 April 15, 2016 Growers worry big apple crop could topple prices By DAN WHEAT Capital Press Capital Press Dan Wheat/Capital Press Kanzi apple trees are shown in full bloom in Mt. View Orchard, East Wenatchee, Wash., on April 11. Early bloom means an early crop is likely. Average wholesale asking prices of size 88, extra-fan- cy grade on Gala, Red Deli- cious and Golden Delicious on April 8 were the same as a month ago and two months ago, according to USDA Mar- ket News. Gala was $34 to $36.90 per 40-pound box. Red Delicious was $18 to $20.90 and Gold- ens were $26 to $28.90. Fuji continued to climb on the low end at $34 to $36.90, up from $32 to $36.90 a month ago and $30 to $36.90 two months ago. Granny Smith dropped to $22 to $24.90 from $24 to $26.90 the prior two months. Cripps Pink was unchanged from a month ago at $30 to $34.90 which was down from $32 to $36.90 two months ago. Honeycrisp was not report- ed, having mostly sold out. Prices have averaged $26 per box across all varieties and sizes at extra-fancy grade the last four weeks, O’Rourke said. Riggan said he thinks heat damage, which held the 2015 crop down in size, will con- tinue to shrink the crop by 1 million to 1.5 million boxes. Fuji prices will keep improv- ing because of low inventory while the prices of other vari- eties will stay flat to the end of May and then increase some, Riggan said. Shipments were heavy from December through March as companies were determined to keep invento- ry at levels that help prices, O’Rourke said. Shipments ran about 2.4 million boxes per week through March, he said. As of April 1, 42 million boxes were left in storage compared with 56.7 million a year ago, a drop of 26 percent. “A larger share of the crop has been shipping each month up to this point. They got burned so badly last year with the huge holdings that they’ve really been moving it,” he said. Gala, Reds and Goldens all could gain in price in the next few months as inventories continue to decline, he said. The push has been domes- tically because a strong dollar relative to foreign currencies has hampered exports, which are down 30 percent from last year, with 20 million boxes shipped versus 29.3 million. The largest export market, Mexico, is down 37.5 percent at 4.3 million boxes. India is down 50 percent at 1.3 million boxes and Canada is down 22 percent at 3.3 million. China shines in the positive at 1.1 million boxes, up 58 percent, but last year only Reds and Goldens were allowed in. 5 Report: U.S. needs to reinvest in international food production By ERIC MORTENSON WENATCHEE, Wash. — The Washington apple indus- try is poised to finish sales of its 2015 crop at strong pric- es over the next four to five months, but the big worry is whether another huge crop this fall will cause prices to plummet, as occurred in 2014. Prices hit eight-year lows a year ago and many growers lost money. No one wants to see a repeat of that, said Des- mond O’Rourke, a retired Washington State University agricultural economist and longtime observer of the ap- ple industry. “We hear some pretty large numbers. Anywhere from 130 million to 145 million boxes,” said Tom Riggan, general manager of Chelan Fresh Marketing in Chelan. Selling a large crop is al- ways a concern, but there are a lot of factors, including the world market, Riggan said. In 2012, Washington had a banner year with a huge crop because crops elsewhere were small. The 2015 crop was pegged at 116.1 million, 40-pound boxes by Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s April 1 storage report, compared to the record 143.6 million for 2014. At one point, that crop was 155 million boxes before cullage and dumping reduced its size. Weather could hold the 2016 crop in check, O’Ro- urke said. Right now, wholesale prices of main varieties of the 2015 harvest are strong and largely unchanged for the second month in a row. CapitalPress.com A new report from the Chi- cago Council on Global Af- fairs says it is in the national security interest of the U.S. to lead a massive, international reinvestment in food produc- tion systems. The report, “When Hunger Strikes: How Food Security Abroad Matters for National Security at Home,” argues that food price increases and scar- city are a catalyst to civil un- rest, especially in the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. Author Cullen Hendrix, a University of Denver research- er, said food price protests top- pled governments in Haiti and Madagascar in 2007 and 2008, and were one of the “major drivers” of unrest during the “Arab Spring” uprisings. Food insecurity is a central point of the civil war and ref- ugee crisis in Syria, he said. Two years of severe drought in agricultural areas sent people packing to Syrian cities, where they were under-served by the Assad regime, Hendrix said. In the chaos, terrorist groups such as ISIS even use the promise of food as a re- cruiting tool. “The allure of three square meals a day while participat- ing in (ISIS) activities is ap- pealing, especially if you’re a marginalized young man,” Hendrix said in an interview. Elsewhere, surveys of for- mer fighters in Sierra Leone and Rwanda showed that many had been farmers, and the promise of food was a common enticement used to recruit rebel soldiers. In addition to a “moral call to help the hungry,” the U.S. is best positioned to lead the fight against global hunger, he said. The United States should rededicate itself to ag research, knowledge and technology transfer and developing ag- ricultural capacity abroad to “decouple” food systems from violent unrest, he said. At the local and regional level, such engagement means expanded export markets for American farmers. Global population increas- es, climate change and rapid urbanization of farmland pose additional problems, Hendrix said. Hendrix acknowledged the issue doesn’t get much dis- cussion in the current political campaign, or even from agri- cultural groups. That might be because the issue exists at the intersection of international development policy, security and intelligence concerns, and the viewpoint of ag producer groups. “This kind of thing has the potential to fall through the cracks,” he said. However, the U.S. has a “long bipartisan history of rec- ognizing that feeding the world — and helping the world to feed itself — is a powerful for- eign policy tool,” he concluded. Hendrix’s other points in- clude: • Much of Africa and Asia are increasingly dependent on global markets for food. Afri- ca’s 20 most populous coun- tries are all net grain importers. • In Asia, 50 percent of the population still lives in rural ar- eas. While two of the most pop- ulous countries, Thailand and Vietnam, are large rice ex- porters, the region as a whole is import-dependent. 16-4/#14 16-4/#14