INSIDE POINTING DOGS CAN HONE THEIR SKILLS EVEN INSIDE A CITY | June 19, 2021 OUTDOORS & REC, 1B WEEKEND EDITION $1.50 County explores limits on cats Proposed ordinance would cap the number of cats residents can own By DICK MASON The Observer LA GRANDE — Union County may soon have a feline ownership limit. The Union County Board of Commissioners is considering adopting an updated animal control ordinance that would limit the number of adult cats Union County residents can own to 10. Presently, there is no limit on the number of adult cats residents can own, according to Lani Jones, animal con- trol offi cer for the Union County Sheriff ’s Offi ce. The lack of an enforceable limit has helped lead to sit- uations in the past with homes fi lled with dozens of cats, creating unhealthy sit- uations, Jones said. Diseases like feline leukemia and respira- tory infections are easily spread from cat to cat in a crowded home situation. Jones added sometimes feline diseases can spread to humans, such as toxo- plasmosis and salmonel- losis. Both can be spread by exposure to cat feces. Toxo- plasmosis causes about 750 deaths in the United States a year and salmonellosis, also known as salmonella, which claims 420 lives a year, according to the Cen- ters for Disease Control and Prevention. Union County Commis- sioner Matt Scarfo, who worked with the sheriff ’s offi ce in creating the pro- posed animal control ordi- nance update, noted that he receives a number of com- plaints about cats. Many involve felines owned by neighbors who dig in gar- dens and fl ower boxes. “Many of these com- plaints are from people who do not own cats,” he said. The current animal con- trol ordinance makes no reference to cats but the proposed updated one, See, Cats/Page 5A By ALEX WITTWER The Observer A GRANDE — “Remember the wind blowing through your hair? Remember hair?” Chevrolet emblazoned those words on billboards throughout Detroit in 2007 to celebrate classic cars. It featured the 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air convertible, bright red on a turquoise blue back- ground. A small replica of the billboard hangs in Ed Lund’s garage in La Grande. “You look back on a sim- pler time, just the nostalgia and the memories, and that’s what it’s all about,” said Lund, one classic car col- lector in Eastern Oregon. As summer approaches, so do the classic car shows that off er opportunities for locals and tourists to check out some of the best kept cars from yesteryear, complete with the gleam of polished chrome, mirror fi nishes and iconic hood ornaments. Car shows off er a way to give back to the community as well, according to Herm- iston Classics Car Club Pres- ident Juan Lopez. The shows, UPCOMING CLASSIC CAR SHOWS • Elgin Riverfest at Panton Mill Park, June 19 • Hermiston Cool Rides Car Show at McKenzie Park, July 9-10 • La Grande Classic Car Show at Adams Avenue, July 16-17 • Main Street Show & Shine in Enterprise, Aug. 20-21 • Wallowa Mountain Cruise Car Show in Joseph, Aug. 27-28 See, Cars/Page 5A Top: A rusted Buick LeSabre sits along Highway 82 by Imbler under spring skies Friday, May 7, 2021. Middle: Ed Lund drives down Mount Glen Road, while a pair of fuzzy dice hang from the mirror of his Chevrolet Chevelle. Bottom: Lund’s 1951 Chevrolet Coupe sits in the garage he built in La Grande to house his modest collection of clas- sic cars that he has accrued over 40 years. Alex Wittwer/The Observer INDEX Classified ...............2B Comics ....................5B Crossword .............3B Dear Abby .............6B CONTACT US Outdoors & Rec ...1B Horoscope .............3B Lottery ....................2A Record ....................3A TUESDAY Obituaries ..............3A Opinion ..................4A Sports .....................6A Sudoku ...................5B DEALERS FACE A SHORTAGE OF RVS 541-963-3161 Issue 71 2 sections, 12 pages La Grande, Oregon Email story ideas to news@lagrande More contact info on Page 4A. Online at