Mrs. Malia - North Powder Elementary, 2nd Grade Continued on next page Dear Santa, I will give you Milk and cookes. I wont 3PS5 and 3 playstations. I want 3 new Ipads. I also want 3 Fortnite guns and 3 nrf guns and 3 xshot guns and 5 air pods and tools. I love you Santa and you are the best. Mariano d f d f Dear Santa Claus, All I want is fone so I can miy frends and I can have more games And thank you for the fire truck last year From Titus Dear Santa Claus, I want a PS5 and a new IPhone. Merry Christmas Leland d f d f Der Santa Clos, I want a muny maker. Thank you for the huvr bord. How do ya go a rownd the world? Love Thomas 10701 Walton Rd, Island City 541-663-1111 541-962-7099 14 • Holidays 2021 Dear Santa Claus, I wont 2 Rc cars cus mine browk. I wont a dirt bike becus I wont to drive are 4weller but I cant. I wont a 3d foot ball game cus Ive ben asking. I wont a hoverboard cus i wont sumthing to ride on the konkret. I wont 3 boxs of pepsi cus it tast good. I wont fortnite and Gujlyin rbuks. From, Neil Dear Santa Claus, I want my whole family to be happy on Christmas day. To spend time with my Grandma and Grandpa and all of us having a good time. To spend time with the dogs, Smokey and Chuck. Love, Henry d f d f Dear Santa Claus, Can I please have all the popits in the world. P.S. Can I also get that popit perse also P.S. I Love you! Emmie Merry Christmas idea web & print design – 541-805-8563 LETTERS TO SANTA LaGrande Observer