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About The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 2022)
OREGON A6 — THE OBSERVER SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 Survey: Most Oregonians plan to vote for more gun control 54% of Oregonians say they are more likely to vote for candidate who supports more gun control By JOE SIESS Oregon Capital Bureau SALEM — The majority of Oregonians plan to vote for a can- didate that supports more gun control in the November gen- eral election, according to a new survey published by the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center. The survey found that 54% of Oregonians indicated they are more likely to vote for a candi- date who supports more gun con- trol, compared to 19% of Ore- gonians who said they are more likely to vote for a candidate who is in favor of less gun con- trol. Two and 10 Oregonians were either undecided or did not care, the survey showed. Women were found to be more likely than men to seek candi- dates who support more gun con- trol, the survey found. The values and belief center, an independent, nonpartisan research group, released the survey Thursday. The center sur- veyed 1,572 Oregon residents ages 18 and older between July 8 and July 16. A previous gun con- trol survey was released in June and showed the majority of Ore- gonians support stricter gun laws. The new survey was done to provide more comprehensive and nuanced results than the pre- vious survey, which was meant to create more of a baseline, said Amaury Vogel, the associate executive director of the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center. “In June we asked people just a couple of questions that were surface level questions because everybody had just gone through the shooting in Buff alo and the shooting in Uvalde,” Vogel said. “In July we wanted to ask about it particularly because we had sev- eral mass shootings and a rise in gun violence and it is some- thing that is a big factor in the November election.” The more recent survey Kathy Aney/East Oregonian, File Clay Winton, owner of Crosshair Customs in Baker City, chats with customers March 11, 2018, at the Pendleton Gun Show. The majority of Oregonians plan to vote for a candidate that supports more gun control in the November 2022 general election, according to a new survey published by the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center. showed that about half of Ore- gonians indicated the recent mass shootings do not aff ect the likelihood they will vote in the November election. More than a third of Oregonians, or 36%, said they are more likely to vote in November as a result of the recent mass shootings. The survey found the vast majority of Oregonians, or four in fi ve residents, believe there should be some level of gun con- trol, and that gun control laws in Oregon should be stricter than they are today. The results showed men in Oregon are more likely to own guns than women, and women are united in wanting at least some level of gun control, with 88% of women compared to 79% of men indicating they believe there should be some gun control. Deschutes County gun owner Slater Kellstrom said he believes the current gun laws in Oregon should be enforced instead of passing new laws. “The amount of people, both private citizens and public offi - cials, who don’t know laws regarding guns and concealed carrying of guns in this state bog- gles my mind,” Kellstrom said. “Offi cials make laws or regu- lations or pronouncements that directly contradict established state laws and suff er no repercus- sions. Enforce the laws as written, treat infractions as serious mat- ters not slaps on wrists.” The survey also found that a strong majority, or 88% of Orego- nians, support background checks for all gun purchases, preventing the sale of fi rearms to those with certain mental health condi- tions, as well as the expansion of screening and treatment for people with mental illnesses. Sienna Fitzpatrick, of Deschutes County, believes people should have access to guns for recreation and self-defense, but feels more safeguards should be in place to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands. “There needs to be more done to limit who can access them, especially young men with mental health issues and people with histories of violence. But that’s just a symptom of the problem,” Fitzpatrick said. “More resources need to be available for improving community wellbeing, like mental and physical health- care, economic development, community building projects like recreation areas, afterschool programs, and skill-building opportunities.” The statewide survey took each participant about 15 minutes to complete. To ensure diversity in the survey results, the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center set demographic quotas and recorded data based on the area of the state participants were from, their gen- ders, ages, and education levels. Participants from a wide variety of backgrounds were included. ‘Damn straight’: Betsy Johnson reacts to news she made Oregon ballot Idaho Power to pay $1.5 million related to 2014 and 2015 fi res in Baker County showed the petitions had 37,679 valid signatures — well above the threshold SALEM — Former state required. Sen. Betsy Johnson has The fi nal statewide ballot qualifi ed for the Nov. 8 gen- will be set Aug. 30. County eral election as an unaffi li- and local ballots must be ated candidate for governor. fi nalized no later than “Damn straight,” Sept. 8. Johnson said in a statement. The trio of women “This is a momen- will ensure a his- tous day for Oregon.” toric election in Ben Morris, November. spokesperson for Johnson is seeking Oregon Secretary of to become the second State Shemia Fagan, governor in state his- confi rmed Thursday, tory to be elected Johnson Aug. 25, that Johnson without major party would be on the support. Julius Meier ballot alongside Democrat won one term in 1930 Tina Kotek and Republican during a major rift in the Christine Drazan. Oregon Republican Party. Johnson, the former Drazan is running to be Democrat from Columbia the fi rst Republican to win County, needed 23,744 valid the offi ce in 40 years. Gov. signatures to qualify for the Vic Atiyeh won a second general election slate that term in 1982. will go before all 2.9 million Kotek is seeking to registered voters in Oregon. extend the Democratic Campaign workers with win streak dating back to Johnson wheeled what she the election of Neil Gold- said were petitions with schmidt in 1986. 48,214 signatures into Adding to the mix is that Fagan’s offi ce in Salem Oregon voters have not seen Aug. 16. a general election ballot The secretary’s Elections without the name of an Division had until Aug. 30 incumbent or former gov- to announce whether John- ernor on it since 2002. Gov. son’s petitions had passed Kate Brown was barred a random verifi cation sam- from running again by term pling. Fagan said a review limits. PORTLAND — The U.S. Attorney’s Offi ce for the District of Oregon announced Thursday, Aug. 25, that Idaho Power Com- pany, a Boise utility that provides electricity to several states, including Oregon, has agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle allega- tions by the United States relating to the May 2014 Powerline and August 2015 Lime Hill fi res in Baker County. The Powerline Fire ignited on May 31, 2014, and burned approxi- mately 5 acres of fed- eral land managed by the Bureau of Land Manage- ment (BLM). The Lime By GARY A. WARNER Oregon Capital Bureau Baker City Herald Bureau of Land Management/Contributed Photo, File Aerial view of the Lime Hill fi re burning near Huntington in August 2015. Hill Fire ignited on Aug. 5, 2015, and burned approxi- mately 2,592 acres of fed- eral land managed by BLM and 9,337 acres of privately GRH Children’s Clinic Call 541-663-3150 Monday 9-12-22 GRH Union Clinic Call 541-562-6180 Wednesday 9-21-22 GRH Elgin Clinic Call 541-437-2273 Friday 9-9-22 owned land. Idaho Power Company has a utility right-of-way on BLM land in Baker County on which it owns and oper- ates its 138kV Ontario-to- Quartz transmission line. The United States con- tended in the civil action that the Powerline and Lime Hill fi res were caused by the failure of structures on the Ontario-to-Quartz transmission line. The set- tlement reached is not an admission of liability by Idaho Power Company and the company denies the United States’ contentions. This case was investi- gated by BLM with assis- tance from the U.S. Forest Service. The United States was represented in this matter by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Carla McClurg and Alexis Lien for the U.S. Attorney’s Offi ce in the District of Oregon. Three opportunities left this school year to make an appointment for a FREE Sports Physical ! Check up before you suit up! College students? Find out about sports physicals for the discounted fee of $50! Call our Union or Elgin clinic today! Find out more about all we do at Grande Ronde Hospital & Clinics—an independent, 501(c)3 not-for-profit health system since 1907