6 FROM THE SHELF AUG. 31�SEPT. 7 CHECKING OUT THE WORLD OF BOOKS The mystery of why we love reading mysteries By Laurie Hertzel Star Tribune At one time, there was nary a mystery to be found on my shelves. Last year, right around this time, I had coff ee with a writer in a Minneapolis park. She’s someone I’ve interviewed several times before, and as we walked back to our cars she asked me the question she always asks: “What are you reading these days?” I didn’t have a great answer. At the time, I wasn’t reading anything new or daring. I wasn’t even reading anything for work. We were halfway through the second year of COVID-19, and to my surprise, I was read- ing mysteries — one after another. I’ve never really been a mystery reader. It’s not a snobbish thing, though it might sound like that; I know plenty of brilliant people who love mysteries, including most of the critics who write for these pages. (They fi ght over who gets to review the new Kate Atkinson.) Minnesota is bursting with wonderful mystery writers (and I don’t dare start naming them or I will run out of room) and I’ve read a lot of their books, which I always enjoy, and I’ve interviewed many of the authors, who are always unexpected and entertaining and eloquent. But mysteries as a genre never attract- ed me: I don’t like gore, I don’t like vio- lence, I don’t like to be scared. And I didn’t like that it seemed like beautiful young Penguin Random House Harper/TNS It’s soothing to read something that provides answers when we are in the middle of a time when the problems are huge and answers are scarce. women were often the victims. I had not yet understood that there are all kinds of mysteries — classic mysteries, police procedurals, cozies, spy thrillers, legal thrillers, psychological thrillers and detective novels. And then, a few months into the COVID-19 lockdown, I picked up a mys- tery for no particular reason and I started reading. And then I read another, and an- other. I found that I liked being engrossed. I liked being fl ummoxed. I liked trying to puzzle things out, looking for clues, trying to fi nd the answer, being tricked by red herrings. I realized that there are just as many kinds of mysteries as there are any other novels, and that all I had to do was fi gure Happy Hour! All Day Sundays! Audio & E-Books Available 14 SE 3rd Street, Pendleton Pendleton Hermiston 241 S Main Street 201 E Main Street (541) 377-2434 (541) 371-4114 Locations open 11am - 8pm every day! out which kinds I liked (as it turned out, police procedurals and detective novels) and which ones I didn’t (anything that will give me nightmares). I came to love Anthony Horowitz and Richard Osman because they are funny as well as clever, and because the murders in their books are generally not gory. I love Tana French because her books are set in Ireland and because the mysteries are so complicated that I can’t fi gure them out. A colleague gave me “River of Dark- ness” by Rennie Airth and I found it so frightening I had to put it down halfway through; it was months before I dared pick it up again. But I had to fi nish it; there is no doubting Airth’s skill. Still, what I didn’t understand was why I had suddenly started devouring mysteries at this time in my life. The writer I had coff ee with had a pretty good idea. The world is so diffi cult now, she said. Everything is complicated. You like mysteries because they have an- swers. They are solvable. She might be right. It’s soothing to read something that provides answers when we are in the middle of a time when the problems are huge and answers are scarce. But maybe there are other rea- sons, as well. Do you love mysteries? Why? Have you come to appreciate a genre later in life, something that surprised you? Write to me at books@startribune.com. Pendleton’s premier party house and event space! Follow our regular weekend events or book your own at electricsundown.com Hours: Tue-Sat 10am-6pm 1813 Main St, Baker City, OR (541) 523-7551 https://bettysbooks.indielite.org