OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 THE OBSERVER — 7A COVID-19 Litt le change in risk levels By GARY A. WARNER Oregon Capital Bureau COUNTY RISK CATEGORIES SALEM — Most Orego- nians will see no change this week to local COVID-19 risk level restrictions as 30 coun- ties retained their current tiers, Gov. Kate Brown said Tuesday, June 8. But if about 100,000 more residents get vaccinated, the whole system of do’s and don’ts would go away. “If you have been waiting to get vaccinated, go get your shot today,” Brown said. “It’s never been easier to get an appointment.” The new weekly COVID-19 risk rankings released showed fi ve coun- ties moving down a level, with just one rising. Lane, Coos and Wasco counties dropped to lower risk, the least restrictive cate- gory. Yamhill and Josephine counties will drop to mod- erate level. The changes in the fi ve counties went into eff ect June 9, sooner than in some previous risk level announcements in prior weeks. Harney was the only county to move into a more restrictive level. It will be at moderate risk eff ective June 11. All other counties remain at their current levels until at least June 17. There will be 21 counties at the lower risk level, four at moderate risk, and 11 at the high risk level. The higher the risk level, the more restrictions meant to limit the spread of COVID-19. Brown has shifted the emphasis on risk level assignments to include how well a county is doing in Eff ective through June 17 Lower Risk (21) Baker Benton Clatsop Coos (Moved from Moderate) Curry Deschutes Gilliam Grant Hood River Lake Lane (Moved from Moderate) Lincoln Morrow Multnomah Sherman Tillamook Union Wallowa vaccinating residents. Counties that can show they had administered at least one shot to 65% of eli- gible adult residents are allowed to drop to the lower risk level regardless of infec- tion rates in their county. Most Oregon residents have been inoculated with the Pfi zer or Moderna vac- cines, which are adminis- tered in two shots separated by about one month. Those receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine receive just one shot. Deschutes, Multnomah, Washington, Benton, Lin- coln and Hood River have all surpassed the 65% threshold. Lane County is at 64%. Clackamas, Polk, Tillamook and Clatsop are above 60%. The four lowest county vaccination rates are Lake, Malheur, Umatilla and Gil- liam, with each having administered one shot to 39% or less of residents. Union County’s vaccina- tion rate is just 43%, while Wallowa County is 54.7%, Wasco (Moved from Moderate) Washington Wheeler Moderate Risk (4) Harney (Moved from Lower) Josephine (Moved from High) Polk Yamhill (Moved from High) High Risk (11) Clackamas Columbia Crook Douglas Jackson Jeff erson Klamath Linn Malheur Marion Umatilla Smart Solutions from an IT Partner You Can Count On according to the Oregon Health Authority website. Brown has said when 70% of all eligible state res- idents have at least one shot of vaccine, she’ll lift nearly all restrictions on busi- nesses, schools, events and restaurants. Late June 8, Brown touted that 67.1% of eli- gible adult Oregonians had received at least a shot. “We need 97,168 more people to get their shot,” she wrote on Twitter. Like many states, Oregon is off ering prizes for those inoculated. One person will receive $1 million, while one person in each of the 36 counties will get $10,000. The state is also off ering fi ve $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan scholarships to vaccinated youths. The drawing will take place June 28, with winners announced the following week. Anyone in the state’s vaccination registration system by midnight June 27 is eligible. (541) 963-8889 Repair Support Consulting Sales bluemountaintech.com STORAGE SHEDS www.CountrysideSheds.com A little bit more room STORAGE BUILDINGS (541) 663-0246 Locally owned and operated for over 25 years We Can make it happen! RENT to OWN starting at $ 68 Month 10505 N. McAlister Road (Corner of Hwy 82 & N. McAlister Rd.) BRING THE FAMILY, ENJOY MORE FUN! BOWLING - ARCADE - FOOD COURT - AND MORE! Reserve your lane online today! Visit wildhorseresort.com for bowling specials 9 HOLES, CART, BURGER & A BREW 35 PER PERSON BIRDIES BREWS & BURGERS $ CASINO • HOTEL • GOLF • CINEPLEX • RV MUSEUM • DINING • TRAVEL PLAZA • FUNPLEX 800.654.9453 • PENDLETON, OR • I-84, EXIT 216 • wildhorseresort.com • Owned and operated by CTUIR Management reserves all rights to alter, suspend or withdraw promotions/offers at any time. CAT10277-1 WILDHORSE GOLF COURSE 541.276.5588 30 BIRCH CREEK $ GOLF COURSE AT PER PERSON 541.966.1655 Monday—Thursday | Aft er 1pm Call to book your tee time today.