candidate must share the Owner’s dedication to a holistic, multi-species, multi-use farming program with the goal of sustaining local small farms as vi- able income producing businesses. The Farm Manager must be highly motivated, a self-starter and capable of physical farm labor. Candidates must demonstrate: •Experience managing farm activities. •Background in Ag Sci- ences or Ag Business •Working farm experi- ence with machinery, equipment, irrigation, crops, animals. •Leadership and com- munication skills. This position is full-time and a key position for the long term success and viability of the farm. Preference for Candi- dates with an agricultur- al degree (soil, crops, animals, business) and some practical, farm work experience or 8+ years of experience in farming and agricultural land management. Serious, committed, ca- reer-oriented individuals please apply. Send re- sume to: resumecppfarm@gmail. com. Salary and Ben- efits including housing commensurate with Can- didate’s Qualifications. Work in Hawaii Agricultural job openings in Waimea (Kauai) Ha- waii. Field Workers, Re- search Assistant- Field, Research Assistant- tis- sue culture lab (Multiple openings of all posi- tions.) Requirements: Agricultural experience, Agree to background check and drug test. Ability to work outdoors and indoors in hot, cold, dry and wet environmen- tal conditions. Able to sit, stand, walk, bend, kneel, stoop or crouch for long periods. High School diploma needed for research assistant positions. Benefits: air- fare, housing, transpor- tation. To apply, email or contact Annette at (808)755-5469. Truck Driver Material Handler Ernst Irrigation is ac- cepting applications for a Truck Driver and Mate- rial Handler. CDL Class A preferred, but willing to train the right individ- ual. Position will include packaging and hauling agricultural equipment. Must be resourceful and capable of multiple ship- ping and receiving tasks. Wage DOE. Please send resume to: Parts Man- ager, PO Box 490 St. Paul, OR. 97137 or email Oregon Department of Agriculture is hiring 3 part time sea- sonal Shipping Point Fruit and Vegetable Inspec- tors: 1 in Milton- Free- water, 2 in the Hermiston area. Part-time seasonal positions, hours vary ac- cording to volume/ sea- sons. Call 541-567-2251 for specifics or apply on- line at FARMER NEEDED NOW Row Crop Farm- Parma, Idaho. Onions, Sugar- beets, Corn, Wheat. Looking for a full time, year round, responsible, experienced, honest em- ployee. Duties Include: Man- aging 15 pivots, irriga- tion scheduling, main- tenance, tractor driving, truck driving, general farm labor. Requirements: Pro- ficient in GPS, Smart Phone and Computers. Highly mechanical, abil- ity to weld, perform light maintenance, trouble- shoot and solve prob- lems. Private applicators license, or willing to get one. 3 plus years of farm experience operating equipment. Willingness to work 12 hour days, 6 days a week in season. Must work well with oth- ers. Some manual la- bor required. Reliable transportation and clean record needed. Family farm. Salary of 50K and up de- pending on experience. Harvest Bonus after 1 year. Contact: HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC: Hampton Lumber Willamina, OR Division Hours are Mon-Fri, 8 hours a day, shift TBD. Please go to: careers to read job description and to submit a resume and cover letter online. Hampton Lumber is an Equal Opportunity Em- ployer Electrical Service Tech- nicians and/ or Helper Trainees needed: We are a privately owned company in search of very motivated individ- uals to join our team in the Agricultural Industry. We design, install, repair and support every aspect of an Irrigation System including domestic sys- tems. Any experience with Center Pivots, Con- trol Panels, VFD’s and Telemetry, etc., would be beneficial and compen- sated for! We are willing to train the right individu- al and offer a very com- petitive compensation package. Please send Resume to: Skone Irrigation, 1304 E. Hillsboro St, Pasco, WA. 99301 or fax to: 509-546-0158 651 Help Wanted 664 Services Seasonal Truck Drivers: to haul in Norhern CA. and Southern OR. Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. CDL pre- ferred. Lots of hours available. Housing Pos- Irrigation Salesperson Ernst Irrigation is looking sible. 530-567-1097 to add to their existing •Agricultural Sales• staff of salespeople. We Great Income Potential are looking for career minded Experienced Only individuals with experience Send resume to: in Agricultural Irrigation. We sell Pivots and linears, Hardhose Travelers, Drip and Micro Irrigation, Filtration, Pumps, Vari- able Frequency Drives and more. Preference Class A Truck Driver given to those with a Bachelors Degree in Wanted: •Handles and delivers Agriculture related field. bulk and packaged fer- Excellent compensation tilizer and chemicals, package with benefits. •performs daily vehicle Please send resume to inspections, •handles and patrickd@ernstirrigation. delivers packaged chem- com. icals, •cleans and main- St. Paul, OR. 503-633-1111 tains equipment, •assists Agricultural Employers/ mechanic, •may maintain Employees: Nationwide maintenance records, Agri-Business, and Produc- •other duties as assigned. tion Career Opportunities. Apply in person: Nutrien Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT. Ag Solutions- Salem, OR. 308-382-7350. View facility or online: Farm Ranch Hand: full time, must be highly mo- careers tivated, salary depend- search “Salem” ing on experience. Vale, MANAGER: OR. 541-881-6259 Lakeview Water Users is seeking a company man- 664 Services ager for a stable 11,500 Fence Installed acre irrigation district lo- cated west of Lakeview, With Hydraulic Post Driver: 503-859-2804 Oregon. This year- round position is available im- mediately for training New Zealand, non-climb with the retiring manag- horse, sheep & goat, er. Salary and benefits field fence, barbed wire, are market competitive deer and game fencing, and negotiable with ex- rail fencing and gates. Serving Oregon Since perience. 1993. CCB#93256 Requirements: •Valid drivers license & Legal Services: be drug free Wills, Trusts, Real Estate. •Knowledge of water de- Oregon based. livery and system main- Matthew Lind, Attorney tenance (flumes, dam, 503-729-2092 canals) Matthew@westernrealtytrust. •Knowledge of heavy com equipment operation and maintenance •Ability to supervise per- sonnel and company op- erations •People skills and prob- lem-solving Application deadline is Sept 6th, 2018 or until DRAINAGE SOLUTIONS filled. For additional in- A Must Before Planting Hazelnuts formation or job descrip- tion, call Jack Vernon at Increase yields, provide 541-417-0544. Submit deeper root growth, cover letter, resume, improve soil aeration, compaction, and references to the reduce Lakeview Water Users at decrease soil erosion. 91164 Water Users Lane, Creekside Valley Farms Serving Oregon and Wash- Lakeview, OR 97630, ington. 503-864-4422 by email at:, There Are Always Great Deals or by fax at 541-947-3003 In Capital Press Classifieds. NOTICE It is unlawful employment practice for any employer or employment agency to print or circulate or cause to be printed or circulated any statement, advertisement or publication, or to use any form of application for em- ployment, or to make any inquiry in connection with prospective employment which expresses directly or indirectly any limitation, specifications, as to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or by age between the ages of 18 and 65, or any intent to make only such limitation, specification or discrimination, unless based upon bona fide occupational qualification. 651-1-52-2/HOU Call Now And Add Yours! 1-800-882-6789 Custom Filbert Harvest For any size operation, using the state-of-the-art Monchiero one pass harvester. Serving the Willamette Valley. Ben & Willy Dinsdale Call 503-838-3779 VANDERBECK TRUCKING & EXCAVATING INC. • P OND C ONSTRUCTION • I RRIGATION , W ILDLIFE & D AIRY • S ITE P REP . • L AND C LEARING • L ASER L EVELING • D UMP T RUCKING • L OG H AULING • A LL P HASES O F E XCAVATING • LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED CCB# 84747 (503) 829-2985 CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE If you respond to a “Blind Box” ad with a dept. (box) number, but you wish to protect your identity, follow this procedure: • Enclose your reply in an envelope. • Address the envelope to: CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE (TSR) Capital Press P.O. Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308 • Include a note, separate from your response, listing the firms you do not want to see your letter. • If the advertiser is one you’ve listed, your letter will be destroyed. 651-1-52-2/HOU 664 Services Mt. Angel, OR 31-5-1/106 NOTICE: Oregon Construction Contractors Law (ORS 701) requires that all businesses that advertise remodeling, repair, home improvement or new con- struction be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify a contractor’s license and complaint history at www.hirealicensed 503-378-4621 664-1-52-2/HOU BREEDEN LOG CO. Land Clearing, Road Constr., Ripping, Ponds, Site Prep, Utilities, Bridges 503-843-2981 503-435-7098 cell CCB#130229, Lic., Bonded, Insured Sheridan, OR NOTICE: Oregon Lands- cape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires that all landscape contracting bus- inesses to be licensed with the Landscape Contractors Board. This four (4) digit number assures the busi- ness has a bond, insurance and an associated land- scape contractor who has fulfilled the testing and experience requirements for licensure. For your pro- tection, verify & check a license status on our web: www. or call (503) 986-6561 before hir- ing a landscape business. Landscape Maintenance companies do not have to be licensed to perform maintenance functions on your already installed landscape. Alfalfa, big bales, premi- um Alfalfa hay, mid- size bales, 1400 lbs each, $119/ bale or $170/ ton. Arlington, OR. 503-505- 0080 24 tons of nice green hay, round bales, will load on site. Scio, OR. 503-931-9244 Low-carb Grass Horse Hay: Eastern Oregon grown, 100 lb. 3 tie bales. Oregon Hay Growers low carb hay contest winner, analysis available. Adel, OR. 541-219-0900 All natural grass hay, beautiful 3-tie bales, no rain, barn stored, 300 tons feed store quali- 667 Loans & ty, sold by ton or truck Financing load. Squeeze and de- $$$ Commercial Real livery available. Cottage Estate Mortgage Grove, OR. 541-953- Loans: Bank or Private 7990, 541-942-1054 Money. Purchase, Re- finance. Large Loans a Specialty. Farms to Apartments, etc. Salem 1st cut, rained on, $160. OR. 971-600-4327 Triticale, barn stored, $115. Oats/ Alfalfa, barn 716 Hay, Straw, stored, $145. Burns, OR. Forage Call Bryan @ 307-431- 8761 FREE CULL ONIONS: Truck loads only. Deliv- ery available in Salem, Organic Alfalfa, Grass, Oregon area. 503-679- Grain Hay: Priced to 4258 move quantity. Call for details. Gazelle, CA. Certified Weed Free Al- 831-245-5559 falfa: 2 string bales. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cutting avail- 3 way forage mix: oat, able. Premium quality. wheat, barley, 3 twine Benton City, WA. 509- bales, $150/ ton. Loyal- ton, Northern CA. 530- 554-2490 993-4337 Certified organic wheat straw (50 tons) and bar- ley straw (50 tons), clean $80/ ton. Walla Walla, WA. 509-200-9325 4x4 Round bale GRASS HAY: 1st, 2nd cutting, good quality, $30-$40/ Bluegrass Straw: Big bale. Cathlamet, WA. 3’x4’ 1100lb. bales, $85/ 360-431-6488 ton & small 75lb. bales, 3x4 Big Bale Valley $100/ ton with color. 24 Grass Hay: $150-$200/ hour notice to load. Ma- ton. Possible delivery. dras, OR. 541-325-6318 Scio, OR. 503-930-2738 Alfalfa 3 tie, 56+ to 54+ 3 tie valley grass hay, 1st test, 1st cutting. Alfal- and 2nd cutting clean fa/ orchard grass mix, and green, $175-225/ meadow hay, wheat hay. ton. Possible delivery. All feed store, grower Scio, OR. 503-930-2738 direct. Klamouth Basin, OR. 541-545-6047, 541- Various haylage: organic 281-4026 and conventional, grass, Feeder Hay clover, alfalfa, barley, vetch, peas, oats, $50- All types. Alfalfa, Grass $65 bale. Possible deliv- and Straw. Call for price ery. Scio, OR. 503-930- which will include deliv- ery. Ephrata, WA. 360- 2738 305-9798, 509-237-9302 Wanted: Grass Straw to Bale. Mid Willamette Val- ley, Oregon. Good rates paid. 503-510-7779 Alfalfa/ Barley, Alfal- fa/ Triticale, 3x4 bales, tests on hay. Burns, OR. 541-490-4545, 541-589- 4984 Barn Stored, Grass Hay 3x4x8 $110- $160 ton 1st or 2nd cuttings. Small $5 bale. Delivery Extra. Glenoma, WA. Round hay bales for sale: weighing 600- 800 lbs, good hay for sheep, cows, horses, $45/ bale. Lebanon OR. Call 541- 401-1655 or 541-258- 6076 Horse quality & feeder grass hay $150- $95/ ton. New crop red clo- ver haylage $60/ bale, approx 1400 lb bales. Grassy 1st cutting Al- falfa, $95/ bale, 950 lb bales. Yamhill, OR. (503)537-4821 Clean hay with no rain: 1st cutting Alfalfa/ Or- chardgrass, 18 tons @ $125/ ton. Barley hay, 84 tons @ $95/ ton. Barley Alfalfa, 35 tons @ $95/ ton. 2nd Cutting Alfalfa, $135/ ton. 2nd Cutting Alfalfa/ Orchardgrass, $125/ ton. Haines, OR. 541-403-0853 Grass Hay/ Timothy Orchard Blend: 2- tie. Banks, OR. 503-314- Alfalfa Hay: Orchardgrass Hay, 3x3x8, in barn. Kim- 8484 berly, OR. 541-934-2188 Alfalfa Grass Hay: $155/ ton. •1st- 3rd Cutting Alfalfa 3x4 & 2 string bales Delivery available. Lafay- ette, OR. 503-437-4833 •Orchard / Alfalfa Mix •Grass Hay 1st and 2nd cutting Alfal- 3x4 & 2 string bales fa, 3x4 bales. Sprague, •Tarped, no rain WA. 509-257-2413 •Delivery Available Alfalfa Hay: large bales, •Test upon request supreme quality, $175/ Western/ Eastern WA. Call for pricing 360-749-4422, ton. Prineville, OR. 541- 480-5768 360-749-3080 664-1-52-2/HOU Dry Land Alfalfa, Grass Alfalfa: call for prices. 3x4 bales. Goldendale, WA. 509-773-4283, 509- 261-2351 • 2 Locations in St. Paul • Broadacres • Brooks 42 Years Experience Hauling & Spreading 7746 St. Paul Hwy. • St. Paul, OR 1-800-648-2718 716 Hay, Straw, Forage Grass Hay: 1st Cutting $100/ ton Annual/ Tim- othy mixed big square bales. 1300lbs each. Monmouth, OR 503-910- 0235 719 Feed, Grain Whole grinding for price Brooks, 8598 Kernel Corn, available. Call and availability. OR. 503-932- PREMIUM FEED at Economical Prices Clover/Grass Screening Pellets 16+% Protein, 3+% Fat Totes.............................$245/T 50# Bags.......................$300/T Clover/Grass Screening Pellets 14+% Protein, 2+% Fat Totes...................................$215/T 50# Bags.............................$260/T 9% Grass Pellets....Call for prices 9% Molasses...50# Bag $200/T Beaver Brand Feed 16% Protein Chicken Feed Crumble or Layer.....40# Bag $12 Pig Grower Silver40# Bag $11.50 PHILOMATH, OR Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 8am-12noon • Closed Sun Call Barry 541-609-8647 721 Fish Oregon Aquaculture Association: Licensed Oregon Fish Produc- ers, trout & warm water, u-catch, pond stocking. Rainbow Trout- Finger- lings to Trophy. Oregon and Washington de- livery. Island Springs Hatchery, Portland, OR. 503-621-3565 Rainbow Trout for Pond Stocking: Statewide de- livery. Brian Trout Ranch, Sandy, OR. 503-668- 7861 722 Poultry & Fowl Proud to be America’s oldest hatchery, since 1910! Open year round. Tangent, OR. 541-928- 8928 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets Purebred Border Collie Puppies: Dewormed and first shots. Parents on site. Angels-Camp, CA. 209-684-4885. AKC German Shepherd Puppies: 3 males, 3 fe- males, 3 months, good genetics, great family pets, $800 each OBO. Princeton, ID. 208-875- 0762 WANTED: McNab pup- Orchardgrass, 1st, 100lb py. Full or cross for com- bales, barn, $200/ ton. panion. Vale, OR. 208- Hidden Valley, Klamath 859-4734 Falls, OR. Near border. 541-892-1948, 541-892- 1964 2nd cutting Alfalfa, 2 string bales, 105 lbs, barn stored, we load. Madras, OR. 503-317- 6245 Grass Hay: $4/ bale. Fescus Straw, $1.50/ 4 Border Collie puppies, bale. All 2 string. Scio, 4 Border Collie Britta- ny cross, 8 weeks, 1st OR. 541-981-8759 shots, working parents New Crop Timothy: 2 on site, short hair and string bales, $200/ ton, no long hair, $275 OBO. rain. Delivery available. Bruneau, ID. 208-599- St. Paul, OR. 503-349- 1251 5853 Haylage: 4x4 round bales, 1600-1700 lbs, 8 layers wrap -no net, tightly compressed, orchardgrass mix, 40- D & N Hay Co. Just beginning 2nd cut- 50% moisture. Baled ting. 1st cutting orchard 4/2018. $50. Junction PUPPIES: 3/4 Border grass, $200/ ton, 1st cut- City, OR. 307-217-0136 Collie, 1/4 Mcnab, (3) ting Alfalfa also available. Beautiful Horse Quali- females, (1) male, out of All baled in two string ty Oat Hay: 3-tie bales. great working parents, bales. We can deliver We Buy, Sell & Haul All $300 each. Serious in- and off- load into your fa- Types of Hay. Erickson quires/ questions only. cility with our equipment. Trucking, Burney, CA. Pasco, WA. 509-781- Feed stores and stables 530-949-9298 0034 welcome. 541-610-2506 • 8 High Flotation Applicators Ready • Orchard & Berry Applicators 503-633-4561 or 503-678-5932 716 Hay, Straw, Forage 31-5-3/100 3 parcels: 1, 7 and 8 acres- Humptulips, WA 98552. Large Fir, Ma- ple, apple, spruce trees, hunting and fishing. New roads on proper- ty. Very close to State Hwy 101 and rain forest. Zoned residential/ com- mercial, great business opportunities! Starting at $100,000. 360-289- 3963, 360-580-8788 651 Help Wanted 31-5-1/106 651 Help Wanted 31-5-3/106 582 Pasture 31-5-1/106 579 Acreage Orchard Grass, Mid- Sized Bales, Premium Eastern Oregon Orchard Grass Hay in 3x3x8 bales approximately 700 lbs. each. $220/ ton. Prineville, OR. 503-209- 5852