REGION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2022 THE OBSERVER — A3 Stakeholders seek consensus for forest management BIC completes desired conditions for long delayed Blue Mountain forest plan tional set-asides, they still have to go through the anal- ysis to get to that point and make that recommendation. The fi nal draft of the desired condition was to understand that the forest service has to evaluate the suitability and eligibility through the forest planning process for future set-asides. That said, the subcom- mittee does not see the need for any additions to set-asides. By STEVEN MITCHELL Blue Mountain Eagle JOHN DAY — Groups that have long been at odds on forest management issues have reached a consensus on goals and desired conditions that will frame how the U.S. Forest Service drafts land management plans on three national forests in North- eastern Oregon and South- eastern Washington. At a meeting on Jan. 25, the access subcommittee of the Blue Mountains Inter- governmental Council — or BIC for short — sub- mitted its fi nal rule and desired conditions to the full council. The Forest Service formed the BIC, made up of county offi cials, tribal mem- bers and other stakeholders from the Blue Mountain region, after the agency’s proposed 2018 manage- ment plan revision fi zzled in the face of intense public scrutiny. The three national forests covered by the management plan — the Umatilla, Wal- lowa-Whitman and Malheur — are collectively known as the Blue Mountain Forest and make up a third of Ore- gon’s national forest land. Each forest has its indi- vidual resource and man- agement plans, with desired conditions and goals spelled out. While the plans do not dictate project-level deci- sions, the desired conditions will form a foundation for the broader guidelines sur- rounding key issues such as forest access, elk security, forest health and grazing when the Forest Service begins the process of revising its management plan for the Blue Mountain Forest. Craig Trulock, Mal- heur National Forest super- visor, said he is not sure when the revision process would begin. However, he said a proposal has been for- warded to U.S. Forest Ser- vice headquarters in Wash- ington, D.C., to put a team together to begin drafting the revision. From the beginning, Tru- lock said, the idea was to seek compromise and solu- tions on as many issues as possible. “I think we made huge progress with the BIC on understanding each other,” Baker’s minority report Blue Mountain Eagle, File Management of Strawberry Mountain, in the Malheur National Forest, is included in the Forest Service’s Blue Mountain forest plan. Trulock said. The Forest Service’s 2018 management plan revision, which was drafted before Trulock was named Mal- heur’s supervisor, received intense backlash. The plan called for an increase in thinning dry upland forests to improve wildfi re resil- ience while doubling the current timber harvest and designating 70,500 acres of new wilderness. The Eastern Oregon Counties Association, to which Grant belongs, listed eight main objec- tions, including economics; access; management area designation; pace and scale of restoration; grazing; fi re and salvage logging; coor- dination between agencies; and wildlife. The counties argued the agency’s plan would close roads and limit livestock grazing while failing to thin enough of the woods to boost timber jobs or lower the risk of large wildfi res. The BIC subcommittee revised the list of conditions pertaining to a number of key issues, including access, elk security, wilderness and other set-asides. Forest access In its fi nal draft docu- ment of desired conditions, the BIC’s access subcom- mittee wrote forest access was the most contentious topic during the 2018 forest plan revision process. Committee member Bill Harvey said the forest roads have been used by people in rural areas for 75 to 80 years. Harvey, a Baker County commissioner, said people have lived, worked and played in the Blue Moun- tains their whole lives. “Why, in God’s name,” Harvey said, “would we want to take that right away?” Public use The group writes that the public desires to be well informed on forest access. It want the agency to provide an up-to-date and compre- hensive inventory of all forest roads and the status of those roads. This was an important desired condition for subcom- mittee member Mark Owens, a state representative from Crane, who told the Eagle last year that he understands certain areas have wilder- ness or wildlife designations restricting motorized vehicle access.But he wanted to learn what roads are open and what roads are closed and why they are closed. He said he wanted to see which roads were closed through the National Envi- ronmental Policy Act and which roads were closed by the Forest Service administratively. “If they’re closed through NEPA, we really can’t get it back open unless we go through NEPA, but if you’re closed administratively, then those are open for a conversa- tion on the subject,” he said. According to the fi nal document, “use restriction of a road previously reviewed and approved through the NEPA process should be clearly and eff ectively posted for the public and refl ected on updated maps.” Elk security The group writes that forest road and trail system use, density and habitat con- ditions may have some neg- ative eff ects on wildlife in general and specifi cally on elk distribution. The desired condition is that habitat is managed to provide a balance of ade- quate nutritional resources, cover, and human distur- bance regimes that wen- courage elk to remain on public lands. Collaboration and coordination occur that benefi ts these desired future conditions by addressing the many other factors such as predation, hunting, and pri- vate land practices that also eff ect elk distribution while providing year-round recre- ational and cultural oppor- tunities and limiting agri- cultural damage on private lands. User-created routes The desired condition is to establish objective criteria for user-created routes, such as evaluating historical maps and aerial imagery to deter- mine if the agency should include the forest system. The routes would be eval- uated and analyzed at the project level for social, cul- tural, historical, economic, habitat and environmental concerns while, at a min- imum, seeking to ensure access in the general area. The evaluation would coordinate with local and tribal governments with ample public notice and involvement through the NEPA process. As a result, the public and groups that frequent the routes would be well informed and allowed to comment on changes in management actions. Wilderness, habitat and set-asides Last year the subcom- mittee asked the Forest Service’s Dennis Dough- erty, a recreation planner, Nick Goldstein, a regional planner, and Trulock about the process of recom- mending set-asides within a forest plan. Dougherty talked about the diffi culties during the 2018 plan revision. However, he told the group his biggest takeaway was complying and comporting each com- ponent with the overarching forest plan. Dougherty said it is important to remember the forest plan does not desig- nate motorized usage on forest roads. Instead, those provisions come from the travel management plan. He also told the group that some areas are statu- torily designated. Also, he said, Congress identifi es cer- tain set-asides as well. He explained a Forest Service document, the “suit- ability-rating table,” used during the last revision, which lists management areas, activities, land allo- cations and designations that the forest can use to make access and land-use recommendations. Dougherty said he recog- nized the framework as cum- bersome and complicated because of the plan amend- ments over the years. How- ever, he said it is the Forest Service’s general approach to determining land uses. The Forest Service’s Tom Montoya said these admin- istrative recommendations go through a review process under the National Environ- mental Policy Act. Trulock said the goal was to come to a collec- tive understanding about the Forest Service’s process: Even if there are no addi- Baker County Com- missioner Bill Harvey sub- mitted a minority report disagreeing with the BIC access subcommittee’s fi nal draft of the desired condi- tions document. Harvey writes that spe- cial interest groups, agen- cies, and tribes disregarded forest management prin- ciples the Eastern Oregon Counties Association com- piled in a 2019 document throughout the subcom- mittee meetings. Mean- while, Harvey noted that this let other counties make too many concessions. Harvey writes that Baker submitted several edited versions of desired condi- tions, and the subcommittee off ered “minimal regard” for the county’s input. Local governments know their counties best, Harvey writes. “And it’s ridiculous to be overridden by com- mittee members that have no authority or knowledge of what is best for the citi- zens of this county,” Harvey added. Trulock said that the BIC’s charter allows for the submission of the minority report. Ultimately, he said, the Forest Service would have to make decisions through the forest planning eff ort, which will include alterna- tive drafts and a public com- ment period. Grant County Com- missioners Jim Hamsher and Sam Palmer, who both served on the BIC, said they knew there would need to be compromises. “You’re never going to everything you want,” Palmer said. Palmer said he was happy that all of the entities began working with each other early in the pro- cess, which, he said, did not happen in 2018. “We brought all the agen- cies up to the table at the front end instead of the back end,” Palmer said. “In two years we had a product when before they had one that got scrapped after 15 years.” DEQ announces new leadership in Eastern Region, Water Quality Program The Observer SALEM — The Oregon Department of Environ- mental Quality in a recent press release announced it has new leadership in its Water Quality Program and Eastern Region offi ces. Jennifer Wigal is the new Water Quality Program administrator, replacing Justin Green, who left DEQ to pursue other interests; and Shannon Davis is the Eastern Region administrator, replacing Linda Hayes- Gorman, who is retiring from the agency. The two administrators come from within the man- agerial ranks at DEQ and bring a wealth of experience to their new jobs. Davis has led the Life- cycle Programs Team in DEQ’s Materials Man- agement Division for the past four years. The pro- gram studies environmental impact of the full lifespan of materials and products, from manufacture to disposal. Davis has worked in the materials management fi eld for 15 years. In addi- tion to her work at DEQ, she has tackled environmental issues for the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency, the state of Arizona and in the halls of Congress. While at EPA, she contributed to national materials manage- ment policy development and co-led the West Coast Cli- mate and Materials Manage- ment Forum. Hosted by the Island City Lions Club As director of Arizona DEQ’s waste programs and Pima County’s air quality program, Davis focused on environmental policy devel- opment and implementation. She also served three elected offi cials, including chief of staff to a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She also had the privilege of supporting indigenous communities throughout the Southwest in the stewardship eff orts of their land. Wigal has more than 20 years’ experience working in water quality programs at the state and federal level. She’s been at Oregon DEQ since 2008, and most recently served as Water Quality deputy administrator. In her tenure at DEQ, she’s held several roles within the Water Quality Program, including managing Ore- gon’s Water Quality Stan- dards Program and the Water Quality Assessments Pro- gram. Prior to DEQ, she built her expertise in water quality programs at EPA head- quarters, working in water Locked & Loaded 2022 Gunshow La Grande Sat. March 12 • 9 to 5 & Sun. March 13 • 9 to 1 @ the Blue Mountain Conference Center • 404 12th Street Background checks will run and ATM on site. Breakfast and lunch to be served Saturday. In Memory of Shelia Evans who did so much for our community. Sponsors & Vendors call Kayla at 541.786.7210 quality standards and per- mitting. Wigal also has held national leadership positions, including serving as the president (2017-18) and vice president (2016-17) of the Association of Clean Water Administrators. Mobile Mobile Service Service Outstanding Computer Repair Fast & & Reliable Reliable Fast Open for all 24/7 your Call or Text Call or Text 24/7 Dale Bogardus 541-297-5831 Dale Bogardus 541-297-5831 Stay up-to-date Microsoft’ If your with computer is s most advanced operating system to date, in despair call Outstanding Windows 11 Computer Repair! Desktops and laptops in stock Or upgrade yours today for the best security! Refurbished Desktop & Laptops For Sale House calls (let me come to you!) Drop Offs & Remote Services are Available All credit cards accepted