12 CapitalPress.com January 20, 2017 Ag interests are formulating strategies of their own BUMP from Page 1 local, state and international venues. Many involved in agri- culture say they hope Trump will ease some of the regula- tions governing their industry, but worry that environmental groups will use their bigger war chests to fi ght more legal battles on key issues such as public lands management, air- and water-quality standards, food safety and endangered species. “The fear is you would have an unfounded lawsuit fi led, and then the (agricul- tural) business is still respon- sible for funding a defense of themselves, even if the suit has no legitimacy,” said Rick Naerebout, director of opera- tions at the Idaho Dairymen’s Association. Naerebout recalled a case in the early 2000s in which an environmental group fi led a notice of its intent to sue a dairy for alleged meth- ane-emission violations. The suit was eventually dropped, but only after the association made a six-fi gure invest- ment in scientifi c studies that proved the dairy didn’t pol- lute. Leveraging the Cabinet Environmental groups contacted by Capital Press all say they have received many more contributions since the election, though they wouldn’t provide numbers. “We’re clearly seeing folks who were hesitant to associ- ate with us because we’re the tree huggers, and now they’re coming around and saying, ‘We need the tree huggers,’” said Jeremy Nichols, who handles climate and energy issues for New Mexico-based WildEarth Guardians. Josh Mogerman, a spokes- man for NRDC, emphasized his organization would rath- er be broke than have to de- fend “bedrock environmental protections Americans have come to expect.” But he ac- knowledges NRDC has expe- rienced an “exponential bump in engagements for online ac- tions, as well as fundraising.” “To some extent, we ini- tially didn’t have to ask peo- ple (to donate). People were coming to us,” Mogerman said. The additional contribu- tions are on top of already substantial revenues. Accord- Courtesy of Earthjustice Courtesy of WildEarth Guardians Capital Press File Courtesy of the Public Lands Council Drew Caputo, vice president of litigation at Earthjustice, said 100 of his organization’s 225 staff members are attorneys. As a last resort, Caputo said Earthjustice has taken both Democratic and Republican administrations to court. Jeremy Nichols, of WildEarth Guardians, says “We’re clearly seeing folks who were hesitant to associate with us because we’re the tree huggers, and now they’re coming around and saying, ‘We need the tree huggers.’” Jay Byrne, president of the St. Louis issues management and research firm v-Fluence, advises agricultural leaders to focus their advocacy on core issues instead of “mov- ing too quickly on too many fronts.” Ethan Lane, of the pro-agri- culture Public Lands Council, will be seeking legislation that would force the executive branch to publicize how much taxpayer money is awarded to environmental groups to cover their litigation costs. ing to tax forms fi led with the Internal Revenue Service, from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015, NRDC report- ed $155 million in total reve- nue, including slightly more than $134 million in contribu- tions and grants. For January through De- cember 2015, WildEarth Guardians reported nearly $3 million in total revenue, and Earthjustice, a nonprofi t law fi rm that takes on envi- ronmental cases, brought in $48.1 million. During that same peri- od, the Sierra Club reported $109.2 million in revenue, in- cluding $94.3 million in con- tributions and grants. Hailey, Idaho-based Western Watersheds Project brought in $639,000 in total revenue for the year ending December 2014. More recently, criticizing Trump’s Cabinet and agency leadership choices has been an especially lucrative fund- raising strategy, the environ- mentalists said. A Sierra Club blog de- scribes Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attor- ney General Scott Pruitt, as a “climate science denier who repeatedly partnered with the state’s largest polluters to block health and environmen- tal safeguards.” The organization con- cludes that the choice of Pruitt will make “America the scorn of the world.” On the site is a link with instructions to do- nate to the club each month and “protect the planet from Trump.” In its online advertising, the NRDC encourages sup- porters to “Speak out! Tell your senators to vote NO on Donald Trump’s Cabinet of polluters.” NRDC contends Secretary of State pick Rex Tillerson, the retired CEO of Exxon Mobil, “put his compa- ny’s interests ahead of those of the U.S. and thwarted ac- tion on climate change.” NRDC also takes to task former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, tapped to oversee the Depart- ment of Energy, for his record on climate change and claims Secretary of the Interior pick Ryan Zinke, a second-term congressman from Montana, has a “rock-bottom voting record on the environment of 3 percent,” as calculated by the League of Conservation Voters. “You have a list of ex- tremely pro-industry advo- cates with very weak records on environmental protection and conservation,” said Erik Molvar, executive director of the Western Watersheds Proj- ect. “That elevates the need for conservation groups like Western Watersheds to hold them accountable.” “We’re at the point right now where almost every- thing is litigated the second it comes out by these radical environmental groups,” Lane said, adding that the council will also encourage Congress to take up broad litigation re- form. Lane believes environmen- tal activists have abandoned facts and turned to scare tac- tics in their appeals to the public, increasingly depicting ranchers and others who de- pend on public lands as vil- lains motivated by greed. Nichols, of WildEarth Guardians, dismisses any crit- icism of turning to the legal system as a tool, noting the courts are the government’s third branch. “It’s downright democrat- ic to use courts to advance goals,” Nichols said. Drew Caputo, vice pres- ident of litigation at Earth- justice, said 100 of his orga- nization’s 225 staff members are attorneys. As a last resort, Caputo said, Earthjustice has taken both Democratic and Republican administrations to court for decades to force the government to follow the law. But he acknowledged that he’s especially concerned about Trump, based on the businessman’s rhetoric and a slate of Cabinet picks Caputo claims are the most anti-en- vironment nominees ever ap- pointed by a president during his lifetime. “We have reason to believe they’re going to take actions which are not only bad for the environment, but also bad for the law,” Caputo said. Molvar also expects the Western Watersheds Project to spend a lot of time fi ghting Trump policies in court, not- ing conservation groups are more apt to sue when they be- lieve the environment is under attack. “Conservation groups are a bit like the highway patrol of the environment,” Mol- var said. “Somebody driving 5 mph over the speed limit you’re less likely to pull over and give a ticket than if he’s driving 90 mph and drunk.” Litigation reform Meanwhile, agricultural interests are formulating strat- egies of their own. A top priority for Ethan Lane, who represents public lands grazing interests at the pro-agriculture Public Lands Council, will be seeking leg- islation that would force the executive branch to publicize how much taxpayer money is awarded to environmental groups to cover their litiga- tion costs when they prevail in court. Lane suspects the public would be aghast if the num- bers were made available. Avoiding pushback Though the incoming Trump administration is generally viewed as friend- ly to agriculture, some warn against trying to go too far, too fast. Jay Byrne, president of the St. Louis issues management and research fi rm v-Fluence, advises agricultural leaders to focus their advocacy on core issues instead of “moving too quickly on too many fronts” in pursuit of reforms that could be viewed as extreme. The fi rm provides public pol- icy intelligence to the food industry, “Some suggest there may be a radical dismantling of regulations, and that could end up with pushback and other reactions that, in the end, could hurt farming in- terests,” said Byrne. “You want to take advantage of the opportunities, but also be cautious that we don’t enable and lift up some of the more radical opponents.” Regardless, Byrne predicts unprecedented levels of liti- gation impacting agriculture ahead. Based on observations from 2005 to 2007 — the last time Republicans held both houses of Congress and the White House — Byrne ex- pects environmental activists to take many of their fi ghts to the city, county and state lev- els. For example, Byrne said, anti-agricultural groups re- cently convinced a New York City Parent Teacher Associa- tion to endorse a ban on serv- ing genetically modifi ed foods in school, as well as a ban on milk and other dairy products from cows treated with artifi - cial growth hormone. Regardless of the science, Byrne said, many liberal-lean- ing local and state leaders will be apt to support the activists because of their general dis- dain for Trump. “We’re going to be chal- lenged by fi ghting thousands of little fi res,” Byrne said. He also expects the groups to increase their lobbying in international policy forums, which could infl uence key ag- ricultural trade partners such as China, Japan and South Korea. “Junk science” — scien- tifi c claims appearing in so- called pay-to-play journals not backed by credible re- search — will also proliferate in the coming years, Byrne said. He said biotech crops and animal health products are popular targets of junk science. “You might fi nd more mainstream sources giving additional weight or coverage to these types of tactics for political reasons,” Byrne said. Brian Brooks, executive director of the Idaho Wildlife Federation, agrees with By- rne that conservationists will “avoid the national circus” and increase their efforts at the local and state levels. “IWF is really looking forward to the support of these national organizations,” Brooks said. Brooks emphasized that IWF is nonpartisan, represent- ing sportsmen in general, and is viewed by many as a mid- dle-ground organization. Since Trump’s victory, however, Brooks believes the environ- mental movement has become more “cohesive,” with conser- vative hunting organizations fi nding new common ground with groups on the far left. IWF has also enjoyed a recent spike in new memberships, boosting revenue. “What’s changed is we need to understand help is going to come from the right and the left of us because of the uncertainty,” Brooks said. ‘The pendulum has swung both ways pretty hard’ SALES from Page 1 don’t expect to repeat the “heyday” of surging sales be- tween 2009 and 2013, he said. “The pendulum has swung both ways pretty hard,” O’Brien said. Manufacturers learned their lesson from the ag- ricultural downturn of the 1980s and were prepared to be “more nimble” when the “abnormal times” of unusu- ally high commodity prices ended, he said. The adjustment has in- volved lay-offs and factory closures, O’Brien said. “It’s a constant effort to right- size operations.” Deere & Co., a major U.S. farm machinery company, has experience a 30 percent reduction in revenue since the 2013 peak, but nonethe- less managed to post a $1.5 billion profit during its 2016 fiscal year, according to financial documents. U.S. ag machinery sales down since 2013 4WD Combine 2WD (100 HP+) 60 (Thousands of units sold) Overall sales down 23.4% from 2015 6.9 50 6.9 40 4.4 8.5 30 3.7 7.1 20 4.5 6 10.7 9.9 9.7 5.1 9.8 8 37.2 32.1 31.7 27 26.3 20.9 5.8 10.8 27.4 3.1 5.4 23.9 22.9 2.3 4 18.5 10 Source: Association of Equipment Manufacturers Mateusz Perkowski and Alan Kenaga/Capital Press 0 2007 ’09 ’11 Similarly, the AGCO Corp., which manufac- tures multiple machin- ery brands, reported net income of $99 million during the first three-quar- ’13 ’15 2016 ters of 2016 despite a sales decrease. “The larger players an- ticipated this and made ad- justments,” said Langemei- er of Purdue University. It’s likely that major manufacturers will be on the prowl to acquire small- er machinery companies during this time of distress, he said. Farmers who are still able to afford machinery, meanwhile, are well-posi- tioned to benefit from deals, particularly for used equip- ment, Langemeier said. “If they have the liquid- ity, it’s not a bad time to look,” he said. As growers bought new machinery when crop pric- es were soaring, they trad- ed in recently manufactured tractors and combines, cre- ating a glut of high-quality used equipment, O’Brien said. Dealers have done a good job of clearing out invento- ries of used combines, but still face a surplus of used large tractors, he said. “We are basically a victim of our own success.” Thinkstock About 70 percent of the farmers surveyed for Purdue University’s “Ag Economy Barometer” believe it’s not a good time to invest in farm machinery, Trump administration could greatly curtail the scale of a national monument LAND from Page 1 its authority to create national mon- uments to the president in the Antiq- uities Act. However, the power to revoke such designations belongs solely to Con- gress, not to succeeding presidential administrations, according to the opin- ion. Even so, the Trump administration could greatly reduce the scale of a na- tional monument by shrinking it to a quarter-acre, for example, Budd-Falen said. The Republican-controlled Con- gress could also outright overturn a national monument designation or simply excise tracts that are most prob- lematic for ranchers and other natural resource users, said Scott Horngren, an attorney with the Western Resources Legal Center, which litigates on behalf of agriculture and timber interests. “They could use a scalpel,” said Horngren. With the multitude of contentious issues facing the Trump administra- tion and Congress, though, it’s open to question whether they’ll want to tackle disputes over national monuments, he said. “We just don’t know that.” If the Trump administration did drastically roll back the size of a na- tional monument, environmental groups could argue in federal court that the reduction was made arbitrari- ly in violation of the Antiquities Act, Horngren said. Under that statute, national monu- ments should be as small as possible to protect resources within the mon- ument, so the Trump administration could argue that his predecessor’s boundaries were too expansive, he said. Though opponents of national monument designations tend to cast them as “midnight regulations” by outgoing presidents, in reality, new monuments and expansions must be justifi ed in “rationales,” said Michael Blumm, an environmental law profes- sor at Lewis & Clark Law School. If the Trump administration decid- ed to signifi cantly shrink a national monument, it would have to provide a similarly well-reasoned justifi cation, he said. “The courts have taken seriously those rationales,” Blumm said. “There can’t be any arbitrary decision-mak- ing.” Presidents do have a “fair amount” of fl exibility in deciding what uses are permitted within na- tional monuments, as long as they don’t undermine the monument’s fundamental values, he said. A major reduction in a national monument’s boundaries would be un- precedented, partly because past presi- dents have been reluctant to scale back earlier designations, Blumm said. The Bush administration, for ex- ample, defended national monuments created by the Clinton administration, he said. The issue goes beyond partisan politics and resonates with concerns about the institution of the presiden- cy, Blumm said. “Presidents like the monument authority, especially on their way out, because it provides them with a legacy.”