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About The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 2021)
COFFEE BREAK B6 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD THuRSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2021 Girlfriend wants live-in beau to end his marriage In Massachusetts Dear In Limbo: Assuming this man lives with you rent-free, you have spent the last six years with a houseguest who is more concerned with his net worth than your need for validation. If his wife wanted a divorce, it would have happened already, and the issue of property division could have been bifurcated (separated). Obviously, this arrangement is serving them both in some way. Your next step should be to make a final decision about whether the status quo is acceptable to you, because it isn’t going to change. Dear Abby: My brother-in-law (age 75) apparently doesn’t like kids. He and my sister dont Dear Abby: I have been with a man for the last six years. He has been separated for 20 years. When I asked him if he was going to finalize his divorce, he said no. When I said I would like a com- mitment, he said he gave me one when he moved in five years ago. I said I want more. His wife even asked him for a divorce, but he said it’s expensive. I told him by my upcoming 50th birthday I want a yes or no on the divorce. What should I do? — In Limbo may choose not to attend. How can I tactfully handle this issue? Any help is appreciated. — Wants To Have A Good Time Dear Wants: Unfortunately, some people don’t know how to let go of a microphone once they have one and aren’t able to sense they have lost their audience. Handle this uncomfortable situa- tion by advising all the speakers that their remarks must be limited to no more than three minutes. Of course, if the “sermon” runs long, you will have to step forward and call a halt to it by asking the audi- ence to give the person a big hand to show their appreciation. (If that doesn’t do the trick, you may have to resort to a hook.) a private talk with your sister. Could he be entering a second childhood? Knowing how he feels about children, if you wish to see him and your sister, consider socializing with them separately. If other family members with children invite them to anything other than an adults-only gather- ings, Sissy and her hubby should politely offer their regrets. Dear Abby: I have a class reunion coming up and want some advice on how to stop a fellow classmate from giving a religious sermon. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but after the last reunion, several people complained about his lengthy preaching. I’m afraid if it happens again, some people have kids. He just told my hus- band that what he doesn’t like about our family gatherings is the attention everyone shows my two granddaughters. (They are 7 and 8.) At a recent gathering, he actually threw down game pieces and stomped off when they approached. Should I sever con- tact with my sister and him? I know if I tell my son about this, my son will cut ties with them. What parent forces their chil- dren on anyone who doesn’t like them? Your advice might help. — Family Gal In Alabama Dear Family Gal: Not everyone relates well to kids. That said, your brother-in-law’s behavior was appalling. Have Physics Nobel rewards work on climate change, other forces Manabe’s models from 50 years ago “accurately pre- dicted the warming that actu- ally occurred in the following decades,” said climate scientist Zeke Hausfather of the Break- through Institute. Manabe’s work serves “as a warning to us all that we should take their projections of a much warmer future if we keep emitting carbon dioxide quite seriously.” “I never imagined that this thing I would begin to study has such a huge consequence,” Manabe said at a Princeton news conference. “I was doing it just because of my curiosity.” About a decade after Manabe’s initial work, Hasselmann, of the Max Planck Institute for Mete- orology in Hamburg, Germany, helped explain why climate models can be reliable despite the seemingly chaotic nature of the weather. He also developed ways to look for specific signs of human influence on the climate. Meanwhile, Parisi, of Sapi- enza University of Rome, “built a deep physical and mathemat- ical model” that made it possible to understand complex systems in fields as different as mathe- matics, biology, neuroscience and machine learning. His work originally focused on so-called spin glass, a type of metal alloy whose behavior long baffled scientists. Parisi, 73, discovered hidden patterns that explained the way it acted, creating theories that could be applied to other fields of research, too. All three physicists used com- plex mathematics to explain and predict what seemed like chaotic forces of nature. That is known as modeling. “Physics-based climate models made it possible to pre- dict the amount and pace of global The Associated Press STOCKHOLM — Three sci- entists won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday, Oct. 5, for work that found order in seeming dis- order, helping to explain and pre- dict complex forces of nature, including expanding our under- standing of climate change. Syukuro Manabe, originally from Japan, and Klaus Hassel- mann of Germany were cited for their work in developing fore- cast models of Earth’s climate and “reliably predicting global warming.” The second half of the prize went to Giorgio Parisi of Italy for explaining disorder in physical systems, ranging from those as small as the insides of atoms to the planet-sized. Hasselmann told The Associ- ated Press that he “would rather have no global warming and no Nobel Prize.’’ Manabe said that figuring out the physics behind climate change was “1,000 times” easier than get- ting the world to do something about it. He said the intricacies of policy and society are far harder to fathom than the complexi- ties of carbon dioxide interacting with the atmosphere, which then changes conditions in the ocean and on the land, which then alters the air again in a constant cycle. He called climate change “a major crisis.” The prize comes less than four weeks before the start of high-level climate negotiations in Glasgow, Scotland, where world leaders will be asked to ramp up their commitments to curb global warming. Pontus Lundahl/The Associated Press Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Goran Hansson, cen- ter, flanked at left by member of the Nobel Committee for Physics Thors Hans Hans- son, left, and member of the Nobel Committee for Physics John Wettlaufer, right, announces the winners of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in Stockholm, Sweden, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021. The Nobel Prize for physics has been awarded to scientists from Japan, Germany and Italy. Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann were cited for their work in “the physical modeling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming.” “It’s very urgent that we take very strong decisions and move at a very strong pace” in tackling global warming, Parisi said. He made the appeal even though his share of the prize was for work in a different area of physics. All three scientists work on what are known as “complex sys- tems,” of which climate is just one example. But the prize went to two fields of study that are oppo- site in many ways, though they share the goal of making sense of what seems random and chaotic so that it can be predicted. Parisi’s research largely centers around subatomic particles, pre- dicting how they move in seem- ingly chaotic ways and why, and is somewhat esoteric, while the work by Manabe and Hasselmann is about large-scale global forces that shape our daily lives. The judges said Manabe, 90, and Hasselmann, 89, “laid the Call to action The Nobel-winning scientists used their moment in the limelight to urge action. weather | Go to foundation of our knowledge of the Earth’s climate and how human actions influence it.” Starting in the 1960s, Manabe, now based at Princeton Uni- versity, created the first climate models that forecast what would happen as carbon dioxide built up in the atmosphere. Scientists for decades had shown that carbon dioxide traps heat, but Manabe’s work offered specifics. It allowed scientists to eventually show how climate change will worsen and how fast, depending on how much carbon pollution is spewed. Manabe is such a pioneer that other climate scientists called his 1967 paper with the late Richard Wetherald “the most influential cli- mate paper ever,” said NASA chief climate modeler Gavin Schmidt. Manabe’s Princeton colleague Tom Delworth called Manabe “the Michael Jordan of climate.” Astoria Longview 43/58 St. Helens Vancouver 43/62 Hood River 41/65 Condon 41/66 45/62 39/61 FRI SAT SUN MON Partly sunny Clouds and limited sun Cloudy and cooler A p.m. shower possible 62 31 57 28 49 25 Eugene 40/64 La Grande 29 63 29 Comfort Index™ Enterprise 9 8 5 0 62 36 52 31 46 29 8 2 0 8 29 59 25 Comfort Index™ 5 53 27 41 30 7 2 0 5 ALMANAC NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Tuesday Low Tuesday High: 97° Low: 18° Wettest: 3.75” 79° 39° 81° 42° 81° 36° PRECIPITATION (inches) Tuesday Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Normal year to date 0.00 0.00 0.08 3.58 6.94 0.00 Trace 0.16 7.38 12.16 0.00 0.00 0.22 16.41 17.09 HAY INFORMATION FRIDAY 35% NW at 4 to 8 mph 6.3 0.08 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Wednesday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir N.A. 9% of capacity 10% of capacity 25% of capacity 1% of capacity 0% of capacity High: 81° Low: 28° Wettest: 0.48” Rome Lakeview North Bend On Oct. 7, 1902, a waterspout was spotted off Cape May, N.J. When the fi rst chilly air masses of fall cross warm bodies of water, waterspouts form. SUN & MOON THU. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset 6:58 a.m. 6:21 p.m. 8:21 a.m. 7:17 p.m. 524 cfs 0 cfs 16 cfs 44 cfs 51 cfs N.A. First Oct 12 Full Oct 20 Last Oct 28 Beaver Marsh 41/63 Silver Lake FRI. 6:59 a.m. 6:19 p.m. 9:42 a.m. 7:45 p.m. New Nov 4 Jordan Valley 41/58 Paisley 30/61 29/56 Frenchglen 38/62 41/66 City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview SAT. Hi/Lo/W 58/48/c 60/31/pc 62/41/c 60/46/c 62/23/pc 60/45/c 63/41/pc 63/33/c 61/28/pc 64/44/pc 66/39/s 65/45/c 63/33/pc 61/30/pc 58/26/sh 65/36/s 60/29/pc 61/20/pc Hi/Lo/W 59/51/c 62/37/c 63/42/pc 61/47/pc 63/25/pc 65/48/pc 63/48/c 65/31/s 60/36/c 64/49/c 67/50/c 63/50/c 64/39/c 60/36/c 57/35/pc 68/51/pc 62/30/pc 61/23/pc Grand View Arock 46/61 41/63 39/62 Klamath Falls 31/60 Lakeview 29/61 McDermitt Shown is Friday’s weather. Temperatures are Thursday night’s lows and Friday’s highs. FRI. Diamond 36/59 Fields Medford Brookings Boise 49/62 39/67 46/60 37/66 26/60 Chiloquin Grants Pass Juntura 33/62 30/58 25/55 Roseburg Ontario 45/67 Burns Brothers 38/62 Coos Bay Huntington 31/58 34/60 Oakridge Council 41/63 43/65 Seneca 39/60 RECREATION FORECAST FRIDAY REGIONAL CITIES MOON PHASES STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Tuesday) Grande Ronde at Troy Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder Burnt River near Unity Umatilla River near Gibbon Minam River at Minam Powder River near Richland OREGON WEATHER HISTORY AGRICULTURAL INFO. Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration Cotulla, Texas Yellowstone N.P., Wyo. Monroe, Ga. 36/61 33/62 Bend 44/64 34/64 32/63 John Day 31/61 Sisters Elkton Powers Halfway Granite 30/57 Baker City Florence 44/60 TUESDAY EXTREMES TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin Monument 34/62 Redmond 43/56 43/60 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. 29/63 36/61 42/61 Corvallis Enterprise 29/59 38/63 Newport 40/63 58 32 29/61 La Grande 38/59 39/64 Idanha Salem Mostly cloudy and cold 9 Elgin Pendleton The Dalles Portland Newberg Lewiston 40/65 40/62 36/62 TONIGHT 5 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Walla Walla 36/65 Maupin Comfort Index™ For a scientist who trades in predictions, Hasselmann said the prize caught him off guard. “I was quite surprised when they called,” he said. “I mean, this is something I did many years ago.” The award comes with a gold medal and 10 million Swedish kronor (over $1.14 million). The money comes from a bequest left by the prize’s creator, Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, who died in 1895. On Monday, the Nobel in med- icine was awarded to Americans David Julius and Ardem Patapou- tian for their discoveries into how the human body perceives tem- perature and touch. Over the coming days prizes will be awarded in the fields of chemistry, literature, peace and economics. Kennewick 42/62 42/62 40/60 32 63 28 Caught off guard AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION TIllamook Baker City warming, including some of the consequences like rising seas, increased extreme rainfall events and stronger hurricanes, decades before they could be observed,” said German climate scientist and modeler Stefan Rahmstorf. He called Hasselmann and Manabe pioneers in this field. When climate scientists with the United Nations’ Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, some who deny global warming dismissed it as a polit- ical move. Perhaps anticipating controversy, members of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the Nobel, empha- sized that Tuesday’s was a science prize. “What we are saying is that the modeling of climate is sol- idly based on physical theory and well-known physics,” Swedish physicist Thors Hans Hansson said at the announcement. Curiosity rules By DAVID KEYTON and SETH BORENSTEIN City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla FRI. SAT. Hi/Lo/W 65/39/pc 62/45/pc 61/27/pc 66/40/pc 56/46/c 58/45/pc 67/39/c 65/39/s 62/38/s 62/47/pc 64/46/c 61/30/c 63/44/c 61/45/pc 58/37/s 66/42/pc 59/27/s 62/43/s Hi/Lo/W 66/47/c 58/51/c 60/36/pc 69/43/pc 59/48/pc 57/48/c 66/36/pc 68/50/pc 65/46/pc 61/52/c 66/48/c 63/36/c 67/47/c 64/51/c 57/43/c 66/47/c 59/34/pc 63/52/pc Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Rain and sleet A shower 39 21 59 27 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Some sun; chilly Mostly cloudy 48 26 66 34 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Showers around Partly sunny 46 19 55 23 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR A few showers Mostly sunny; cool 58 26 60 38 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Partly sunny Partly sunny 63 28 63 29