COFFEE BREAK B6 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD SATuRDAY, JunE 4, 2022 Daughter feels powerless to help aging father required to attend every event. During COVID I moved just a few states away, and that’s when I got the full picture. Ruth took away Dad’s cellphone and sold his car, so he is virtually stuck. She will not even let him men- tion purchasing a vehicle. He’s an artist, and she never “allowed” him to get a studio. The list is long, sad and frus- trating. He forbids me to con- front her, but it is giving me daily stress because I love my dad and I fear her control is something he has grown accustomed to. Any advice? — DISTRESSED DAUGHTER IN THE SOUTH DEAR DAUGHTER: As repugnant as the situation may be to you, I do not think you DEAR ABBY: My dad, who is nearing 80, has been mar- ried to my stepmom, “Ruth,” for nearly 35 years. She has always been temperamental and con- trolling to a degree, but during the last few years it has become abundantly clear that she’s emo- tionally abusive to my dad. Twenty years ago, I moved to another coast, and although Dad wanted to visit, the decision was always up to Ruth, so they never did. However, when it comes to her immediate family, Dad is SNOW Ethan Shaw/Contributed Photo A fresh dusting of early fall snow on the perennial snowfield in the northeastern cirque of the Matterhorn in the Wallowa Mountains. that helped produce them, leaving behind prime “habitat” for modern-day snowpatches. Indeed, small glaciers were able to reform in those Pleistocene cirques and hol- lows in more recent mil- lennia under favorable cli- mate regimes. Some of the Wallowa snowfield sites I’m monitoring are those that the Oregon Gla- ciers Institute (with whom I’m collaborating on this project) identified — aided by local expertise — as likely holding glaciers well into the 20th century. That includes, but isn’t limited to, the well-known ex-Benson Glacier above Glacier Lake. Last summer — that excep- tionally dry summer of 2021, on the heels of spring drought and wracked by heatwaves — gaunt ice- patches lay exposed in those former glacier beds. While the Wallowas don’t support active glaciers any longer, persistent snow- fields occupy something of a middle ground between snow and ice. Snow is in a constant state of flux. A long-lying snowfield, sub- jected to melt-freeze cycles and pressure compaction, transforms into a denser snow form known as firn — German for “of last year,” referencing snow that sur- vives for more than one melt season (and maybe many of them). And some may contain a core of ice, blur- ring the line between snow- patch and what’s known as a “glacieret.” The so-called snowfields I’m monitoring also encompass firn- and ice-patches. But while such resilient snow, firn, and ice bodies are the primary focus, this work also considers short- er-lived features, such as more exposed or lower-el- evation slopeside snow- patches and shaded forest snowbanks often holding out into early summer. Their seasonal layout and timetable are interesting to track in and of themselves. So are more general pat- terns of regional “snow-lie”: the transient up-and-down snowline, the when and where of the last major dust- ings of spring and the first of fall. Easy to overlook, our snowfields are also easy to take for granted. They recur on the landscape on a yearly basis, but never in exactly the same way, and changes to those patterns link to broader dynamics of snowcover and runoff. A weather | Go to Pilcher Creek Reservoir Reservoir is about half full. The boat ramp nearest the parking and camping areas is now usable and the other boat ramp is under water. Fishing will prob- ably be best over the next couple months as long as the reservoir doesn’t drain too low. Astoria Reservoir has been stocked with trout throughout the spring. Flying ants recently have been common, and fishing with dry flies has been a good way to catch both rainbow trout and pikeminnows. Perch fishing has been slow, but some bank anglers have been catching perch. The reservoir is still St. Helens La Grande’s Certified Master Arborist Call Us for your Summer Trimming Needs M ICHAEL Certified Tree Care Planting • Pruning • Removal M. Curtiss PN-7077A 541-786-8463 CCB# 200613 Kennewick 59/65 58/67 Condon 59/72 59/66 58/65 WED Rain and drizzle Mostly cloudy, downpours A morning shower in spots Mostly sunny Clouds and sun 62 38 69 43 72 46 Eugene 9 10 10 57/70 62 43 68 50 72 49 9 10 10 Comfort Index™ Enterprise 3 4 49 61 41 Comfort Index™ 0 66 50 8 10 10 TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Thursday Low Thursday High: 108° Low: 21° Wettest: 2.83” 78° 47° 80° 50° 85° 51° 0.21 0.21 0.09 4.19 4.43 0.09 0.12 0.11 6.48 8.80 0.06 0.06 0.16 14.23 12.84 PRECIPITATION (inches) Thursday Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Normal year to date AGRICULTURAL INFO. HAY INFORMATION SUNDAY Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration 60% S at 7 to 14 mph 0.0 0.11 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Friday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir 15% of capacity 98% of capacity 43% of capacity 98% of capacity 43% of capacity 102% of capacity STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Thursday) Grande Ronde at Troy 8430 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 222 cfs Burnt River near Unity 82 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 438 cfs Minam River at Minam 2160 cfs Powder River near Richland 201 cfs Ocotillo Wells, Calif. Albany, Wyo. Monticello, Ark. OREGON High: 88° Low: 36° Wettest: 0.31” Ontario Sunriver Redmond WEATHER HISTORY High and low records were set on June 4, 1985. Williston, N.D., had a low of 31 that broke the record from 1910. Macon and Augusta, Ga., reached 100 degrees or higher. SUN & MOON SAT. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset SUN. 5:06 a.m. 5:06 a.m. 8:35 p.m. 8:36 p.m. 9:21 a.m. 10:27 a.m. 12:26 a.m. 12:55 a.m. MOON PHASES First Jun 7 Full Jun 14 Last Jun 20 52/66 New Jun 28 Brothers 50/63 Beaver Marsh 42/63 Roseburg 59/73 Jordan Valley 51/66 Paisley 48/68 Frenchglen 52/67 Klamath Falls 46/68 Hi/Lo/W 60/50/sh 67/44/c 70/51/sh 60/49/sh 69/40/sh 62/51/sh 67/50/r 65/48/sh 63/44/sh 70/51/r 75/55/sh 67/53/sh 67/50/sh 67/47/sh 63/41/sh 77/57/sh 68/36/r 67/39/sh Hi/Lo/W 61/48/pc 66/42/pc 72/48/pc 62/48/pc 68/37/pc 62/44/pc 66/45/c 70/46/pc 61/42/c 70/46/c 74/53/pc 69/47/pc 65/46/pc 64/40/pc 58/37/pc 76/53/pc 67/36/pc 68/35/pc Grand View Arock 54/74 54/68 Lakeview 44/67 McDermitt 50/66 RECREATION FORECAST SUNDAY REGIONAL CITIES City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview Diamond 52/66 52/69 Shown is Sunday’s weather. Temperatures are Saturday night’s lows and Sunday’s highs. MON. Boise 55/70 Fields 57/73 SUN. 56/73 Silver Lake 45/66 Medford Brookings Juntura 48/69 58/71 53/60 Ontario 54/76 Burns 46/69 Chiloquin Grants Pass Huntington 48/63 56/68 Coos Bay 53/65 55/71 Seneca 54/67 Oakridge Council 49/65 52/67 Bend 58/64 52/66 48/60 John Day 52/69 Sisters Elkton Powers Halfway Granite Baker City Florence 56/57 THURSDAY EXTREMES ALMANAC 53/68 Redmond 57/62 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. Monument 56/67 Newport Enterprise 49/61 53/66 56/61 59/69 57/66 65 48 1 Corvallis 54/55 58 38 Elgin 52/63 La Grande 55/66 58/70 Idanha Salem TUE 53 66 47 56/69 Pendleton The Dalles Portland Newberg Lewiston 56/68 Hood River 57/70 MON La Grande Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 Walla Walla 60/77 Vancouver 59/65 SUN 7 Reservoir is about half full. It recently was stocked with fingerling trout. As they grow, they will become available for anglers. 58/65 TONIGHT 0 Balm Creek Reservoir The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. Maupin Comfort Index™ Holdover trout are available. Get out and enjoy this fishery while it lasts. The reservoir is currently quite low. Launching a boat may still be possible from the access road just north of the dam but the boat ramp is high and dry with a mud flat at the bottom where it’s easy to get stuck. Phillips Reservoir Longview 56/60 TIllamook 49 65 43 Malheur Reservoir AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION 56/61 Baker City very low and is cur- rently 14 percent full. This spring may have a small window when boats can launch, but access to launch a boat may become very difficult if the res- ervoir draws down much below current levels. Continued from Page B1 Ethan Shaw is an independent naturalist and freelance outdoors/ natural-history writer based in Cove. He has a degree in Wildlife Ecology/Natural Resources and has been freelancing on both the research and writing fronts since 2009 (after a stint at The Observer). █ some of my worst moments and still showed compassion. I’m genuinely torn between these two and don’t know how to choose because I don’t want to lose either of them. What do I do? — BOY CRAZY IN IOWA DEAR BOY CRAZY: I have good news. Because nowhere in your letter did you mention that either of these young men have asked you for an exclusive rela- tionship, you do not “have” to make a difficult choice. Some people like both chocolate AND vanilla ice cream. I suggest you be honest with them and enjoy seeing them both until the answer to your question becomes obvious. (Feel free to write me again if you meet a handsome redhead.) FISHING mountain snowpack disin- tegrating into snowpatches early in the season can fore- tell summer water stress. And if historically peren- nial snowfields begin disap- pearing more years than not — in other words, if they essentially turn into sea- sonal snowfields — that’s an important shift in the water- shed to be aware of. We know that a reduced high-country snowpack, or one that melts away earlier in the year, has significant consequences for stream- flow and water supply. Trends in the scanty and scattered year-round snow/ firn features of the Wal- lowas and Blues are part of this big-picture story. The Wallowa-Blue Mountain Snowfield Project will benefit greatly from local knowledge and many eyes on the ground. I hope to soon formalize a way for dayhikers, backpackers, hunters, and other folks to send in snowpatch observa- tions and pics of their own to aid in the effort. And in the meantime, I’m working on compiling historic photos of regional snowfields, and trying to track down as many pictures of High Wal- lowa snow/ice features from the late summer and early fall of both 2021 and 2015 (another supremely dry year) as I can. If you have any you’d like to share — or, heck, any memories or images of where snow used to persist in the high Wal- lowas and Blues — feel free to get in touch at wallowa- Continued from Page B1 Less well studied than glaciers, snowpatches have nonetheless been researched in a fair number of far- flung places: from the Scot- tish Highlands to the Jap- anese Alps, from the High Atlas of North Africa to the High Arctic. The Wallowas — loftiest and snowiest range in Eastern Oregon, and bearing the heavy stamp of past glaciation — offer a prime location for similar investigations of these somewhat spectral phenomena. As the seasonal snow- pack melts off, snowfields persist in favorable niches. The most persistent often reveal topographic and microclimatic subtleties — special “topoclimates” — buffered from sunlight and heat, and/or nourished by especially deep accumula- tion of the white stuff. Those include leeward ridgebrows where snow cornices, slabs, and pillows build up in winter from wind-drift, and the base of avalanche chutes where snowslides regularly rumble to rest. The most obvious of these snowfield-supporting topoclimates are the shad- owlands of north- and east- facing cirques, cast in the pall of ice-carved head- walls. The perennial Wal- lowa snowfields surviving here summon the ghosts of alpine glaciers that carved the range tens of thousands of years ago, scooping out bowls and hanging valleys, steepening canyon walls, sharpening mountain horns. Those vanished ice bodies, formed in cooler, wetter prehistoric times on aus- picious aspects, enhanced the very shadow-climates “Derek” is blond and short, and loves to go to the gym. He’s kind and attentive, and he seems to care very much for me. He invited me to his formal dance, but I turned him down because I didn’t know him very well. He didn’t take anyone else even though he had plenty of time to find a date. My friend at the dance said he didn’t even talk to another girl, so I know he’s very loyal already. The other contender, “Shay,” is taller and has dark hair. He has kind, blue eyes and a shy person- ality, although with me he really opens up and talks. He always checks in to see how I’m doing when I’ve had a rough day. In the simplest terms, he puts up with my nonsense. He has seen me at should try to reduce your stress by creating more for your father. He has forbidden you from con- fronting his wife about her hypercontrolling behavior, and you should respect his wishes. I don’t have to like it; you don’t have to like it. But this is what your father has been willing to accept for the last 35 years. He and only he could have put a stop to it or left her if he had really wanted to. DEAR ABBY: I’m a col- lege student who broke up with my long-term high school boy- friend a few months ago. He was a cheating dirtbag, so I moved on quickly. I have been enjoying the single life, but now find myself in a bit of a love triangle. City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla SUN. MON. Hi/Lo/W 68/54/sh 65/50/r 63/46/sh 73/50/r 55/49/sh 63/48/r 76/52/sh 77/57/sh 70/52/sh 66/54/r 64/50/sh 69/44/sh 73/54/sh 69/53/r 62/48/sh 72/54/sh 63/40/sh 69/52/sh Hi/Lo/W 71/52/pc 64/46/c 59/39/pc 74/47/pc 59/45/pc 63/46/c 77/50/pc 76/51/pc 68/51/pc 66/50/c 64/44/sh 65/40/pc 70/47/c 68/49/pc 64/47/pc 72/52/pc 58/37/sh 68/50/pc Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Showers around Cloudy, showers 43 30 61 38 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Afternoon showers Cloudy, showers 54 40 69 50 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Cloudy, showers Rainy times 47 31 56 39 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Cloudy, showers Showers 63 41 69 50 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Showers Heavy showers 65 43 66 47