Spiritual Life ENTERPRISE — The Enterprise Community Congregational Church is hosting a free John Nilsen concert on Friday, Aug. 12, at 7 p.m. Nilsen is a pianist, guitarist, vocalist and composer. Because his father was a rural min- ister, he has a passion for rural churches and enjoys playing for their small congregations. Nilsen was born in Seattle and raised in Port- land. He began studying classical piano at the age of 6 and recorded his fi rst collection of orig- inal piano solos, “Sea of Inspiration,” in 1983 with Eagle Records in Los Angeles. Nilsen will play a variety of music, including church hymns, in the church sanctuary. The concert is open to the community and all are welcome to attend. The church has a ramp for wheelchair access. live auctions, a dinner and a campfi re. Come for the day, spend the night or stay for the weekend. For more information, contact directors David and Peggy Lovegren at 541-432-1271 or wallowalakecamp@ gmail.com or visit www. wallowalake.gocamping. org. Pendleton church hosts weekly outdoor song circle Contributed Photo John Nilsen, a pianist, guitarist, vocalist and composer, will be performing a free concert at the Enterprise Community Congregational Church on Friday, Aug. 12, at 7 p.m. SUBMISSIONS Churches and faith-based groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiri- tual Life page by noon Tuesday for publication Thursday. Submit by email to news@ lagrandeobserver.com (with Highlights in the subject line). Sunday service will be streamed and recorded LA GRANDE — Zion Lutheran meets for wor- ship on Sunday, Aug. 14, at 9 a.m. The sermon, based on Jeremiah 23:23-29 and Luke 12:49-56, is titled “Fire!” Holy Communion will be served. Fellow- ship time will follow the service. The service will be streamed live and will be available later. The link for those will be posted to Zion’s Facebook page and website on Saturday, Aug. 13. His word is like fi re, purifying and strengthening NORTHEASTERN OREGON — This Sunday, Aug. 14, Faith Lutheran Church in La Grande at 10 a.m. will have a Matins service (a morning service with a lot of singing) and a Divine service in Enter- prise at 2 p.m. The text used will be from Luke 12:49-53, in which Jesus says, “I came to cast fi re on the earth,” referring to the refi ning fi re through his word. A refi ning fi re puri- fi es and strengthens. In the Old Testament reading, the Prophet Jeremiah wrote, “Is not My Word like fi re, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29). Weekly lessons available on Gospel Library app NORTHEASTERN OREGON — The youth and adult leaders of the La Grande Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints partic- ipated in a pioneer trek this week in Wyoming, pulling handcarts and cel- ebrating the church’s pio- neer heritage. Members of the con- gregation will speak during Sacrament ser- vices on Sunday, Aug. 14, with Relief Society, youth group and Priest- hood meetings during the second hour. The “Come, Follow Me” lesson for the week of Aug. 15 is based on select chapters from Psalms. Lessons will focus on where to turn when facing the struggles of this life and about our Savior’s infi nite mercy. For lesson details, down- load the free Gospel Library mobile app or visit the church website. chapel is at the Wallowa County Park on the north end of Wallowa Lake. Morning prayer services are led by members of the Wallowa County Ecumen- ical Ministry Society. Celebrate a century of United Methodist Wallowa Lake Camp WALLOWA LAKE — United Methodist Wallowa Lake Camp will celebrate its cen- tury mark Aug. 19-20 with “100 Years Around the Campfi re,” an event for everyone to visit and experience the camp. On Friday, Aug. 19, at 7 p.m., there will be a free dul- cimer concert. The next day, beginning at 1 p.m., will include tours of the camp, history, crafts, singing, a camp store, refreshments, silent and Thursday, August 11, 2022 We are called to see the value in people SPIRITUAL LIFE HIGHLIGHTS Free concert features Jon Nilsen on Friday, Aug. 12 A6 ROBERTA SMYTHE OTHER VIEWS just returned from nine days in Germany, and there were many things that were diff erent over there. Of course, I knew there would be a diff erent language, diff erent money, diff erent food, etc. What I wasn’t expecting were other, smaller diff erences. For instance, only one of the seven hotels we stayed in provided washcloths. All provided hand and bath towels, but no washcloths. A little thing, but unexpected, and something I wasn’t pre- pared for. Another diff erence at most of the hotels was no little hand soaps, nor small bottles of shampoo and con- ditioner. Rather there were attached to the shower wall in each hotel, a single bottle of “hand, body and hair wash.” (Fortunately, I had brought my own little bottles of hair products from pre- vious hotel stays here in the U.S.) Another surprise at the hotels: no ice machines, and few had vending machines. Of course, there were also positive surprises. My favorite was fresh vegeta- bles at breakfast. There were always wedges or slices of fresh tomatoes and sliced cucumbers, and usually slices of bell peppers. Another food diff erence that I found odd was the bratwurst from food carts on the streets: The brats were about a foot long, but the bun was more like a dinner roll, so there was more sticking out of the bun I PENDLETON — On Tuesday evenings, Peace Lutheran Church is holding an outdoor song circle at 6 p.m. in the church’s out- door courtyard, acces- sible from Carden between Eighth and Ninth streets. This gathering is for anyone who would like to sing. People of any faith and background are wel- come to join, and are asked to bring a lawn chair. The Observer seeks local spirituality content LA GRANDE — The Observer welcomes announcements and pho- tographs of local faith- based events and activi- ties for inclusion on the Spiritual Life page. We also invite thoughts and comments from commu- nity members on spiritual matters. If you would like to share how you expe- rience spirituality, email lkelly@lagrandeobserver. com or leave a message at 541-624-6019. Ongoing monthly columns and one-time submissions will be considered. Columns are generally 500-600 words and include a photo of the writer. — The Observer than in it. (And you thought it odd that our hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns in packages of eight.) The little diff erences taught me a lot about my own habits and presumptions that I’m not usually aware of on a regular basis — until they weren’t met. I think those kinds of subconscious expec- tations can also happen in our own country, in our own society. We tend to assume that we all share most of the same expectations, habits, behaviors, etc. And we are surprised when others don’t have or follow the same behaviors we do. We may even judge them for not being “normal.” This might be someone diff erent in appearance: diff erently col- ored or styled hair, diff erent clothing styles, lots of visible piercings and/or tattoos, etc. Or someone who behaves diff erently. Or someone who lives diff erently. Or those needing help with food, clothing or shelter for them- selves and their families. We are each unique, each created diff erently from one another. That is something to be celebrated, not forced into conformity. We are also each on diff erent journeys through life and have or will face dif- ferent challenges along the way. Most of us are doing the best we can with the hand we’ve been dealt. It is not ours to judge how another is handling life. Rather we are called to see the value in each human being, and to help those who may need it. █ Roberta Smythe is the pastor of La Grande’s Zion Lutheran and United Methodist churches. Message is drawn from Psalm 100 LA GRANDE — First Christian Church (Disci- ples of Christ) will wor- ship on Sunday, Aug. 14, at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Archie Hook’s message chal- lenges us to “Shout for Joy!” He will reference Psalm 100:1-5, which in part states: “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness.” GRH Children’s Clinic GRH Union Clinic GRH Regional Medical Clinic GRH Elgin Clinic Call 541-663-3150 Wednesday 8-17-22 Friday 8-19-22 Monday 9-12-22 Call 541-562-6180 Wednesday 8-10-22 Wednesday 9-21-22 Call 541-663-3138 Wednesday 8-3-22 Monday 8-8-22 Wednesday 8-17-22 Morning prayer services at the lake open to all Before you suit up: Get checked out !! — FREE — Call 541-437-2273 Wednesday 8-10-22 Thursday 8-11-22 Friday 9-9-22 GRH Sports Physicals ! College students? Find out about sports physicals for the discounted fee of $50! Call one of these clinics today! WALLOWA LAKE VILLAGE — The Wal- lowa Lake Chapel announced that all are welcome to “worship in the beauty of God’s holi- ness” each Sunday in July and August at 8 a.m. The Find out more about all we do at grh.org Grande Ronde Hospital & Clinics—an independent, 501(c)3 not-for-profit health system since 1907 Northeast Oregon Directory of Churches Cove United Methodist Church 1708 Jasper St., Cove, OR North Powder United Methodist Church 390 E. St., North Powder, OR JOIN US... Catch the Spirit! Worship: 9:00 a.m. Cove Worship: 10:00 a.m. N. Powder SUMMERVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services: Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes 9:45AM Children’s Church & Worship Service 11:00AM Family Worship Service 6:00PM Wednesday: Prayer Mtg, Children’s Bible Club, Youth Group 7:00PM A church for your whole family Visit us at summervillebaptistchurch.org First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 lgdisciples@gmail.com Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. ~Join us at The Lord’s Table~ Imbler Christian Church www.imblercc@gmail.com Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service Phone: 541-568-4230 grace.lutherancove@gmail.com La Grande Seventh-day A Place where hope is found in Jesus Join us in Fellowship & Worship Saturday all age classes 9:30 am Saturday Worship 11:00 am 1612 4th Street – 963-2498 www.lagrandeumc.org Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Adventist Church “OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS” For service information go to The Place 62848 Philynda Loop in Island City 440 Ruckman, Imbler 534-2201 “We are called to Serve” LA GRANDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Roberta Smythe GRACE COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2702 Adams Avenue, La Grande 963-4018 109 18th Street • 963-3402 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. lagrandeor.adventistchurch.org Learning for Today and Eternity Little Friends Christian Preschool/Childcare 963-6390 La Grande Adventist Christian School K-8th Grade 963-6203 FIRST LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1812 1st St. La Grande 541-605-0215 We use the King James Version Bible Sunday School - 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Bible Study - 3:00 pm (Effective June 10) Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm “Where you can find TRUTH according to the scriptures” www.flmbclagrande.com Services This Week