12 CapitalPress.com April 22, 2016 Water CONTINUED from Page 1 So water managers are turning to techniques such as groundwater recharge, water recycling, storm water cap- ture and desalination to get the most out of every drop of water that does come, either in the form of surface deliv- eries or rain. Southern California’s large urban centers have taken the lead in developing many of these methods. For instance, the Kraemer Basin in Anaheim, Calif., is just one of the Orange County Water District’s groundwa- ter recharge basins and pro- vides much of the county’s drinking water. Many of the groundwater basins in Southern Califor- nia were adjudicated long before the Legislature passed new statewide groundwater controls in 2014, and wa- termasters have authority to regulate extractions. “These same groundwater basins that store storm water when it’s available also … take imported water,” said Rich Mills, the state Depart- ment of Water Resources’ chief of water recycling and desalination. Courtesy of Rachael Long/UCCE Jamie Burnett, a University of California Cooperative Extension fi eld assistant, stands at a gate to an unlined irrigation canal in Yolo County, Calif., that’s being fi lled with storm water to recharge area aquifers. Groundwater recharge projects are among the methods being used in the West to get the most out of every drop of precipitation. ment plant, the more ex- pensive it gets (to deliver). So for non-potable treated wastewater, there’s kind of a limit.” That said, some Central Valley communities are putting their treated waste- water in irrigation canals or into groundwater recharge, Mills said. To cut down on trans- portation and storage costs, state scientists are studying the feasibility of treating wastewater at a high enough level that it could be put into the drinking water sup- ply right away. A simple idea State funding Courtesy of Calif. Dept. of Water Resources The Coachella Valley Water District’s Thomas E. Levy Groundwater Replenishment Facility in Southern California percolates imported Colorado River water into the eastern subbasin of the Coachella Valley’s aquifer, replenishing 40,000 acre-feet of water annually. Courtesy of Calif. Dept. of Water Resources Anaheim Lake in Anaheim, Calif., is one of Orange County Water District’s groundwater recharge basins. The district is responsible for managing the vast groundwater basin that provides most of northern and central Orange County’s drinking water. Umatilla Basin Pendleton and Source: Water Commission Umatilla River Wash. a Ore. Basin Co l u m b i 82 84 Umatilla 730 Hermiston 14 h. Was Ore. 84 Area in detail ORE. 12 R. Pumping water from riv- ers during high flows to re- store depleted underground aquifers is a deceptively simple idea. While the basic con- cept may seem obvious, it’s fraught with practical chal- lenges — particularly for agriculture, since treating, pumping and conveying wa- ter entails increased costs that threaten to erase slim profits. The aquifer storage and recovery system used by the City of Pendleton, Ore., shows how the process can be adopted successfully but also highlights the economic complications it presents to farmers. “The key to aquifer stor- age and recovery is it doesn’t work everywhere,” said Bob Patterson, the municipality’s public works director. In Pendleton’s case, the system evolved over time as the city’s traditional wa- ter sources couldn’t keep up with the demands of its pop- ulation. The city once relied on groundwater for more than 60 percent of its needs. It was supplemented with springwater. In the 1990s, the city be- gan examining new water options because its spring source was no longer suf- ficient. Meanwhile, the groundwater level in its aquifer was dropping 3.4 feet a year. Though Pendleton had water rights to draw from the Umatilla River, that amount was still inadequate to meet its peak summer demand for landscape irrigation. Storing winter water for later usage was a possible solution, but building an above-ground reservoir was expensive and potential lo- cations were limited. The city instead turned to aquifer storage and recov- ery, or ASR, forcing surface water through wells to help replenish groundwater. “We’re using the aquifer to store water,” Patterson said. The city upgraded five wells to pump water into and out of the aquifer at a cost of $750,000, less than one- tenth the cost of a reservoir system that had been under consideration. Pendleton also spent about $950,000 outfitting the wells with small hydro- electric turbines to reduce the annual power expens- es involved in pumping water. Water usage drops off significantly during winter, so the city can divert rough- ly 80 percent of the amount it withdraws from the river into the aquifer during that portion of the year. Surface water drawn di- rectly from the river or from stored capacity has supplied about 87 percent of Pend- leton’s total demand since ASR began in 2003, with the rest drawn from native groundwater. The shift to surface water Milton- 37 Cost an issue for ag iver Pendleton tilla R Uma MORROW UMATILLA 207 74 82 74 La Grande 206 207 Umatilla River Basin UNION 84 10 miles Alan Kenaga/Capital Press has greatly helped to con- serve the aquifer, Patterson said. The city’s dependence on native groundwater further declined as the ASR pro- gram expanded and its con- sumption is now entirely met by surface water. In 2014, for example, nearly 9 percent of the 842 million gallons diverted into storage were left in the aqui- fer. Groundwater levels are still declining, largely due to nearby irrigation withdraw- als, but the rate has been re- duced more than 75 percent, to an average 0.8 feet a year, Patterson said. “We want to recover a balance to where we no lon- ger have a decline,” he said. Pendleton has used less Filtration also makes sense for a practical rea- son: Removing sediment prevents it from plugging cavities in the aquifer and obstructing the recharge pro- cess, he said. native groundwater since 2012, when it converted ad- ditional wells to ASR and expanded the capacity of its water treatment plant, which plays a key role in the sys- tem. The city spent $6.4 mil- lion building the plant in 2003 with the capacity to treat 10 million gallons of water per day, but the fa- cility’s footprint allows for expansion to 15 million gal- lons per day. “We’re sitting in a very good position,” Patterson said. The treatment facility is necessary because, under Oregon law, surface wa- ter pumped into the aquifer can’t diminish the quality of the water already in it, he said. Pendleton is able to make the system pencil out finan- cially in part because it uses a relatively small amount of water, at least compared to agriculture. Municipalities, however, recover their costs from rate- payers who can afford to pay a higher price for drinking water than farmers can for irrigation water. Growers in the region can’t simply raise their pric- es to build a water treatment facility and upgrade wells to an ASR system — they’re paid based on crop values set by the market. For farmers in the near- by Umatilla basin to break even financially, that means spending no more on wa- ter than $157 per acre-foot, the equivalent of nearly 326,000 gallons, said J.R. Cook, director of the North- east Oregon Water Associ- ation, a nonprofit aiming to improve irrigation in the region. Realistically, the com- bined cost of the ASR pro- cess and pumping water back out of the aquifer will exceed $157 per acre-foot, he said. The only way to make ASR work economically for agriculture is to blend that water with less expensive sources over the course of the irrigation season so the total cost falls below the break-even point, Cook said. For example, in a drought year such as 2015, farmers may run out of surface wa- ter before irrigation demand peaks in late summer. If they could build up groundwater supplies and tap into that more expensive water to get a full irrigation season, it may be worthwhile as long as the early-season water is sufficiently cheaper, he said. The ASR process is used to replenish deeper, confined aquifers whose non-porous layers allow for better long- term storage, but it’s also possible to recharge shal- lower, unconfined aquifers, Cook said. These unconfined aqui- fers store water for less time but they’re recharged with precipitation, water can be returned to them by fill- ing a flood plain instead of through upgraded wells, he said. Water recycling In California’s Monterey County, where salty ocean water has intruded into aquifers, a project in Cas- troville has attempted to treat wastewater and put it back into the groundwater supply to slow the intrusion, and agencies have also used fresh water from the Salinas River to recharge ground- water, Rich Mills, of the state’s Department of Water Resources, said. Overall, Mills estimates that more than 700,000 acre-feet of water statewide is recycled and reused each year. While agriculture has been making some use of recycled water for more than a century, the pros- pect of someday seeing vast amounts of urban wastewa- ter used in farm fields is un- likely, he said. “They’re not simple proj- ects to build,” Mills said of the pipelines that would be needed. “You’re basical- ly putting in another water system. … The farther away from the wastewater treat- Building storage and re- charging aquifers is expen- sive, and state governments have opened their check- books to varying degrees. As the drought in Cali- fornia has spurred interest in alternative water sourc- es, communities around the state have taken advantage of a State Water Resources Control Board low-interest loan program for wastewa- ter and water use projects, Mills said. In addition, more than $800 million in applications have been submitted for wa- ter projects under Proposi- tion 1, the $7.5 billion water bond that passed in 2014. In Idaho, the Legisla- ture this year approved a one-time infusion of $12.5 million to address declining aquifer levels and support water sustainability proj- ects. Another $10 million will be available for those efforts the next two years and then $5 million in on- going funds annually after that. State water officials are also studying the fea- sibility of the proposed Weiser-Galloway Project, a reservoir which would have the capacity to store 750,000 acre-feet of water in southwestern Idaho if built. The Idaho Water Re- source Board in 2014 filed an application for a pre- liminary permit with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to study the possibility of building a hy- dro-power plant at the site. The plant would play a crit- ical role in helping finance the Galloway project, which would cost an estimated $500 million. In Washington, the state has spent nearly $200 mil- lion over the last decade to develop new water supplies for Eastern Washington farmers. But millions more will be needed to bring planned projects to comple- tion. In light of the economic and environmental benefits of developing reliable water supplies, state governments and private industries need to create innovative ways to pay for such projects so the cost doesn’t entirely fall on irrigators, water managers say. “Fish and farms don’t write huge checks,” J.R. Cook, of the Northeast Or- egon Water Association, said.