Continued from last page Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to my sister this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a doktr set. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she wos oun. Another reason is because se sed se is a doktr. Thank you for bringing a doktr set to my sister. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Liz d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Matteo this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is chess book. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he likes chess. Another reason is because he can learn more. Thank you for bringing chess book to Matteo. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Decian d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Brendon this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is Pokemon Crds. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he works hrd in sckool. Another reason is because he is sopr his. Thank you for bringing pokemon crds to Brendon. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Corbin Central Elementary, 2nd Grade Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to My Mom this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is New Phone. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she needs a new phone. Another reason is because I love her so much. Thank you for bringing her a phone to My Mom. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Annika d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to CHA- LALET this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is Pokemon Diamond. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because so I can play with her. Another reason is because she likes pokemon. Thank you for bringing pokemon diamond to CHALET. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, AReNA d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to MY Dad this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is A lot uv Mone. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he dus not get A lot. Another reason is because he can bi a lot uv thnigs. Thank you for bringing A lot uv monye to My dad. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, MASON Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Mason this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is A tripe to Hawaii. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because he needs a break from everybodu. Another reason is because he deserves the beach. Thank you for bringing a trip to Hawaii to Mason. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Jasper d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to My dog, Finn this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a giant doggie bed. He deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because instead of him sleeping with me I could sleep with him. Another reason is because so he could not sleep in my bed. Thank you for bringing a giant dog bed to my dog, Finn. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Story d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Jackie this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a doll. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she my friend. Another reason is she wanted it. Thank you for bringing a doll to Jackie. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Halia Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to Brendon, Ulena, Deklon this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is shuger gliders for Brendon, 6 plane tikets for Ulena and mony for Deklon. They deserve these presents for several reasons. The first reason is because Brendon wants Shuger gliders, Ulena wants to go to Hawaiiey and Deklon wants to buy stuff. Another reason is because Ulena wants plane tikets for her family, I like Brendon and wants mony. Thank you for bringing Mony, plane tikets and shuger gliders to Brendon, Deklun and Ulena. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Matteo d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to mom this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is massage machine. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she is thinking about it. Another reason is because she tries to work hard. Thank you for bringing a massage to mom. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Kihja d f d f Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to ask you to deliver a present to my sister this Christmas. The present I would like you to deliver is a doll. She deserves this present for several reasons. The first reason is because she is kind. Another reason is because she bought me a present. Thank you for bringing a doll to my sister. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. From, Gannon Happy Holidays from all of here at Helping Santa get it done in Elgin since 1964 8 • Holidays 2021 LETTERS TO SANTA LaGrande Observer