Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current, November 13, 2015, Page 16, Image 47

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November 13, 2015
FFA, ag youth integral part of the Expo
team will also put in a lot of
hours at the event.
Scio FFA Chapter Ad-
Admission will be free for viser Krysta Sprague said
all FFA, 4-H or other ag-re- part of their duty will be as
lated organizations attending servers at the Dine Around
the 2015 Willamette Valley Oregon event. The Scio FFA
Ag Expo on Youth in Agri- officer team consists of Mad-
culture Day, which will be die Thomas, president; Rey-
Wednesday, Nov.
“I’m always so na
vice president;
that’s impressed to meet Naomi Zelenka,
not the only in-
secretary; Faith
volvement FFA the next year of Wilson, treasur-
will have in this students. They er; Jared Driver,
reporter; Caeden
year’s Expo.
FFA, specif-
show up, they Spilde, sentinel;
and Megan Grif-
ically the Scio
work hard and fith, historian.
High School FFA
Chapter, has been they are excellent
has become an
part of the Expo
since the annual examples of good essential part of
the Expo produc-
event began in
tion,” said Jill
2000. Members
help with a vari- Jill Ingalls, the Willamette Ingalls, the Wil-
ety of jobs at the
Valley Ag Association’s lamette Valley
Expo. This year,
manager Ag Association’s
manager. “The
Allison Studnik
school dedicates
and Ashley Grif-
fith have been put in charge many hours of student time
of organizing the chapter stu- to working at the Expo. This
teaches the students about all
dents’ work schedules.
The Scio FFA Officer kinds of jobs and responsi-
For the Capital Press
Courtesy of WVAE
An FFA student directs visitors to last year’s Dine Around Oregon event at the Willamette Valley Ag Expo.
bility and encourages leader-
Sprague agreed.
“This is an excellent op-
Rickreall, OR • 866-390-9146
portunity for Scio FFA mem-
bers to interact with the com-
munity and meet business
and industry personnel from
around the Willamette Val-
ley,” the second-year adviser
“I’m always so impressed
to meet the next year of stu-
dents,” Ingalls said. “They
show up, they work hard and
they are excellent examples
of good citizens.”
She said WVAE tries to
incorporate 4-H or Oregon
High School Equestrian
Team members to help with
Expo guest packet assembly.
There are also a few perks
for the students, Sprague
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said. Specifically, Youth Ag-
riculture Day.
“They have the opportu-
nity to attend the WVAE on
FFA Day, Wednesday, Nov.
18,” she said. “They attend
the Expo, answer questions
on a scavenger hunt and learn
about agriculture in the Wil-
lamette Valley.”