April 21, 2017 CapitalPress.com 3 Oregon water rights fee wins committee approval Specific amount of fee stripped from legislation By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press SALEM — A proposal to impose a new annual fee on all water rights in Oregon has passed a key legislative com- mittee, but the amount is no longer specified. House Bill 2706 original- ly set a $100 yearly fee for every water right, capped at $1,000 for individual irriga- tors and $2,500 for municipal governments. The bill is intended to pay for water management con- ducted by the Oregon Water Resources Department, but opponents say it unfairly targets irrigators who are al- Mateusz Perkowski/Capital Press A linear irrigation system operates in a corn field in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. State water regulators want to increase water rights transaction fees by 15.88 percent over four years, the third hike since 2009. A proposal to impose a new annual fee on all water rights in Oregon has passed a key legisla- tive committee but the amount is no longer specified. ready under financial strain. Rep. Ken Helm, D-Bea- verton, proposed an amend- ment stripping the specif- ic amounts from HB 2706 to “lower the heat” on the bill and demonstrate that a fee amount is not “pre-or- dained,” he said. The House Energy and Environment Committee approved the amended bill 5-4 during an April 17 work session, referring it to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, which isn’t sub- ject to normal legislative deadlines. Helm said he’s overseeing a work group that’s discuss- ing a companion bill, House Bill 2705, which requires ir- rigators to install measuring devices to gauge water use and was previously referred to the House Rules Commit- tee. During those negotiations, the water rights fee has “di- minished in popularity and significance” but may still provide a useful funding source, he said. Rep. David Brock Smith, R-Port Orford, said he wouldn’t support the amend- ed version of HB 2706 be- cause leaving the fee amount blank “scares me more.” The only fee amount acceptable to irrigators in the Klamath Basin is zero, said Rep. Werner Reschke, R-Klamath Falls, who like- wise opposed the bill. Finding a new source of funding for water manage- ment is a good idea, but the burden shouldn’t fall dispro- portionately on irrigators, said Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-On- tario. Much of the activities performed by OWRD staff are aimed at protecting in- stream interests, which aren’t subject to any fee under HB 2706, he said. “The cost of management should not focus on the six to seven percent (of water) that is actually diverted,” Bentz said. Research shows farmers as a Oregon GMO liability bill survives Legislature’s deadline group may benefit from drought Proposal could remain alive through end of legislative session By SEAN ELLIS Capital Press Capital Press SALEM — Biotech pat- ent holders would be legal- ly responsible for losses caused by their genetically engineered crops in Oregon under a bill that’s survived a crucial legislative deadline. House Bill 2739 would allow landowners to sue bio- tech patent holders for the unwanted presence of genet- ically modified organisms, or GMOs, on their land. The bill has now been referred to the House Rules Committee, which isn’t sub- ject to an April 18 legislative deadline that recently killed other proposals. The move could effec- tively allow HB 2739 to stay alive through the end of the 2017 legislative ses- sion, scheduled to end in late June. However, the House Ju- diciary Committee made the referral without a “do pass” recommendation, and even then, two of its 11 members voted against the action. It’s unfair to punish bio- tech developers — which range from small start- ups to major corporations — for what happens with crops they have little con- trol over, said Rep. Rich Vial, R-Scholls, who voted against HB 2739. The proposal should have been vetted by a committee with experience in agricul- ture, said Rep. Bill Post, R-Keizer, who also voted against it. Rep. Mitch Greenlick, D-Portland, and Rep. Chris Sean Ellis/Capital Press File Malheur County farmer Jerry Erstrom points out a genetically en- gineered creeping bentgrass plant June 14, 2016, on an irrigation ditch bank near Ontario, Ore. The grass, which was genetically modified by Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. to resist the Roundup weed killer, escaped from field trials in 2003. House Bill 2739, which would hold biotech patent holders liable for damages from GMOs, recently survived a legislative deadline. Gorsek, D-Troutdale, ex- pressed similar concerns about the bill, though they voted in favor of the referral. Even though the bill wasn’t sent to the House Rules Committee “with a bow on top” recommend- ing passage, it’s nonetheless good news for the Center for Food Safety, a group that supports more GMO regu- lation, said Amy van Saun, legal fellow with the organi- zation. “For me, it was a great sign that it wasn’t allowed to die,” said van Saun. Amendments to the bill are being discussed, but those remain confidential, she said. Class-action lawsuits have already been filed over GMO contamination of non-biotech crops, but HB 2739 would provide farm- ers with legal recourse in more limited instances of cross-pollination, she said. “We would be a pioneer in doing something like this,” van Saun said. Oregonians for Food and Shelter, an agribusiness group, is disappointed that such poorly written legisla- tion is moving forward in the process, said Scott Dahlman, the group’s policy director. No states have passed a law that would hold biotech patent holders liable similar- ly to HB 2739, he said. Associated Press File Irrigation water runs along a dried-up ditch between rice farms on May 1, 2014, in Richvale, Calif. A researcher from the University of Idaho says that while drought hurts individual farmers, it often benefits farmers as a group through higher prices. Despite droughts being good for farmers in the ag- gregate, they’re still hard on many individual farmers, Taylor said. “Droughts are mean, vicious, local things,” he said. “But drought is good for farmers, especially if it happens to (you) and not to Garth.” Drought achieves what many farmers know needs to happen — less production — to better balance supply and demand, Taylor said. “The more the quantity goes down, the higher the prices,” he said. “That is very much overlooked when we look at the effects of drought and climate change.” Taylor told Capital Press that many farmers are initial- ly shocked when he shares this data with them “but when you explain it to them, they understand. They realize what you’re talking about.” “You’ve heard farmers say, gee, if we could just get everybody to reduce po- tato production 10 percent this year or onion production 20 percent, we’d do all right with prices,” he said. “When you have good water years, it causes prices to go down because you’re over-produc- ing.” Grass Expertise. Over 40 Years Experience LET’S TALK! ORCHARD GRASS IS SHORT THIS YEAR, BUT WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICE IN THE NORTHWEST. GREENWAY SEEDS Caldwell, Idaho • Alan Greenway, Seedsman Cell: 298-259-9159 • MSG: 298-454-8342 Alan Greenway, Seedsman 16-4/#17 By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI BOISE — Droughts can be harsh on the farmers who are directly impacted, but farm- ers as a group benefit from droughts because they reduce production and drive prices up, according to a University of Idaho ag economist. “The old thing that drought is bad for farmers is just not there,” Garth Taylor said. “The sky is not falling when there’s a drought.” Taylor pointed out that during the most recent ex- tended drought period in the United States, the value of crop production in the U.S. set records in 2012 and 2013. Crop value records were set in California from 2012 to 2014 despite that state suf- fering a severe drought, and records were also set in Ida- ho, Washington and Oregon in 2012. During the severe drought that plagued Washington in 2015, crop value reached the second-highest level ever, behind 2012. Taylor’s presentation came during a joint meeting of the Western Snow Confer- ence and Weather Modifica- tion Association here April 18. “That was a very unique perspective and view on drought that I had not heard before,” moderator Mel Kun- kel, an Idaho Power hydro- meteorologist, told attendees. “It gives me something to think about.” Taylor said he studied crop production values, farm income and weather data in nine Western states as part of his study and used 37 differ- ent equations. In Idaho, he found that during nine drought periods since 1958, farm income or farm GDP in the state reached record levels. 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