Opinion A4 Tuesday, February 15, 2022 OUR VIEW Something at OHA not adding up W hen you read the details of Josh Bar- nett’s story on A1 about trying to right the record on his mother’s apparent COVID-19-related death, something doesn’t add up. But not from him — from the Oregon Health Authority. As far as we (and he) can tell, his mother, The- resa Malec, who died in mid-December, is the woman listed by the OHA as the 14th COVID-19- related death in Wallowa County. His family is the fi rst that we are aware of in the county to refute COVID-19 having a role in a loved one’s death. The death certifi cate, and Bar- nett, both state the cause of Malec’s death was liver cancer. Barnett off ered to share the certifi cate with the Chieftain. Following an interview, he gave us permission to publish the cause of death informa- tion and that portion of the document. And after looking at what was provided by Barnett and speaking to him, and then looking at what OHA has given, Barnett’s case is much more compelling than the state’s. For one, Malec’s passing occurred more than four months after her positive COVID test in August, which, by Barnett’s account, she had fully recovered from. Even OHA’s own doc- uments say for a passing to be counted as a COVID-related death, the time limit from an individual’s fi rst known positive test or symptom onset to their passing is 60 days. OHA also counts a COVID-19-related death if the death certifi cate lists specifi c COVID-re- lated codes. Yet the death certifi cate for Barnett’s mother has no such code listed, and the only mention of her COVID history on the document states there were two negative tests. (Interestingly, while it doesn’t seem to apply here, the other criteria for a COVID-19-related death is “Death from any cause in a hospitalized person during their hospital stay or in the 60 days following discharge and a COVID-19-positive laboratory diagnostic test at any time since 14 days prior to hospitalization.” Does that not strike anyone as odd?) To be fair, we cannot be 100% certain that the woman in the OHA report is Malec, as OHA has not — and said it cannot — provide identifying information. The entity also could not confi rm if Barnett’s mother, when given her name, was the individual. And yes, Barnett said it was OK for us to ask the OHA that question, as well. But when you look at the timeline for Malec’s passing, in a county as small as Wallowa County, it’s pretty easy to put two and two together. More details are needed to get to the bottom of this particular case, but at the moment, Malec’s passing — and Barnett’s account and docu- ment — raises some serious questions about the validity of OHA’s data in this case, and could weaken its overall credibility. This is not written to discredit the losses felt by people who have been severely impacted by COVID. There is no doubt it’s real, and many have died from it. But as you look a little deeper into OHA’s data, it’s clear something does not add up. EDITORIALS Unsigned editorials are the opinion of The Observer editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of The Observer. YOUR VIEWS No consequences for false accusations? The “Our view” editorial of Feb. 1, 2022, on the La Grande-Glad- stone racial slurs incident is naive. “...it is over.” Nope. This will stick with the falsely accused for a long time. Ryan Clarke, the reporter for The Oregonian who broke the story, has made a cottage industry of reporting on allegations of racial slurs and the like at high school athletic events. Perhaps he senses a Pulitzer waiting for him. Those kinds of stories are gold for politicians like Tina Kotek, Rep. Barbara Smith Warner and Rep. Janelle Bynum, who can virtue signal and burnish their anti-racist bona fides by piling on those allegations. No need to wait to see if they are true. Wasn’t there something men- tioned back in the day about bearing false witness? Just a little digging, and you see how common these kinds of accu- sations are. As long as there are SEND LETTERS TO: letters@lagrandeobserver.com or via mail to Editor, 911 Jeff erson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 no consequences for making false accusations, they will continue. Steve Boe La Grande Leave Marcus Whitman statue alone I read the article about the con- sideration of removing the Marcus Whitman statue. This is very upset- ting. Marcus Whitman and his wife left a footprint in the history of the then-known Oregon Territory. He was not the fi rst settler in the region. The Hudson Bay Company was the fi rst, and was still there when Whitman had his mission. This leads me to ask: Why is Whitman being blamed for the outbreak of measles? He may have had nothing to do with its outbreak. Look at us now, and the fl u that began in China and transported here. CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES U.S. PRESIDENT Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 Comments: 202-456-1111 U.S. SENATORS Ron Wyden 221 Dirksen Senate Offi ce Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5244 La Grande offi ce: 541-962-7691 Bobby Levy, District 58 900 Court St. NE, H-376 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1458 Rep.BobbyLevy@state.or.us Kate Brown 160 State Capitol 900 Court St. Salem, OR 97301-4047 503-378-4582 Jeff Merkley 313 Hart Senate Offi ce Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3753 Pendleton offi ce: 541-278-1129 Cliff Bentz 2185 Rayburn House Offi ce Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6730 Medford offi ce: 541-776-4646 SENATOR Greg Smith, District 57 900 Court St. NE, H-482 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1457 Rep.GregSmith@state.or.us Bill Hansell, District 29 900 Court St. NE, S-415 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1729 Sen.BillHansell@state.or.us STAFF SUBSCRIBEAND SAVE Subscription rates: Monthly Autopay ...............................$10.75 13 weeks.................................................$37.00 26 weeks.................................................$71.00 52 weeks ..............................................$135.00 U.S. REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVES GOVERNOR SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION NEWSSTAND PRICE: $1.50 You can save up to 55% off the single-copy price with home delivery. Call 800-781-3214 to subscribe. Then there is the comment on how he is dressed on the statue. Let’s face it, clothes wear out, and material for clothing was some- thing that was not available. So what do you wear? You make your clothes out of what you can fi nd: animal skins. I respect the Native Americans, but this issue reeks of “cancel cul- ture” and, worse, “critical race theory” (which many say is not a theory). I was taught this in col- lege and rejected it, not based on my race, but because it’s a fl awed theory. I have gotten off my subject, but we can’t keep removing statues because someone does not agree with its subject matter. All the issues stated by the CTUIR for the uprising of the Cayuse (property encroachment, immigration of set- tlers and illnesses) would have hap- pened anyway, so why blame it on just Marcus Whitman? I say keep the statue as is, where it is, and don’t touch it. Gail Baker La Grande Anindependent newspaper foundedin1896 www.lagrandeobserver.com Periodicals postage paid at Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (except postal holidays) by EO Media Group, 911 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 (USPS 299-260) The Observer retains ownership and copyright protection of all staff-prepared news copy, advertising copy, photos and news or ad illustrations. They may not be reproduced without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © 2022 Phone: 541-963-3161 Regional publisher. ...................... Karrine Brogoitti Home delivery advisor ......... Amanda Turkington Interim editor ....................................Andrew Cutler Advertising representative ..................... Kelli Craft News clerk ........................................Lisa Lester Kelly Advertising representative .................... Amy Horn Reporter....................................................Dick Mason National accounts coordinator ...... 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