Continued from last page Dear Santa Claus, (my I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Ireland this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a toy light saber. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she is a good friend. Another reason is because she wold proboly wold like it. Thank you for bringing a toy light saber to Ireland. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Emeric Central Elementary, 2nd Grade Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Ty my dog this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is dog food. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she is a good dog Another reason is because she dos not pee in the hows. Thank you for bringing dog food to Ty. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Dewey Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Liam this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is snake. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he wants one. Another reason is because he likes snake. Thank you for bringing a new snake to Liam. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Angelica d f d f d f d f Dear Santa Claus, this I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Mabel this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is pokemon stuffys. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she is my frind Another reason is because she loves pokemen. Thank you for bringing pokemon stuffys to Mabel. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Audrey d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to my broth- er Jack this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a toy car. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he is funny. Another reason is because he is cute. Thank you for bringing a toy car to Jack. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Mabel Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Destin this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a toy excavAtor. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he likes them. Another reason is because he doz it hav them. Thank you for bringing a toy excAvAtor to Destin. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Gus d f d f d f d f Dear Santa Claus, this I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Nick this a dog. Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is awee toys. He deserves this present for several reasons. freind. The first reason is because for his dog. Another reason is because he loves dogs. Thank you for bringing awee toys to Nick. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Audrey d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Audrey this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a stuft Articano. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she is my frend. Another reason is because she likes pokemon. Thank you for bringing a stuft Articano to Audrey. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Mabel Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to my famlee this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a rubber boa. They deserve this present for several reasons. The first reason is because it doesnt make a sound. Another reason is because its nice. Thank you for bringing a rubber boa to my family. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Liam Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Ryan this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a work dex. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he werk at the Paint in Glass. Another reason is because he is hisr. Thank you for bringing a work dex to Ryan. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Grayson d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Milo this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a PS5. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because He love me. Another reason is because he noce to me. Thank you for bringing a PS5 to Milo. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Wilson d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Saidal this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a computer. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he is nice. Another reason is because he is helpful. Thank you for bringing a computer to Saidal. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Farhan Give the Gift of Art Classes this Holiday Season! Gift Certificates available for art, dance, craft or theatre classes offered by Crossroads. Contact Crossroads at 541-523-5369 or stop by to purchase Gift Certificates! Enroll for classes at 2020 Auburn Avenue Baker City, Oregon 541.523.5369 Baker City Herald Remember: Santa Claus is a Maker! Crossroads is open Monday through Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm LETTERS TO SANTA Holidays 2021 • 11