Opinion 4A Saturday, May 29, 2021 OUR VIEW State goes for money grab T he state of Oregon’s revenue picture is nothing short of stunning. It could be bulging with $1.8 billion more in its two- year budget than it had expected in February. Income taxes surged. The state budget picture was already looking a rosy shade of rosy before the most recent budget projection. The $2.6 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act was going to fi ll what had been anticipated to be a $1.3 billion budget gap. Then earlier this week, in the Senate Com- mittee on Finance and Revenue, a proposed amendment was dropped that was no less remark- able. It aimed to grab more revenue. From busi- nesses. When Congress did not intend the money to be taxed. Which legislator or legislators proposed is not disclosed on the amendment. That is not sur- prising. It’s an all too common practice of legisla- tive secrecy, preventing voters from being able to hold legislators accountable. The amendment proposes to tax forgiven Pay- check Protection Act loans. The amendment would exempt the fi rst $100,000 in loan for- giveness. Full disclosure: The Observer and EO Media Group benefi tted from a PPP loan. Remember, Congress passed the PPP to help businesses in desperate pandemic times. It helped prevent the country from dipping into a horrible recession. And despite that help, many businesses still went under. Many employees were let go. Now the state of Oregon plans to go after those dollars even when the state budget is bulging with billions? Congress did not intend that the PPP loans would be taxed as income when they were used as intended. The money is not needed by the state. Do legislators need more reason than that to let the amendment die? Stepping back into a familiar role ANDREW CUTLER FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK OUR VIEW Election Day deadline is not complicated C lose to the date of an election it can be a gamble to mail in your ballot. A week ahead is probably safe to ensure it is delivered on time to be counted. Beyond that, it’s a guessing game. Safer to drop it off in person. House Bill 3291 would provide more certainty for voters. If your ballot is postmarked by Elec- tion Day and arrives no later than seven days after Election Day, it gets counted. The bill has passed the Oregon House largely along party lines. The bill now moves to the Senate. Some voted against the bill in the House, concerned it might cause complications. Some mailed ballots are not postmarked and at least some county clerks would have to get a scanner to check barcodes. They’re right. That will create some issues. But we believe county clerks can sort it out, ensure more ballots are properly counted and voters will have a bit more clarity. LETTERS • The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We will not publish consumer complaints against businesses, personal attacks against private individuals or com- ments that can incite violence. We also discourage thank-you letters. • Letters should be no longer than 350 words and must be signed and carry the author’s name, address and phone number (for verifi cation only). We will not publish anonymous letters. • Longer community comment col- umns, such as My Voice, must be no more than 700 words. . • Submission does not guarantee pub- lication, which is at the discretion of the editor. SEND LETTERS TO: letters@lagrandeobserver.com or via mail to Editor, 911 Jeff erson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 T his week, I stepped back into a familiar role at The Observer to fi ll in as the interim editor. I cannot say that I am disap- pointed. In fact, the opportu- nity to return to a place where I spent fi ve years — fi rst as editor and then publisher — was one I relished. As many readers may already know, I am the publisher/editor of the East Oregonian and the regional editorial director of the EO Media Group’s east- side publications. At fi rst glance that is a lot of hats, but I really enjoy all the diff erent ways I get to contribute as part of a great organization. The Observer has undergone several changes since I fi rst sat in the editor’s chair back in November 2012. Then, I was eager to take on what I saw as a fantastic but solemn respon- sibility — continue to provide a solid news source for The Observer readers. Since joining EO Media Group in 2019, I have fi lled a few roles in the company, but my focus on the reader has remained. I am pleased that I can help in a short-term basis at The Observer. The former editor, Phil Wright, left a solid foun- dation. Wright stepped into the news editor position at the East Oregonian, and I am glad he is on board. His experience and news values are second to none, and I know he will make a real diff erence for the company in his new position. Returning to The Observer is nice in several ways. For one, I get to return to a publication CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES U.S. PRESIDENT Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Comments: 202-456-1111 U.S. SENATORS Ron Wyden 221 Dirksen Senate Offi ce Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5244 La Grande offi ce: 541-962-7691 Cliff Bentz 2185 Rayburn House Offi ce Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6730 Medford offi ce: 541-776-4646 REPRESENTATIVE SENATOR Kate Brown 160 State Capitol 900 Court Street Salem, OR 97301-4047 503-378-4582 Bobby Levy, District 58 900 Court St. NE, H-376 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1458 Rep.BobbyLevy@state.or.us Bill Hansell, District 29 900 Court St. NE, S-415 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1729 Sen.BillHansell@state.or.us STAFF SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE Subscription rates: Monthly Autopay ...............................$10.75 13 weeks.................................................$37.00 26 weeks.................................................$71.00 52 weeks ..............................................$135.00 U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Jeff Merkley 313 Hart Senate Offi ce Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3753 Pendleton offi ce: 541-278-1129 GOVERNOR SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION NEWSSTAND PRICE: $1.50 You can save up to 55% off the single-copy price with home delivery. Call 800-781-3214 to subscribe. that holds a very special place in my heart. My tenure as editor was one where I learned a great deal and I have been able to use those skills as the publisher of the East Oregonian. Some of my best professional memories revolve around my time at The Observer. In a sense, I am not really “coming back” to The Observer. I’ve kept my fi nger on the pulse of The Observer since I left at the end of 2017. And as part of EO Media Group, I have worked closely with The Observer since it was purchased out of bank- ruptcy in 2019. So, while it is a “return” in one sense, I am also fortunate that I know the terrain, so to speak, and want to help out as much as possible until we can fi nd someone to fi ll Wright’s slot on a full-time basis. The Observer has a lot to off er readers, and I am excited to be able to help keep that going. An independent newspaper founded in 1896 www.lagrandeobserver.com Periodicals postage paid at Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (except postal holidays) by EO Media Group, 911 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 (USPS 299-260) The Observer retains ownership and copyright protection of all staff-prepared news copy, advertising copy, photos and news or ad illustrations. They may not be reproduced without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © 2021 Phone: 541-963-3161 Regional publisher. ...................... Karrine Brogoitti Multimedia journalist.........................Alex Wittwer Regional circulation director .................. Kelli Craft Home delivery advisor ............... Amanda Fredrick Interim editor ....................................Andrew Cutler Advertising representative ...........Juli Bloodgood News clerk ........................................Lisa Lester Kelly Advertising representative .................... 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