OREGON A6 — THE OBSERVER SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 Republicans running for Oregon governor defended Capitol att ack Video of remarks came to light when conservative group complained about being censored by YouTube By JULIA SHUMWAY Oregon Capital Chronicle BAKER CITY — A panel of Oregon Republican candidates for governor, including one currently facing federal criminal charges for assaulting police offi cers at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, uni- formly insisted recently that the events of that Jan- uary day were a righteous protest. Reed Christensen, Brandon Merritt, Tim McCloud, Kerry McQuisten, Christensen Amber Rich- ardson, Bill Sizemore and Marc Thielman made their comments at a Merritt private Repub- lican forum in Baker City in late March. Their remarks came to light Tuesday, April 12, when a conservative orga- nization founded by an aide on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign complained that video of the conversation had been removed from YouTube for violating the video platform’s policies on misinformation. The group, Look Ahead America, has been leading rallies throughout the country against what it refers to as “political persecution” of people who participated in a violent riot aimed at pre- venting Congress from cer- tifying President Joe Biden’s election. Five people died, nearly 140 police offi cers and countless rioters were injured and more than 700 people are facing federal criminal charges. Christensen, a former Intel employee from Hills- boro, is among those facing charges. He is scheduled to appear via video in a Wash- ington, D.C., U.S. District Court on May 10, just a week before Oregon’s pri- mary election. According to court doc- uments, Christensen struck or pushed several law enforcement offi cers and led a group that removed bike racks blocking people from moving closer to the Capitol. Offi cers sprayed him with a chemical irri- tant to discourage him from pushing through the bike racks, but he continued to push through, according to charging documents. Christensen told Repub- licans in Baker City that he was trying to wave a fl ag on the steps of the Cap- itol, though photos included in court documents don’t show him with a fl ag. He compared himself to early Americans who participated in the Boston Tea Party. “We wanted to wave the fl ag on the steps of the Cap- itol,” he said. “They had bicycle racks with guards behind them, so I got a little upset. You can steal an elec- tion, break state law, federal law, I have to stay off the grass and stay behind your line and not wave the fl ag? So I got a little rowdy.” The audience applauded for Christensen after he told them he was facing charges. Other candidates praised him. Merritt, a marketing consultant from Bend, said Christensen had a “great story” to tell before he falsely claimed that police invited rioters into the building. “Jan. 6 was not an insur- rection,” he said. “If the left is calling that an insur- rection, what in the world are we calling what’s happening in Portland? Because it certainly ain’t peaceful protests.” McQuisten, the mayor of Baker City, said she talked with Christensen and sev- eral eastern Oregonians who were at the Capitol on Jan. 6. They were engaged in “peaceful prayer,” she claimed. “None of the fi rst-person accounts I’ve heard line up with the media,” McQuisten said. News organizations including the New York Times have obtained thou- sands of videos recorded by both rioters and police to reconstruct the events of the hours-long siege on the Capitol. Videos show frantic scrambles between police and protesters outside and inside the Capitol as crowds swarmed the building. Sizemore, an anti-tax activist who McQuisten was instru- mental in passing sev- eral ballot measures and now owns a painting busi- Richardson ness in Red- mond, referred to the Jan. 6 insurrection as an “understatement.” He accused Facebook founder Mark Zucker- berg of swaying election results, a theory that stems from grant money that elec- tion offi ces throughout the country received from a nonprofi t organization sup- ported by Zuckerberg. Local election offi cials used money to buy equipment, including personal protec- tive equipment for election workers to reduce COVID infection risks, to pay staff and to adapt to changing laws, including in several states that greatly expanded mail voting because of the pandemic. Sizemore said he was initially hesitant to believe false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, but that he’s become convinced people will do whatever it takes to win. “We’re going to need more protests like Jan. 6,” Sizemore said. In an email to the Cap- ital Chronicle, Sizemore allowed that a “few bad actors” engaged in wrong- doing, but said Democrats and journalists were trying to make the incident seem worse than it was. McCloud, a Salem busi- ness development analyst, said the Capitol and all gov- ernment buildings belong to the American people and they have the right to enter it at any time. Thielman, the former superintendent of the Alsea School District, said the attempted insurrection was a response to the govern- ment failure. “When our courts wouldn’t hear it, when our Congress wouldn’t hear it, when our executive branch wouldn’t hear it, we the people did what our Consti- tution allows us to do,” he said. “It was a wonderful patriotic protest.” He told the Capital Chronicle that the incident became a “mess,” and that he didn’t condone behavior like storming the Capitol or sitting in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk, both of which rioters did. Richardson, a licensed massage therapist from White City, said she’s been part of a group “canvassing” elections in Jackson County, going door to door to talk to voters about fraud. “Jan. 6 was not an insur- rection,” she said. “Nov. 3 was, and we know that.” She told the Capital Chronicle that she stood by her comments, and that she believes the media skewed perceptions of Jan. 6. In November 2020, Jackson County Clerk Chris Walker found the phrase “VOTE DON’T WORK. NEXT TIME BULLETS” painted in 6-foot letters in the parking lot across from her offi ce. Walker and other county clerks still receive regular threats and angry calls and emails from people about the 2020 elec- tion, and they’re preparing Manuel Balce Ceneta/The Associated Press, File John Minchillo/The Associated Press, File Smoke fi lls the inside of the U.S. Capitol during the siege of Jan. 6, 2021. The deadly attack brought together members of disparate groups, creating the opportunity for extremists to establish links with each other. In this Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, fi le photo, violent protesters storm the Capitol, in Washington. to combat misinformation about the 2022 election. Christensen, Merritt and McCloud did not imme- diately respond to emails Tuesday afternoon. The Republican candi- dates’ response to questions about the Jan. 6 Capitol siege refl ects a political divide in Oregon. Recent polling from the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center found that about three-quarters of Democrats described the events as an attempted coup or insurrec- tion, and most other Dem- ocrats thought it was best described as a “riot out of control.” A plurality of Republicans, 38%, said it was an out-of-control riot, but 16% described it as a rea- sonable protest and nearly a quarter said it was car- ried out by Trump’s political opponents. The Oregon Republican Party last year passed a reso- lution declaring the incident a “false fl ag” operation. Chris- tine Drazan, then the House GOP leader and now a can- didate for governor, led all 23 House Republicans in con- demning the state party for that resolution. Another candidate, Sandy Mayor Stan Pulliam, has spent months trying to walk back comments he made to Portland alt-weekly Willa- mette Week shortly after Jan. 6 blaming Trump for inciting violence. He now presents himself as the only candidate willing to say that the 2020 election was fraudulent. 2022 I Northeast Oregon PHOTO CONTEST Visit lagrandeobserver.com and enter today! HIV isn’t just a big city issue. More than half of Oregonians with HIV live outside of Portland, often in suburbs and small towns like this one. Good neighbors chip in to get the job done. And we’ve got work to do on HIV prevention. People in rural Oregon are more likely to get a late-stage diagnosis, and a lack of HIV treatment may harm your health, or your partner’s. Detected early, HIV is more easily managed and you can live a long, healthy life. Getting tested is a sign of strength, not weakness. Learn more and find free testing at endhivoregon.org