August 10, 2018 19 503-843-2981 503-435-7098 cell CCB#130229, Lic., Bonded, Insured Sheridan, OR 31-5-1/106 Land Clearing, Road Constr., Ripping, Ponds, Site Prep, Utilities, Bridges Custom Filbert Harvest 31-5-3/106 For any size operation, using the state-of-the-art Monchiero one pass harvester. Serving the Willamette Valley. Ben & Willy Dinsdale Call 503-838-3779 VANDERBECK TRUCKING & EXCAVATING INC. • P OND C ONSTRUCTION • I RRIGATION , W ILDLIFE & D AIRY • S ITE P REP . • L AND C LEARING • L ASER L EVELING • D UMP T RUCKING • L OG H AULING • A LL P HASES O F E XCAVATING • LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED CCB# 84747 (503) 829-2985 Mt. Angel, OR 31-5-1/106 NOTICE: Oregon Construction Contractors Law (ORS 701) requires that all businesses that advertise remodeling, repair, home improvement or new con- struction be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify a contractor’s license and complaint history at www.hirealicensed 503-378-4621 664-1-52-2/HOU NOTICE: Oregon Lands- cape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires that all landscape contracting bus- inesses to be licensed with the Landscape Contractors Board. This four (4) digit number assures the busi- ness has a bond, insurance and an associated land- scape contractor who has fulfilled the testing and experience requirements for licensure. For your pro- tection, verify & check a license status on our web: www. or call (503) 986-6561 before hir- ing a landscape business. Landscape Maintenance companies do not have to be licensed to perform maintenance functions on your already installed landscape. 664-1-52-2/HOU Wanted: Grass Straw to Bale. Mid Willamette Val- ley, Oregon. Good rates paid. 503-510-7779 Round hay bales for sale: weighing 600- 800 lbs, good hay for sheep, cows, horses, $45/ bale. Lebanon OR. Call 541- 716 Hay, Straw, 401-1655 or 541-258- Forage 6076 Horse quality & feeder grass hay $150- $95/ ton. New crop red clo- ver haylage $60/ bale, approx 1400 lb bales. Grassy 1st cutting Al- falfa, $95/ bale, 950 FREE CULL ONIONS: lb bales. Yamhill, OR. Truck loads only. Deliv- (503)537-4821 ery available in Salem, Oregon area. 503-679- 4258 Barley hay in large bales, $110. Fescue straw, $50/ ton. Union, OR. 541-910-9471 350 Tons Alfalfa: Su- preme 1st cutting. 3x4 Bales. Tests Available. Delivery Available. Silver Lake, OR. 541-410-4325 Grass Hay: $155/ ton. Delivery available. Lafay- ette, OR. 503-437-4833 1st Cutting Premium Al- falfa and Alfalfa Grass Mix: 3x4 bales, Tests Available. Truck Loads Only. Fort Rock, OR. 541-408-6267 New 2018 Orchardgrass Hay and 3rd cutting Al- falfa: 55 lb. bales. Nice! Mount Angel, OR. Call 503-932-2507 Premium Central OR. Hay- Going Fast! Big baled Orchard Grass or Alfalfa, $200/ ton. Small bales, 2nd cutting, Or- chard Grass or Alfalfa, $215/ ton. Madras, OR. (503)932-3602 D & N Hay Co. Just beginning 2nd cut- ting. 1st cutting orchard grass, $200/ ton, 1st cut- ting Alfalfa also available. All baled in two string bales. We can deliver and off- load into your fa- cility with our equipment. Feed stores and stables welcome. 541-610-2506 Dry Land Alfalfa, Grass Alfalfa: call for prices. 3x4 bales. Goldendale, WA. 509-773-4283, 509- 261-2351 Alfalfa, big bales, premi- um Alfalfa hay, mid- size bales, 1400 lbs each, $119/ bale or $170/ ton. Arlington, OR. 503-505- 0080 Certified Weed Free Al- falfa: 2 string bales. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cutting avail- able. Premium quality. Benton City, WA. 509- 554-2490 Certified organic wheat straw (50 tons) and bar- ley straw (50 tons), clean $80/ ton. Walla Walla, WA. 509-200-9325 4x4 Round bale GRASS HAY: 1st, 2nd cutting, good quality, $30-$40/ bale. Cathlamet, WA. 360-431-6488 3x4 Big Bale Valley Grass Hay: $150-$200/ ton. Possible delivery. Scio, OR. 503-930-2738 3 tie valley grass hay, 1st and 2nd cutting clean and green, $175-225/ ton. Possible delivery. Scio, OR. 503-930-2738 Various haylage: organic and conventional, grass, clover, alfalfa, barley, vetch, peas, oats, $50- $65 bale. Possible deliv- ery. Scio, OR. 503-930- 2738 Alfalfa/ Barley, Alfal- fa/ Triticale, 3x4 bales, tests on hay. Burns, OR. 541-490-4545, 541-589- 4984 Barn Stored, Grass Hay 3x4x8 $110- $160 ton 1st or 2nd cuttings. Small $5 bale. Delivery Extra. Glenoma, WA. “Both Tractors SOLD! Thanks!”฀ Jim Pettersen • Gig Harbor, Wash.฀ Sell yours too in Capital Press! Orchard Grass, Mid- Sized Bales, Premium Eastern Oregon Orchard Grass Hay in 3x3x8 bales approximately 700 lbs. each. $220/ ton. Prineville, OR. 503-209- 5852 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets HAY • 550 Ton Organic Hay • 350 Ton Alfalfa Grass Mix Big & Small Bales • Straight Orchard Grass 3-tie, 100 lb. bales • Rye, 3x4 bales BARN STORED DELIVERY AVAILABLE 541-947-4600 For Test Results go to: Capital Press Marketplace Search: Hay & Forage RIVER’S END RANCH 716 Hay, Straw, Forage 3 way forage mix: oat, wheat, barley, 3 twine bales, $150/ ton. Loyal- ton, Northern CA. 530- 993-4337 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets Airedales AKC Regis- tered: Adults & puppies. Fort Sage Kennels. Pa- tricia Sharp, Doyle, CA. 530-827-2271 UKC Registered English Shepherds: 8 weeks old, Cattle Dog Heeler Pups: 1st shots, female/ males, working parents. $400/ $550. Troutlake, WA. Alpacas, Llamas, Sheep, Goat Shearing, Hooves each. Cle Elum, WA. 509-395-2421 and Teeth. Will travel 509-304-4540. anywhere in the North- 731 Horses, Mules, (2) German Shepard west. 35+ Years experi- Donkeys male and female litter ence. Santana Shearing. mates, wonderful farm 541-570-2756, 541-981- dogs. Must remain as a 1866 pair. FREE to best farm home. (1) Border Col- 746 Goats lie, 10 years old. FREE to good home. Will be ADGA Purebred LaMan- missed but owner has cha Bucklings - 4 months sold the farm. Oregon old, bottle raised, dis- City, OR. Barry 503-819- budded, sweet & easy 7179 or Roy 503-719- to handle, CAE/ CL/ 3460 Johne’s Negative Herd, $600. Canby, OR. 971- 269-8824 Looking for EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY? Go to Class. 552 731-1-52-2/HOU 740 Sheep Grass Hay: 1st Cutting $100/ ton Annual/ Tim- othy mixed big square bales. 1300lbs each. Monmouth, OR 503-910- 0235 Orchardgrass, 1st, 100lb bales, barn, $200/ ton. Hidden Valley, Klamath Falls, OR. Near border. 541-892-1948, 541-892- 1964 743 Alpacas & Llamas 4 Border Collie puppies, 4 Border Collie Britta- ny cross, 8 weeks, 1st shots, working parents on site, short hair and long hair, $275 OBO. Bruneau, ID. 208-599- 1251 St. Croix Rams, Weth- ers, Ewes. Bellingham, WA. 360-319-5555 Improve your flock! Registered Icelandic Rams: Excellent ge- netics, healthy, top of the line. Oakville, WA. (360)273-8445. 200 head white-face ewes. 1-5 years. Work great as farm flock or range sheep, $200. Sho- shone, ID. Call me 208- 420-5816 2nd cutting Alfalfa, 2 string bales, 105 lbs, barn stored, we load. Madras, OR. 503-317- 6245 Grass Hay: $4/ bale. Fescus Straw, $1.50/ bale. All 2 string. Scio, OR. 541-981-8759 Savanna Meat Goats: percentage and full bloods. Akbash Guard- ian Puppies available. Eagle Point, OR. 541- 826-6541 749 Swine Oregon Pork Producers Breeding Stock Sale: September 1st, 2018, 6 P.M., Oregon State Fair Grounds, Salem, OR. New! Prospect Pigs top 25 will sell, great for Fall and Winter shows. Pre- view animals online at: www.oregonporkproduc- or www.face- For information or bids, call Lowell Bickle 541-218- 1228. Visa & Mastercard accepted. English Short-legged Suffolk Hampshire cross Jack Russell Terrier Pup- ram lambs. Echo, OR. pies: short, smooth coat, 541-376-8358 males available, $500/ each. Bred for temper- ament and trainability. Great family and farm dogs. Rogue River, OR. Starts Oct. 1 New Crop Timothy: 2 541-621-4440. Ends May 15, 2019 string bales, $200/ ton, no rain. Delivery available. St. Paul, OR. 503-349- 5853 Haylage: 4x4 round bales, 1600-1700 lbs, 8 layers wrap -no net, tightly compressed, orchardgrass mix, 40- 50% moisture. Baled 4/2018. $50. Junction City, OR. 307-217-0136 Beautiful Horse Quali- ty Oat Hay: 3-tie bales. AKC Rhodesian Ridge- We Buy, Sell & Haul All back Puppies: champi- Types of Hay. Erickson on lines, (4) females, (4) Trucking, Burney, CA. males, born July 29th. Call Ren Bannerman 503-931-0901 or 971-239-1348 Will have their first shots 530-949-9298 and dewormed. Parents 24 tons of nice green onsite. Serious inquires hay, round bales, will only. $2000 each. Cave load on site. Scio, OR. Junction, OR. Call/ text 503-931-9244 541-592-9267. LEBANON AUCTION YARD, INC. 719 Feed, Grain Low-carb Grass Horse Hay: Eastern Oregon grown, 100 lb. 3 tie bales. Oregon Hay Growers low carb hay contest winner, analysis available. Adel, OR. 541-219-0900 Grass Hay/ Timothy Orchard Blend: 2- tie. Whole Kernel Corn, Banks, OR. 503-314- grinding available. Call 8484 for price and availability. Brooks, OR. 503-932- Alfalfa 8598 •1st- 3rd Cutting Alfalfa 3x4 & 2 string bales PREMIUM FEED •Orchard / Alfalfa Mix at Economical Prices •Grass Hay Clover/Grass 3x4 & 2 string bales Screening Pellets •Tarped, no rain 16+% Protein, 3+% Fat •Delivery Available Totes.............................$245/T •Test upon request 50# Bags.......................$300/T Western/ Eastern WA. Clover/Grass Call for pricing 360-749-4422, Screening Pellets 360-749-3080 14+% Protein, 2+% Fat All natural grass hay, Totes...................................$215/T beautiful 3-tie bales, no 50# Bags.............................$260/T 9% Grass Pellets....Call for prices rain, barn stored, 300 9% Molasses...50# Bag $200/T tons feed store quali- Beaver Brand Feed ty, sold by ton or truck 16% Protein Chicken Feed load. Squeeze and de- Crumble or Layer.....40# Bag $12 livery available. Cottage Pig Grower Silver40# Bag $11.50 Grove, OR. 541-953- PHILOMATH, OR 7990, 541-942-1054 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 8am-12noon • Closed Sun Call Barry 541-609-8647 Dairy Cows For Sale: Whole herds or heifers. Also buying all types of dairy cattle. Lowell Chaffey, Aurora, OR. 503-678-5269, 503-559- 0830 Brown Swiss Breeding Bulls Wanted: Call 253- 350-2459, 253-640- 3345, 253-350-9158 (10) Holstein Heifers: 8 to 10 months old, $1.50 lb. live weight. Goldendale, WA. 509-773-5598 DAIRY/ BEEF: registered Tarentaise and F1 heif- ers: some with A2A2 milk genetics, some bred and some open. Various prices. Yelm, WA. 360- 894-2717 Gentle family milk cow, Holstein cross, just freshened, $1500 OBO. Hydesville, CA. 707-724- 3456 (10-20) Springing Organ- ic Dairy Cows: Jersey/ Holstein/ Norwegian Red cross. High component herd, $1,500. Willing to make a deal. Trout Lake, WA. 509-637-0239 Custom Heifer Raising. Over 45 years experi- ence in raising and an- imal care. McMinnville, OR. 503-437-6628 CERTIFIED ORGANIC REGISTERED MILK- SHORTHORN HEIFERS: from bottle babies to Springers. Prices for sin- gles, specials for groups. Chehalis, WA. 360-880- 0846 95 head Brown Swiss. Milking, dry, springers. Purebreds and cross- es, approximately 80% Swiss genetics. Balance is Holstein and Jersey. Low somatic count. All bred to Durham son/ Wonderment grandson on site, $1,600 Vale, OR. 541-473-4081 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING IN IN CAPITAL CAPITAL PRESS PRESS IS IS A A MARKET REPORT: 08/02/2018 37063 KGAL Dr., Lebanon, OR 97355 Purebred Maremma, 3-1/2 months, female, proven breeder. Well socialized, work ready! $650. Palomino yearling raining stallion. Plains, MT. 406-880-6236 Protect your Livestock! Purebred LGD Regis- tered Maremma Pup- pies: These Italian Sheepdogs come from excellent working par- ents. Complete vet care done. Seeking forever, loving, working homes. $900. Oakville, WA. 360- 273-8445. Serious inqui- ries only. Border Collie/ McNab/ Carter: best dog you will 721 Fish ever have, females $450, males $400. Colton, OR. Oregon Aquaculture 503-314-0145 Association: Licensed Oregon Fish Produc- Purebred Border Collie ers, trout & warm water, Puppies: Dewormed and u-catch, pond stocking. first shots. Parents on site. Angels-Camp, CA. Rainbow Trout- Finger- 209-684-4885. Organic Alfalfa, Grass, Grain Hay: Priced to move quantity. Call for details. Gazelle, CA. 831-245-5559 lings to Trophy. Oregon and Washington de- livery. Island Springs Hatchery, Portland, OR. 503-621-3565 755 Cattle Dairy 32-3-3/106 BREEDEN LOG CO. $$$ Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Loans: Bank or Private Money. Purchase, Re- finance. Large Loans a Specialty. Farms to Apartments, etc. Salem OR. 971-600-4327 716 Hay, Straw, Forage AKC German Shepherd Puppies: 3 males, 3 fe- males, 3 months, good genetics, great family pets, $800 each OBO. Rainbow Trout for Pond Princeton, ID. 208-875- Stocking: Statewide de- 0762 livery. Brian Trout Ranch, Bluegrass Straw: Big Sandy, OR. 503-668- 3’x4’ 1100lb. bales, $85/ 7861 ton & small 75lb. bales, $100/ ton with color. 24 722 Poultry & Fowl hour notice to load. Ma- dras, OR. 541-325-6318 Open year round. Tan- Alfalfa 3 tie, 56+ to 54+ gent, OR. 541-928-8928 PUPPIES: 3/4 Border Collie, 1/4 Mcnab, (3) test, 1st cutting. Alfal- females, (1) male, out of fa/ orchard grass mix, 728 Dogs, Cats, great working parents, meadow hay, wheat hay. Pets $300 each. Serious in- All feed store, grower direct. Klamouth Basin, LGD Great Pyrenees quires/ questions only. OR. 541-545-6047, 541- Maremma: 10 weeks Pasco, WA. 509-781- 281-4026 old, shots, wormed, work- 0034 ing parents, $350. Wapa- Feeder Hay All types. Alfalfa, Grass to, WA. 509-985-9457 and Straw. Call for price WANTED: McNab pup- which will include deliv- py. Full or cross for com- ery. Ephrata, WA. 360- panion. Vale, OR. 208- 305-9798, 509-237-9302 859-4734 Organic $90.00 $83.56 541-259-1251 Total Receipts: 267 CALL TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD Butcher Cows Conventional Top Cow $74.00 Top 10 Cows $70.23 Top 50 Cows $66.77 Top 100 Cows $62.87 Top Bull: $86.50 Feeder Steers: 700-800# $119.00-$128.00 cwt Feeder Heifers: 700-800# $100.00-$120.00 cwt Cow/Calf pairs: $950.00-$1,200.00 1-800-882-6789 FAX (503) 370-4383 COMPLETE AUCTION RESULTS AT WE ARE ALSO ON FACEBOOK LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY 10 AM START • JULY 19 - AUG 30 Looking for 32-3/100 DRAINAGE SOLUTIONS A Must Before Planting Hazelnuts Increase yields, provide deeper root growth, improve soil aeration, reduce compaction, decrease soil erosion. Creekside Valley Farms Serving Oregon and Wash- ington. 503-864-4422 716 Hay, Straw, Forage 32-1/109 Legal Services: Wills, Trusts, Real Estate. Oregon based. Matthew Lind, Attorney 503-729-2092 Matthew@westernrealtytrust. com 667 Loans & Financing 31-5-3/100 664 Services DAIRY FARMS? WOODBURN LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE P.O Box 335, Woodburn, OR 97071 Go to Class. 567 Tom Elder 503-981-9497 • Fax 503-981-9543 Market Report for August 7 th TOTAL RECEIPTS 383…375 CATTLE 10 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $67.21 cwt 50 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $63.27 cwt 100 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $58.87 cwt Top Certified Organic Cattle NT-NT cwt All Slaughter Bulls $59.50-$85.00 cwt TOP BEEF STEERS TOP BEEF HEIFERS 300-400#........................NT - NT cwt 300-400#...........$125.00-$140.00 cwt 400-500#..........$140.00-$154.00 cwt 400-500#...........$120.00-$135.00 cwt 500-600#..........$130.00-$136.00 cwt 500-600#...........$120.00-$130.00 cwt 600-700#.........$128.00-$134.00 cwt 600-700#...........$118.00-$130.00 cwt 700-800#.........$120.00-$130.00 cwt 700-800#...........$118.00-$125.00 cwt 800-900#........................NT - NT cwt 800-900#...........$111.00-$126.00 cwt 900-1000#.......$110.00-$126.00 cwt 900-1000#........................NT - NT cwt MIXED LIVESTOCK Cow/Calf Pairs....$1,200.00-$1,500.00 HD Day Old Beef Cross Calves .... $120.00-$180.00 HD Bred Cows........$750.00-$1,050.00 HD Day Old Dairy Calves ........$2.00-$45.00 HD HOGS SHEEP Block Hogs..........$62.00-$73.00 cwt Lambs (40-70#)...$125.00-$143.00 cwt Feeder Pigs.....................NT - NT HD Lambs(75-150#)...$135.00-$154.00 cwt Sows..................$10.00 - $21.00 cwt Thin Ewes...........$40.00-$136.00 cwt Weaner Pigs.........$27.50-$40.00 HD Fleshy Ewes...........$39.00-$67.00 cwt Ewe/Lamb Pairs................NT - NT HD GOATS: 10-39#..................$12.50-$82.50 HD 80-89#................$127.50-$200.00 HD 40-69#................$42.50-$150.00 HD 90-99#................$130.00-$185.00 HD 70-79#................$95.00-$165.00 HD 100-199#..............$60.00-$270.00 HD 200-300#............$285.00-$290.00 HD NEXT SHEEP, GOAT & HOG SALE MONDAY, AUGUST 13 TH @ 11:30 AM PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: 32-1/106 755-1-52-2/HOU 758 Cattle Beef Mastel Family Murray Greys. (5) Purebred Commercial Bulls avail- able. Roseburg, OR. 541-679-0677 Wanted: blonde or blonde and white Sim- mental heifer or young cow. Dayton, OR, 503- 864-4924 Registered Black Angus Bull: 3- 1/2 years, gentle. Myrtle Point, OR, 541- 404-8570 Purebred Charolais Long Yearling Bulls: Browns- ville, OR. 541-466-3377 or 541-466-3187 Upcoming Sale Monday, September 10 th Haythorn Ranch, Ogallala, NE Catalog Deadline: August 23 rd Bidding Line: 307-632-9937 For more details: Call our office at (530) 347-3793 or Look for the catalog and video on our web site: www. .com Market your cattle with the professionals! 32-3/102