Opinion A4 Saturday, June 11, 2022 OUR VIEW A tip of the hat to the Tigers J arett Armstrong probably said it best in a story in this newspaper earlier this week “It was pretty great, to be honest,” he said. Armstrong, of course, was speaking about the triumph of his team — La Grande High School varsity baseball — at the OSAA Class 4A base- ball championship. In a spectacular show of off ensive fi repower and defensive prowess, the Tigers defeated Hidden Valley 10-1 to claim the state crown. The victory caps another great season by the Tigers and should fi rmly place them in the pan- theon of great prep diamond squads in the history of the state. We often spend a great deal of time focusing on issues that seemingly transcend our local area and that is why is it is a pleasure — from time to time — to stop the news train, so to speak, and take stock of a feel-good tale such as the big win by the Tigers. In a way, the win by the Tigers signifi es a vic- tory for the entire town. For a brief moment, we can all put aside the worries and hopes of our lives and simply refl ect on a story that is pure in its simplicity. The La Grande win allows us to remember, if only for a moment, the days when practical items — such as winning a state championship baseball game — took center stage. We can all bask in the prep glory of the Tigers’ triumph and remember that, occasionally, small things really do mean a lot. The players and coaches deserve a great deal of credit, but so do the parents who stood by their players and supported them throughout the season. The administrators and other school offi - cials behind the team should also be lauded for lending their support. The Tigers’ victory was very much about a team with a dream coming together at a crucial time. Teamwork paid dividends for La Grande and helped it earn a huge win. We hope this suc- cess is remembered because it was a unique tri- umph, not easily achieved. Our collective hats are off to the LHS baseball team. Great job! EDITORIALS Unsigned editorials are the opinion of The Observer editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of The Observer. LETTERS • The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We will not publish con- sumer complaints against busi- nesses, personal attacks against private individuals or comments that can incite violence. We also discourage thank-you letters. • Letters should be no longer than 350 words and must be signed and carry the author’s name, address and phone number (for verifi - cation only). We will not publish anonymous letters. • Letter writers are limited to one letter every two weeks. • Longer community comment columns, such as Other Views, must be no more than 700 words. Writers must provide a recent headshot and a one-sentence biography. Like letters to the editor, columns must refrain from complaints against businesses or personal attacks against private individuals. Submissions must carry the author’s name, address and phone number. • Submission does not guarantee publication, which is at the discre- tion of the editor. SEND LETTERS TO: letters@lagrandeobserver.com or via mail to Editor, 911 Jeff erson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 Walter Cronkite, we need you ANDREW CUTLER FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK A s the U.S. House of Repre- sentatives opens its investi- gation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol I can’t help but remember a similar series of hear- ings during the past 50 years over other such high-profi le issues as Watergate and the Iran-Contra arms sale controversy. As I refl ect on these simi- lar-in-scope controversies I am reminded of how much has changed in our lives and why that impacts how we as a nation absorb such episodes. The Watergate scandal pretty much needs no introduction or explanatory analysis. The scandal brought down President Richard M. Nixon and sent the nation off on a diff erent trajectory we are, in some ways, still on today. The Iran-Contra aff air was a big, big deal in the mid-1980s. It was, in essence, another political scandal where, between 1981 and 1986, senior Reagan administration offi - cials secretly cleared the way for the sale of weapons to Iran to hopefully use the profi ts to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. At the time the Contras were a guerrilla group supported by the U.S. who were trying to over- throw the Nicaraguan government. Both scandals rocked the nation and created a tremendous amount of controversy. Now, as the House begins its live hearings the item that resonates the most with me is how much our media landscape has changed and how these new hearings will be presented. Now, more than ever, the hear- ings are inside a new level of contro- versy and partisan bickering. Many Republicans don’t think the hearings will even be fair. Fox Network won’t carry the hearings live. The entire episode will, it appears, evolve into yet another political quagmire with no real results except for more partisanship. In short, there will be no single “honest broker” to come forward and present a factual, nonbiased view for the American public. Instead, our news media will be — as it has been now for almost a generation — in its U.S. PRESIDENT Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 Comments: 202-456-1111 Andrew Cutler is the interim editor of The Observer and the regional editorial director for the EO Media Group, overseeing The Observer, East Oregonian and four more newspapers in Eastern Oregon. U.S. SENATORS Ron Wyden 221 Dirksen Senate Offi ce Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5244 La Grande offi ce: 541-962-7691 Kate Brown 160 State Capitol 900 Court St. Salem, OR 97301-4047 503-378-4582 U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Jeff Merkley 313 Hart Senate Offi ce Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3753 Pendleton offi ce: 541-278-1129 Cliff Bentz 2185 Rayburn House Offi ce Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6730 Medford offi ce: 541-776-4646 STATE REPRESENTATIVES GOVERNOR Bobby Levy, District 58 900 Court St. NE, H-376 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1458 Rep.BobbyLevy@state.or.us STATE SENATOR Greg Smith, District 57 900 Court St. NE, H-482 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1457 Rep.GregSmith@state.or.us Bill Hansell, District 29 900 Court St. NE, S-415 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1729 Sen.BillHansell@state.or.us STAFF SUBSCRIBEAND SAVE Subscription rates: Monthly Autopay ...............................$10.75 13 weeks.................................................$37.00 26 weeks.................................................$71.00 52 weeks ..............................................$135.00 █ CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION NEWSSTAND PRICE: $1.50 You can save up to 55% off the single-copy price with home delivery. Call 800-781-3214 to subscribe. own particular silos. Fox will cater to a certain group. CNN will too. Other networks will pander to who they believe are the most important. The truth? Well, forget about it. That, I think, is the real shame. We no longer have a Walter Cronkite who can come on the screen and give us a simple just-the-facts report that lets each of us make our own decision. That type of reporting is something I push very hard for in my position with the EO Media Group. I want that type of just-the- facts reporting to be our hallmark. As long as I am able, I will continue to do so. Yet, as I look across the broad media landscape and I review the hearings that began June 9, I have to admit I feel a bit disappointed. I wish we could, as a nation, do better. I am, in the end, left with only a single sentiment: Walter Cronkite, where are you now when we need you? Anindependent newspaper foundedin1896 www.lagrandeobserver.com Periodicals postage paid at Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (except postal holidays) by EO Media Group, 911 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 (USPS 299-260) The Observer retains ownership and copyright protection of all staff-prepared news copy, advertising copy, photos and news or ad illustrations. They may not be reproduced without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © 2022 Phone: 541-963-3161 Regional publisher ....................... Karrine Brogoitti Home delivery adviser.......... Amanda Turkington Interim editor ....................................Andrew Cutler Advertising representative ..................... Kelli Craft News clerk ........................................Lisa Lester Kelly Advertising representative .................... Amy Horn Reporter....................................................Dick Mason National accounts coordinator ...... Devi Mathson Reporter...........................................Isabella Crowley Graphic design .................................. Dorothy Kautz Toll free (Oregon): 1-800-781-3214 Email: news@lagrandeobserver.com POSTMASTER Send address changes to: The Observer, 911 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 A division of