April 22, 2016 EPA CONTINUED from Page 1 “I can’t give you an exact date, but I can assure you that EPA also was distressed about the use of the money and the tone of that campaign,” McCa- rthy said. According to EPA records, the agency directed the Swin- omish tribe in 2011 to select a consultant to “develop a cam- paign strategy.” The tribe hired Strategies 360, which the EPA directed to “test and refine” messages. The tribe kept EPA informed as Strategies 360 developed the campaign over the next several years, according to EPA records. Efforts to contact the tribe were unsuccessful. A fisheries commission spokesman de- clined to comment. Gerald Baron, director of the farmer-advocacy group Save Family Farming in northwestern Washington, noted EPA didn’t criticize What’s Upstream until members of Congress began asking questions two weeks ago. “My concern is EPA is trying to shift the blame for something they approved,” he said. What’s Upstream grew from a regional dispute into a national issue April 5 when Senate Ag- riculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., described What’s Upstream billboards as “malicious.” The tribe has since removed the billboards, which were in Olympia and Bellingham. The What’s Upstream website and Facebook pages remain active. “I do know the most egre- gious tone was reflected on bill- boards. That will not be reim- bursed,” McCarthy said. Baron said the website’s im- agery and claims are worse than the billboards. “The billboards were the most publicly visible and got farmers upset and got the most attention, but I don’t think they were the most egregious,” he said. “The website is false and malicious.” Environmental groups in- volved with What’s Upstream have stood by the campaign. “The main gist of this has been to educate the public,” Tr- ish Rolfe, director of the Center for Environmental Law and Pol- icy, said Tuesday. “Agriculture pollution is a concern. We all need to work together to find solutions.” Although the website re- mains mostly intact, a “Take Action” link has been removed. The link allowed people to send form letters to state lawmak- ers urging mandatory 100-foot buffers between farm fields and waterways. The EPA said earlier it con- cluded the link did not violate prohibitions against using EPA funds to lobby because the letter and website did not support or oppose specific pending legis- lation. The website discloses EPA’s financial support, but the letter to lawmakers generated by the website does not. In December, the GAO found that EPA engaged in “covert propaganda” because it used social media and con- servation groups’ websites to spread messages in favor of the new Waters of the United States rule without acknowledging the agency was the author. “The fact that the ‘Take Ac- ton’ link is off doesn’t change things,” Baron said. “It’s still a political campaign aimed at influencing legislators and influencing public opinion in preparation of influencing leg- islation.” In a letter Monday, the in- spector general for the EPA, Authur Elkins, told two U.S. senators that his office will look into three grants to the fisheries commission totaling $20.5 mil- lion. The fisheries commission receives grants from the EPA for fish projects in the Puget Sound. The EPA money that sup- ported What’s Upstream came from a $3 million grant award- ed to the fisheries commission. Elkins said his office will probe whether the money was properly spent and whether any of it must be paid back. The EPA, tribe or fisheries commission have not answered how much has been spent on What’s Upstream. Reports the tribe filed with the EPA sug- gest at least $570,000 had been spent on the campaign through the end of September. The tribe is due to file another report this month. CapitalPress.com 13 Dryland wheat off to a good start in E. Idaho By JOHN O’CONNELL Capital Press Soil moisture was ideal when Kendall Jones planted his dryland wheat last fall, and the Raft River, Idaho, farmer believes spring show- ers have further helped the crop progress. “My dad was saying, ‘We’ve been farming there for 40 years, and this is prob- ably our best-looking crop,’” said Jones, who planted about 7,500 acres of dryland winter wheat. “It’s thicker, and it’s almost closed rows already. It’s ahead of what it usually is at this time of year.” Dryland farmers through- out Eastern Idaho say they’re pleased by the growth and condition of their fall grain crops, which enjoyed strong germination thanks to ample soil moisture, and soil condi- tions also look good for plant- ing spring grain. A possible damper on this season’s dryland grain out- look is that certain crop dis- eases, such as stripe rust, also thrive in the cool, moist con- ditions that have replenished soil moisture. Jones said he’s starting to see a bit of stripe rust — a fungal disease spread by spores — in his fields, but the extent of the infection isn’t yet evident. Soda Springs area dryland growers Sid Cellan and Scott Brown say their fall grain has emerged with minimal winter kill, and good moisture estab- lished a strong stand. “What wheat we’ve got that’s up looks really good,” Cellan said. Brown said good soil moisture should help his spring crops germinate as well, and more storms are in the forecast. In Arbon Valley, dryland farmer Hans Hayden applied John O’Connell/Capital Press Twain Hayden plants spring wheat on April 18. Hayden said he has a good stand of winter dryland winter wheat thanks to ample soil moisture in the fall, and soil moisture is again good for spring seeding. John O’Connell/Capital Press Twain Hayden checks his seeding depth after planting spring wheat on April 18. Hayden said he has a good stand of winter dryland winter wheat thanks to ample soil moisture in the fall, and soil moisture is again good for spring seeding. humic acid to melt snowdrifts that lingered in his fall wheat fields to reduce the likelihood of snow mold. He had far less winter kill than expected. “There’s a lot of good dry- U.S. Senate passes Yakima water measure By DAN WHEAT Capital Press The Yakima River Ba- sin enhancement bill has passed the U.S. Senate as an amendment to a biparti- san energy bill. The bill passed the Sen- ate on a vote of 85 to 12 on April 20. The Yakima amendment was sponsored by Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. A companion measure was introduced in the House in early March by Republican Reps. Dan Newhouse and Dave Re- ichert. The bills authorize the first 10-year phase of a 30- year plan to improve the water supply in the Yakima Basin for farmers, conser- vationists and residents. It includes water conser- vation and ecosystem res- toration, additional water storage and construction of fish passage at Cle Elum and Rimrock reservoirs. Lake Kachess water storage would be improved and decisions will be made USDA CONTINUED from Page 1 These replies, as well as USDA planning documents for the updated regulations, have caused GMO critics to doubt that its new biotech rules would be stronger. Up until now, the agency hasn’t regulated crops due to their noxious weed potential, which the updated rules are intended to change. Freese of the Center for Food Safety said he’s con- cerned the definition of “noxious weed” will be con- strued so narrowly by USDA as to exclude all but the most prolifically spreading plants. “The gap is only going to get bigger unless we change their course,” he said. The Center for Food Safe- ty would prefer if the USDA had a “simple trigger” for ex- ercising its regulatory author- on expanding the capac- ity of Bumping Lake and building a new Wymer res- ervoir between Ellensburg and Selah. The Senate bill provides $92 million for a Cle Elum pool raise, groundwater re- charge, Wapato irrigation upkeep and environmental compliance efforts. The Senate action was lauded by the state De- partment of Ecology and others who have worked to enhance water supply from the Yakima River. It was criticized as “bad policy” by conservation organiza- tions and some residents of Lake Kachess, one of the U.S. Bureau of Reclama- tion reservoirs serving Ya- kima Basin irrigators. Opponents say the plan costs more than $4 billion with no revenue offsets and exploits water above encouraging stewardship. Opponents include Ya- kima Citizens Coalition, Friends of Lake Kachess and Friends of Bumping Lake. ity, based on whether a crop was made with biotechnology, Freese said. However, the agency has insisted on limiting its juris- diction to plant pests — and now noxious weeds — be- cause it doesn’t want to imply that biotechnology is more risky, he said. Another question is wheth- er USDA will actually com- plete any changes to its biotech rules, or if the current process is mere “window dressing,” said Doug Gurian-Sherman, director of sustainable agricul- ture for the group. The Bush administration also proposed updating the USDA’s biotech regulations but they were left unfinished and eventually scrapped by the Obama administration, he said. Now, the Obama admin- istration plans to propose its own regulatory overhaul less than year before a new U.S. president takes the reins, Gurian-Sherman said. land winter wheat in the state of Idaho because everybody has got moisture,” Hayden said. Hayden applied products 12-month waiver TRACTORS JD 8970, 7936 hours., 4WD, PQ trans., bareback, 4 remotes, 20.8-42 duals....... .............$57,400 Harrisburg OH001147 JD 5115ML, 526 hours, Low profile, ROPS, MFWD, 3 rear remotes, 540 PTO... ................$52,000 McMinnville 483050 JD 8450, 8561 hours, 4WD, PQ trans., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 3 remotes, duals.............. ........ $24,000 Bonners Ferry OH002302 JD 8770, 7369 hours, 4WD, 3pt., PTO, 24 spd, Trelleborg 850/55R-42 duals, 5 remotes... $75,000 Tangent OHO01367 JD 8285R, 5321 hours, Prem cab, IVT trans., ILS axle, 800-38 duals, 4 remotes .........$154,900 McMinnville BD043978 JD 9630, 1638 hours, 4WD, PS trans, 800/70R-38 duals, 4 remotes, bareback, auto track ready...................................... ......................$235,000 Hillsboro 18528 JD 6330, 350 hours, open station, MFWD, PQ trans., 2 remotes, 480-38 rear singles. $66,000 Donald CF741792 COMBINES in the fall to control aphids and protect against barley yel- low dwarf, which appears to be widespread this season. University of Idaho Exten- sion cereals pathologist Juliet Marshall said the recent mois- ture should help crops infect- ed with barley yellow dwarf outgrow damage, though test weights will still likely be down. She’s also seen ram- pant stripe rust infections in Brundage soft white winter wheat and recommends grow- ers plant spring wheat vari- eties with resistance to stripe rust. Complicating matters for dryland fall wheat growers, Marshall has seen several cases of wheat streak mosa- ic virus, which is spread by curl mites and is exacerbat- ed by dry and hot conditions that may surface later in the season. Marshall said wheat 3 Years @ 0% TRACTORS streak mosaic symptoms are similar to barley yellow dwarf, and she’s seen several wheat samples that have test- ed positive for both diseases already. Some good news for fall wheat growers is that May futures prices have rallied re- cently, with hard red winter contracts out of Kansas City rising a quarter to $5.44 per bushel from April 11 to April 19. Kansas State University Extension agricultural econ- omist Dan O’Brien suspects the rally may be short-lived but attributes the gains to a weakening dollar, rumors of lower stocks in India and an “accumulation of short po- sitions,” involving investors who borrow commodities from a broker to sell on the open market and make a prof- it by buying it back for less when the price drops. 5 Years @ 0.9% OAC TRACTORS JD 6125R, 380 hours, premium cab, IVT, JD 9300, 9631 hours, 4WD, PS trans., MFWD, headland mgmt., dual PTO, 3 bareback, 4 remotes, 710-38 duals........ remotes...........$105,000 Salem 795991 ..................$59,900 McMinnville 40643 JD 5085M, 6528 hours, ROPS, MFWD, Case IH 535, 2600 hours, 4WD, PS Power Reverser trans., loader, new tires trans., 800/70R-38 duals, 4 remotes, all around...$35,000 Donald BJ316657 bareback, leather seat............................ NH TC34, 461 hours, open station, ...............$170,000 Walla Walla 108988 MFWD, hydro trans., 240TL loader, R4 Case IH Puma 125, 1,927 hours, Prem. tires..........$16,235 Walla Walla A04485 cab, MFWD, IVT trans., 3 remotes, JD6125M, 1967 hours, open station, single rear tires........................................ MFWD, H340 loader, 2 remotes, 18.4-34 .......................$63,900 Hillsboro L11706 rear tires.....$72,000 Donald DA778051 Case IH MX125, 1,274 hours, Std. cab, Case IH MAX140, 3420 hours, MFWD, PS trans, dual PTO, 16.9-38 premioum cab, MFWD, 16x16 trans., singles..............$63,250 Madras E09936 3 remotes, L750 loader............................ ..................$71,500 Hillsboro 9BE02185 KUBOTA M135X, 2288 hours, cab, JD 8520, 6700 hours, cab, ILS axle, PS MFWD, partial PS trans, dual PTO, 3 trans, 4 remotes, F&R duals.................... remotes, 520-38 rear singles................... ............$130,000 Harrisburg OP002681 ..........................$46,000 Tangent 50481 COMBINES JD S670, 1045 hours, small grain, Hillco JD 9660WTS, 2859 hours, small grain, 28% leveler, Prodrive, 24.5-32 tires....... spike tooth cyl., straw chopper, chaff .................$400,000 Moscow C0755421 spreader, 800-32 tires.............................. JD S690, 350 hours, small grain, 28% ..........$125,000 Walla Walla OA078927 Hillco leveler, 24,5-32 duals, 4WD, JD 9660STS, 3079 hours, small grain, Countour Master..................................... 35% Rahco leveler, 630R platform & ................$500,000 Moscow D0765122 cart.............$225,000 Colfax OS730470 JD 9650STS, 3112 hours, sm grain, JD 9770STS, 3688 hours, small grain, 18% Hillco leveler, grass seed combine, level 635F platform and cart, 4WD, 520- 42 duals......$189,000 Colfax A0736737 914P BPU.....$118,000 Salem 0S700523 JD T670, 1127 hours, small grain, JD 9870, 1389 hours, sm grain, level MacDon BPU platform (grass seed land, 650/85-38 duals, straw spreader........ combine)...$179,900 Donald 0A084501 .............$189,900 Four Lakes B0741568 JD S680, 962 hours, 28% Hico Leveler 24.5-32 duals, MacDon harness, chaf spreader......$415,000 Tekoa D0756086 JD S680, 602 hours, 35% Rahco leveler, 650/65R-38 duals, 4WD, Powergard Ext. Warranty.....$445,000 Colfax D0765184 JD S670, 280 hours, small grain, Rahco JD S680, 962 hours, 28% Hlco Leveler 18% 4-way leveler, 615P BPU platform. 24.5-32 duals, MacDon harness, chaf ....................$390,900 Tangent 765553 spreader......$415,000 Tekoa D0756086 COMBINES JD 9870STS, 2335 hours, 35% Rahco leveler, 4WD, 635F platform with cart... .....................$289,000 Colfax 0S730229 JD 9660WTS, 1892 hours, small grain, level land, MacDon PW? BPU platform. .................$135,000 Madras OA078924 JD T670, 1917 hours, small grain, rasp bar, Autotrack ready, straw chopper, 615P BPU platform.................................. ................$165,000 Tangent OA082615 JD S660, 129 hours, Vari Stream rotor, small grain, premium cab, GS3 equipped, Autotrack ready.................... .......................$359,900 Donald 765336 21 Ag & Turf locations in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California. papemachinery.com 541-681-5363 All financing on approved credit. Financing special applies only to select pieces of equipment. See dealer for details and qualifying units. 17-2/#5