OUR VIEW: MANAGE FORESTS, OR WATCH THEM BURN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017  VOLUME 90, NUMBER 37 Page 6 WWW.CAPITALPRESS.COM $2.00 “After harvest starts, within two to three weeks, I’m a thousand deep in test requests.” Anita Holman, Oregon State University faculty research assistant Passing the test Seed growers, researchers screen grass straw to protect livestock from fungus By ALIYA HALL Capital Press C ORVALLIS, Ore. — On a typical summer day, Anita Holman, an Ore- gon State University faculty research assistant, will have around 1,000 tall fescue or perennial rye grass sam- ples waiting in the laboratory for her and 11 stu- dent workers to test. Their goal: to check if there is a toxic level of endophytes in the grass straw. “After harvest starts, within two to three weeks, I’m a thousand deep in test requests,” Holman said. Holman works at the OSU Endophyte Ser- vice Laboratory, one of the few labs in the world that test for the poisonous alkaloids in endo- phytes. An endophyte is a fungus that can live within a grass plant. It helps protect the plant from drought and pests. But the same bioactive compound that keeps pests away can also be harmful to animals that eat too much of it. Past problems with overdoses of endophyte sickening livestock have sparked a heightened awareness among grass seed growers about the importance of testing the straw byproduct of their seed production before using it for live- stock feed. The industry has now reached a bal- ance by working together to protect animals and keep costumers happy, along with developing innovative new methods of controlling the toxin. Straw bales sit in a fi eld in the Willamette Valley in August. Carl Sampson/Capital Press Endophyte dangers Aliya Hall/Capital Press Anita Holman, Oregon State University fac- ulty research assistant, stands by the ma- chine that generates the data a technician uses to calculate the amount of a specifi c alkaloid in a grass straw sample. Three diseases are caused by endophyte al- kaloids: ryegrass staggers, fescue toxicosis and ergot toxicosis. The ryegrass staggers cause muscle weakness, tremors and spasms in horses Turn to STRAW, Page 12 Majority of Washington falls into drought California, Oregon set August heat records By DON JENKINS Capital Press Washington’s hottest August on record worsened precipitation defi cits, leading to more than half the state being classifi ed Thursday as in “moderate drought,” ac- cording to climatologists. California and Oregon also sweltered through record-hot Augusts, but they were wet compared to Washington. An unusual and persistent atmospheric condition off the coast has blocked the Evergreen state from getting its normal summer splash of moist and cool air, Washington State Cli- matologist Nick Bond said. “I think we’re seeing it kind of fade away. I say that with some hesitancy because the atmosphere has a lot of tricks up its sleeves and doesn’t always play fair,” he said. The National Oceanic and Atmospher- ic Administration on Sept. 7 released its August review of U.S. weather, while the U.S. Drought Monitor issued its weekly report on drought conditions. Washington’s average temperature for the month was 5.2 degrees above normal, while Oregon’s was 5.9 degrees. Califor- nia’s average temperature was 4.1 degrees above normal, tying August temperatures from 1967 and 2012. Idaho saw its 11th hottest August on record. Some 19 percent of Idaho and 8 per- cent of California were in drought, little changed from the week before. Turn to DROUGHT, Page 12 Don Jenkins/Capital Press Washington’s hottest August on record worsened precipitation defi cits. California and Oregon also sweltered through record-hot Augusts, but they were wet compared to Washington. GOP invites Inslee to get into well issue Senator to governor: Time to lead By DON JENKINS Capital Press Courtesy Washington Governor’s Offi ce Washington Gov. Jay Inslee sits on a panel discussing cli- mate change March 23 at the United Nations in New York. OLYMPIA — Senate Re- publicans pressed Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Tuesday to get more active in negotiating leg- islation to reopen rural parts of the state to well drilling, seizing on a new study that asserts the state risks losing $6.9 billion a year in economic activity. Republicans said the report, commissioned by the Building Industry Association of Wash- ington, was evidence they are right to refuse to pass a $4 bil- lion capital budget until Dem- ocrats agree to blunt the state Supreme Court’s Hirst decision. “Both bills are vital to our state,” according to a letter to Inslee signed by 21 senators. “However, rural families seek- ing to build a home on their property should take prece- dence over investment in gov- ernment buildings. A real Hirst solution must come fi rst.” Turn to WELL, Page 12 Our Rebin Program can turn your old trailer into a new trailer! 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