LOCAL 2A — THE OBSERVER TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2021 Joseph council’s issues linger TODAY Today is Tuesday, June 1, the 152nd day of 2021. There are 213 days left in the year. Imbler, Cove seniors graduate TODAY’S HIGHLIGHT IN HISTORY: On June 1, 2009, Gen- eral Motors fi led for Chapter 11, becoming the largest U.S. industrial company to enter bankruptcy protection. ON THIS DATE: In 1792, Kentucky became the 15th state. In 1796, Tennessee became the 16th state. In 1812, President James Madison, in a message to Congress, recounted what he called Britain’s “series of acts hostile to the United States as an independent and neutral nation”; Congress ended up declaring war. In 1958, Charles de Gaulle became premier of France, marking the beginning of the end of the Fourth Republic. In 2003, leaders of the world’s seven wealthiest nations and Russia pledged billions of dollars to fi ght AIDS and hunger on the opening day of their summit in Evian, France. In 2009, Air France Flight 447, an Airbus A330 car- rying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean with the loss of everyone on board. In 2015, Vanity Fair released its cover photo fea- turing the former Bruce Jenner with the headline, “Call Me Caitlyn” as the Olympic gold medalist publicly com- pleted a gender transition. In 2017, President Donald Trump declared he would pull the U.S. from the land- mark Paris climate agreement. (President Joe Biden signed an order returning the U.S. to that accord on his fi rst day in offi ce.) Ten years ago: In a face-to-face meeting, GOP leaders complained to Pres- ident Barack Obama that he had not produced a detailed plan of spending cuts and accused him of playing poli- tics over Medicare; the White House said Obama had in fact led on the issue, and accused Republicans of trying to destroy the popular health care program for seniors. Space shuttle Endeavour and its six astronauts returned to Earth, closing out the next-to- last mission in NASA’s 30-year program. Five years ago: Ken Starr resigned as Baylor Uni- versity’s chancellor, a week after the former prosecutor who’d led the investigation of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lew- insky scandal was removed as the school’s president over its handling of sexual assault complaints against football players. One year ago: Police violently broke up a peaceful and legal protest by several thousand people in Lafay- ette Park across from the White House, using chemical agents, clubs and punches to send protesters fl eeing; the protesters had gathered fol- lowing the police killing of George Floyd in Minneap- olis a week earlier. President Donald Trump, after declaring himself “the president of law and order” and threatening to deploy the U.S. military in a Rose Garden speech, then walked across the empty park to be photographed holding a Bible in front of St. John’s Church, which had been dam- aged a night earlier in a pro- test fi re. A curfew failed to prevent another night of destruction in New York City; Macy’s fl agship store was among those targeted when crowds smashed windows and looted businesses. A Minne- apolis medical examiner clas- sifi ed George Floyd’s death as a homicide, saying his heart stopped as police restrained him and compressed his neck. LOTTERY Megabucks: $3.3 million 5-9-14-15-18-44 Another executive session to be held June 3 By BILL BRADSHAW Wallowa County Chieftain Alex Wittwer/The Observer Twenty Imbler High School seniors graduated in the school’s gym on Friday, May 28, 2021, cheered on by family and friends. Alex Wittwer/The Observer Cove High School graduates mark the end of the commencement ceremony at Cove High School on Saturday, May 29, 2021. Worker shortage forces closure of Grande Ronde hospice program Hospital coordinating patient care with local hospice care centers By DAVIS CARBAUGH The Observer LA GRANDE — Grande Ronde Hospital and Clinics announced Friday, May 28, it will be shutting down its hospice care program in June 2021. The board of trustees made the decision at its May 2021 meeting, according to a press release from Grande Ronde Hospital. “Our community is not exempt from the serious national shortage on health care workers,” said Grande Ronde Hospital and Clinics President and Chief Execu- tive Offi cer Jeremy Davis. “Over the past year, it has become increasingly dif- Davis Carbaugh/The Observer Grande Ronde Hospital on Sunset Drive in La Grande announced its hospice program will be shut down in June 2021 due to the workforce shortage in the medical fi eld. fi cult to fi nd nursing staff to support our hospice program.” The hospital is coor- dinating with local hos- pice care centers to create a smooth transition for the patients. There are two alter- native hospice care centers in La Grande following the shutdown of Grande Ronde Hospital’s program. The stoppage comes in the wake of workforce shortages in the health care industry that have been escalated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Selina Shaff er, director of GRH’s Home Care Ser- vices, said the hospice pro- gram has been in service since the 1980s. The work- force shortage over the last year led Shaff er and the pro- gram to look at long-term options for hospice care at the hospital. “The fallout from COVID-19 has changed the workforce landscape and we are no longer immune to that reality in Union County,” she said. Prior to its closure, the hospice care program was run jointly with the home health program. The hospital will now focus that depart- ment’s attention fully on the Home Health Care pro- gram, with the current hos- pice employees being transi- tioned into home health. The home health care ser- vice will continue to operate at full capacity. Powerball: $252 million 11-13-22-27-46 — PB 20 x2 Win for Life: May 29 UC votes to recommend spending plan 1-15-21-22 By DICK MASON Pick 4: May 30 The Observer Mega Millions: $22 million 10-14-20-47-70 — MB 15 x2 • 1 p.m.: 3-6-4-7 • 4 p.m.: 6-5-6-8 • 7 p.m.: 4-7-6-9 • 10 p.m.: 7-8-6-1 Pick 4: May 29 • 1 p.m.: 7-7-3-2 • 4 p.m.: 4-6-0-4 • 7 p.m.: 4–7-5-7 • 10 p.m.: 3-3-2-4 Pick 4: May 28 • 1 p.m.: 8-6-0-9 • 4 p.m.: 2-8-6-4 • 7 p.m.: 1-5-1-7 • 10 p.m.: 3-4-3-3 UNION COUNTY — Union County’s proposed 2021-22 budget, which doesn’t call for personnel or program cuts and adds fi ve law enforcement offi - cers, is now one step from being adopted. The Union County Budget Committee unani- mously voted Wednesday, May 26, to recommend that a total budget of $50.01 million be adopted for 2021-22. The vote came after the second day of meetings by the Union County Budget Com- Union County Airport. mittee, where depart- The fi ve law enforce- ment offi cers who would ment heads discussed the be added under the pro- operation and funding of posed budget include departments. four corrections offi - The budget com- cers who are needed mittee did not rec- because the Union ommend any changes County Jail is under- in the proposed staff ed, according spending plan. to Union County The $50.01 mil- McHaddad Sheriff Cody Bowen. lion budget is about The Union County $1 million less than Board of Commissioners the current year’s budget. will vote on adoption of the The primary reason is that proposed budget at its next a number of grant-funded meeting. It must adopt a projects have been com- 2021-22 budget by June 30. pleted in 2020-21, such as work at the La Grande/ Alex McHaddad, chair of the Union County Budget Committee, said Union County is in solid fi nancial condition, and he credits its staff with doing a good job of putting the budget together. “I feel very good,” he said. McHaddad also said the budget indicates the elected offi cials who helped put the spending plan together kept their cam- paign promises because the programs they voiced support for prior to being elected are set to receive solid funding. JOSEPH — No names were named regarding accusations of harass- ment during the Joseph City Council’s most recent emergency meeting and executive session, Thursday, May 27, and another executive session was scheduled for June 3. Interim City Adminis- trator Brock Eckstein had said May 20 he expected to be able to iden- tify those responsible Baum and con- clude inves- tigations into allegations of harass- ment of city employees, but he was Eckstein unable to Thursday because of pro- cedural problems. He requested the added exec- utive session to allow for proper procedures to be followed in the complaints of harassment aired by city offi cials, employees or staff members, as speci- fi ed under Oregon law that allows for such sessions. During the executive session, Eckstein and the council received advice from the city’s attorney, Wyatt Baum, which led to a request during open ses- sion for the next executive session. Mayor Pro-tem Kathy Bingham — who was fi lling in for the absent Mayor Belinda Buswell — said the executive ses- sion will take place at 6:30 p.m. June 3 following a budget hearing and pre- ceding the regular June council meeting. Also during the open portion of the May 27 meeting, Eckstein pre- sented a letter to the council submitted by local merchant Robert Lamb. After getting the council’s assent, Eckstein read it into the record. Lamb’s letter stated, in part, “I specifi cally would like to praise the work by city Parks Director Dennis Welch. Please listen carefully to all com- ments related to the sub- ject at this meeting.” Welch went on leave March 22, saying he’d been subject to stress and “gaslighting” resulting from harassment he’d experienced. He returned to work May 16 after meeting with Eckstein. In another matter that was discussed during the executive session, the council during the open session directed Eckstein and Baum to negotiate a separation agreement with the prior Administrator/ Recorder Larry Braden. Braden resigned April 16 citing “harassment by members of the current City Council.” He has declined to specify the nature of the harassment or by whom he alleges it occurred. After meeting with Braden May 20, Eck- stein said Braden didn’t want to be more specifi c than he was in his resigna- tion letter. The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. eomediagroup.com