Spiritual Life A6 Thursday, June 23, 2022 SPIRITUAL LIFE HIGHLIGHTS Vacation Bible School in Cove open through July 1 COVE — The Grande Ronde Mennonite Church, 69371 Lantz Lane, Cove, is off ering Vaca- tion Bible School from June 20 to July 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The free sessions are open to nursery age through eighth grade. You may pre-register but it’s not required. For more information, contact Christopher Bailey at 541-786-9535. Sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer continues ENTERPRISE — “Give us today our daily bread,” from the Lord’s Prayer, will be the focus of the Sunday, June 26, study before the 11 a.m. worship service. SUBMISSIONS Churches and faith-based groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiritual Life page by noon Tuesday for publication Thursday. Submit by email to news@lagrandeobserver.com (with Highlights in the subject line). Elijah’s ministry is focus of weekly lesson sermon by Rev. Dr. Craig Pes- ti-Strobel of the Enterprise Com- munity Congregational Church. Taking an in-depth look at the prayer that Jesus taught his dis- ciples, the message will focus on Matthew 6:9-13, showing how to apply this verse to help us live more spiritual lives. Pastor Craig will lead a 9:30 a.m. Bible NORTHEASTERN OREGON — La Grande Stake High Council members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, June 26, will speak in area wards during Sacrament ser- vices on Elder Gary E. Steven- son’s talk titled “Love, Share, Invite” from the April 2022 Gen- eral Conference. Sunday school classes will be held during the second hour of services. The “Come, Follow Me” lesson for the week of June 27 is based on 1 Kings 17-19, Jehovah’s Witnesses celebrate anniversary of free speech court ruling JW Public Information Desk REDMOND — While Jehovah’s Witnesses have chosen to temporarily sus- pend their door-to-door min- istry due to the pandemic, their activity was almost permanently banned by one U.S. village in the late 1990s — until the United States Supreme Court stepped in with a historic 8-1 deci- sion on June 17, 2002, declaring the local ordinance unconstitutional. On the 20th anniversary of that precedent-setting deci- sion, some Central Oregon residents wonder what their lives would be like if one of their neighbors had not knocked on their door and shared a life-changing mes- sage with them. As a child in the 1950s, Barbara Masten fondly remembers her father talking to Jehovah’s Wit- nesses at the door in Red- mond. Years later as an adult, she received her own doorstep visitor in Peters- burg, Alaska. “The fi rst person to ever knock on our door in Alaska was Jehovah’s Witnesses,” Masten said. Again a Redmond resi- dent, she feels that encounter in 1967 was a turning point in her life. The 2002 Supreme Court decision in Watch- tower v. Village of Stratton, affi rmed that a local vil- lage ordinance in Stratton, Ohio, requiring a permit to knock on doors violated the rights of any person who wanted to engage in free speech with their neighbor, including Jehovah’s Wit- nesses who practice door- to-door evangelizing. The court overturned two lower focusing on the prophet Elijah. The account of his ministry makes clear that personal faith in the Lord can thrive among the righteous even in a wicked environment. Members are reminded that the Stake Pioneer Day celebration is scheduled for July 16. Sermon will expound on family values LA GRANDE — Zion Lutheran Church meets for wor- ship this Sunday, June 26, at 9 a.m. The sermon, titled “Family Values,” is based on Luke 9:51-62. Holy Communion will be served. A time of fellowship follows the service. The service will be streamed live and also will be available to watch later. The link for those will be posted to Zion’s website and Facebook page on June 25. Pastor to share ‘WILD’ camp experiences LA GRANDE — Pastor Archie Hook’s message at the First Christian Church (Disci- ples of Christ) will be “WILD” this Sunday, June 26. During the 10:30 a.m. service he will share his experiences at Cove Christian Camp this past week. WILD was the theme and stands for: Willing, Intentional, Loving, Determined. Grande Ronde Community Church honors Vernon and Kay Slippy’s 35 years of service The Observer JW Public Information Desk/Contributed Photo June 17, 2022, marked the 20th anniversary of the Watchtower v. Village of Stratton Supreme Court decision that protected the rights of anyone to engage in free speech with their neighbor, including Jehovah’s Witnesses who practice door-to-door evangelizing. court rulings that upheld the ordinance, paving the way for all citizens to maintain open dialogue with their neighbors on any number of issues including environ- mental, civic, political, spiri- tual or educational. “Looking back on the two decades since the deci- sion, it’s clear to see the wide-ranging impact that Watchtower v. Stratton has had on free speech for all,” said Josh McDaniel, director of the Religious Freedom Clinic at the Harvard Law School. The village of Stratton became a center of con- troversy in 1998 when it enacted an ordinance that required anyone wishing to engage in door-to-door activity to obtain a permit from the mayor or face imprisonment. Jehovah’s Witnesses viewed this ordinance as an infringe- ment of freedom of speech, free exercise of religion and freedom of press and brought a lawsuit in fed- eral court after the vil- lage refused to modify the enforcement of the ordinance. “Our motive for initi- ating the case was clear: We wanted to remove any obstacle that would pre- vent us from carrying out our scriptural obligation to preach the good news of the Kingdom,” said Robert Hendriks, U.S. spokes- person for Jehovah’s Wit- nesses. “Making it a crim- inal off ense to talk with a neighbor without seeking government approval is off ensive to many people, but particularly to God who commanded Christians to preach the gospel.” Studying that gospel helped Masten and her family fi nd contentment. “I needed something,” she recalled. “We didn’t have any good direction in our lives.” While Masten, baptized in 1968 as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, continues to engage in a productive min- istry through letter writing and phone calling, she is looking forward to knocking on doors again and talking with her neighbors. “It’s exciting to show them the answer to man- kind’s problems from the Bible,” the Redmond resi- dent said. — The Observer LA GRANDE — Sunday, June 26, will mark the 35th anniversary celebration of the min- istry of Rev. Vernon and Kay Slippy at the Grande Ronde Community Church on Fir Street in La Grande. When the Slippys fi rst came to GRCC in 1987, it was known as the Evan- gelical Methodist Church. A few years later it was decided by the congrega- tion and church leaders to change the name to Grande Ronde Community Church. The congregation felt the new name would let the community know they were not exclusively a denominational church, and they were there to min- ister to the whole commu- nity. This is still the current mission of the church. Along with the name change came the task of Contributed photo Vernon and Kay Slippy changing the church sign. This was accomplished twice by Rev. Slippy when he fi rst made a standard sign refl ecting the name change, then a while later when he hand carved the current sign out of boards milled in 1955 and donated by Marvin Twidwell. This second sign became neces- sary when Grande Ronde Community Church was no longer affi liated with the Methodist Church. The Slippys have con- sistently been active these past 35 years in our local community and have cre- ated many friendships along the way. In 1988 Rev. Slippy was sworn in by the La Grande Police Department as its new vol- unteer police chaplain, and he maintained that posi- tion for 10 years. Prior to becoming a pastor, from 1981-1987 Vernon and his wife, Kay, operated the Crisis Action Team house in La Grande. Following the June 26 worship service, church family members will honor the Slippys’ 35 years of ministry and service at the Grande Ronde Community Church. WE MAKE IT EASY with an online application It’s easy to apply for a home mortgage loan at Allied Mortgage Resource. Simply go to lagrandemannmortgage.com and complete an application form. After we process your request, we will contact you to meet with one of our financial officers. We make it easy for you to start the process of owning your own home. 1429 Adams Ave La Grande, OR 541-962-7557 Summer Cooking Fun! Your guide to arts and entertainment around Eastern Oregon ELGIN ELECTRIC Read more at GOEASTERNOREGON.COM 43 N. 8th Elgin, OR 541-437-2054 Ask About Home Delivery Northeast Oregon Directory of Churches Cove United Methodist Church 1708 Jasper St., Cove, OR North Powder United Methodist Church 390 E. St., North Powder, OR JOIN US... Catch the Spirit! Worship: 9:00 a.m. Cove Worship: 10:00 a.m. N. Powder SUMMERVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services: Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes 9:45AM Children’s Church & Worship Service 11:00AM Family Worship Service 6:00PM Wednesday: Prayer Mtg, Children’s Bible Club, Youth Group 7:00PM A church for your whole family Visit us at summervillebaptistchurch.org First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 lgdisciples@gmail.com Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. ~Join us at The Lord’s Table~ Imbler Christian Church www.imblercc@gmail.com Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service Phone: 541-568-4230 grace.lutherancove@gmail.com La Grande Seventh-day A Place where hope is found in Jesus Join us in Fellowship & Worship Saturday all age classes 9:30 am Saturday Worship 11:00 am 1612 4th Street – 963-2498 www.lagrandeumc.org Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Adventist Church “OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS” For service information go to The Place 62848 Philynda Loop in Island City 440 Ruckman, Imbler 534-2201 “We are called to Serve” LA GRANDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Roberta Smythe GRACE COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2702 Adams Avenue, La Grande 963-4018 109 18th Street • 963-3402 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. lagrandeor.adventistchurch.org Learning for Today and Eternity Little Friends Christian Preschool/Childcare 963-6390 La Grande Adventist Christian School K-8th Grade 963-6203 FIRST LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1812 1st St. La Grande 541-605-0215 We use the King James Version Bible Sunday School - 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Bible Study - 3:00 pm (Effective June 10) Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm “Where you can find TRUTH according to the scriptures” www.flmbclagrande.com Services This Week