‘DRAWING TO SEE’ CLASS TAUGHT AT PENDLETON ART CENTER PENDLETON — Shari Dallas will lead a class titled “Drawing to See” on Wednesdays, from 6-7 p.m., at the Pendleton Cen- ter for the Arts. The class is four sessions, beginning Oct. 27. It is open to all ability levels, with an affi nity for drawing the only requirement. Tools and materi- als will be provided. Cost is $85 members, $90 nonmembers. There is also a $15 materials fee. For information, call 541- 310-7413. CHILI COOK-OFF SET FOR OCT. 9 AT ISON HOUSE BAKER CITY — The Ison House will hold its inaugural chili cook-off on Saturday, Oct. 9. Owner Twila Lavery said she needs at least three en- tries — chili cooks interested in entering are asked to sign up ahead of time by emailing her at isonhousepub@gmail.com or call 503-894-4075. Starting at 2 p.m. that day, patrons can taste the entered chili recipes and vote on the winner. The event will go until about 4 p.m. 5 QUICK TAKES A BRIEF LOOK AT WHAT’S HAPPENING IN EASTERN OREGON For updates on events at the Ison House, visit www.theison- house.com. ‘MATILDA’ CONTINUES FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AT ELGIN OPERA HOUSE ELGIN — The Elgin Opera House is presenting “Matilda” every Friday and Saturday this month through Oct. 23. Friday performances are at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays feature two shows — 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $18 for the or- chestra level and lower balcony. Upper balcony tickets are $8. Purchase tickets at www.elgi- noperahouse.com/box-offi ce or call 541-663-6324. MAKE CLAY CREATIONS WITH PCA ART KIT PENDLETON — The Pend- leton Center for the Arts is off ering “Clay Creations to Go” for kids and families of all ages. You’ll fi nd everything you need to make your own pinch pots, clay creations, and more in this kit. Students will have the fl exibility of creating their clay play in the comfort of their own home. OCTOBER 6�13, 2021 When you register you’ll receive a call back to sched- ule curbside pick up of the kit. You’ll return your piece for bisque firing, then make an appointment for a 20 minute slot in the clay studio for glaz- ing. Cost is $40 (add a kit to the same household for $5). To register, go to www.pendleton- arts.org/classes/youth. JONATHAN FOSTER PLAYS TERMINAL GRAVITY OCT. 8 ENTERPRISE — Singer- songwriter Jonathan Foster brings his solo show, featur- ing songs from his new album “Lantern Shade,” to Terminal Gravity’s outdoor stage on Friday, Oct. 8. The show starts at 7 p.m. For reservations, visit www.terminalgravitybrewing. com. PENDLETON UNDERGROUND COMES TO LIFE OCT. 9 PENDLETON — The Pend- leton Underground comes to life with a cast of 75 actors on Saturday, Oct. 9. Tickets are limited to fewer than 300, E.J. Harris/East Oregonian, fi le Mark Odegaard of Hood River and Sharon Hull of The Dalles act out a scene in the Empire Meat Co. section of the Pendleton Underground Tours in 2017. Pendleton Underground Comes to Life is Saturday, Oct. 9. and cost $50 per person. This event is for ages 21 and older. This is a fundraiser for the non- profit Pendleton Underground Tours. Tours start at 9:30 a.m., and the last one is at 3 p.m. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are sold for a specific time. Tours take off every 15 minutes and last about two hours. Groups are limited to 16 people. To reserve a ticket, call 541-276-0730. TAKE & MAKE KITS Come by Art Center East to pick up a Take & Make kit! 1006 Penn Avenue, La Grande Wednesday - Friday from Noon - 5pm Saturday from 10am-2pm or visit artcentereast.org/learn/ classes/take-make-art-kits/