Spiritual Life A6 Thursday, May 5, 2022 SPIRITUAL LIFE HIGHLIGHTS Worship includes tribute to mothers LA GRANDE — The La Grande First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will cel- ebrate and honor mothers on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8. Pastor Archie Hook’s message, “A Mother’s Love — Willing to Let Go,” will be taken from Exodus 2:1-4. All women will be gifted with a fl ower, and a tribute to mothers will be read during worship. Teaching focuses on the Lord’s Prayer ENTERPRISE — The Enter- prise Community Congrega- tional Church on Sunday, May 8, off ers Bible study at 9:30 a.m. and worship at 11 a.m. This week the focus will be on Mat- SUBMISSIONS Churches and faith-based groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiritual Life page by noon Tuesday for publication Thursday. Submit by email to news@lagrandeobserver.com (with Highlights in the subject line). thew 6:9-13, as the congregation continues its series studying the Lord’s Prayer. Rev. Dr. Craig Pesti-Strobel is taking an in-depth look at the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, focusing this week on the line “who art in Heaven.” Wards will plan individual Mother’s Day activities NORTHEASTERN OREGON — On Sunday, May 8, mothers will be honored and cel- ebrated during worship services of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with wards planning their own individual activities, which may include the primary children singing the intermediate hymn. Members of the congregation will speak during Sacrament Service, fol- lowed by Relief Society, Priest- hood and youth groups during the second hour. The “Come, Follow Me” lesson for the week of May 9 is based on Numbers 11-14 and 20-24, which covers a time when the children of Israel are pre- paring to enter the promised land and the Lord continues to teach them to follow his chosen ser- vants and to trust in him, even in the most diffi cult times. Study of John begins this week after worship LA GRANDE — A Moth- er’s Day Morning Prayer service begins at 10 a.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, followed by a time of fellowship. A study of the Book of John begins this week after worship, and the “Mostly Social Book Club” will meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the church hall. Those who attend are asked to bring a dish to share. Services held in Union and Wallowa counties NORTHEASTERN OREGON — On Sunday, May 8, Faith Lutheran Church will hold a worship service at 10 a.m. in La Grande and at 2 p.m. in Enterprise. The sermon at both services will be based on John 10:22-30, which immediately fol- lows Jesus explaining that he is the Good Shepherd. In verse 27 Jesus assures us: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Message is titled ‘Being Still’ LA GRANDE — Zion Lutheran Church meets for worship on Sunday, May 8, at 9 a.m. The sermon, “Being Still,” is based on Psalm 23 and John 10:22-30. The service will include Holy Communion, and fellowship time will follow. The service will be streamed live to YouTube, and the link will be posted on Zion’s Facebook page and website on May 7. — The Observer Celebrate yourself on Mother’s Day WORDS OF THE BUDDHA With all one’s attachments cut, with the heart’s pining subdued, calm and serene and happy is one, for one has attained peace of mind. — Samyutta Nikaya 1.242 ROBERTA SMYTHE WALKING WITH THE SHEPHERD One who, while oneself seeking happiness, does not oppress with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will fi nd happiness hereafter. — Dhammapada 10.132 his Sunday is Moth- er’s Day. And with it can come mixed emotions. Some, if not many, of us have complex relation- ships with our mothers. Although I have come to believe that my mother did the best she could under the circumstances, life with her was far from perfect. There were hurts and misunder- standings on all sides, even late in her life. As my mom died rather suddenly a few years ago, there’s no longer any oppor- tunity to talk with her about these things. Those of you whose mothers have died may feel similarly. Others who’ve lost their mothers may feel that loss more deeply this weekend due to all the various Mother’s Day events and promotions T Who is energetic and not indolent, in misfortune unshaken, fl awless in manner and intelligent, such a one to honor may attain. — Digha Nikaya 3.273 Those to whom the Dhamma is clear are not led into other doctrines; perfectly enlightened with perfect knowledge, they walk evenly over the uneven. — Samyutta Nikaya 1.8 Let one guard oneself against irritability in thought; let one be controlled in mind. Abandoning mental misconduct, let one practice good conduct in thought. — Dhammapada 17.233 —www.pariyatti.org going on all around them. There may be others who didn’t just have a com- plex relationship with their moms, but didn’t have a relationship at all. Perhaps they had a mom who was absent, or sick, or an addict or abusive. There are also mothers who’ve experienced loss that can be intensifi ed this weekend: the death of a child, a miscarriage, or a child who’s distanced them- selves. Then there are also those who wanted to be mothers but were never able to have a child. In the midst of all the joyous celebrations about motherhood this weekend, one also needs to be mindful of those for whom this weekend is painful, for whatever reason. Perhaps instead of just celebrating mothers, grand- mothers and those who provide “motherly” care, we should celebrate and honor all women. Single women, childless women, daughters who may or may not become mothers, the woman who lives next door, the women who walk by your home every morning, the waitress at your favorite restaurant, etc. After all, women come in all types: physically, men- tally, emotionally, intellec- tually, and in their desire, or lack thereof, for children. Not every woman wants to be a mom. Not every woman wants to be mar- ried or partnered. Neither of those should make her lesser in anyone’s eyes. If you have a mom you love (or someone who’s the mother of your children), of course you should call her, send her a card, get her a gift or take her out to eat this weekend. If you don’t have a mom like that, and that causes you grief, allow yourself to feel that grief. It’s OK to not feel celebra- tory this weekend. Alterna- tively, consider taking your- self to dinner, or getting yourself a gift for being a mother to yourself. It’s OK to do what you need to do to take care of yourself, as well as taking care of those around you. █ Roberta Smythe is the pastor of La Grande’s Zion Lutheran Church. OREGON CAPITAL INSIDER Get the inside scoop on state government and politics! We’re investing in Salem coverage when other news organizations are cutting back. 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Powder SUMMERVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services: Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes 9:45AM Children’s Church & Worship Service 11:00AM Family Worship Service 6:00PM Wednesday: Prayer Mtg, Children’s Bible Club, Youth Group 7:00PM A church for your whole family Visit us at summervillebaptistchurch.org First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 lgdisciples@gmail.com Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. ~Join us at The Lord’s Table~ Imbler Christian Church www.imblercc@gmail.com Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service Phone: 541-568-4230 grace.lutherancove@gmail.com La Grande Seventh-day A Place where hope is found in Jesus Join us in Fellowship & Worship Saturday all age classes 9:30 am Saturday Worship 11:00 am 1612 4th Street – 963-2498 www.lagrandeumc.org Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Adventist Church “OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS” For service information go to The Place 62848 Philynda Loop in Island City 440 Ruckman, Imbler 534-2201 “We are called to Serve” LA GRANDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Taylor Gould GRACE COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2702 Adams Avenue, La Grande 963-4018 109 18th Street • 963-3402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. lagrandeor.adventistchurch.org Learning for Today and Eternity Little Friends Christian Preschool/Childcare 963-6390 La Grande Adventist Christian School K-8th Grade 963-6203 FIRST LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1812 1st St. La Grande Pastor Dave Tierce • 541-605-0215 We use the King James Version Bible Sunday School - 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Bible Study - 3:00 pm (Effective June 10) Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm “Where you can find TRUTH according to the scriptures” www.flmbclagrande.com Services This Week