8 Thursday, June 17, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon MOST SOUGHT-AFTER R ron’ t m iss you r chance to sav e hu nd re d s on Stre ssle ss tw o m ost popu lar le athe rsS Palom a and Pione e re SAVE $500 ON ONE OF OUR MOST SOUGHT-AFTER RECLINERS. * ron’ t m iss you r chance to sav e hu nd re d s on Stre ssle ss ® W ing re cline rs in ou r tw o m ost popu lar le athe rsS Palom a and Pione e re Since we founded our Stressless ® brand of furniture Since we founded our Stressless ® brand of furniture 50 years ago, we’ve continued to create the most innovative 50 years ago, we’ve continued to create the most innovative and seating comfortable seating the world. and comfortable in the world. Our in patented comfort Our patented comfort technologies are what set technologies are what set our Norwegian-crafted recliners, our Norwegian-crafted recliners, office chairs, sofas and dining chairs apart from any other furniture. The RIĆ FHFKDLUVVRIDVDQGGLQLQJFKDLUVDSDUWIURPDQ\RWKHU moment you sit, you can feel the difference. It’s time furniture. The moment you It’s sit, time you can the difference. ® . to relax and recharge. for feel Stressless ® It’s time to relax and recharge. It’s time for Stressless . Power™ Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť u]o7-r|Ť "ŊŊ ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l "ŊŊ ol=ou|,om;vŤ St re s s le s s ® W ing Power™ Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l u]o7-r|Ť "ŊŊ ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l "ŊŊ ol=ou|,om;vŤ u]o7-r|Ť "ŊŊ ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; Power™ -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť "ŊŊ ol=ou|,om;vŤ t RO M O U R t J O Rr TO YO U R H O M s nrafting fine fu rnitu re is an art passe d d ow n from ge ne ration to St re s s le s s ® W ing Power™ Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť u]o7-r|Ť Valid until June 21, 2021 ge ne ratione l rich history of insightsS innov ationsS trials and tribu lations te lls the story of w ho w e are e O v e r the past ig ye arsS ou r d e signS craftsm anship and atte ntion to d e tail hav e e v olv e d and grow n to m ake Stre ssle ss ® se ating com fort be yond com pare e "ŊŊ ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l • Free Delivery • In-Store Credit • 70 Store Buying Power • Decorating Assistance "ŊŊ ol=ou|,om;vŤ t RO M O U R t J O Rr TO YO U R H O M s 1520 ADAMS AVENUE La GRANDE, OREGON 97850 nrafting fine fu rnitu re is an art passe d d ow n from ge ne ration to HOURS:Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am-6:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am-5:30 pm Sun. 12 noon-4 pm Closed Sunday June 20th for Father’s Day MORE SAVINGS ON BAC Rs Tl IL s R L O ® O (541) 963-4144 • 888-449-2704