way, gizmo s doll Mrs. Pepera - Brooklyn Elementary, 2nd Grade Dear Santa Claus, How Are The Elves and Raindeer doing? Thank you for sending the Elf on The Shelf here. Can you have the Elf on The Shelf stay for Christmas? I would like a intendo Switch and a omg LOL doll. I will be happy with whatever you bring me. Please tell have the Elves and Raindeer and Mrs. Claus th a they are amazing like you! Love, Esperanza Dear Santa Claus, How thick is the ice? Do you have a dog? Have you had a good year? I would like a remote cantrol car. I would like miny drone. Enjoy your cookies and milk. Merry Christ- mas and Happy New Year From: Jace Dear Santa Claus, How old are you? How cold is the North Pole? I would like a puppy. I would like a lol doll. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please tell the elves and Mrs. Claus they are amazing like you! Love, Heavenlee d f d f Dear Santa Claus, How old are you? Are there pengins? Do you have a dog? I would like a LoL and 4 road blocks Than You Katelyn Dear Santa Claus, How old are you? How is the polar express doing? What do you do everyday? I would like a american doll stuff? I would like a american doll? I will be happy whith wtatever you bring me! Please tell the leves and Mrs. Claus they are a amazing like you! Reagan You were there for us now we’re here for you Baker County Veteran Services 1995 3rd Street, Baker County Courthouse • 541-523-8223 • Rick Gloria, Veteran Services Coordinator The Baker County Veteran Services Office provides access to the wide range of benefits and services offered to veterans and their dependents. Health Care, Education, Compensation & Pension, Burial Benefits & much more. Baker City Herald LETTERS TO SANTA Holidays 2021 • 5