COFFEE BREAK 8B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD TuESDAY, JunE 15, 2021 Wife is bothered by her husband’s frat-boy past hook-ups and one-night stands. He now estimates that he was with over 50 different girls during college, but says it “shouldn’t bother me” because it was mean- ingless sex and in the past. He said he told me “five” because they were the ones he counted as relationships. Now I see women on his social media who went to the same school and I obsess about how they fit into his past. It’s driving me crazy, and I feel like just a number now. I know if this situ- ation were reversed, he’d flip out about it. I wish I had never found this out because I see him differently now, and no longer want to be close to him. He’s a good father and husband, but I’m struggling Dear Abby: I met my husband on the job when we were one year out of school. We are both 36. We dated for three years and were compatible in every way. Ten years later, we have two kids (7 and 5), own a home and are finan- cially secure. When we dated, we discussed our “history,” and he told me that he’d had five prior girlfriends. I had three boyfriends in college. Well, I learned a few months ago — at his reunion — that he com- pletely “forgot” the part about his competitive frat-boy past with with how to accept this new infor- mation, and I need some guid- ance. — Wish I Didn’t Know Dear Wish: People usually lie because they aren’t proud of the truth. You say he has been a good husband and father. This is why you need to find it in your heart to forgive him. If you have caught him in lies since then, you have a reason to be reacting the way you have. However, if you haven’t, please consider talking with a licensed mar- riage and family therapist until you have worked it through. The resentment you feel could destroy your marriage. Please do not let that happen. Dear Abby: My husband and I recently moved in with my grandmother, partly to help out Dear Torn: Your husband is protective, and for that I applaud him. If you can’t work because an underlying health condition makes you more vulnerable to COVID, then as much as your father would like you out of the house and working during the day, you cannot do it. Your life could be at risk. What does your doctor have to say about this? You are no longer a little girl. It’s time for a family discussion to iron this out, including what your father meant when he said your husband doesn’t “under- stand.” If it can’t be resolved in a mature and respectful manner, you and your husband may need to make other living arrangements. and partly because I lost my job due to underlying health con- ditions that made dealing with COVID incredibly difficult. Now that we’re close to family again, some of them think they need to dictate what we do. The big- gest topic is whether I should try going back to work now. My husband is adamant that he wants me home until it’s safer for me to go out again, but my father thinks it’s not a good idea, and insists that my husband doesn’t understand “everything.” I don’t want to make either of them angry, but I feel like I need to stick with my husband, and I don’t know how to get my father to understand because he’s stub- born. Any advice? — Torn, And Tired Of It NEWS OF THE WEIRD Chicago man jumps into Lake Michigan for 365th straight day CHICAGO — A Chi- cago bus driver looking for a way to relieve stress during the coronavirus pandemic jumped into Lake Michigan for a 365th straight day on Saturday, June 12. Dan O’Conor said he started jumping into the lake at Montrose Harbor on the city’s North Side last year to relieve stress. “It was during the pan- demic, it was during the protest, it was during an election year. So it was somewhere where I could come down here and block all that noise out and kind of be totally present with me in the lake, and find some moments of Zen,” said the father of three. He continued jumping into the lake through the fall before the hard part: Hacking a hole in the ice on the frozen lake that was big enough for him to jump Lobster diver injured when caught in whale’s mouth BARNSTABLE, Mass. — A commercial lobster diver who got caught in the mouth of a humpback whale off the coast of Cape Cod on Friday, June 11, said he thought he was going to die. Michael Packard, 56, of Wellfleet, told WBZ-TV after he was released from Cape Cod Hospital that he was about 45 feet deep in the waters off Provincetown when “all of a sudden I felt this huge bump, and every- thing went dark.” He thought he had been attacked by a shark, common in area waters, but then realized he could not Shafkat Anowar/The Associated Press Dan O’Conor, the “Great Lake Jumper,” makes his 365th leap into Lake Michigan, Saturday, June 12, 2021, in Chicago’s Montrose Point. through during the winter. He said when he got home after one such jump, he found about 20 scrapes and cuts on his body. He was encouraged by the response he got for his undertaking. “People started asking me what this was benefiting and how they could support — and when I say people, I’m talking strangers online, you know. When I weather | Go to started posting the videos on Twitter and Instagram. I got more wind in my sails there because people started commenting like, ‘This makes my day, it’s nice to see this,” he said. AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION Astoria Longview 50/68 Kennewick 51/77 51/78 Hood River 49/82 Portland Newberg 51/84 53/78 47/79 Maupin WED THU FRI SAT Clear Sunny and warmer Plenty of sunshine Sunny and very warm Sun and some clouds 83 46 89 53 87 53 Eugene 8 4 6 46/79 81 50 88 55 85 57 6 4 6 Comfort Index™ 10 La Grande 44 76 47 Comfort Index™ Enterprise 9 8 9 40 74 49 Comfort Index™ 8 85 57 84 56 8 4 6 10 TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Sunday Low Sunday High: 116° Low: 30° Wettest: 3.00” 94° 43° 98° 52° 100° 48° PRECIPITATION (inches) Sunday Trace Month to date Trace Normal month to date 0.59 Year to date 2.23 Normal year to date 5.12 0.00 Trace 0.77 5.90 8.57 0.04 0.17 0.88 14.38 12.80 HAY INFORMATION WEDNESDAY 30% NNE at 6 to 12 mph 2.0 0.24 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Monday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir OREGON La Grande Lakeview Brookings WEATHER HISTORY AGRICULTURAL INFO. Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration Death Valley, Calif. Bodie State Park, Calif. Brookings, Ore. High: 98° Low: 39° Wettest: 2.23” 17% of capacity 80% of capacity 46% of capacity 89% of capacity 48% of capacity 85% of capacity STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Sunday) Ben Franklin’s famous experiment on June 15, 1752, in Philadelphia, demonstrated the existence of electricity. Franklin nar- rowly avoided electrocution, however, by fl ying a kite in a thunderstorm. SUN & MOON TUE. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset WED. 5:04 a.m. 5:04 a.m. 8:42 p.m. 8:43 p.m. 9:53 a.m. 11:04 a.m. 12:15 a.m. 12:43 a.m. MOON PHASES Grande Ronde at Troy 3580 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 48 cfs Burnt River near Unity 92 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 76 cfs Minam River at Minam 1680 cfs Powder River near Richland 26 cfs First Full SAVE $500 ON ONE OF OUR * MOST SOUGHT-AFTER RECLINERS. Jun 17 Jun 24 Last Jul 1 Don’t miss your chance to save hundreds on Stressless ® Wing recliners in our two most popular leathers, Paloma and Pioneer. Sisters New Jul 9 38/79 43/78 Huntington 49/76 Jordan Valley 43/81 Frenchglen Paisley 49/90 51/86 Klamath Falls Lakeview 40/84 41/84 McDermitt 45/89 RECREATION FORECAST WEDNESDAY REGIONAL CITIES THU. City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Astoria 68/50/s 69/51/s Bend 77/49/s 82/55/s Boise 85/56/s 91/60/s Brookings 70/54/s 74/55/s Burns 80/46/s 88/51/s Coos Bay 69/53/s 69/52/s Corvallis 78/50/s 83/50/s Council 82/50/s 89/53/s Elgin 76/46/s 82/51/s Eugene 79/48/s 84/50/s Hermiston 82/49/s 91/53/s Hood River 82/52/s 90/56/s Imnaha 77/50/s 84/55/s John Day 78/46/s 84/49/s Joseph 73/49/s 77/54/s Kennewick 82/52/s 90/55/s Klamath Falls 84/46/s 90/49/s Lakeview 84/47/s 89/50/pc 57/87 49/85 46/85 Shown is Wednesday’s weather. Temperatures are Tuesday night’s lows and Wednesday’s highs. WED. Grand View Arock 41/80 Fields Medford Brookings Diamond 42/82 40/82 41/81 Boise 54/85 Silver Lake Chiloquin 52/70 45/84 37/79 50/82 Grants Pass Juntura 40/80 35/76 Beaver Marsh 56/87 Burns Brothers 36/79 Roseburg Ontario 39/77 46/81 Coos Bay 47/82 56/85 Seneca 41/77 Oakridge Council 40/76 John Day Bend Elkton Powers 45/81 39/73 41/76 Florence SUNDAY EXTREMES ALMANAC 43/79 Baker City 49/69 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. La Grande ® 44/73 Don’t miss your chance 44/76 to save hundreds on Stressless Halfway two most Monument popular leathers, Paloma and Pioneer. Granite Redmond 47/63 49/66 Enterprise 40/74 47/78 Newport 48/78 78 52 41/76 Condon 42/78 49/79 Corvallis 47/80 Idanha Salem TONIGHT 40 76 44 Elgin Pendleton The Dalles 51/79 51/77 48/77 47/69 Lewiston Walla Walla 54/82 Vancouver Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 SAVE $500 ON ONE OF O MOST SOUGHT-AFTER R 50/74 St. Helens TIllamook Baker City feel any teeth and he wasn’t in any pain. “Then I realized, oh my God, I’m in a whale’s mouth and he’s trying to swallow me,” he said. “And I thought to myself OK, this is it — I’m finally — I’m gonna die.” He estimates he was in the whale’s mouth for about 30 seconds, but continued to breathe because he still had his breathing apparatus in. Then the whale surfaced, shook its head, and spit him out. He was rescued by his crewmate in the boat. Charles “Stormy” Mayo, a senior scientist and whale expert at the Center for Coastal Studies in Provinc- etown, told the newspaper that such human-whale encounters are rare. Humpbacks are not aggressive and Mayo thinks it was an accidental encounter while the whale was feeding on fish, likely sand lance. The day was special because it was the culmi- nation of doing it for a full year. “I just wanted to cele- brate just that drive to dive for 365,” O’Conor said. The Associated Press ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 79/53/s 85/57/s 74/49/s 78/50/s 76/45/s 81/47/s 86/55/s 89/58/pc 63/49/s 63/49/s 73/47/pc 78/48/s 87/57/s 93/60/s 82/52/s 90/54/s 77/49/s 85/54/s 78/54/s 83/56/s 76/50/s 78/49/s 79/45/s 85/49/s 82/52/s 86/56/s 79/52/s 84/52/s 72/49/s 80/53/s 84/54/s 91/59/s 69/42/s 77/46/s 77/53/s 85/58/s Sunny and warmer Sunny and warmer Power™ -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť WED. City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla THU. Power™ 52 75 Sunny and warmer Sunny and pleasant 61 45 81 EAGLE CAP WILD. -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť 52 EMIGRANT ST. PARK u]o7-r|Ť Sunny and pleasant Plenty of sunshine "ŊŊ 39 60 ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; 43 BROWNLEE RES. Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l 66 37 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Sunny and pleasant Sunny and warmer -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice 42 MT. EMILY REC. ol=ou|,om;vŤ "ŊŊ 73 49 75 50 THIEF VALLEY Stressless RES. ® Wing RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Sunny and nice Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l 76 Sunny and warmer u]o7-r|Ť 44 76 47 "ŊŊ ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l "ŊŊ Since we founded our Stressless brand of furniture ol=ou|,om;vŤ ® SAVE $500 ON ONE OF OUR MOST SOUGHT-AFTER RECLINERS. * 50 years ago, we’ve continued to create the most innovative and comfortable seating in the world. Our patented comfort technologies are what set our Norwegian-crafted recliners, RIĆFHFKDLUVVRIDVDQGGLQLQJFKDLUVDSDUWIURPDQ\RWKHU FROM OUR FJORD TO YOUR HOME furniture. The moment you sit, you can feel the difference. Don’t miss your chance to save hundreds on Stressless ® Wing recliners in our two most popular leathers, Paloma and Pioneer. It’s time to relax and recharge. It’s time for Stressless ® . • Free Delivery SAVE $500 ON ONE OF OUR • In-Store Credit • 70 Store Buying Power * • Decorating Assistance MOST SOUGHT-AFTER RECLINERS. Don’t miss your chance to save hundreds on Stressless ® Wing recliners in our two most popular leathers, Paloma and Pioneer. Power™ Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l "ŊŊ ol=ou|,om;vŤ Stressless ® Wing Power™ Ѵ†vŤ"‹v|;l -Ѵ-m1;7-r|Ť u]o7-r|Ť -Ѵ-m1;şѴb7;"‹v|;l "ŊŊ tells the story of who we are. Over the past 80 years, our design, 50 years ago, we’ve continued to create the most innovative craftsmanship attention to detail have evolved and grown to make and comfortable seating in the world. Our patented and comfort technologies are what set our Norwegian-crafted recliners, comfort beyond compare. Stressless ® seating RIĆFHFKDLUVVRIDVDQGGLQLQJFKDLUVDSDUWIURPDQ\RWKHU ol=ou|,om;vŤ Valid until June 21, 2021 HOURS:Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am-6:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am-5:30 pm Sun. 12 noon-4 pm furniture. The moment you sit, you can feel the difference. It’s time to relax and recharge. It’s time for Stressless ® . Since we founded our Stressless ® brand of furniture MORE SAVINGS ON BA 50 years ago, we’ve continued to create the most innovative 1520 ADAMS Closed Sunday June 20th for Father’s Day La GRANDE, and comfortable seating in the world. Our patented comfort (541) 963-4144 • 888-449-2704 technologies are what set our Norwegian-crafted recliners, "ŊŊ ;-ঞm]ş-vv-]; generation. A rich history of insights, innovations, trials and tribulations Since we founded our Stressless ® brand of furniture u]o7-r|Ť "ŊŊ Crafting fine furniture is an art passed down from generation to AVENUE OREGON 97850