HOME & LIVING B2 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD BUNS Continued from Page B1 Increase speed to medium and mix until dough is glossy and elastic and forms a ball but still sticks slightly to the bottom of the bowl (add fl our as necessary, 1 tablespoon at a time, up to the remaining ¼ cup; be careful not to add too much fl our), about 5 to 6 minutes. (Alternately, in a large bowl, combine butter-milk mixture with ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, yeast and salt, and stir to combine. Add 4 3 / 4 cups fl our and stir, vigorously, until thoroughly combined. Lightly fl our a clean working surface. Scrape dough onto prepared work surface. Us- ing lightly fl oured hands, knead into an elastic, smooth dough — not too dry, with good elasticity — about 10 to 12 minutes. If dough is too sticky, lightly add fl our as needed, 1 tablespoon at a time, up to the remaining ¼ cup; be careful not to add too much fl our.) Scrape dough into prepared bowl, cover with a cotton dishcloth, place in a warm area (about 80 degrees) and let rise until almost doubled, about 60 minutes. To prepare fi lling: In a small bowl, combine 3 / 4 cup sugar, cinnamon and cardamom. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Lightly fl our a clean working surface. Using a spatula or scrap- er, transfer dough to prepared work surface. Using a lightly fl oured rolling pin, roll the dough — in short, quick, even strokes — into a 20- by 24-inch rectangle that is roughly ¼- to ½-inch thick. Be sure to keep lightly adding fl our as needed to the work sur- face, to prevent the dough from sticking. Spread the surface of the dough with 4 tablespoons room-temperature butter, work- ing right up to the edges. Sprinkle cardamom-cinnamon mixture evenly over the butter, sprinkling right up to the edges. Starting on the 20-inch side of the rectangle, roll dough snugly into a log, leaving the log seam-side-down on the work surface. Using a sharp knife, trim uneven ends, then cut the log crosswise into 12 buns measur- ing about 1 ½ inches wide. Pick up each bun, with one thumb gripping the top of the dough and the other one gripping the bottom. Gently make two whole twists, with your hands going in opposite directions, pulling lightly on the dough as you twist. After turning the bun in your hands, tuck one end of the bun under the other end, forming a ball. Place twisted buns 2 inches apart on prepared baking sheets. Loosely cover the buns with a cotton dishcloth, place in a warm area (about 80 degrees) and let the buns rise until they’re puff y, about 30 to 45 minutes. To prepare topping: When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk 1 egg with 1 tablespoon water. Brush the buns with egg wash, then sprinkle with sanding sugar or pearl sugar. Bake until golden (but not too dark, or buns will be dry), about 18 to 20 minutes, rotating baking sheets halfway through baking time. Remove from oven. Serve warm or at room temperature. To prepare ahead: Once the dough has been twisted into buns, the unbaked buns can be covered in plastic wrap and refrig- erated, overnight. When ready to bake, place buns 2 inches apart on parchment paper-lined bak- ing sheets. Loosely cover with a cotton dish cloth, place in a warm area (about 80 degrees) and let buns rise until puff y, about 60 to 75 minutes. Brush with egg wash, garnish with decorative sugar and bake as instructed. M ICHAEL 541-786-8463 M. Curtiss PN-7077A CCB# 183649 A C ERTIFIED M ASTER A RBORIST Are Your Feet ready for the COLD of Winter? We specialize in quality medical and surgical care for all types of foot and ankle problems. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2022 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR LOCAL BUSINESSES with The Observer and Baker City Herald’s 2 CHALLENGE SHOP LOCAL $ By trading in $100 at Old West Federal Credit Union for $2 bills and spending those bills locally, you showed your support! CONGRATULATIONS TO DALE C.! Dale is the winner of a $100 gift certificate to a local business of his choice! Dale used $100 in $2 bills from Old West Federal Credit Union in stores around the area in December, including: • La Grande Paint and Glass • Claudson’s • Bi-Mart Bella • Fitzgerald Flowers • R&C Family Store Here are a few of the other ways those $2 bills were spent in our community: Paul F. wrote: I spent $120 at La Grande Gold & Silver and also $20 at The Bobolink, all in $2 bills. Thank you! Thanks for your support of the $2 Challenge! We’re proud of our community. Dixie L. wrote: What a great idea! I shopped at several locations.....The Underground Boutiques, Real Dealz, Red Cross United Drug, Fitzgerald Flowers, Claudson’s, Community Merchants and Cinco De Mayo. Thanks for the fun idea! Travis T. Hampton, D.P.M. Foot and Ankle Surgeon 541-963-0265 888-843-9090 www.GVfoot.com La Grande 1408 N Hall Street Enterprise 601 Medical Parkway Baker 3175 Pocahontas Rd. 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