INSIDE LHS CONSTRUCTION CLASS SETS SIGHTS ON BUILDING HOMES | June 10, 2021 BUSINESS & AG, B1 $1.50 THURSDAY EDITION WALLOWA COUNTY Joseph Canyon and Dry Creek fi res dying down Cooler weather and precipitation aid in mopping up nearly 10,000 acres By KATY NESBITT For the Observer ENTERPRISE — The early beginning of Ore- gon’s wildfi re season was brief, but spectacular. Just one day after the Inter- agency Team 7 overhead team assumed command of the Joseph Canyon and Dry Creek fi res, crews and air support are being released. The release of the Type 1 helicopters and most of the crews was announced at Team 7’s Tuesday, June 8, planning meeting at Wal- lowa County Fairgrounds’ Cloverleaf Hall, Enterprise, indicating the fi re was winding down. The Joseph Canyon Fire was 60% contained as of June 9. The latest mapping of the fi re revealed it burned much more than previously measured — 7,610 acres, primarily on private and Nez Perce Tribe land. Two hotshot crews worked along the eastern fl ank of the fi re while the western edge of the fi re moved toward mon- itoring status. The eastern and northwestern fl anks of the fi re are contained. The southern edge of the fi re continues to be a challenge due to the rugged terrain. The Dry Creek Fire, a 1,564-acre fi re burning on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, was 60% contained as of June 9. Like mother, like daughter The two fi res in the far Northeastern corner of Wal- lowa County were sparked by lightning in the early morning of June 4. Due to the rugged, remote, steep terrain and dry fuels cre- ating severe fi re behavior the fi re was battled by heli- copters and air tankers sup- ported by smokejumpers, helicopter rappel fi refi ghters and elite ground crews Alex Wittwer/The Observer Livestock show selects queen Alex Wittwer/The Observer Kachira Phillips will spend next year as ‘ambassador’ for EOLS By CARLOS FUENTES Daughter speeds through high school so she can graduate with her mom The Observer L A GRANDE — Katelyn Nason was ending her eighth grade year in the La Grande School District in April of 2018 when her mother Elysa received a message that changed the trajectory of her life. Elysa Nason learned that she had been admitted into the Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing, La Grande Campus. The mother of fi ve told her family she planned to graduate with a degree in nursing in three years. Two weeks later Katelyn made a decision which will forever touch her mom. The teenager decided to hit the academic fast track and grad- See, Fire/Page 5A Kachira Phillips tearfully receives her crown and becomes the 2021 Eastern Oregon Livestock Show Queen on Tuesday, June 8. Katelyn and Elysa Nason pause for a photo at Eastern Oregon University on Thursday, June 3, 2021. The mother and daughter duo graduate this year. By DICK MASON called hotshots fl own into the fi re. High winds ham- pered air attacks on June 5 and spread the fi res far from their ignition points. By June 6 temperatures decreased and the humidity came up, aiding eff orts to cool down hot spots and along the perimeter uate from La Grande High School in three years so she could receive her diploma about the same time as her mother. “She said ‘Mom, I’m graduating with you,’ ‘’ Elysa Nason said. Katelyn made her decision as a gesture of gratitude. “I wanted to honor my mom,’’ Katelyn Nason said. Katelyn, burning midnight oil by the gallon, began traveling in the fast lane of LHS’s commencement highway. The student, after having her plan approved by school offi cials, began taking class loads which would cause some lesser students to buckle. “There were a lot of long days and nights,’’ said Katelyn, who took classes online via the La Grande School District’s Learning Academy and on her high school’s campus. Some encouraged her to ease up on her throttle and burn a little less rubber on her way to LHS’s com- mencement stage. “I said, ‘I don’t care, I’m going to do it,’’’ Katelyn said. Buoyed by determination and family support she completed four years of class work in three and on Saturday, June 5, received her diploma at LHS’s commencement. “I am so proud of her,’’ Elysa said. Three days from now Elysa will fulfi ll her end of the heartfelt moth- er-daughter pact when she will receive her nursing degree from See, Grads/Page 5A ‘There’s a disincentive to work’ Eastern Oregon lawmakers want to end supplemental unemployment By DAVIS CARBAUGH and BRYCE DOLE EO Media Group SALEM — Eastern Oregon lawmakers are calling for the state to end supplemental unemploy- Beverage Hansell ment benefi ts to help out- of-work Oregonians endure the pandemic, saying the programs have spurred a workforce shortage that is hurting regional business economies. INDEX Commis- sioners from 14 Eastern Oregon coun- ties, as well as three state Nash representa- tives and one senator, signed a letter and sent it Monday, June 7, to Gov. Kate Brown’s offi ce, asserting “unemployment recipients, especially those See, Work/Page 5A WEATHER Business & Ag.......1B Dear Abby .............8B Opinion ..................4A Classifieds ..............4B Horoscope .............4B Sports .....................8A Comics ....................7B Lottery ....................2A Crossword .............4B Obituaries ..............3A SATURDAY The Observer UNION — Kachira Phillips was crowned the 2021 Eastern Oregon Live- stock Show Queen on Tuesday, June 8. Phillips, 21, of North Powder, grew up going to the livestock show every year. After months of pro- moting her campaign on social media, posting fl iers, mailing posters and advertising on radio sta- tions, Phillips said she is ecstatic for the chance to be an ambassador for her community. “Representing this area is representing my home,” she said. “I’ve lived here all 21 years of my life, and there’s no other place I’d rather be.” As queen, Phillips’ responsibilities include attending other rodeos in the region and acting as an ambassador for the livestock show. She will interact with other rodeo queens and advocate for EOLS by taking part in parades and speaking at other community and pro- motional events. This was Phillips’ second campaign for queen in two years — both her and runner-up Mak- enzie Polfer competed last year until COVID-19 forced the rodeo to be cancelled. Candidates are judged based on three categories — speeches, horseman- ship and rodeo ticket sales. Being a fourth-genera- tion horse fanatic, Phillips said she believes rodeos Full forecast on the back of B section Tonight Friday Sudoku ...................7B 46 LOW 72/49 Weather .................8B Cloudy and cool Cloudy FREE MEALS OFFERED AT RIVERIA ACTIVITY CENTER are vital to keeping com- munities close-knit and educated. “I am a thorough believer that agriculture is good in many many ways,” Phillips said. “I like knowing where my food comes from, I think it’s good to be in touch with the land and nature. Rodeos are really full of heritage and culture and that’s why I love it so much.” Eastern Oregon Live- stock Show President Dave Billings said that Phil- lips will be a major asset for the rodeo show in the coming year. “She’ll do great. She’s a good person and I look forward to seeing her rep- resent us this coming year,” he said. Phillips is no stranger to rodeo royalty. In 2015, she helped fundraise for the Haines Stampede Rodeo, where she would be a princess the following year. In 2017, she served as the Baker County Fair and Panhandle Rodeo Queen, followed by her 2018 role of princess. In 2019, Phil- lips was named Grande Ronde Rodeo Queen. “I’m feeling proud. She puts her mind to some- thing and you don’t dare tell her no,” Phillips’ father, Bradley Phillips, said. “She’s got several years of experience, she knows what she’s doing, I have faith and confi - dence that she’s going to do great.” See, Queen/Page 5A CONTACT US 541-963-3161 Issue 67 3 sections, 24 pages La Grande, Oregon Email story ideas to news@lagrande More contact info on Page 4A. Online at