16 CapitalPress.com August 17, 2018 561 Ranches 561 Ranches Pay No Tax Selling Any Property. 1LessTax.com New Tax Code- Your CPA Invited. info@1LessTax.com, 800-333-0801 See @: agrilandsrealestate.com Jack Horton 208-830-9210 Rae H. Anderson 208-761-9553 AgriLands CAPITAL PRESS LINE CLASSIFIEDS Fast Results! Easy to Do! 32-4-3/108 5000+/- Acre Cattle Ranch: Truly a Paradise. Winter and summer feed, irrigated ground, 2 beau- tiful Log Homes, swim- ming pool. Foreman’s house, roping arena, horse barn, hunter’s cab- in. Fantastic hunting. In Shasta Land Trust. Mill- ville, CA. 530-339-5669 AGRILANDS REAL ESTATE Medical Springs, OR 541-853-1212 agrilandsrealestate.com CALL TOLL-FREE: ONLINE 24/7/365 1-800-882-6789 CapitalPress.com Madras Home and Farm with Views 570 Orchard & Vineyard Property 650 SW Bond St., Ste 100 Bend, OR 97702 PAM MAYO-PHILLIPS & BROOK HAVENS PRINCIPAL BROKERS 541.480.1513 | 541.604.0788 pam.mayo-phillips@sothebysrealty.com brook.havens@sothebysrealty.com www.desertvalleygroup.com 564 Farms WA ACREAGE • 16+ Acres, Frontage I-5, commercial, sewer & water avail. 4bd/2ba, Exit 88. $1,100,000 • 3 Acres+/-, water & sewer paid, Exit 88, across from new motel, commercial development. $750,000 • 5.5 Acres Centralia MOSTLY Timber. $65,000 Culver, Oregon Gorgeous Mountain Views Irrigated • Certified Organic Potential Step outside your door for spectacular views of the Cascades and Smith Rock. This excellent 77.21 acre hay & forage farm includes 45 acres farmed organically with records. Barn and Hay barn, irrigation. The 1 bedroom, 1 bath home currently provides rental income. Alex Robertson Jr., Broker 541-420-2394 Email: arobertsonjr@johnlscott.com FRANK DIPOLA REALTY 201 S. Tower St. Centralia, WA 98531 360-736-9561 33-3/109 Farm & Ranch DIVISION Agriculture & Commercial Division 50 SW Bond, Suite 1 • Bend, OR 97702 96.5 Acres Bald Peak Farmhouse. Working farm current- ly leased for cattle with out-buildings. Vine- yard possible. 30 acres classified Premium for vineyard production. 52 acres currently wooded. Building site. Spectac- ular Valley and Sweep- ing Coast Range Views, $1,290,000. 18615 NE Tykeson Rd., Newberg, sR. Windermere Re- alty Trust. Rick Chris- tensen 503-680-1111 RMLS#17483354 564 Farms Welcome to America’s Farm and Ranch Database LISTINGS FROM NEW PREMIUM FARMSELLER AGENTS 33-3/100 It Work s!! y •Capital Press Ag Weekly Buhl, Idaho 86 Acres, double 18 par- allel barn, open lots with shades, brick home & mo- bile home, commodity barn, $1,600,000. Gooding, Idaho 93 Acres, double 12 parallel barn, open lots with shades, 3 homes, commodity barn, $1,800,000. Tom Floyd 208-996-5129 Western Idaho Realty 00 Weekly • Capital Press Ag Weekly • Capit 800-882-6789 CapitalPress.com ACTIVE WORKING CHRISTMAS TREE FARM: 50 acres with 10,000 Christmas Trees in ground. 4 bedroom, 1-½ bath home, shop, green- house, garage, barn and honey room. All equip- ment needed included: 2 tractors, 2 tree balers, large conveyor, small brush-hog, spray rig, planting auger, “loop bar” chain saws, and 3 pair stills. Water Rights. sn Hwy-12, 15 miles West of Grand Mound, WA off Hwy I-5. 360-273-3516 9,0 g Billy Hendrix Pacific Coast Handlers Mini-Farm: 10 acres, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1700 sqft., 2 car garage, barn, pump house, 5 bay ma- chinery shed with ma- 139 acre organic & bio- chinery, 64278 Hot Lake dynamic luxury farm Lane, La Grande, sR. property on Crooked 541-963-3343 River Canyon. Main 567 Dairy Farms house 5300+ sqft., guest house 1300+ sqft., newly completed barn/ shop, horse barn, & more, $1,800,000. Culver, sR. 541-480-8632 tinyurl.com/6319keeney 20 Acres: Burns, Oregon 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1984 Retiring: Dairy Farm for mobile home. Electric, Sale. Includes new milk water, septic, propane, parlor, double 15 paral- $59,000. Call Paramore lel, built in 2016. 15,000 Realty 541-417-1974 gallon capacity, new free stall barn, 850 milking cows, plus dry cows and heifers. Heifer raising facility, 80’ truck scale, 7 bay commodity shed. 260 acres irrigated with 3 pivots, 3 homes. Vale, sR. 541-216-9300 59 Capital Press A This is the best advertising bang for the buck I have had! 564 Farms 46 Acre farm- Toppen- ish, WA. top quality soil, small home, good water rights, $475,000. 509- 952-4457 $ ONCE IN A LIFE TIME RANCH- srofino, ID. 2,200 acres 200 crop- land 23 tax lots, 20 acres divisible. Trophy Elk and Deer, waterfall on Steel- head stream, stunning views Clearwater River. 2 homes- more possible, Riverfront. 12-14 mbf tim- ber. $6,950,000, many financing options. Larry 541-910-7374 With Capital Press, I get more calls than any other type of ad. Two very nice homes, 37+ acres, 3- bay shop, barn with hay- loft, GP building with office & bath, machine shop, gazebo, gated access, paved drive. All in excel- lent condition, $849,000. Donna Chase, Broker. Sweet Home, sR. 541- 979-8431 www.heritagenw.com donna@heritagenw.com 145 acres with 123 acres pivot irrigation. Biody- namic & organic. Two shops, loafing shed, loading chute, & more. Updated manufactured 3 bed, 2 bath home, $899,900. Culver, sR. 541-480-8632 wc@thegarnergroup.com 33-3/102 Highly productive alfal- fa, grass hay and grain ranch with two center pivots that were installed 3 years ago, plus 8” bur- ied mainline throughout the ranch supporting 12 wheel lines. Grain dri- er included and locat- ed in one of the barns. Two rental homes, two historic wooden barns, 2 ponds, with state wa- ter rights. Chicken farm facilities still in place with two barns, feeders, brooder building, au- tomatic egg sizer, and more. Hunting opportu- nities for waterfowl, up- land game birds and big game. Honey Lake front- age supports beautiful views and lake access, plus water rights to Hon- ey Lake. Large shop and equipment shed. Live- stock scale and season- al grazing use after hay is produced. This place has it all. $3,400,000. Janesville, CA. https:// www.californiaoutdoor- properties.com/listing/ blickenstaff-ranch. ca_cowgirl_1@hotmail.com. 564 Farms 31-5-1/103 SX RANCH - Turn key year-round cattle opera- tion. Three ranches to- taling 7,125 acres west of Alturas in Modoc County, CA. Farm equipment, two custom homes, em- ployee homes, and out- buildings. Well-balanced mix of properties offers irrigated cropland, irri- gated pasture and mead- ows, and rangeland. Year-round cattle opera- tion; carrying capacity of 1,885± AU annually. 500 animal units – approximately 4,100 deeded acres – 450 IRRIGATED WITH FREE, ARTESIAN AND SPRING FED WATER heading and used on the home place – private BLM – nice improvements - elk, deer, water fowl, pheasant, quail and fishery. Management currently in place. Well rounded working/ recreational opportunity. Real Estate at $4,250,000 • 1/3 down • 3% interest. You cannot match the terms and dependable water! 33-2-3/108 HUNTERS PARADISE LOG HOME on 10.61 acres nestled in your own canyon of oaks and pines connected to 75,000 acres of Ahta- num State Forest. Late season archery GMU 3681/3682, Yakima, WA, $249,095. Serious Buy- ers only call for more in- formation 509-961-7986 PRICE REDUCTION / OWNER FINANCE 7000 Acre Cattle Ranch and Farm for Sale: lo- cated north of Boise, in Midvale, Idaho. Beauti- ful contiguous land, ful- ly sustainable. Borders Crane Creek Reservoir, asking $7,600,000. Con- tact Mike Samson, Ex- pert Realty, LLC. 208- 584-9302 www.idahoranchlan- dandfarmforsale.com 564 Farms 5.5 Acres in Lyle, WA. 70x45 barn with 6 stalls. 2 bedroom house, air cooled, oversize garage, 50 GPM well, fenced and cross fenced. 2 RV park- ing spaces, $298,500. SALE OR LEASE swner may carry con- Banks, sR. tract. 509-365-2112, 96 Acre nursery farm, 2 509-310-3992 homes, shop and out- 2000+ Deeded farm- buildings, 40 acres gravel able acres, part is brush yard, 43 acres dirt beds, cleared. Corrals, calving 100x200 steel building, barn, two solar wells and dairy creek water rights, some equipment. Good 4” TVID box, recirculation gravel road north and pond, 2” valve every 40’, south side. Sale/ trade fenced. Highway front- or lease. Motivated! Pos- age. 503-320-0783 sible financing available. Burns, sR. 541-589- 4524 RANCH 33-1/100 561 Ranches Realtors: Call 1-800-882-6789 for details on joining FarmSeller! 33-2/HOU al Press Ag Weekl PACIFIC NORTHWEST PROPERTIES Rudio Mountain Ranch - Grant County, Dayville, OR - 24,178+/- acres $27,950,000 CP#02517 Ironside Mountain Ranch - Malheur, Grant and Harney Counties, Juntura, OR - 34,408.4+/- acres. $19,887,477 CP#01018 Rock Creek Ranch - Klamath County, Klamath Falls, OR - 3,386+/- acres $17,000,000 CP#03317 Eldorado Mountain Ranch - Malheur County, Brogan, OR – 19,727.47 acres. $7,397,801 CP#00918 Long Pine Ranch - Union County - North Powder, OR - 7500+/- acres $6,500,000 CP#02018 Wolf Creek Ranch - Union County, North Powder, OR - 2518+/- acres $5,775,000 CP#00217 Briggs Canyonville Farm - Douglas County, Canyonville, OR - 925+/- acres $5,500,000 CP#01717 Birch Creek Irrigated Farm - Umatilla County, Pendleton, OR - 737+/- acres $4,500,000 CP#01316 Couse Creek Ranch - Umatilla County, Milton-Freewater, OR - 3,478.66+/- acres $4,285,189 CP#00418 Wine Development Property - Douglas County, Winston, OR - 387.72 Acres $3,375,000 CP#02317 Daybreak Ranch - Baker County, Huntington, OR - 4,583+/- acres. $2,699,000 CP#01618 Silverlake Property - Spokane County, Medical Lake, WA - 500+/- acres $2,500,000 CP#00715 Hermiston Development Property - Umatilla County, Hermiston, OR - 41+/- acres $2,295,000 CP#02216 Meadow Grass River Ranch - Baker County, Baker City, OR - 425+/- acres $2,199,000 CP#00617 Lazy 66 Ranch - Gilliam County, Condon, OR - 2,248+/- acres $1,750,000 CP#01917 MB110 CRP Ranch - Morrow County, Heppner, OR - 1,700+/- acres. $1,407,215 CP#01518 Rhea Creek Ranch - Morrow County, Heppner, OR - 1,258+/- acres $1,300,000 CP#02617 The 57 Ranch - Baker County, Keating, OR - 262+/- acres $1,299,000 CP#00416 Wyllie Homestead - Grant County, Mt. Vernon, OR - 464+/- acres $1,195,000 CP#02217 Mitchell Ranch - Wheeler County, Mitchell, OR - 1,475+/- acres $1,143,125 CP#03415 Hunt Property - Baker County, Keating, OR - 1,312+/- acres $799,000 CP#00714 Cayuse Property - Umatilla County, Pendleton, OR - 443.1+/- Acres $789,000 CP#000518 Basket Mountain Dryland Wheat Farm- Umatilla County, Milton-Freewater, OR - 313.04+/- acres. $741,668 CP#00618 Dixie Creek Ranch –Baker County, Lime OR – 1359+/- ac $729,000 CP#01418 Tucannon River Property - Columbia County, Dayton, WA - 511+/- acres. $650,000 CP#0718 Coombs Canyon CRP Ranch - Umatilla County, Pendleton, OR - 1433+/- acres. $625,000 CP#01818 Griffin Gulch Ranch - Baker County, Baker City, OR - 390+/- acres $600,000 CP#02318 Double Bar F Ranch - Malheur County, Ontario, OR - 115+/- acres $550,000 CP#01915 Baker Valley Property - Baker County, Haines, OR - 88+/-acres $529,000 CP#03116 Tin Pan Meadows - Umatilla County, Weston, OR - 102 +/- acres $525,000 CP#02416 Catherine Creek Property - Union County, Union, OR - 322+/- acres $499,000 CP#02614 Kinnear Road Dryland Wheat Farm – Umatilla County, Milton-Freewater, OR - 225 +/- acres $480,810 CP#01118 Circle Bar Ranch - Baker County, Ironside, OR - 400 +/- acres $450,000 CP#02118 Stevenson Farm - Umatilla County, Pendleton, OR - 76+/- acres $350,000 CP#02415 Emigrant Springs Recreational Property - Umatilla County, Pendleton, OR - 165+/- acres $295,000 CP#02218 Skeels Property - Union County, Union, OR - 80+/- acres $290,000 CP#02316 Denny Creek Ranch - Baker County, Baker City, OR- 249+/- acres $275,000 CP#01218 Fulton Mountain Parcel - Umatilla County, Athena, OR - 317+/- acres $263,600 CP#02418 The Reichow CRP Property - Umatilla County, Pendleton, OR - 189+/- acres $200,000 CP#00418 Ballard Creek Ranch - Baker County, Oxbow, OR - 160+/- acres $160,000 CP#01916 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION www.whitneylandcompany.com 541-278-4444 • Jim Whitney, CCIM/Owner/Principal Broker • Todd Longgood, Owner/Broker • Gary Jellum, Broker 101 S.E. 3rd | P.O.Box 1614, Pendleton, OR 97801 • Timothy “Scott” Coe, Broker • Travis Bloomer, Broker • Blake Knowles, Broker • Christopher Stuvland, Broker 33-2/101