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About The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 2022)
CLASSIFIEDS TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022 THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD — B3 C lassifieds Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 • Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: 103 Announcements Email: LA GRANDE LIONS CLUB Meets 2nd & 4th Monday of each month @ 12 PM Union County Senior Center 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande PINOCHLE Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Senior Center 2810 Cedar St., Baker City Public is welcome PULL TABS ACCEPTED AT THE FOLLOWING Baker County United “freedom rallies” 3rd Thursday each month 6 p.m. at the Sunridge 1 Sunridge Lane. The public is invited BAKER CITY LOCATIONS ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Baker City Herald Dollar Tree Black’s Distributing Ryder Bros VFW Baker Elk’s Lodge Main Event Lefty’s Tap House Baker City Fire Dept. Haines Sell-Rite Idle Hour Salvation Army 104 Community Calendar VFW POST 460 Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm. Corner of Main at Birch in Union Call 541-963-3161 or 541-523-3673 to place your ad. It's time to plan for that vacation trip. For extra cash, why not sell some of those items you don't need with a classified ad? KEY OF DAVID Saturdays - 2PM Baker County Library Taught by: Gary Robinson & Blaine McKnight Kiwanis Club of Baker City Tuesday at 12:00 PM Sunrige Inn Restaurant 1 Sunridge Lane For more information call: (541) 523-6027 ROTARY CLUB of Baker City Meets every Monday Noon - 1 PM Baker Towers Meeting Room POWDER RIVER SPORTSMAN’S CLUB Meets 1st Tuesday of every month 8th & Broadway, Baker City 6 PM - Pistolettes 7 PM - Regular Membership 107 Personals Are you tired of this cold climate? Do you want to share a move to warm central California? Write Grandma Bear 2101 Main St., Ste #111 Baker City, OR 97814 House need new paint? The Service Directory is the place to look. by Stella Wilder TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are a vibrant and colorful individual, and the life you lead is likely to be a full-bodied representation of your personal- ity. You are quite individualistic; to suggest that you are “original” or “one of a kind” is actually an understatement. You don’t seem to subscribe to the same kinds of rules, guide- lines and moral structures that shape the lives of those around you. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You can reconnect today with that part of yourself that is so adept at steering you through difficult terrain. You’re back on track very soon! CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You can prove quite instrumental today in determin- ing what must be done for the greater good. A former plan, revisited, can pay off. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You can keep TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022 doubt at bay today even as you tend to issues that are outside of your comfort zone. Someone’s encouragement works wonders. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You are eager to explore one or two unfamiliar paths today to see if there is any potential for you along the way. Be ready for anything! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Your issues are not necessarily more important than someone else’s today, so you may want to figure out a “time sharing” approach. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You’ve been relying on the same old methods for a while, but what someone else is doing can inspire you to try a new way of doing things. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You’re not likely to go about things in the usual ways today -- at least not with the same old mindset. Something has surely changed. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You may be called upon to protect someone today, and your way of doing so is likely to be quite unorthodox -- but very effective. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You may want to take some time today to hone one or two skills a bit more than usual. A challenge looms that you must certainly be able to meet. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You must resist the temptation to tell someone what to do -- or how to do it. You can be there to help with peripheral issues. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- By watching someone’s performance today, you are likely to learn something about how not to do what you are scheduled to do very soon. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You have been compared to one whose behavior, to you, is inexcusable -- so you will want to determine just what you may truly have in common. COPYRIGHT 2022 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500 DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Tuesday: 10:30am Monday Thursday: 10:30 am Wednesday Saturday: 10:30 am Friday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date 114 Group Meetings 114 Group Meetings 114 Group Meetings NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 541-805-2229 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP Support for family & friends of Alcoholics Tuesday evenings; 6-7pm Joseph Methodist Church (basement on northside) Joseph, OR Contact 541-398-1398 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Tues., Noon - 1 PM Phone Meeting Call: (605) 475-4120 Use Code: 8655565 Or for more information call: 541-540-5326 -or- 541-523-5128 Please Leave a Message BAKER COUNTY AA MEETINGS BAKER CITY AL-ANON Help for persons who have been affected by someone else’s drinking Saturday, 9 a.m. NOCC - Nazarene Church 1250 Hughes Ln. ∙ Baker City (541)519-7227 or (541)239-7323 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Monday, Thursday, & Friday at 8pm. Episcopal Church 2177 First St., Baker City AA MEETINGS - La Grande Wednesday Nights, 7-8:15pm. Fort Union Grange Hall, corner of McAlister & Gekeler Lanes. For more info, call 541-786-1222 AL-ANON Keep Coming Back Family Group Mondays, 7 pm at NKWest, 1208 Adams, La Grande, OR CELEBRATE RECOVERY Calvary Baptist Church Third & Broadway Baker City, OR EVERY THURSDAY 6:15 - 8:00 PM DO YOU HAVE....HURTS, HABITS and/or HANG UPS? 12 Step Biblical Support Harvest Church 3720 Birch St. Baker City Thurs., 6:30 - 8:30 PM LA GRANDE GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS Every Friday Night @ 5pm, 2107 Gekeler Ln, LG, Church of Christ basement. For more info please call 971-219-8411 Someone’s drinking a problem? AL-ANON Meetings are available by phone Info for Baker City Meetings Call: 541-239-7323 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Goin’ Straight Group Meetings: Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri. Start at 8 PM Episcopal Church Basement 2177 1st Street, Baker City OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Would you like to stop compulsive eating? For Information Call 541-523-5128 Leave a Message Email: PEOPLE with PARKINSON’S Caregivers, Family, Friends SUPPORT GROUP Contact: 541-963-1486 Now meeting at GR Hospital first Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. AL-ANON Attitude of Gratitude Wednesdays; 12:15-1:30pm Faith Lutheran Church. 12th & Gekeler, La Grande Please wear a mask & practice social distancing 541-786-2051 WALLOWA COUNTY AA MEETINGS Enterprise MONDAYS Enterprise Group 7:00 pm Closed Meeting 113.5 E Main St. TUESDAYS Enterprise Group 7 - 8:00 pm (Big Bk Study) 113.5 E Main St. WEDNESDAYS Enterprise Group 7:00 pm Closed Meeting 113.5 E Main St. THURSDAYS Enterprise Group 7:00 pm 113.5 E Main St. FRIDAYS Enterprise Group 7:00 pm Closed Meeting 113.5 E Main St. SATURDAYS Enterprise Group 7:00 pm 113.5 E Main St. City of Joseph WEDNESDAYS Buck Stops Here Joseph United Methodist Church, 12 pm 301 S. Lake St., Joseph (Church Basement) THURSDAYS Grace and Dignity *(WM) Joseph United Methodist Church, 12 pm 301 S Lake St., Joseph (Church Basement) MONDAYS Survivor’s Group 12 -1:00 pm Baker Presbyterian Church 1995 4th St. (4th & Court, Side Door) WEDNESDAYS Survivor’s Group 12:05 pm Baker Presbyterian Church 1995 4th St. (4th & Court, Side Door) THURSDAYS Survivor’s Group 12:00 pm Baker Presbyterian Church 1995 4th St. (4th & Court, Side Door) SATURDAYS As Bill Sees It Group 10:00 am 2970 Walnut (Corner of “D” & Grove St.) Grove Apts. Community Rm SUNDAYS Been There Done That 5:30 pm Grove APartments Community Room 2970 Walnut Street 1995 THUNDERBIRD V8 w/4 snow tires mounted on wheels. $1500. Call: 541-963-5350 219 ATV’s/Motorcycle 2010 Kawasaki 900 Valcun Classic LT, 14k miles. New tires, very clean. $7000 BAKER CITY, OR (541)406-4994 251 Boats for Sale 14 ft. Mirrocraft aluminum boat. 15HP 4 stroke motor, seats 3, ragtop rain cover, eletric 30lb thrust trolling motor, 5 gallon gas tank, new tags for 2022 and trailer w/new tires. $2000. Call 541-910-4543 Questions call AA Hotline: 541-624-5117 301 RV’s & Travel Trailers UNION COUNTY AA MEETINGS LA GRANDE 2013 Komfort 5th Wheel Travel Trailer 2 slides, excellent condition and extras. Model 2620FRL. $25,000 Call: 541-420-2203 MONDAYS Brown Baggers; 12:00 PM First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave South Door downstairs Soul Sister’s; 5:30 PM Temporarily Online TUESDAYS Into Action Group; 12-1:00 PM Presbyterian Church 1308 Washington Ave. (entry 6th & Spring St.) Surrender Group; 6:00 PM First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave South Door downstairs. City of Elgin Greater Elgin Group 7- 8:00 PM St. Mary’s Catholic Church 93 S 12 St., Elgin WEDNESDAYS Brown Baggers; 12:00 PM First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave Front door closest to 4th St. Soul Sister’s; 5:30 PM Temporarily Online Turning Point Group, NK 7:00 PM West Apts Comm. Rm. 1208 Adams Ave, LG THURSDAYS Surrender Group; 6:00 PM First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave. La Grande. Front door closest to 4th. St. City of Cove Cove Group; 7 - 8:00 PM Baptist Church 707 Main St. FRIDAYS Brown Baggers; 12:00 PM First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave South Door downstairs SATURDAYS Soul Sister’s; 10:00 AM Temporarily Online Surrender Group; 10:00 AM First Christian Church 901 Penn Avenue, LG Grande Ronde Valley Group 7:00 PM Presbyterian Church (entry 6th & Spring St) 1308 Washington Ave, LG SUNDAYS Miracles Group; 12:00 PM First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave. La Grande. Front door closest to 4th. St. SATURDAYS Buck Stops Here Joseph United Methodist Church, 12 pm 301 S. Lake St., Joseph (Church Basement) City of Elgin Elgin Meeting (Al’s Shop) 10:00 AM 70564 Valley View Rd., Elgin For Directions Call: 541-805-8311 Questions call AA Hotline: 541-624-5117 Virtual Zoom AA Meeting Everyday at 7:00 PM Questions call AA Hotline: 541-624-5117 Tell someone Happy Birthday in our classified section today! 204 Automobiles 401 Garage/Yard Sales 4- Family Yard Sale 2415 Ash St., Baker City Fri., 6/10 - Sat., 6/11 - Sun., 6/12 9 AM - 2 PM (1/2 price Sunday) Household, crafts, plants, Avon, collectibles. Something for everyone! 3-Family Yard Sale Sat., June 11; 8am - 1pm 3525 Cedar St, Baker City Set of 4 Bridgestone studless snow tires (185/55R 16), Schwinn recumbent exercise bike, tools, vintage linens, books, puzzles, garden, household, furniture, out- door gear UNION PACIFIC EMPLOYEES CLUB #17 is having a storage unit sale Sat., 6/11; 8am - Noon 2502 Cove Ave., La Grande A-Secured Storage Units #244, #245 & #256 (across the street from Mtn. Valley Therapy) Antiques, furniture, mattresses, box springs, kitchen and glass- ware, throw rugs, new roofing shingles & nails, linoleum, lami- nate flooring, home decor, portable massage table and more!! Phone: 541-786-4606 604 Apartments CATHERINE CREEK PROPERTY MGMT La Grande, OR 541-605-0430 La Grande Close to Downtown & EOU. Studio, most utilities paid. No smoking/No pets, coin-op laun- dry. $400/mo, $350 dep. 541- 910-3696. La Grande Small studio apartment for rent. $600/mo + $800 dep. W/S/G, gas & electric paid. For more informa- tion call 541-786-1390. La Grande CLOSE TO EOU, 1 Bd, most utilities paid, coin-op laundry, No Smoking/No Pets. $450- $525/mo $400 dep. 541-910- 3696. 607 Houses for Rent 2828 COLLEGE ST. 2-Bdrm, 1 bath with a basement and garage. $750/mo with a $300 deposit (541) 523-4464, Days (541) 523-1077, Evenings RANCH N HOME RENTALS For a current list of rentals please contact: Ranch-N-Home · Phone: 541-963-5450 · Email: · Website: Check out our classified ads.